The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

OF LOPE TO AFFLICTED AND GLAD SUFFERING. Many of the thousand portals of Death, to thousands who and are may te closed, I made win bappler, danger. and Doubl'es this world contains many comfortable balm to soothe its physical minent woes in and rant, cure are its danases. Among those pr wman's Vegetable Compound, oct31 CRATES, LEE 00., REAL ESTATE BROKERS, A Consumption, not ouly in those milder forms of Th oat SAFE AND SPEEDY CURE FOR And breathing. Lung ases, ouch as colds, pore cougls, throat, quinsey, weakness difllculty of the chest.

astuma, luward ulcer, breast spitting and of side, blood, it hoarsencas, durnza, catarrhi affections, whouping-rough, Inflamition pain in of the lucga, bleeding of the lungs, and the such like. But ite muperior excellence is wren For the and truth of the the tested 11 more advanced affectious of the lungs. of the preparations as an ADshove thine, we statuinent refer the and public the to the following tesumonials. Lit Is scarcely strong enough to tell the great power of this WONDERFUL DISCOVERY! The Tue doul ting nay try pout and to the following bona fie certificate be convinced. with confidence on the community: they are but samples of the many hundreds of testimonials in Philadelphia, our possession Augusl 15th, 1856.

Lass spring, while in and Pittsburgh, a friend I had of a miue bad gave cold me and a cougb bottle of which Borman's troubled me Vegetable Compound for diseases of the throat much, And Inage, which I commeuced toking, and for found cough relief aud boarse almoet Less, immediate but y. never ent any thing to belp me as it has cloue. I be I had taken many things lieve Is to be the best antidote for coughs the aud public. hoarrences that Le out, aud cheerfally recommend it to THOS. N.

STOCKTON, Pastor lat Prot. Meth. Church. Froth Judge Vanborn, of the District Cincinuatl, Court at May 4t Cincinnati, 11, 1866. I bave and Mellove it to be the heat medicine out for them peed l'owman's Vegetable Compound for bronchith Aid congli, and the only a ne I got to give me any perman at relief.

Is will cure. I recommend it to the what public it is as an published hon 4st and medicine, and will perform to do WM. VANHORN. TO THE PUBLIO. 1 Lave wed Bowman'e Vegetable throat, Compound and in believe my it to family tr for the best cougha, colds malidne that 1 ever got for these complaints, and and Minister's sure cheerfully rec it the REV.

ublic. JACOB GASTON, Pastor cf Clinton St. M. E. Church, C'incinnati.

Jace 10th, 1845. Here is one from the old ploncer Met holist preacher of Ohio Rev. I J. believe Finley Vegetable Compound to te the best rem edy for Diseased be Throat the and best of Lungs all of the popular day. I remedied Dave I tested ever it, tried, and ALl fount I have is to tried very waly.

I recommend it to the pub lic. Try it, and you will be convinced of REV. its J. D. Cindeusti, July 12, 1856.

1 Har nave used Dawmau's Vegetable Compound for Coughs aud what celebrated Dr. Peck, RAyS: Hoarseness in and believe it I to ever be the got; best and prepare recomtiou mend it to the public speaaer and singer, as well as those aflic for Throat and Lung Complaints ted with Lung Discases. J.T. PECK. New York, May 12, 1856.

lest what Dr. Renson, of Cincinnati, rays: Extract from Vegetable Compound contains a virtue which 12 It not dues not only by any smooth the disease over, giving it only tempo other popular tedicine in my knowledge. rary rellef (like inost of and patent performs medicines;) a perfect but It cure. commences at the root of the discase, G. W.

LENSON, M. D. Our space will not permit us to publish persona, any whose certificate letter: la full, are in our pascasion, certifying to ita but we would refer tothe following Rev. Bishon Morris. Cincinnati, Rev.

Robert alber, Joel White, Economy. Nev. John Powell, Portsmouth. L. Junkin, Butler.

Henry L. Griffith, L'ittaourgh. E. (. Baker, Wheeling.

Capt. E. wordon, Pittsburzh. John T. M'Comba, Mrs.

Mary Morrow, Now Brighton. Mre. M. Evane, Robert Reaver. larac Sutherland, Vanport.

S. A. Gettys, silas Roberts, Meadville. Mira. Henry Bomb Smith Lowry, Lawrence Co.

New Castle. Miss Joseph M. A. Willian, New Castle. P.

Brown, Ex-Gov. W. F. Johnston, T. C.

Allegheny City. Leave Whitsides, D. Marrata. Bridgewator. lev.

Wm. Smith, Louisville. Judge Keys, Cincinnati. Capt. Get.

Kennedy, Welleville. James Wilkina, Allegheny. J. I'. ONell.

Secubonville. Rev. Henry Cline, Venango Co. Dr. Jaines P'arvons, Louisville.

Rev. John Watkins Mayeville, Capt. Jacob Poe, Butler Georgetown. Co. L.

Dodda, ErGo. William Bigler, Gov. Bowman Vegetable Compound is sold by Drugglate at N. Krehon, Louisville. el Bottle E.

W. or 6 for Palmer, ty our wholesale and retall agent at Cleve land Retail Merchants can be supplied at our wholesale price by E. W. Direct F'almer. all orders for the mediane to Dr.

H. M. Rownian Co. sole Proprietors, New Castle, Lawrence the United County, States Pa. Canadas.

Agents wanted Apply by letter or otherwise to the Proprictors.and in every village in AND GENERAL LAND AGENTS, Omaha City, Nebraska Territory, LANDS, CLAIMS, AND Investments PROPERTY. made and Tases pald in Western and All Nebraska, kinds of Real Estate and Land Warrants bought and In on the entry Comminion. of Land special care will be given to its selection, as one tour firin wili devote his entire attention to desired looking will up desirable Lands. Any information that be cheerfully give h. CLEVELAND REFERENCES.


WICK CO. April 8. ALCOTT HORTON. k59 1 17 C. BRUCZ.

C. O. BRUCE SON, LAND AGENTS AND BROKERS, DEALFRA IN EXCHANGE AND LAND WARRANTS, WILD LANDS, IMPROVED FARMS, TOWN PROPERTY, P'ort Dodge, Lows. the PAY Selection of Lands PARTICULAR and their ATTENTION with Cash to or Land Warrant In the Fort Dodge, Chy, and Orige Land We have Agents located at Sioux City and Osage who devote district Iowa. their whole tin and atteution to the transaction of our bnel.

1 aces, the Fort Dodge will receive our personal attention, ut lows we and will remit collet proveds Notra, Bill promptly in Drafts un New York. Real Drafts and thoug Titles Rotate ex and mined Land and Taxes pad. We also pay na tieular attenWarrants bought and sold on commision.tion to the locating of Land Warrente for nonresidents, the generally, Inan Ing we of examine money at care'ully all Lands we locate, and will give plat beat western ra'ea, an I to invesumente and description. Our Commissione for loaning will or be locating Land 49 per 120, $1 per So and $5 per 40 acres, which should ac Warrant in the above named districta $10 per company the Warrants, and also acres, the Land or Craits feea on on NeW War. raals of on? Dollar for each 40 in Mills York.

All husiness LAND to ENTERED u3 will UPON receive TIME. prompt and carefull ettention. Correspondence Solicited. 128 aprly WOOD! F. W.

ROBY, OPENED A WOOD YARD A FEW rods South of Columbna Street Bridge, nad will erected chinery renecially adapted to the to business. furnish lIe customers in constautly such keep on hand aod prevared quantitica As they may wish w'th FIRE WOOD! Of the best quality, either HAWED OF Wood of all descriptions will the kept constantly ou hand, and orders, Ailed withont delay. The business will be conducted by the aub-eriber, to whorr D. all orders should be either through the Post office or left. at the Drug atore of Dr.

U. E. Ames, corner Superior Strret and the l'ublic Aquare, or at the Iosuranco cilice of Coe at Mar. No. 4 Pant Street.

febas C. L. FITCH. Agent. very large Stock of choice receined this day, by MORGAN ROOT.

TOR SKIRTS. loops. Rubber Cord, Long Whalebones, MORGAN ROOT. B. CLARK.


STOCKS Commission. AND BONDS BOUGHT AND Loans and bu payer negotiated. Collections male in all parts of the country dold, Sliver, and Uncur. rent Money bought aud bold. Agents for the redemption of country Bark Notes.

Interest allowed on depostts. ELAND WARKAN I'S ia large or small lots. 8p28 8md 140 NOTICE. UNDERSIGNED, OF BEDFORD, their Chair having of Church, Rohineon Parke Factory, together with a large quantity of and ed Cana Seat Chairs, and will supply to the trade as good work and on as accommodating terma n3 any other catablishment La the State. dtf-aD17 LORD.

(O Administrator's Sale. THE the 2d hours of DAY 10 OF o'clock A. JUNE, M. and 4 A. D.

o'clock 1857, P.M, P.t, the door of the Court House, on the l'ublic Square, in Vity ot Cleveland, Curahogs County. Olio, will be sold to the Lighest bidder, the following Real Estate, as the the of James Calyer, deceased, to wit: Situate In the said city of Cleveland, and is known as sub lot No. 45 in John M. Wolsay's anbdivision of lots NoR. 136 to 167, inclusive, and af two acre lota Noe.

156 to 162, inclusive. of the original allott non of Cieveland village, subject to a mortgage of Three hundred dollars to John S. Harbeck. And also one other piece of land, ntuate lo said city of Cleveland, and anown and on a map and survey of John Wolsey's rabelivision of lots Nue. 180 to 162, inclusive, and of parts of lots Nos.

156 to inclusive. of the two acre lots in the original allottin: nt of -voland village, as the wert half of lot No. 26 of raid subdivision, which rald last described lot was by I ewia Henderson and Eben zer P', Punderson to said Calyer. and on which contract there is now due a-d owing to sad Hend and for balance of pur hase money, Lue suin of Two hundred and Twenty-seven 71 100chs dollars, and to be A sublet to thie lien. The Bret described lot la appraised, subject to the mortgage as above stared, at Twruty Vell unndred dollars, and the second descrind lot la appraised, subiect to raid leu as above sta tot.

at Nineteen hundred and Ninety ave do lars. Terms of Salc, Eight hundred dollars cash down on each lot. And the a 'ance of the 1 urchase money In one and two care af ter the day of sale, with to le pald annually, and talauca to Le secured by a mortare on the respective pre mices. E. IF SEAMUELLER, Administrator.

Cleveland, April 20, 1557. mal. iw THE STATE OF QUID, CUTANCIA COUNTY, SS. Iu the Court of Columbu Pleas. FRANCIS SCHMIDE, Plaint: ff,) ve.

DIVORCE. JORN SCHMIDT, Detendant.) THE ire said that on John the 6th day Schmidt of will the hereby said Francis take May, 1807, Schmidt duly tiled, In the Clerk's Oftice of avid Oourt of ('ommon Drear, her petition for divorce AgAin st him, maid Jot.n Nail petition vela f'rth that said parties were on or shont the Al day of September, A. D. 18: 3, duly joined in mir. raze a a in said county, and asks that the said mar raze te dis olved on the grounds of auduleat contract and extreine crucky, and the said petitioner may be restored to her maiden name, and other proper re By 0.

HUNT. Attorney for Petitioner, Cleveland, May Stu. 1657. m18 6wd Window Shades! Window Shades! A LARGE Boquet, Pialn STOCK Bordered, OF White GOLD and Buff Hollande, Just received at Er An experienced RECKWITH'S CARPET STORE. 11p, upholsterer always on Land to pus them ap28 PLUMBING.

to TAMES take Jabs of FARNAN Plumbing CO. are now prepared their work of any amount, and with sating experience in the PLumbing business, they feel justified in with Conking they Ranged, can at up Wash Dwellings, Trays, Hotels, Bath Houses, Ac. els, Wash Stands, lu such a manner Siaks. that Bathe, they will Water warrant Glos to We give Keep perfect a netantly on in Land regard to price and durability. used the Plumbing a large assortuent of materials and Bar Lend, Wash Basina Bra a co*cka, Pumps, Cooting Lead Pipe, Ranges.

Sheet ty business, such We are per anently establisted in veland, aid we page hope to of do the a public. bu-iness Orders that shall for merit the coufidence and patro Jobbing done with despatch. work respectrully solicited. No. 7 Park Row.


00, LEGAL NOTICES. The Kentucky Trust Company? Bank, Plaintia. v8. Charles A. Rox borough, Ev.

Court of Common Pleas of eline Roxborough, John H. Unayaboga Oblo. Jones, S. Meeking, John K. Meekit George Willey and John E.

Cur Defendants. DEFENDANTS, JOHN IT. JONES, Legac N. Merkins and John R. Meekipe, will take notio: that the Plaincit, the Kentucky Trust Company Bauk, on the 8d day of A prti, 1857, tiled its petition in the Clerk': Otice of the Court of Comm Plese, within and for the County of Cuy.

aboga, in the S'ate Ob'o, against them and the sand other de fendante, Charles A. Eveliue Roxburough, Geo. Said petition atta forth that at the November Term, 1854, of Wiley and Jobn E. Cary. the superior Court of Cincinnati, plaintit recovered a judgement against the said Charlea A.

Roxborough for the sum of $1641,75 and costa or Suit 1 hat sad judgement is in fu'l force and unpan in whole or lu and that auld Charles A. Kox. borough has to personal or real property subject to levy on eI. erntion enticient to eatafy the same. Said petition further sets forth that on the 30th day of May, 1864, the a A.

Roxborough was the owner in fee of the following de cribed lot of Jana in the City of Cleveland, County ot Guyal ga, and State of Ohio, known by. being corner lot upon the south East corne rof Bond and York In said C'ity, bounded as tollows commencing at the South East corner of Bond and York streets, theuce Southerly along the Ea-torly line of Bond strett foray elx leet thence parallel with York street one buudred feet; thence Northerly parallel with Bond street forty six feet to the Southerly line of street; thence Westerly along the Southerly line of York strect one hundred feet to the p'ace of beginning; sud bat ow the said such day of May, 1357, the Charl A. Roxborough, bring Insolvent, joined with his wife in a convey ance of tall lot to the sald John H. Jones; that such convey. ance was fraudulent on the part of both the said Charles A Roxhorough and the said John I.

Jout 8. and wad wade and recelvet for the purposs of preveuting said plaintif from the collection of eald judgement; and that raid Jones still hold the legal title to said lot. Said pedtion further forth that aald Jones is indebted the said Roxborough in the surn of $400J by eight emissory 1 otes of each, dated May 80, 1854, pavable in one, two, three. four, Ave, six, seven nd eight years reapecirely, without interest, and secured by mortgage on sa'd lot: that all of said notes and salt mortgage are etill held by said Roxborough er cept the note payatme in three years from its date, which 18 beld by defendanta, Wiley and l'ary, as collaw ral securi ty for a claim, which they hold for colleeuon, a 'ainat aid borough lu favor of sald defendante. and Meekina, and that said Willey and Cary, and Meekins and Meekins bave other pocuritica in their bauds out of which said claim may be reallzd.

The object and prayer of said petition La that avid conveyance may be decreed to be vol and Bit aside, and that the said lot and the mortgage and indebtedness of the sall Jones, may be sublected to the paymeut of sal 1 judgement said defendants are further notided that they are required to answer or demur to said petition, on or before the day of June, 1567. HENRY G. ABBEY, Att'y for Plaintif'. April 1', 1857. 6wd For District the Court Northern of the District United of Stater Oblo.

In Adairalty. WHEREAS, day a of libel April, was 1837, filed by in Angus said Gillespie, Court agairst the Schooner "Free Trader, ber tackle, apsarel and fur iture, a leging whit there is due him from said the sum of thirty dive lary, for wages accrued to him as Ma'e on board of said Schooner. iu the wonth of April, and prating that the sald Schooner may be condemned and Bold to pay the demands of said libellaut. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the monition, under the seal of eaid Court, to me directed aud delivered, I do hereby give pub'le notice to all persons claiming the Bald Schooner, er in any manner interested tuereln, that they he and appear the District Court at on the first Monday of June 1507, at 10 o'clock A.M., (if that shall ba a day of Jurisdiction, if net. on the next day of juri diction therealter,) then and the re to interpose their claims, and to make their allegations in that bebalf.

J. W. FITCH, U. S. Marshal, N.

D. OLio. WILLEY CARY, Proctors for Libellants. wicaw NOTICE. Refore E.

ler, a Jus VA. tice of the Peace, or Clevelan i TownME C. the MILLER, ship, t'uyaloga 1857, 0. said Justice 4th day of May, issued an order of Attachment in the above action for the sum of' Twenty.six dollars and costa. WAGEMAN SMITH.

Cleveland, May 9th, 1807. 13 WiLLIAM WILD, Metor Daniel Stephan. Justice the l'eace. Cleve' and Town WAY. Trent.

sulp, Cuyahoga v. ON Justice the 6th dan day order of uf May, Attachment A. in D. the 1857, above action said for the sum of Eleven Collars and Twenty two cents. WM WILD.

Cleveland, May 11, 1857. J.wd Assignce's Sale. THE SPLENDID Dudley STOCK Brothers of DRY Dodge, la GOODS now oftr gale, st their old stand on Water street. The attention recently owned by of the Trade 18 called to the stock, being large And well Hele ted, compreing ail the de-irable styles of odd wautel fur thi: and the country market. apl4 1031 K.

C. PARSONS. Amigore. District Court No of thern the District United of Sta Ohio. In Admiralty.

fur the HEREAS, six libels have been filed in said Court. on the 29th day of April, 1807, against the Free Trader," her boats. tackle, apparel Gill furni1. by Elijah K. Bruce, that there la due him ture by the several perrons hereinafter mentioned.

to wit: for ma'erials and supplies furnished to 1858, said the echo sum of over, at N. Y. in Apri May and June 2. By David it. Morse, Hutus R.

Johnson, and Chas. G. claiming that there is due them for materials and sup. plies furnished said Schooner, at Buffalo, from April 1 56, the sum of 17. 3.

By Heury Lamb, claim. that there's due him for 10A terials and supp les furniebed a id schooner, At Butale, N. Y. In April, May and June, 1856, tre sum of there is due him for 4. Richard row, clalming that for the toware of sald schooner into the port of Ulevel and wi the at ramboat Telegraph, on the 23d day of April, 1307, the sum of $16,20.

6. By WilliarR Evana, Nathaniel Clark, George Hefter and John Drur8 claiming that there is due them for month their of way Apill an mariners ou board of sald schooner, in the to Nathaniel Clark, to George Hetuer, to John 1857, the tollowing, to wit: To William Evane, 6. Drossen, By $6,00. Leakim L. Lyon, claiming that there la due him for eupplies and money furnished for the of fald suin of $38 54.

at Cleveland Ob'o, in the month of April 1857, the Said libellants praying the said Court that said Free Trader, her boats, tackle apparel, and furniture may be condemned aud sold to tatiafy their said several demands agine: the came. Now, therefore, in pursun ce of the sever 1 monitiona issued on Bald several libels, under the Beal of said Court notice peculvely, to me directed an 1 delivered, I do hereby give pup ic all the said Schooner, or in any mander District intereste! the ein. that they he and appear in the Court at Cleveland on the Bret Monday of June 1807, hot. at ou 10 o'clock A.M., that ahali te a day o' jurisdiction, if the next day of Jun.ediction then and here to be- interpose their clainis, and to make their J. allegations W.

In FITOH. that halt. U. S. Marsha', N.

D. Ohio, WILLEY GARY, Proctors fur L.ibellanta. aD 90 tw. Lewis A. Day sud frar Vantasgle, V8, Before G.

I. Benb6mn, a Justice Mack Bronson and one of the La In and tor C.eveland Fort, (real nathe 111 Cuyaboga Couaty, partners under Ohio. the nane of Bronson Fort, Defendants. ON the Ica of 221 the Peace day'of lasued an April, order A. of a D.

1857, in said above action for the sum of! $182 20 with interest at per cent. from april 22d, 1857. I. M. for PORTER, P'lainuir 3w Attorney IN THE COMMON PLEAS OF CUTAHOCOUNTY STATE OF ON ALISON BeNToN, Plainti, Notice uf a Petition for Lioney ITAL.E, and to lauue.

ELLETON DYKES et Defeudents. THE SAID that the ELENOR mad Alison DYKES Bentor, IS on HERE- the of May 1857, duly Aled in the Office of said Court of Common 1.13 petition against bor, the said Ele. nor Dukes aid other, 141 Alexand C. Ilale for the sum of $6y 81 with interest thereon at ten per cent. from January 16th 1B57, and for the 141al decree for the sals of the followlug described tract or lot of (and, 10 F't: in the township of Brooklyn, (as formerly constituand wh'ch 8'50 in Lie of Gnu North Sta ot Ohio, and la buoya by being on the Welty South fort ba ride the of lot No.

side 915 of lot No. 214 and twenty feed in Benedict Roots allotment of parte of 01 township lots forty-eight (18) and forty ulne (49), said land being el 'on the North ride by land owned by Mra. Ellenor DykeR, and articled by ver to Samuel Gutter, end by Lini assigned to Doctor Mesa neer, on the Fast by the lope of lots c6. 214 and 215, on the Nouth side by land deedat by said El lenor to Nicholas Allen, on the West by he west said lots 211 and 215. Said petition also seta forth that said Ellenor Dykes was Cr claire 40 have cove interest in and to the said tract or lot o' land, by virtue of a restala mortgage deed, for the sumn of the hundred do lara, on the day September 1551, and received for Cord in the Re once of County on the 9th day of February 1805, and said in Ma'd retition that his interest in an to said premius is prior and sup flor to that of the apparent interest of eald defendant.

Ellent Diker. Said petition further ask a that on the sale of raid premises the pro ceds the reef may be applied fret to the payment of the costs of this acrion, then to the amount due and to come due on the mortgage of said on said prew and two therein deteribed. each 'or the sum one huudnd dollars. The mid gum slaty nine one handredth dollars with interest thereon at ten per ceut. tr Janu-r7 164b 1857.

being the bal a Cd due on the one of raid promissory note, and the other of raid prommiseory notes to become due on the 29 day of 1557, with interest from January 20th 1850 at per cent. till maturity, and the eater at ten per cent And that the balance add proceeds may he bought into Court to the furtber action thereof, and the said Ellenor Dykes is furth notided that she is by law required to anewer or demur to said petition on or before the day of July next. by R. G. HUNT, May 13tk 1857.

Atty. for P'lainti. TOTICE is given that a petition presented to the Usmmissionery of Cuvaboga Olio, on the drat day of their reg alar la June, 18 7, for to establish a County Road. beginning in the canter ct the county mad running from the l'arra line East to the State road Fast of the Ohio Car al, near the 13 Mile Lock, la Inde pendence, commencing at the toot of the hill In paid road, on owned Uch Greeu, at a stone thence Sputh 13 deg ten chains a stake on the west bank of Curabora thence East across tie River on th live of lota 9 and of the Hubbard tract to the Oblo Canal elev. an chains and afty links thence screes the Canal to intersect the State trad.

It dependence, April 30, 1807. d30d TENRY K. CADMUS will take notice that Henry C. Burtman. plaintiff, did, on the 9th day of May, file his petition in d.e Court of Coman a within and f.r the County of la the State of Ohio, Azainet 'he sald K.

Cadmus and James R. de'er dants, that the sald lenry K. Cadmus, by His attorney, in ft ct. James it. Milla gave a morts a ze to the 8a'd Henry C.

Kurt desedl November 5th, 1:56, on Lue described lard, to nit: Nituate in the village of Felle, which la also in the ('ounty of Guyaboes, State of and known on June 4tb, 1852, a8 shop lot. then occupied by Willian A. Downing in the village of bagria Falls, and heing the North twenty leet of the south furry feet of lot Lumber seventy la Gandicer Hal. leek's allotm.ent: tine North and Sou'b licca bring at right an. gles with 'he na in street in pa'd tillage, aid the Fast line tar.

allet with the xiain street in said village, and feet rear frown said atrout, and twenty feet front on raid maio street, D' It cf the. lot upon which the post ofice now stands acd being the same promises now occupied by ore Stewart as aca and the same premises aceded by WI A. Downing a wife gal, Cadmus, on June 4 1852, and recorded in Volume 50, I aged and 4. coned in Cuz ga County Recorde to secure the payment ct a ilote made by maid James R. Mills.

of even date with sald mortgage, payab'e to the order of Ileary C. Burtnian, for the sum of 06 and 20 100tba pix month, from de with interest at six per cent. until duo James and R. ten Milla per for coLt. am unt er.

and tala praying now judgement inter. st, against and that oLe or both of the defer dauts pay' sald with loterest. to the tenor of auld note, or that auld premises may he (u pay the without appraisal and appeal, aud the raid Her.rv notife 1 that he la requi ed to ap pear and answer or demur 19 raid potitlon on ur belure the third Satarday June 24, I897. HIENRY C. BURTMAN, ma15 m74 Swd By D.

M. PORTER, Dis Att'y. Sunday Ordinances. EC. 1.

Be it ordained by the City Conneil of the City of Cleve' and: That no person ball sell, or give away, xpose for any intoxicilag liquer, or keep open auy tat un, grocery, tor, or otter p'ace. on Sunday, fur tie purpose of sell. uz. or givi a away, or caposing for sale, intoxica-ing SEC. III.

Thet in any under this it shall not he nec ssary to aver or prove the particular kind of liquor said or elven away, or expoed for sale, but i. shall be endicient to aver and prove Lue sane to have been intoxicating quor. IV. That any person violating any provision of this or. dinance, thall, an conviction thereor, be dned not leas than ten or n.ore than they collate.

SEC. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Cleveland: That it shall be un awful fur any minor, or other person or persous, to play marbles. pitch quoita, or engage in any other or sport or cause a other disturbance whhin the City of Cleveland, on the Sabbathday, common called Sun SEC The' every pergon violating asy of the provisions of the 9-ction 1 this cadinance, shall. for each offence, np.

Oft conviction thereof, belore the police court, forfeit and pay AD sum not exceeding twenty collara, August 21, 1853 Above Ordinances will he strictly enforced from this date. ('levalard Onio, May 6th 1557. mh14 m72 HAMUEL Maror WILLIAM Before G. H. Benham, a Justice of the Peace for Cleveland TownBUTT: C'o.

abip, Cuyahoga ublo. our instance an order of Attachment was on the Th day of Mav, against the moperty and effects of the named Britton, Peck Co, fur the sum of 22 100 and coste. ADd the sam a la set fur bearing on the 92d day of June, 1857, at 9 M. WILLIAM BINGHAM CO. Cleveland, May 13th, 1957.

mal4 Swd SAVE BALDW Refore G. H. Benbam, Janice of the Peace, Cleveland, Oblo. JNO. C.

HARMON. AT was my this nay instance issued an against John order C. of Harmon, a Attachment non-real dent of Cuvaboga county, claiming $149.93 Cause ie set for trial June 19 1857 at 9 A. 8. G.

BALDWIN. May 9, 1867. mall-8 Howe's Patent Elliptic Spring Bed Bottom! DEPOT, NO. 21 BANK STREET, CLEVELAND, OHIO. EASE, ECONOMY, COMFORT, AND HEALTH, HAPPILY, COMBINED I Responsible Agents wanted in every IN one of the most PRESENTING valuable and TO u-eful, THE and, at the PUBLIC fame me, simple and economical inventions of the ace- one that in concedad to be such-we would brietly refer to some of its mer.

ta, and state the course to be pursued in its introduction. This Bed Bottom haa been in use, at the East, for about two years; during which time, it has been constantly gaining in public favor; and, were it requisite, hundreds of names from private familles and Hotel keepwra, might be riven, to verify all bat is said tu its favor. This Spring, however, stauda upon its own merits, and bids defiance to all competidon, and very excels all others, in simplicity of construction, mechanical skill, strength, ease and durability. It is composed of remi-elliptic Steel Springs, attached to ordinary slats each operating inde pendantly of the other, so as to conform itaelt to aby position the baaly may assume upon it, gently yielding where the most weight in applied. ant, at the same time, equally support: Dg the lighter parte of the body.

The Springs are made of the best Steel, highly tempered, and will retain their elasticity for ages, it la Well known that the spiral spring is useleless after a short time. This bed will sustain the weight of Afteen bundred pounds, without the least lufurs; and. at the time, ylelda to the sliguest form. It affords no harbor for vermin, is busk caster than any piling up of feathers, hair or wool. lt entirely nolseless, und ONE MATTRAN leaf, or is do constructed that persons can repose upon the extreme sides, without the possibility of the bed's tipping; and it aomot Sag in the middle, but will always present an even and square surface for the bal itself.

It occupies but little spare, and can be attached or detached at pleasure. lu a word, It la the only Spring. Bed that can be warranted what it is represented to te And hav'ng unlimited conddence in the invention, we are prepared to place it upon any description of bedst add, at the very low price of Sir Dollurs and it, after a week's trial, it does not give entire satisfac ion, will remove it, without expense or trouble to the parties, and refund the money. To divest the public mind of all prejudices, which naturally arise, In regard to new luventione, we take pleasure in referring to the tollowing well known gentlemen this city, who, together with buudre de of others, tow have the Springe in Use. THOS.



D. JOHN M. GILLETT, J. P. Russ, Weddell House.

Wu. D. DOTT, A. I'. WINS OW, Am.

Hotel. A. W. (F. A Ed.

Herald. C. Rev. J. B.


E. CowLe, l'ub. Leader. Prof. J.


P. D. Hon. W. B.

CASTLE, Mayor. Rev. J. A. HOLLER, D.D.



Mou SE. 1. P. WEDDELL. J'rof.



B. L. HILL, Berlin O. G. AIKEN, Kev.



Three Daily Er. press Traina, via. Cleveland Daytoa Toledo, Mad Rallronda. River Lake Erie, and Parsengere Cincinnati, will Hamilton take the Cleveland 'Toledo Rall Road CorF. 8:00 A.

Fast Express, from Station West Side, Reaching 10:13 A. 8:15 1'. Bellefountain Cincinnati 1:29 5:80 P. P. Spring.

and field 2:50 Dayton Indianapolis A. Mail Accommodation, from Station, 0. the sane evening. U. K.

R. M. via. R. Clyde L.

and E. K. Grafton, K. reaching connecting at Bellefontagne Clyde with 5:00 Mall P. Train Springfield 6:20 P.

and Dayton and Cincinnati same evening. P. Night Express, from Station West Side Grafton 2:00 aud A. Clyde, Dayton 4:80 A. and Cincinnati at reaching Belle fontaine 1.10 A.

M. Springfield Bavgage Checked through procured to at Cincinnati Stations, and or at Dayon. Western Tick. et and Freight Tickets can Offer, be corner Watur and St. Clair streeta, L.

D. wov19 RUCKER, Agent. E. B. PHILLIPS, Superintendent.

A ticketed to Toledo, C'hi ag St. Louie, LEVELAND AND TOLEDO RAILRock Island, Burlington, Iowa City, Terie Galena, Ilaute, Dubuque, Jackson, Fort Wayne, Lafayette, Logansport, Peru, WINTER ARRANGEMENT. To take effect Monday, 28d, 1867. 1s' 5 A.M. Mail via.

Norwalk (sto at Berea, Grafton, Four Daily Trains from Cleveland. and all Stations West) at 11.40 Toledo, 1'. Chicago, reaching Toledo at 10.15 8:30 P. A. Chicago N.

Y. Express, via Sandusky, for Toledo, 21 Chicago, Cincinnati and Fort Wayne, J'eru, Logansport, Lafayette, Danville, Vermillion, Springtiend, Huron, Alton, Saudusky and and st. 1't. Louis; Clinton stopping Pas at Elyria, by his tralu reach Toledo at 00 P. Fort Wayne, 6,00 songera P.

P'eru 8.00 Logansport 8.50 Lafay. 10.85 r. M. Also, laytou Danville P.M.; 1.00 A. Cincinnati M.

7.00 P. ette and hicago 11.40 P. connecting at Chicago with Chicago lil Rock Centrai, Leland, Clucax Galena Also, Chicago Union, UI. and and Milwaukie, and this Traiu Chicago also connect at Adrian, with Train Burlington on Jackson agers by Branch of M.S. K.

now complete to Napoleon. Fine conches run between Napoleon at 6.00 I'. Jackson M. (lu miles), connecting train with connects this at Train, Adrian with train for Detroit, reaching arriving This that 3d, 3:20 place P. 7.45 M.

P.M. Mail Exprias for Toledo and Chirago stopping at with all M. S. Stations R. R.

reaching Chicago at 9:00 next moral. g. on northern lop. at Toledo 4th, 6.35 Overlin, P.M. Night Norwalk, Express Monroeville, via Norwalk, Bellevu, stopping Tre Grafton, at other Stations weat of to take or leave mout, Passenger and only.

'Tolado 11:80 P. Wayne Lafayette 11.10 A. Dauville 1.30. A so, port 9.35 A. M.

9.25 A. and Chicago 11:80 Dayton 4.45 A. there with the morning trains for Ruck A. connecting Louis l'asaengera by this 1 rain also Islaud, St. above for Jackson, arriving there 11.90 A.

M. connect as arrive per from Chicago and Toledo via Sandusky at 7:29 Trains 43 1'. M. vi: Norwalk at 2.40 P. M.

2:45 M. A. M.9 From TICKETS A. be procural tot all or the above placed, contracta luado tor at 61 the Superior Company's Strect, 2d door Western and west of Bank Street, and at station. Freight General Ticket C.


L. D. February 1th, Dimillers of Alcohol, Liquore. Cologne A leo and dealers Neutral in Old Spirits Bourbon, 8D4 all kinds of Downest Rye and 67 59 Second Cincinnall, 0. ROWN'S AMERICAN AMBROTIPE Block, over GALLERY, L.

'The publicare most respectfully Invited NO. 95 SUPERIOR Street, (Baldwin'a tures call from my the rooms smallest and to the largest size taken irrespective of this new style of likened. Picweather. E. W.

KROWN, Proprit tor. READER, A WORD IN YOUR IF Physician, YOU one who laws practiced in CONSULT this city over AN a quarter OLD DOCTORS WRIGHT. of a century; It funtters not what your and complaint adety by may colling be you at can do so with the utmost conddence his ON office, WATER STREET, WITHIN A SQUIRREL'S JUMP OF SUPERIOR IN DAVIS' FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, UP STAIRS. And Long this, experience together has given him complete control over some with his advice will cost you nothing. complaints as well as othera, but at more positive which, the all events or the latter.

and I'll be blumed if I at call, for it is immeterial, and for once in Four life, at least, hit the vail UH the head Conidential cominuuications mugly A lucked word up to the la gudicient. repli def and the key thrown awsy. FOUNTAINS! B. BARNES PLUMBERS, NO. J.

84 Bank Cleveland, oblo, would call the attention of all persons wishing to purchase Fountains, to their cholce not fal re lection of Oruamental Fountains, which they think can to All please precons who anticipate titting their houses In reference both in regard to style and price. to the City Water Works for from any other source,) would de well they to call ind at the greatest rariety of Water Fixtures that can their extensive Plumbing Establishment, where found' in the West. They have experienced work men for up or Hotels, Galvanized Stores, Iron l'ipe, for Baths, Water Closets, Wash with hot and Shops, Foundries, with cold water. Cooking langes of improved paterus, lydrants, Porous Glass Filters, Brass and P'lated co*cks, All jobbing done with beatues; and despatch. M.


E. Stair HIONABLE MATTERS, 16 Superior Street, Introduce tie SPRING FASHIONS FOR GANTI EVEN'S SILK HATS, TO- DAY, SATURDAY, MARCH 7th, 1857. DOSE, I feel content of giving entire satisfaction to these who favor me with their patronage. on the mart Reasonable Terms. REFERENCEs.

H. P. Cleveland, Ohio. March 7, THOMAS RILEY, PRACTICE HYDRAULIC HOUSE SHIP ENGINEER, PLUMBER of Jaa. Farnan 100 Superior in Eusworth Fly' CLEVELAND, Having bad an experience of twenty dre veare in the bust.

REV. DR. CARTAR, Oblo. G. F.

LEWIS, Cleveland, Oblo. H. P. STEVENS, Cleveland, Ohio. L.

Rochester. N. York. Batavia, New York. DIBBLE, Ratavia.

New York. DEAN RICHMOND, Balavia, New York. Silver Medal and Diploma awarded fo my work at the J. B. REDFIELD.

Bataria, New last Statr Fair, F.b23 191 GEORGE HOWLETT, No. 15 Water Street, opposite Wm. Binghain Co. HOUSE SIGN PAINTER, ELAND, OLIO. TOHN B.


R. St. Clair JENNINGS, below Bank, VETERINARY Cleveland, Ohio. SURG'N, Sick and Lame Horses treated on strictly Scientific Principles. Feb.

17. 113 lyd D. HALL, M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Otlice over Peat Ofice, Water Strect, CLEVELAND, 0. apto d'y BARGAINS! and qualitiva BARGAINS- Havana.

Domestic, and German Cigars at gn at bargains for Carb. Normas 04:00 per M. sod upwards. Operas 8:00 per M. and upwards.

Orders promptly Alled. 0. CHECKS Do18 6m van No. 11 Broadway. Y.

EEDLES; "Bates World Fair Premium, by J. R. ALBERTSON 00. PATENT MEDICINES. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS, (SUGAR COATED,) ARE MADE TO Cleanse the Blood and Cure the Sick.


Sir: I have been repeatedly cured of wont Headache any body can have by a or two of your Pille. It seans to aria Irrm a foul etomach, A b'ch they cleanse at once. Ir they cure others as they cure me, the fact us worth knowing. ED. W.

PREBLE, Clerk of Steamer Clarion. Yours wi' proat Billi us Disorders and Liver Complaints DEPARTMENT OF TILE INTERIOR, Wash nat'n, D. Feb. 1856 SIR: I have useu your Pit in iny general and hospital say prac tice ver since you male the an counot 10 that they are the best Cathartic we employ. Their regulating ad he tion on the liver is quick and decided, consequently are an mirable reluedy for ta of that Organ.

Indeed, I have seldom found a case of butloua discase so obstinate that it did not readi yie'd to them. Fraternally yours, ALONZO BALL, First l'bysician Marine Hospital, Dysentery, Relax, and Worms. POST OFFICE, HAITLAND, Liv. Mich. Nov.

16. 1855. DR. AYER: Your Pills are the perfectiou of tell you. medicine.

They bad have wife more good than I can tr She been sick and pining away for months. She Went then off be commenced doctor ed at great expe but got DO taking 30 wLich soon cured her. by They expelling large quanti les of worms dead, from ol her body. disestery.

alterwarde Ore of cured her and two children our neighbors had it had, and others my d'ound wife us cured 'paid him from with tve two to twenty dollare roc ors' bille, and lost much time, without ite doses of your Pils, while ing entirely cured even then. Such a medicine as yours, which is actually good and honest, will be prized. GEO. J. GRIFFIN, Postmaster.

From Rev. J. V. Hires, Pastor Advent Church, Boston. fridicestion ard Impurity of the Blood.

DR. ALER: I have and used among those lam called to viait in dis your Villa with extraordinary euc cess In my To fami regulate the organs of digestion and purity the blood tre they B. are the Very beet remedy 1 have ever and can conAdeutly recoluwend them to my friends. J. V.

HIMFS. Wyoming N. Oct. 24, 1555. and DEAR dud SIR: them I an ain exceilen: purgative to cleanse tue and urine your Cathartic Pills in my practice, purly the fountains of the blood.

JOIN G. MEACHAM, M. D. Erysipelas, Scrofula, King's Evil, Tetters, Tumors, and Salt Rbenm, From a Forwarding Merchaut of St. Louls.

St. Louis, Feb. 1, 1856. 1 R. ATER: Your are the paragon of all that gred in bores medicine.

upon ler Thye and foot that had proved Incurable for have cured my little daughter of ul erou for 3 cars. Her mutter has been long grev ously atticted witn blotches and pim.les on her skin and a her hair. After our child was cured, she also tried your Pills ane they have cured her. ASA MORGRIDGE. Rhewnatism, Neuralgia, and Gout, From the Rev.

Dr. Huwhes, of the Methodist Epis. Church. POLASRI HOUSE, Savannah, Ga, Jan. 1956.

SNOWED FOR I should be ungrateful for the relief your skill las brou. bt me irl did not report my case to you. A cold settied in my limbs and brought on vacruciating neuralgic palme, which ruded in chronic rheum.atism. Not withstanding had the best phyticians. the dis ase grew worse and worse, unti', by the advice of your excellent agent in Baltimore, Dr.

Mackenzie, I tried your l'ille. Their Nec a we. slow. but gure. By persevering in the use of them 1 am now entirefy well.

SENATE CHAMBER, Baton Rouge, Da. Dec 5, of 1855. DR. ArEa: I have been entirely cured by Jour Pills matic Gout -a painful discare that bad me for SLIDELL. Frars.

VINCENT FOR DROPSY, PLETHORA OR KINDRED Complaint, requiring all active purge, they are an excellent remedy. FOR COSTIVENESS OR CONSTIPATION, aud as a Dinuer they are agreeable and eifectual. FITS, SUPPRESSION, PARALYSIS, INand even Deafnera, and Partial Blindness, have bern at of the by pilis lu market contain Mercury which, altho' cured the action of these Pills. a valuable remedy in skilltul bands, la dangerous in a public ita pill, incautious from lose. These coutain no miercury or mineral sub: tance the dreadful consequeuces that frequently foliow whate' er.

Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE RAPID CURE OF Cougha, Colds, Hoarseness, chilis, Whooping Cough, Croup, qua, Incipient Consumption; and for the relief of consumptive patients in adrauced stages of the disease. We peed not speak to the public of its virtues. Throughout every town and aunost every hamlet of the have American made it States, al. its wonderful cures of' pultuovary complaints nady knowu. Nay, few are the famifirs in any civiliad of coun.

its try on this continent without some personal anywhere expe which levee have edicts and fewer yet the communities not among them some living trophy of its victory the de sub- it is the meat danger powerful antidote yet known to man for the form. tle and us of the throat and lungs. Idable aud uangeroue diseases of pulmouary organs, is almo the pleasantest and safest rewedy that can be employed for lufanta and young persone. Parents abould have it in store againet the insidious enemy that at ale upon them uuprepared. We have abundant ground to believe the ('berry l'ec 6ral gives more lives by the consumption it colds prevents while than they those are it curable, cured.

nor Keep neglect it by them you, until aud Do buman skill can master the luexorable canker that, fastened on the vitals, cate your lite away. All know the dreadful fatality of lung disorders, and as they know ton the virtues of this remedy, we need not do mure than assure the ru it is still inade the best it can be. We spAre no ust, no care, 10 toil to produce it the most perfect thus afford those who rely on it the beat ageut which our skill can furnish for their cure. Prepared by Dr. J.

C. Ayer, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lo well, Mass. PRICE, 25 Cr8. PER BOx. FIVE BOXES FOR $1.


HUNTINGTON, all M. HUTCHI SON, and all Druggiete in Cleveland, and Dealers in Medi J. C. AYER 146 Walnut ('incinnati. one everywhere.

DAN PACKARD, Advertising and Commercial Agent. R. F. HIBBARD'S CELEBRATED WILD CHERRY BITTERS. YSPEPSIA with all its attendant evils, finds an aultdote in the Wild Cherry Bittern, and while the Bitters give tone and energy to the stomach and ilver, they also allay nervous excitability and irritation.

As by their toni powers they restore the toue of the stomach, create an appetiti and regulate the bowels, so. by their sedative cfect, they remove restlessness, night-sweata, and produce quiet and health. ful sleep. In colds, coughs, spitting of blood, or sure throat, they are invalusble. For read the foliowing cerud.

cate: Mr. R. F. verily believe that your Cherry Bit ters has been the means, through Providence, of saving lite. I have been ailing for several years, and or the last year I had very bad It became worse and worse.

At lamb wat raised large quantitica of blood, had night-swuata, and greatly delilated and reduced, and not capect ty live. After using 5 few bottles of your Bit pre there beep a wouderful change wrought in me. am now able to walk all over the city. I raise no blood, and lay cougu hay lett we. You CAD well imagine that Tami thankial for these resulte.

MARTHER. Na. Brooklyn. P'repared and cold by FULLER OSBORN, New York, and also sold by PALMER SACKRIDER Cleveland, Ohio. my 31blylyd PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE.

AT THE RUFFALO for the cure of PRIVATE Syphillis, by HOS Seminal Dr. Weakness and the Infrmities of Youth and corner Maturity. of Main and AMOS SON, Buffalo, New York, Office Quay A (up MOST stairs.) SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instruneut for the cure of venital Dehility, Debliity, Lon pro perly Spirits, known Lassitude, as Seminal of weakness, the Back 'and Dinines Nervous of Vislon, tating its victim and tor suicidal la hi or matrimony, rendering him misanthropical and permanently cured from propenaitles, to la tweaty by the use of this Instrument arrested, when Hoed YOUNG coniointly MIN with me PARTIOULAR NOTICE. Dr.

AMOS SON the only Physicians in State graC who are uates of one of the meat eminent Colleges in the United Stater. of the Royal College, of Surgeons, London, take pleasure lu anuouncing that they have invented a IM08: important instrument for the the cure most of the eminent above diseases. la It Lon har don, Paris, l'hiladelphia unt vra it Las been declare been subjected to a teet by to be the only ever yet discovered for the cur of Beininal pees, or any direase of the genital arising from the solitary habits of self indulgence which destroy both body and mind, unfitting man either for or 00 wet Dr. AMOS SON, in order to satisfy the most skeptical st to the merits of their instrument, pledge themselves that fair in trial any the instance money where will be they refunded may by returning the Instrument in good prove unsatisfactory after 8 order. Persons wishing the above useful Instrument will observe that the price, with the accompanying directiona, securely packed and sent by expreas la REMEDIES ten dollara.

AND QUICK CURES NEW For the Venerval Di-cases, and all private compialuts, gleese. airi kidueys, tures, diseases seminal of the bead, throat, nose and skin, and al weakness, paica in the lolna, affections of the those drea affections arising from a secret habit of youth which produce constitutional debility, renders mind. marriage Impor sible, and la the end. destroys both body and GENERATIVE DEBILITY. Sentual Weakness, Impotency, unhappily 50 frequent prevaleut arising either from early abuse, lujurious intemperance, excees of pleasure, wow al sympatby, their or mode other of treatment, causes ANC have vicided in a short tunc to they have in many cased apparently hopeles, edicted a corn plete reatoration.

The above di case are generally seated in the most important or gars of the human frame. So manifold are the dangers which. te which they expose their victim, and the consequence they inay entail, not only on his health, but that of his when offspring are so selloue, that we are struck with aurprise we consider that the study has formed exclusive object of few Medical Men. It is doubtless in the very limited number of the latter, that we look for a reason why the tres ol those complaints is so interior to that in of it all for a others, period and of that more DC a thas nsible three improvement centuries, has during leen which niade the sure means have tel employed as continues to be prescribed in The the present of them disorders has become the domain ay it were, of and Thence it is by no meane treatment pirics, who, devwid of all medical ecienee and legal light what the ever, ArTogate to themselves the their power of fellow deciding creature. upon The health, purpose and we upon have in view is, tot laten the FloUring of those the lite even, of pre tar tenders ly laying from for then.

snare If we our tack will receive the the which iguor-upe and cupidity are con st accomplishment, and our long and laborious research en their noblest reward. BEWARE OF IMPOSITION. Dr. AMOS SON Lave for long series of years heen delicate en go, al in an erteneive practice in the treatment of these complaints, and are the and ouly envy legally of Lac qualifed hypoczitical and wha modest, have had the condence, through the medium of the regardless of the taunts public preas, to direct attention to these enormous evils. from which grade of exciety is tree.

this department of practice Lucy Lave been amply In the rewarded treatment by the of great those cares that has attended their enorts which are so generally confided to unqualitied and iguorant pirics, who, with their pretended pirated virtues publications of their fortia names and titles, and natant nostrums have inficted serious injury on those who nave been tuduced to place faith la their TO PATIENTS ABROAD. Review. Dr. AMO8 SoN have made arrangemente whereby packs can be for warded with secrocy and diapatch to uy part world. Addreia Dr.


PENARIYS PRACTICAL, PRI. VATE MEDICAL GUIDE. Pa. ticularly so the use of WHICH describes In PLAIN ENGLISH all de necessary know pertaining to Generative Dis orders -how contracted- -the infu ence they produce mind and body- all persons can avoid and if any are do unfortunate as to have contracted such diseases, how to effect a speedy and certain cure The rapid and unprecedented sale with which this book has met, the salutary infuerre it has exerted, and the desolate hearts it has made happy, is ample evidence of its merits. Price only 25 centa, Pauphlet form.

Music bound 50 conte. DR. C. LISPINARD. No.

24 EXCHANGE PLACE ROOM ESTER, NEW YORE, continues to dispense his invaluable remelics to those afflicted with Secret Diseases, with the attendant upon twenty years of personal treatmeut experience ball and cured. prac tice in his profession. Nope leave his He always gives the beet of satisfaction. Gonorrhoes, Gleet, Syphilis, Stricture, Suppreacion of the Menses in Fanalea, dc. Young sucoeratully men, who by indulging in secret habits, have con treated.

tractod that soul -subduing, mind prostrating, body deetroying vice, should apply to De. LISTENARD without delay. Beware of Empirica and itinerant Professore whe ATTEMPT curea but never succeed. Dr. L.

la the only per manently established and responsible physician in his through peculiar line in Winern New York, and his practice extends every State in the Union and the British Provinces. N. LIPANARD la sole agent MONTHLY PILLS. Among the many thousand boxce been of made these Pulls against annually them. sold, Ladies in certain should not not one complaint use them the particulars of which will be found on the directions each box.

Price 01. Sent by mail to aDJ part of the world. Persona Dr. L. by mall, expecting a reply, will please enclose postage stamp.

Also who Books or Pilla. All communications W. O. LISPINARD, M. D.

N. In will pert with prompt attention. RAIL ROAD CARDS. CLEVELAND AND ERIE RAILROAD. On and after Monday, Nov.

8d, 1866, Passenger Traine ill run as follows, vis: EASTWARD. Leave Cleveland for Erie at 8:00 A. M. 8:20 P.M. and 10:00 P.M.

The 8:00 A. M. Train will all Way Stations er. copt Wicklife, Mentor, Perry, and Saybrook. The rard only.

The 10:00 P. M. Train will stop at Ash 8:40 P. M. Train will stop at Painesville, Ashtabula, and tabula, Conneaut and Girard ouly.

The Conneaut Train will leave Uleveland at 4:15 P. M. and stop st all Way Stations. WESTWARD. Leave Erie for Cleveland at 8:80 A.

10:35 A. aud 1:20 P. M. The 8:30 A. M.

trada will stop at Girard, Councaut, Ashtabula, and only. The 10:85 A. N. train will stop at all Way Stations, except Baybrook, Unionville, Perry, Meutor The 1.50 and P. M.

Wicklite. Iraio will stop at Girard, Conneaut, Ashta. bala, and Paluesville only. Tue Connenut Train will leave Conneaut at 7:15 A. M.

8A0 stop at all Way Statious. All or the through trains going Westward connect Cleve land with 'Trains for Toledo, Chicago, Columbus, Cincinnati, da. And all the trains going East ward co at Dunkirk with the traius of the New York and Erle and at Buffalo with those of the New York Central and and New York Unty Kailroads. I. Superintendent.

November 80, 1850. UMMER ROUTE ARRANGEMENTS OPEN TO ST. TAKE PUB THE SOUTH AND SOUTH- BI CLEVELAND, BELLEFONTAINE AND INDIANAPO. LIS RAILROAD. This is the shortest and most comfortable route from New York, Boston and all Now Euzland, Albany, Troy aud Budalo, to Marion, Hellefontaine, Dayton, Sidney, Piqua and Ohio, Union, Muncie, Pe ru, Logsupport, Terre Vlucennes ad ville, Ind.

Lo navilla, and St. Louis. 6:20 A. Krprees Train, connects st Gallion with B. I Train.

Three Trains leave Olevoland dally, (Sundaya excepted.) 11 A. connecting at Loll fontaine with M. R. L. S.

Train tor Urbana And Spaingdeld, and arrive at Dayton RAIl afternoon arrive at Indianapolis at 8:00 game evening. 'Train leave the same evening 9:20 for Latayetto, l'eru, Logatport and Chicago, for Terra Haute, Vincennes And Evansville leave Indiauapolis at 9:15 A. arrive at Terre Haut at 12:16 P. Vincennes at P. Evansville at 7:00 same eveniug, and St.

Lone sane afternoon, making the entire route by day: llynt, through three of the tinest States, including Olio, Indiana and filinots. 85 miles ahorter by Chia route than via Toledo and Chi. cago 7:15 ty P. Saint Louis Train from Cleveland, make Lignuning Express connectione with all places named by above Trains: arrive at Indianapolis at 800 next connect immediately with Express Train for and St. I arriving at St.

Louis the same only about 34 frown Cleve laud This is the Quickest route to the River- quicker than via and 85 miles chorter. FARE FIRST CLASS. From Cleveland to At. Louis 18 25 Vin Terre 8 Lafayette, 00 Louisville, Ky 8 Ludinuapolis, 7 0.. via Sidney OLASS.

From Cleveland to 5t. 07 40 Madison 8 40 Local Fare given by D. U. BALDWIN at k. R.

Baggage checked frow Cleveland to Bellefontaina and Indian. Cleveland. apolia, uud from thence to Louisville, Madison, Terre Haute, Lafayette, Evansville and at St. the Louis. lake Shore Rallroad Office In G- P'rocure Tickets Cleveland, of D.

C. BALDWIN, General Agent, or of D. HOK TUN, at the Weddell House Cleveland. Merchants Ouly wishing hours to from ship Goods, can make Loutsvile, contracts in New Cleveland to Ey. York, Boston, Albany or Troy, with the General Freight Ageute of the Railroad Companion or Erie Canal Lines, to whomp through Freight Tarifs lave C.

O. been C. sent. Railroad, Goods addseased Cleveland, to will hie care of A. AILLS, Agent be forwarded with dispatch.

8. Supt. For Information relative to the above router, apply to HORTON, General Ticket Agent, Weddell louse, or C. H. BROOKS, Passenger Agent, at the U.

U. C. K. R. Lepot.

Julv? CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS AND CINNATI Cleveland to Columbus in connection with the Little Miami and Columbus ald Xenia Railroads, from Columbus to WINTER Cincinnati. ARRANGEMENT. FALL AND On and alter Monday, Nov. bd, Traum leave follows: let. 7:55 A.

M. Cincinnati Express, stopping at Grafton, New London, Shelby, Crestline, Galion, Curdiurton aud Delawarr, arriving at Columbus at 12:55 A. M. Sandusky and Cincinnati Newark at 6:30 P. Railroad M.

at Crustline with the Ohio and P'ennsylvania Railraad, and the connecting at Shelby with the Ohio and Indiana Railroad for Bucyrua, Fort Wayne, at Galion with the Bellefontaine and Indianapolis Railroad for Terre Haute, Louts, Evansville; and at Columbus the Ohio Central Railroad tot Newark, Zancsville, Wheeling, at Xenia with the Xenia and Dayton Railroad, for Dayton and Indianapolis via Indians Central Rallroad, at Deleware with Springteld Deleware Railroad. 2nd. 2:55 P. M. Cincinnati Mail stopping at all Way Sta tons between Cleveland and Columbua, except Rockport and Lewis Centre (stopping at the latter on sigual to take passer.

gera) arriving at Columbus at 8:45 above. l'. and Cincinnati at 9:00 and making connections as 81. Cincinati Night Express at 1.00 P.M. Leaves at all Way Stations between Cleveland and Columbus.

Stope to take passengers at all Stations between Cleveland and Gallon also at Cardington and Delaware; arrives at Columbus at 2 A M. and Cincinnati as 7 A. making connections as above. For Tickets apply the 'Ticket Office of the C. C.

R. R. In the P'assenger Station Buildings. novis E. 8.

FLINT. Su'pt. Cleveland Pittsburgh Railroad. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. Trains Run Through to Wheeling Pittsburgh, AND AFTER MONDAY MARCIL 9th 1857, Trains will be run daily as foliowa: LEAVE CLEVELAND.

7:15 A.M. Mall Train, stope at a'l Way Stations anives at Pittsburgh at 2:25 P. M. and at heeling at 4:15 I'. M.

2:45 I'. M. Express Train, stops only Hudson, Ravi Al Bayard, Salineville, and' Liver. pool, and arrives at Pittsburgh 8:40 1. M.

5:15 1'. M. Acrommodation Traiu tor Ravenna and Way Sta tiona. LEAVE 9:45 A.M. Mail Train, etopy at Way Stationa, arrives at Cleve land at 4:50 P.

and 8:55 P. M. 3:00 P.M. Ex; ress Train, eat Stations New Saliatury, East Rochester. Moultrie and Winchester arr vey at Cleveland at 9:50 l'.

M. and Wheehng at 7:45 P. M. LEAVE 9:15 A.M. Mall stops at Way arrives at bwah at 2193 aud at Cleveland at 4:50 P.

M. 1:80 P. Accumodation Tralu, etc pa at Way Statione arrives at Pittsburgh at 8:40 1'. M. and Cleveland at 9:50 I'.

M. Accommolation Train leaves Kavenna At 9:23 A. M. Hudson at 10:00 A. M.

stupa at all Stations, arrives at 0 eveland at 11:15 A. M. All Trains stop at Euclid Street station. Tuscarawas Branch. Train leaves New Philadelphia 7:45 A.

Dover at 8:05, Wa nesburgh a' 9:25. Arrives at Bay and at 10.20 connecting with Train cu Main Live, for Ch velar and Wt cel. ing. Leaves Bavard at 1 45 P. M.

arrival of Train from C. P. and burgh at Arrives Dover at 4:00 and New P'hiladelphis at 4:15 P. M. I No change of Cari between Cleveland and Pittsburgh and Wheeling and Connections.

Trains connect at Hudson tor Cuyahoga Falla, A Akron and Millersburgh, Trains connect at Cleveland with trains to and frown the East West and South. All trains connect at Alliance with the Trains of Pittsburgh, Fort Hayue, and Chicago Railroad, for Enou Valley, Colustblana, C'autou, and Worster, and at Roches ter for Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York. Tickets can be purchased ac tie of on the Lice, also at all the principal Ticket of the vallous connecting Roads. Fare to the Eastern Oitlos low as by other Routes. Supt's Omer, U.

a M'. Railroad, J. DURAND, Ole veland, March 6. 1856. Superintendent.

GREAT IMPROVEMENT In for Chain Pumps, AND Water Conducting Pipe. WHEELER WATERS 56 Outario Street FIC.1 A RE facau ring CLEVELAND, a NOW rew and is kind a OHIO. of 'apted MANU. Tube, tor for l'ompa, conducting Water from Springs, and for Induction al.d Di: charge Pipe, for Force and Suction l'umps. This Tube 1s bored out of Cak, aple aud sectione 8 feet long connected with socket jointe, and when put togeth or wil, be periecily water and air tight.

lulo hard wocd Tube add: to the durability and ease all of or half, making the Chain Pump the Mott durable and beat mode of drawing water from wells and ciarn now in usc.Those wishing to avail themselves of Tube for ('hain this Pumps Tube or Pipe for conducting water, would do well to examine befe using uly other kind. March 27. Display of Mantillas. SPRING open AND about the SUMMER 15th or th'a month, MANTILLAS. Casee Mr.

Mantillas just in arrived Paris. by the Anoug steamer there a logant articles of and selected our dies' Costume, will be tound a great variety, from 45 up Ai7 to apiece. RETTBER4 HAUSMANN. Improvement in Dental Surgery. MI.

WRIGHT MANUFACTURING FULL Seta and Full Half Seta, and Partial 38 that of referred Teeth, to made by entirely of bud 18 the sanie Professor J. L. Cassola, Chutrman of the Committee Mr. on Sturdi. Chem.

icals, a' the product of Chemical action: a'eo in by which the latvant, Chairmau of Committee on Metals, which our teeth are made ter say's the prepared material from is deserving the highest commeudation, and refere tu Professor Vas Your Committee reccommed that a Diploma be awarded to Report, which reads: M. L. Wright, M. of Cleveland, Obie, for the beat spect. men of P'orcelain materia! prepared, and Terth manufactured from the same.

The specimens of Teeth, both fuil and partial tar excel in beauty and appar Li usefulness favor of anything their util- of the kind we have seeD, and the testin-ony in ity, seems to be of the most reliable chara-ter." OLIO STATE FAIR, 1356. Our Teeth, plate and all, are made from one solid piece of true Porcelain, and suharitutes a porcelain for a metalic base. This pian was patented in the United States May 2d, 1854, and be in the fellowing October In England and France, as we any oLe claiming to use a porcelain base to ours, seed by referring to the Patent Therefore with the exception of D. W. Lurell Dr A.

and Welle, west, Dr. la either Pullipe guilty and of M. an L. Wright In.friugement Co. or lu an Imposition.

If au in. fringement, they will be deals with as the law allows AL Our Imposition Teeth let were it cure not Itself. entered at the late State Fair spect. mot as of Deutiety, for known and under appreciated the by abova the State bead. Bourd, and thereiore M.

WRIGHT CO. the Diplomas are Vince No- 190 Lake Street, Cleveland, opposite the Marine Hoopltal. I have for the last year watched and examined with TO THE PUBLIC. car.D ar Louris' mode of all making being and setting connected Artiticial aud of the Teeth. some The material.

Having, as surgeon, been necessity obliged to Teeth Plate kaow much of all the previous modes thia of invention making of and Dr. setting is teeth, I sup to any other plan, and that his invention will do not hesitate to state that soon far be considered as one of the great professional improvements of the age. The statement is made after a long and careful investigation of the matter, and obeerving its practical utili. Given at Cleveland Medical College, April 23d, 1855. H.

A. ACKLEY, M. Prof Surgery. IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY. I have camined quite a number of specimens of Dr.

M. Loomia' approvemeut" in Lentlstry. It consists of the entire set of teeth, together with gums and the roof of the meuth, being one solid piece of porcelain, the whole being beautically enameled with their appropriate colors. The teeth are worn with great comfort, there being 010 carlties for the lodgement of of food, as there must always be in the old method of gold plate setting, however well it may be executed. Among the many advantages are cheapness, durability, and cleanliness utility in masticating food.

Dr. M. Loomia was, in 1848 it will be recollected, a student of Dr. Wright, and after laboring hard to bring his Improve ment to perfection, obtaining letters friend patent both la this country and in Europe, remembered his old with him and preceptor, West. and gives him an opportunity to abare T.

GARLICK, M. D. Cleveland. April 28, 1856. oc8 im610 DILLS OF FUE BANKS OF INDIANA, Wiaconsin and Illinois taken at par for Dry Goods.


Sup. St. CHENE RIBBONS. -Wide and Darrow icr Bonnet and Trimmings. Store No.

Public Square. V. H. DE WITT. U.S.

ADVERTISEM'TS. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OF Dur, New York, Buffalo, Albany, Erie, Canada, Roches ter, Syracuse, Portland, A. J. and 6:20 P.M. CLOSE, 7:00 A.

Af. and 7:80 P. M. Clereland, cor. Seneca Bullalo.

and AIR. Albany, 146 and Broadway. Chicago, Clark: st. Principals. MI.



LA, FAQ. J. K. UID N. U.



HON. H. D. CLARE. Faculty, I.


C. BRYANT, W. I. E. R.

Instructors in the Science of Accounts and Locturer: on Bust ness R. SPENCER, LEMAN P. SPENCER R. SPENCER, JR. W.

P. A. SPENCER, SPENCER, INSTRUCTORS IN BUSIN AND ORNAMENTAL PENMANSILIP, AND LECTURERS ON COMMERCIAL A. SCHOLBGARIP lasted from this College w.Il be good; Buttalo and Chicago, and vice versa. For further information please call at College Room, 01 for circuiar.

BRYANT ma4-to Cleveland, Albany. Chicago. or Butalo. DRUGS, LOCATED: NEW DRUG FIRM. UNDERSIGNED HAVE UNITED our larze stork, and will continue the Drug bualnesa, old stand of Handemon l'ouderson, inore recently Palmer Sackrider, No' 73 Superior B.

M. HUTCHINSON, W. PALMER, STOVE BRUSHES, SCRUB BRUSHES, and Popes Eyes, for Window Washing, Shoe Paint and Varnish Brushes, for sale by oc? W. FISKE. BURNING FLUID, SP'I.

Gat retail. (A2 ALCOHOL FINKE. TORPENTINE and the basrret FOR HEALING THE NATIONS Sprains, all their Burns, Rheumatiem, infirmities, Caucera, such Pilea, as Bruises, and for Sores or Lameness in Use the Mexican Mustang Liniment! For eale by and Store everywhere. G. W.



GO TO NEW JEWEIRY STORE! No. 13 W'eddell Block, I you want TO SEE THOSE NICE GOODS, WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED! mat RENTON MATHIVET. New Goods! New Store! LOW PRICES. returned from New York with a large Goods cana'sting of WATCHES, of all descriptions. JEWELRY, fine as is wanted.

SUV WAKE, warranted pure. something a litth: the micest west of N. Y. WILLOW of all descriptions, WILLOW BASKETS, for waste paper. CHILDREN'S WILLAW CHAIRS.

WORK STANDS, tome thing new and nice. LADIES' WORK BAGS. something entirely new. A FINE LOT OF PICTURES. PORT MONATES.

(fall descriptiona. POCKET BOOKS for Genta very nice and convenient. of every description that la he. MATHIVET. BENTON No.

43 Weddell Block. Graffenberg Medicines. I hereby certity HARTFORN, that have been dealing to the Gratf; nberg Trumbull for the pasi five years, and can truly say have that met I with have never decided offered any approbation of the people, lime particularly inedicinea to the that the Pilla and Catholicon, they sell readily and all and of more the than is catholicon promised the past season, and I hear the beat resu'ta in for them. I have sold about cvery ease. J.

H. U. JOHNSON, Medical Arenta. Real what Dr. Bushnell says of the Graffenberz Medicines.

Dr. La a Physician of extensva practice and one of the o. most in the County in which be resid. This cert ties that 1 have us the Pills and Marshall's Catholicon, told bore by J. Joku-on, in my practice to my entire satisfaction.

DR. They A. are W. good BUSINELL. Medicine." Hartford, Trumbull 0., March 7th, 1657.

I am a physician of thirty year's practice. My principal study has been of icmalrs. They have generally baffled my best Uterine Ca' holicon was pleased yith them, gave the medi enfonta. Obtaloisz the materia's composing Marshall's my cine a torn fair trial, practice I cou'd only mitigate the of and found myself ad ul. in about half the case, and cond not one i.

ten. Now cau radically cure at lest seventeen in twenty, and catholican con miti the gate greatest bleating to femalee I bare over met with. the rust. 1 consider JAS. H.

WILLIABA, M. Charlugton. I Lave some thirty ca: e3 of utt-rine diseases, I deranged have mensu. trented ratiou dad arising from them. Hal accurding to the host of the schools.

and half. In order to ican, give Tea the out of the dicen who leva the Catbolican ur subject tole in el. wish Marshall's Uterine Cathol. well: the rest, with one exception, (a patient 10 of ice, 811 worn are illy conval die of the niteen treated I may renture to use te ta dreignate the taught and authorized by the schools -but one la res. well, and she is a young and strong girl about twenty cary of age.

Dive to he pomewhat relieved, but I expect 8 return of the the other pine are bal pa ever. Thesp to sets of caacs had a kinguter je'stion. ship to ex. other, ar tar a8 age an I symptoms were Uterine a fairer trial Lever he uno. It stamps Marshall'e a doubt.

as the the day, beyond R. J. WILSON, M. Baltimore. For Sale by Druggiats and Medicine I throughout the State.

Orders for Medicines should be addressed to M. B. KINGSLEY, Cleveland, Obio, Scent for the Neate. FOR BARRENNESS FEMALE IRREGULARITIES THIE GREAT JAPANESE REMEDY. TAR medical profession and the public are informed hAt henceforth an abundant supply of this ucw and moot extraordi nary plant can be depended upon, as the arrangements are now completed with the Japanese Government.

After its Introduc tiou lato Europe the demand as is well known, coon fur ex ceeded the supply, and thence the almost fabulous prices rea: ized for the smallest gnantitle. It is now imported largely it the cute consequently its purity and ita wonderful tro pertive are unequivocally guaranteed. Phyalciane are tonisbet at the unerring certainty of its elects. It le asserted br the highest unedical authorities and publications THAT I CANNOT FAlL in auy Case where physical does not exit. THE LONDON LANCET, the bigheat medical authority Euro, 4, vol.

2, pare Botanical remedy exurte a influence upon the uterus particularly In case of STERILITY and checked menstruation; a decoction from the LEAVES Invariably bring on the dis charge, which can ho maintained by a doss or two daily tor any length of time. When required for the purpore of obviatins STERILITY it must ne prepered from the ROOT." Willams, one of the most distinguished physicians of Europe. in Bralthwalthe's Retrospect, No. 23, 803, say's of the plant: "This reincay will prove one of the most certain and valuable additions to our MATARIA MEDICA the only tear I have in Ita introduction is that it mign ve abused, and become tho tend ready lustrument in procuring ator. ton." it has now beca proved that this wonderful plant is INVARIABLY EFFICACIOUS in developlug Invigorating, the virile power of man, and eves arousing, and it9 mysterious wherever it hay been ex.

hibited; and for thin purpoer particularly la macried with med the sigual sucres the pavelcians of the age. Ere ica and which san tie had tree. and Concentrated No. 1, for Barrennese Weakness, No. prepared fur om1 Female the Regularities, price 43 a bottle.

from Khe the LEAVES a bottle. by the dosa, a pl 20 per ernt. by the grues, a deductich of s4 per rent, net cash. sin gle bottle, doz or gross forwarded to any part of the Uniter States or Canadas, on receipt of remittance. For ale ow all and at the Depot of the KRETSE SING COMPANY, Broadway, New York.

Ali orders must to address KIE-TSESING CO. NA, :85 Broadway, N. Y. (xt. 20 ,1856.

wly twire awl A ONLY LOCKED GEORGE RED MOUN the ouly Wholesale Age to in Cleveland. Retailed by Drug. Cleveland, Mar 11th, 1857. Va gista 11d Ladies Look out for Moths! WILL LADIES TAKE FURS. And CHARGE OF LEIGH ROBES.

a and keep them during' the Summer, from Maths, at moderate charge, E. STAIR CO. ORANGES AND LEMONS, By the Box or at Reiall, at SANBORN'S, 9 ONTARIO STREET. an28 SKELETON, CORDED Embroldered Skirta, Steel and Brace Springs, Reeds and Whalebones, TAYLOR, GRINWOLD co. 4 LINIMENT.

FOR BURNS, BRUISES, RHEUMATISM, PAINS IN THE SPRAINS, STOP CUTS. BACK. BREAST. la warranted to elect perf ct cure. It acte like a charm.

notrates every More, ard relieves the most acu'e pains immediately. CW TRY ONE BOTTLE. Sold Who'esale and Retail by GAY LORD HAMMOND, DUE, l'alnesville, Ashtabula, Conneaut, way, 2:55 P. M. CLOSE, 7A.

M. DUE, Philadelphia and Baltimore, 7:30 A. M. Cree, 1:30 P. M.

Dux, Washington, 4:45 P.M. CLOSE, 1:80 P. M. DUE, Akron, Millersburgh, 11:14 A.M. CLoaK, 8:30 P.

M. ville. Dox, C. Da, P. K.

Wellsville, way, via 4:48 Pittsburgh, P.M. Hudson, Strulen 6:50 A.M, DUE. 0). P.M. M.

viz: Warren, Youngstown, Chagrin Falls, ULuSE, 0:00 A. M. Dux, Columbus and Cincinnati, 7:35 A. M. and 2:55 P'.

M. 6:80 A. Mi. and 5:80 I'. bi.

DUE, Mansfeld, Mt. Vernon, Newark, P. M. 7:00 A. SI.

Dux Zancaville, Wheeling, 9:20 P. M. 5:80 I'. M. DUE, Chicago, P.

M. Milwaukte, Burlington, 7:90 A. M. CLOSE, 2 DUE, 9:20 0. P.

0. J. U. R. R.

viz: Wellinzton, Deleware, DUx, CLosE, C. 1:30 T. P.M. R. 7:30 A.

M. North, viz: Handusky, Elyria CLOSE, 2:00 P. M. DUE, Toledo, 9:43 P. M.

2 P. M. 9:18 DUE P. M. Mad River K.

viz: Tidin, Dayton, Xenia, 7 A. M. 8:49 C. I'. Ml.

R. WAY, south, via Norwals, Oberil: CLosE, 8:00 J'. M. Fu. A.

Wayne, MS Bucyrus, 9:20 P. M1. Dux. Indianapolis, 9.30 M. Oruez, 7:00 P.M.

DUE, St. howa, 9:20 P. M. 9 P. M.

Dux, 5:80 Louisville, Nashville, P. ML. (LOG P.M. Dux, Detroit, 9.43. P.

M. 2 M. P.M. DUE O. P.

N. 1., via Salem, Wooster, A.M. Dis, Median, A. M. Brunswick, P'arma, 4,80 P.

N. day,) DuE, 9:00 P'. Rockport, M. Dover, (Monday, Wednea as acd Fri. Dux, Euclid, (Tuesday, East Thursday, Cleveland, and and Saturday,) 4:00 A.

M. 1:30 P. D. Collumer, 10:00 A. M.

Friday,) DUE, 5:00 Wads P. worth, M. 4 Granger lukley, (Tuesday CHASE. Weduceday and Saturday, 5:80 A. M.

us, Copley, 6:30 A. M. Bracksvule, Tuca. 5:00 P'. M.

CLuE, At the Depot, City and Toron throughout the West. 0. BALDWIN, O. H. SEYMOUR.

Capt. W. C. which this invention baa called out: We also append a few of the many notices he from the press From the Ohio Farmer, (Cleveland Howe's latent bliptic Spring Led Bottom. -We huve tried these Springs, and so have scores of oiLers in the city: and we know them to be just the thing-comfortable, cheap, stiple, and durable.

From the Baltimore Weekly Dispach. This Spring, La very pimple in construction, etrong, and, in of durability, will last as long us the bedstead to which it is attacked. Those who hare tested it, are unanimous in its praise. From the Commercial Advertiser. Howe's ring Bed is one of the must useful articha ever in vented, for the re and convenience of mankiud.

It is wi ve sally admired applauded, by all who examine it; aud those whe have tested its merits, Bay they would not do without it. From the Hartford Eveuing P'reas. "Howe's Elliptic Spring Bed" 18 A Dew invention, and we think it one of the Left construrtione ever invented for the oh ecta designed, viz: kronomly, comfort and health. For sick. ners, it must bu luvaluable; and the inver ton belug 80 clearly useful and cheap, wust come into geutral use.

From the Intelligencer. Howe's Patent Elliptic Bed Sprig is a tracting univereal al miration, from all eort: of' poore. Tip perfic adaptation to our requirements, its unalterable elasticity, the pride and beauty or the Elliptic Spring, and its proper adjustment, all demand our admiration, and compel ua to place it In tue foremost TaLk along modern in rentious. From the ('leveland Morning Leader. Howe's Patent Elliptic -pring Bed." -This is a simple inven.

tiou, but ne of great value, have surpassing, ind. ed, in every respoct anything of the kind we ever seen. We speak advisedly, having one of the articles in use, which we value very bighly. From the Cleveland Plain Dealer. How's Patent Elliptic Spring Bed.

luvention la hav. ing a one great that the popularity. iuvention A la glance oue of at the the lost article, will meritorious convince any introduced here. Agencies. Having unlim'ted facilities for manufacturing, and surplying any demand which may he made upon us, we are De prepared to estanliab Agencies for the sale of the Springs, upon the most far rable terms, in every city and town the State.

Public Houser, Steamboats, supplied in quan' ties, upon lib eral terms Ail lu ra'erence to Agencles, or otherwize, should be to GRAY CO. Proprietors, 21 Bauk Street, ('leveland, 0). P. 8. Our Springs can only be procured to this city, at the General Depot, 21 Bank where citizena generally, and dica in particular, are invited to examice them.

MECHANICAL. HOT AIR FURNACE. N. A. TILATING Boynton's HEATERS- New Ave and different Improved sizes adapted VENto all classes of public and private buildings.

This Furnace differs from anything ever before offered to the public. It i- peculiarly adapted to the use of bi. uminous coal. and the construction of Its self clearing radiator is un important consideration, as it effectually obviates the necessity of clear. ing.

The Furnaces have been thoroughly tested the past winter lu New York, Philadelphia, Budalo, and Detroit, and in every instance have given the most entire satiafaction. For sale by SMITH KELLOGG, Jelcl9tf Railroad Block, Water Street. SHIP PUMPS. To Builders and Orners of Steamers, Propellers Schuoners and other Lake Craft. subscribers beg leave to call your at tention to the Doable Action Force Pumpa arranged ex presaly for Vessel use.

They are very dimple in construction readily understood by all, compactly arranged, and not liable to get out of order, and for great durability and power, Ae fire engines they operate perfectly.PRICE $35.00. Union Pump Works, 118 John N. Y. E. L.

DAY, Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. These Pumps may be seen in operation at the Custom House where orders will be received by the Ag on nt. Also l'umps for Wells and Cisterus, on the same principle. jun20241yc James I. Odell's BRASS FOUNDERING AND FINISHING SHOP, Brass Work of every description made to order.

Nos. 8 9 West Hewitt's Steam Block. Feb. 24. 195 6m AWNINGS! AWNINGS! every kind and shape made and put up at the abortest not'c2 and at pricee that will suit every oLe.

FLAGS, TENTS, BAGS, COVERS, BEAUFORT Sail Makers Rigger, 110 and 111 River St. Advice to Husbands and Wives. ALSO TO THOSE Colored Steel I'lates CONTEMPLATING 35 CentsPlain I'lates 25 l'ents, free of postage. This work contalis a dissertation on the necessity of Mar rhuge. lustructions Courting, with a cure tor Love, efects of celibacy, Cohabit ton, cause of Sterility explained.

increase family, wit, many Adan otuer -froja the Frenet HENRY S. O. SMITH CO. Box 4210 l'oss Odice, New Yuk. WAGENTS WANTED.

1497 049 gm It. C. BLOcH, Importers of BRANDIES, RUM, GIN AND WINES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. WI CANAL BLOCK, No, 1, Cleveland, af, 1113d P. Li.


16 WATER STREET, Fep26 Lyd W. ROGERS, LANDSCAPE GARDENER, HEMLOCE PARK, CEDAR CLEVELAND, W. perience in TRUSTS, laying out PROM HIS LONG EXParks, Cemeteries and Pleasure Grounds, In England, (where the highest br uch of Landscape Garden ing 's an elegant Art ly so gencrally be ta fully con. petent to rive satisfaction to these who may employ hin: proif-asionally in tpe tine stock of of their homesteads. W.

R. has aleo a Large Ornamental Trees, Evergreens and Fr dr Trees, Which La will plant and wurant for two years. at moderate pricua, Every variety of Hardy Evergreens, Decidions Trees Flowering shrubs. Fruits, Koses and llerbarrous Planta, low as auy nursery, VINEYARDS PLANTED AND ESTABLISHED On favorable terms. de17 g95 diy Josiah Humphrey': Academy for Drawing and Painting.

NO. COURSES STREET. PUR SUED in this School will be such as to ensure to the Stu. dent a correct and scientiAc knowledge of the Art of Drawing and its application to the common nees of lip. The sele-t classes will ba continued as ual.

General clas ses are being formed, in which the number of Studenta will bot be limited aud the terms will be lower. Hours of Study, from 2 till 6 daily, except Saturdays, which day Specimens are on view at the where other Information is reserved for special instruction, may be obtalned. REFERENCES: REV. 8. W.



See Advertisem*nts. R.D KENDALL. C. A. WILLARD, C.


Jellics. ORANGE, Currant, Grape PINE and Guava, APPLE, le half A A A plats, QUINCE, pinta Quirta and two pound coLd. Freed made and warranted. de-29 1,99 ly WEAVER BROTHER. Preserves.

DLUM, PINE APPLE, GINGER, CRANberry, Quince, Pear, ('law Chaw. Lin.ea, in quarts, lal: gallone, gallons and 7 tr, etoni Jars. Warranted fresh. WEAVER BROTHER, de30129 1v 191 Surerior A ar Public Square. Our collection embraces the de arable kinds of this country aud Europe.Over oue hundred named sorta.


Also will be in weekly receipt of new caught Fish during the Fish stasoi B. A. BRAGG. HAS occupied TAKEN James THE Bennett, in SHOP rear of Parson's FORMERLY Block and Compercial lInuse, where he intends carrying on the HORSE SHOEING BUSINESS, Strictly on the cash gra'em. Ha ing had twenty year expert.

ence at the business in the East, feel conQuent that he can give entire Horses Snod on short notice. and particular attention paid to shoeing farcy Horse. Terms for Shoeing new, and 75 cent- for setting, For the Improvement of stock, Mr B2400 keep NAPOLEON MORGAN, and YOUNG GIFFORD MORGAN. Jan. h7l daw ly 300 store and arriving.

for sale GROCERIES IN BABco*ck mard! 16 Water Suet. Fruits, Pickles, A Currie NCHOVIES, Powder, Ac. Prunes, OLIVES, Figs, Raisins, SARDINES, Nuts, Bur nett'e. Cel brated Flavoring Extrarta. de? b38 ly WEAVER BROTHER.

SHAKER RECEIVED, Dozen all Sizes, Wate Colored, JUST at Shaw CO. New Millinery Store, Superior Steer, FRUIT AIR TIGHT -PATENT preserving SELF- Fruit, SEALrequiring DO WAT, solder, or cement. Quart, and gallon For male by SMITH Railroad Block, KELLOGG, Water 8. TRANSPORTATION. Liverpool, Philadelpuia and New York SCREW STEAMSHIP COMPANY SPLENDID STEAMships forming the above Line will call a trom NEW YORE as follows OF Capt.

Jetfrey. May, CHIY OF lie, Sin April, OF Petrie, May, L.eitch, l1th June, And every alternate Thunday. From LIVERPOOL every alternate Wed cedav. from New York, Cabiu $75, Thud ass V. Fare from Liverpool, Cabin 8108, a55 $75, hind Class $10 RETCRN TICKETS available tor six months any alexic er of the line.

CABIN, THIRD ('LASS, These Steamers are supplied with improved Walertight ca partments, and carry exper euced aurgeoi.s. proceeding to Europe, or wishing to send fo their frie nd- to the old country, cal purchase Tickets and infe ation by applying to J. 0. DALE. 18 Broadway, N.

Y. SABEL CON Broadway, N. or at the Bait ing and Exchange Office of J. Herdman 11 Water Street, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Passage Certifcatta by First Clad Selling Packets tetwera New York, Liverpool, 4avro and German P'orta; ulsa brail baued by the above Arma to suit, pi able throughou: the Continent of Europe, Great Britain aud Ireland.

spy 1857. 1857. FOR GREEN RAY AND MACKINAW. The Fire Low Presenre Steam ra MICHIGAN QUEEN CITY. leave Dock of Mix Morris, every week duing the OFTHE A STEAMERS season of Navigation, tor the above I' rta.

Freight re cuived 1 store. For Freight or Passage apply to nurS0 10 SIu MORRIS. Accuts. TEAM BETWEEN NEW TORE AND GLASGOW EDIN. BURGH, 25 Lons, Wx.

KINO; NEW YORK, 2150 tone, Commander KOBEET 1409 tone, Commander, Joan DUNCAN. Are appointed to fail FROM GLASGOW, NEW May. May. June. FROM NEW YORK.

EDINBURGH, .....251 May, April, 12 o'clock, boon NEW May, .20 June, 64 KATES OF PASSAGE. GLANOW. FROM NEW TORE. First Class. guineas First $15:0 Steerage, found with Storage, found with cooled provialuns, 8 cooked 80:00 An experieucod Surgeon attsched to cach Steamer.

intending to go by thia line of steamers should pay no attention to reports of the Berths being all tar. en, but apply at the Immediately on arriving iu the city. C- Hewire of Emigraut Runnerd. For Freight or Passage, apply to New York J. 17 Broadway, Now fort.

City Bulla ur Gold only received tor passage dex FOR GERMAN A NEW CAMPION YORK, UNITED BREMEN STATES MAIL SOUTI- STEAM EnS- The ships comprising Line are, the WASHINGTON, Cap'. L. MERMANN, Capt. kuward gins. These ate quers stop at Southampton, bulb guing returoing.

PhOTOSED DATES OF BAILINO-1857. From south From From ami.ton for New York New York, Suturduy Saturday W'enceda, Feb. 21 Feb. 25 Feb 21 Mar 21 Mar Mar 21 April 18 April 18 May 16 ay 20 16 June 19 June 17 13 July 14 July 18 HERMANN. At 8 Aug 13 WASHING 00.

('ci Sep 5 Sept bent 8 Oct bU Nov 30 Nov 18 Dec Nov $8 ver 26 1 Sti Stopping st Routamptor, botu going and returning, they outer passenger proeeeding to London and Have, advautages over every other route, for the economy of time and meuey. PASSAGE NEW 10 I OUTDAMPTON ANU bREMEn. Firyt Cabin, Main Saloon, First Cabin, Lower Saloon 2110; Secund do. :60. All letters and must pass through the Post Offica No bill of lading will be signed or parcels revelved ou the day ofe An vaperleneed Surgeon is attached to each ablp.

For freight or passage apply 0. I. SAND, South William Street New York, A. HEINEKIN ('ROSKEY 00., Southampiou, WM. ISELIN, Havre.

148dly OMNIBUS STREET LINE. PROSE TOT ST. to of Hudson- at and 19 A. M. at A.

and P. 4 listurn to corner Superior Ha ter M. I KINSMAN ST. to Water 9 and 13 A. D.

and. I. M. Heturn at and 10 A. 4, and 6 WEST SIDE, to Reservoir--at and 19 M.

and P. N. Roturu to Commercial Hotel at A. and Tickets at all the Bouk Stores. H.

S. STEVENS. dif BUSINESS CARDS. 130,000 Rolls of Wall Paper." WHICH MUST BE SOLD WITHIN slays. Tuey have been bought at a low four and will be sold a New York prices.

Thy con-14 of entry va lety of varying in price from 8 cente 10 41 50 per roll Alan on band a assort of GOLD and VEL VET BORDERS. This establishinout bave no big rente to pay and keep no dead heuds. Rowember the place. DOWNIE'S, Corner Wood aud Rock well Streete. Painting and Graining done in every varlety and style mar20 jv2 dun Take Notice.

EASTERN sre A now selling at COST, and for CASII, BUGGIES at 55 BANK STREET, To mak (room for a fresh eupply. API d3m F. O. DAYTON. NOTICE.

MIE Partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the natue of 11. G. LUCAS Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due to th dirm will be collected by H. G.

LUCAN, and all liabilities the Arm are to la rald by him, the assets of the Arm Laving been transferred to HI. Q. LUCAS, Cleveland, April 1st. 1857. FRANCIS ROW GEO.

L. NEWMAN. undersigned having purchased all the righ and luteresta of the above nalued FRANCIS ROWE AND GEO. L. NEWMAN, la the co-partnersbip existing heretofore under the name and.

Arm of G. LUCAS Would now respectfully say, that be la prepared to carry the business of BREWING AND MALTING, In the City of Cleveland, at the old known fo yeara the "IVES CLEVELAND BREWERY, and at the Malt louse on the West Side ALuwu as the FORE- PCITY MALT HOUSE," and takes this opportunity of kindly invi ting mers and friends of the bove well known Br. wing and Mahthe interest and continued support of the numerous custoing Busine-8. All orders and communications addressed to the subscriber will he promptly attended to, and all wo or accounts due late firm, are requested to be paid him, who aloue la authoriza tu receive them. 11.

G. LUCAS. Cleveland, April 1st, 1857. aps k53 81u J. HOLMES' IMPROVED SEAMLESS WHALEBONE SKIRTS! WE troducing TAKE our Improved PLEASURE Seamless IN Skirt, AGAIN as being IN- the most necep'able and reliable article in market; we are aware that many new styles are telore the poblic even as India Rut Gutta Percha, Rattan, all of a We bave if called for -but cannot recommend them, A3 we have with and tested them of the two years since, sub mitting them to the Judgement of competent ladies to decide upou their merits, and have found them, from actual use, to be in all important respects decidedly inferior to our properly prepared Whalebone, which has boen in use the past two years, and for which has been expressed from all parts of the conniry entire satisfaction: and we have the more positive evidence from our own large trade, annouuting to mauy dozens day.

therefore we recommit nd our Skirts to be the least obj ctionable of' anytbing In use posse-alog mans advan tages FOUND IN NO UTHER SKINT, the most important of which OuT sertes of can clastio be Curds at that the will bottom, recover made its place from when the only material that used, ed out of shape, will not rool or curl, is not aft cted by beat bos or cold and can be washed withou injury. These at the com, instead of bones, which are exceedingly awkward nad inconvenieut, our own prepared and a fabric was. factured by ourselves expressly for our goods. in our ex and the estimation of thousands who bave used them, produce a Skirt, and the only Skirt equally adapted to the parlor and the erect, and the crowd. a proper, graceful and elegant form to a Ladies' drese: ligat, pliable, adjusted and in every all respect linitatious cr other goods called Seamlese a complete article.

The public are cautioned Every Seamless gennine Whalebone article is Skirt, aud are for sale at 99 Market Street. stamped, E. J. Ho'mes' Improved P'h ladelphia, and iu the principal Jobbing Houses in New Yore and Boston. Boston, Feb.

1. 1887. F. J. HOLMES CO.

ALTER To those who Love their Fellow Beings. HAVE A REMEDY (PURELY VEGETABL.E) for Fever and Ague, Fits, Failine Sickness, cheap, a bled has never been known to fail. It is ple-sant, and it la ficacious. Any person who will send me the names, and tiou, disease of the Chest or Lnngs. or suttering from directiona to the residences of ten ludividuale sick of Consumpor any shattered Constitution, will receive re.

wardt broken his down Recipe. and It embodies ful for waking and administering this wonderful Medirine. TRACY Address, DELORME, DR. New York Pest and White thick Poplins, Mourning French Prints. Figured Briants.

Blaick and White Mar eellles, for Masques. Check Shirting ma? H. D. A KENDALL CO. Bonnet Ribbons..

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.