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AC~I~IVISM ARTICLES 0001 "Aikido politics" tries to make the court of public opinion work by replacing confrontation with rational exchange views. PRR (Jul 18) I. Account of activists' confrontational tactics. 0002 Controversy over smoking at work. Bus W (Oct) 53. The concern over the adverse health effects of secondhand smoke is turning what has been iJ~ivate matter into a controversial public issue. 0003 Girondi, A. J. A discriminant analysis of attitudes related to the nuclear power controversy. J Env Educ (Sum) 2. This study was designed to develop a test instrument for measuring selected attitudes toward nuclear power. 0004 Gitelson, S. Making advertising dollars productive. Nat Und P & C Ins (Jan) 11. Guidelines for effective advertising. 0005 Glazer, Nathan. Towards a self-service society? Pub Int (Win) 66. Discussion of the trend in social services toward decentralization and voluntarism. 0006 Harvey, M. G. Terrorists vs. the MNCs. PRJ (Oct) 12. The major goal of many terrorist actions is to attract media coverage. MNCs can also use the media to respond to terrorist attacks. To do so, terrorist goals and strategies must first be explored. 0007 Higgins, Kevin. Infant formula teaches Nestle a tactical lesson. Mkt News (Jun 10) I. Consumer activists accused the Nestle Co. of promoting bottle-feeding over breast-feeding of babies in poor countries, resulting in infant malnutrition and death, and urged a boycott of Nestle products. The firm has adopted the tactic of meeting directly. 0008 Jaraslovski, Rich. Should a newsman be active participant in partisan politics? WSJ (July 8) I. ABC-TV news commentator George Will gives Reagan a rave review after the 1980 Carter/Reagan presidential debates. In fact, Reagan was prepped for the debate by Will himself. 0009 Newsom, D.A. Conflict: who sets media attention - and why? PR Rev (Fall) 35. Putting news coverage of conflicts or crises into perspective is difficult for most media consumers. Very often, pressure groups receive more coverage than the institutions they attack. O010 Sehmertz, Herbert. Advocacy has its rewards. CJ (May/Jun) 17. Mobil Oil vice president believes Mobil is making headway in getting its message across after nearly 15 years of advocacy advertising. 0011SDX draws up list of resolutions designed to protect freedom of press. Bdst (Dec 5) 60. SDX draws up number of resolutions protesting government actions restricting flow of information. 0012 Serotkin, Paul. Political greening of small business. PRJ (Apt) 12. With Washington underestimating their need for representation during the 70s, small businessmen began to protest more vocally, which led to grassroots-interest, political activism and finally mobilization. O013 Swearingen, J. E. Responsibility in journalism. VS (Mar 15) 344. Past incidences of unfairness of the media, sensationalism in news. Survey results on media coverage of oil-related incidences uncover bias. 0014 Yoda, William. What do you do with the do-gooders. CJ (Nov/Dec) 47. Director of employee communication poses a problem when employees decide to publish a newsletter containing the company name. He decides to do nothing.



BOOKS 0015 Media abuses: right and remedies; a guide to legal remedies. Washington, DC: The Media Institute, 103 Pp. A practical guide for people considering the administrative and judicial remedies available to them if they believe they are the victims of distorted media coverage. 0016 New threat to alcohol advertising. Bdst (Nov 28) 25. Public interest groups file petition at FTC asking that all advertisem*nts for alcohol be removed from the public airwaves. THESES 0017 McMahon, Beatrice. Interest and source - use patterns exhibited by members of religious communities in six areas of social concern. Unpub thesis (Pennsylvania). The study analyzes interest and information source patterns of the members of a center for peace and justice. 0018 Stanfield, D. W. A comparison of mobilizing information in alternative and mainstream newspaper. Unpub thesis (Oregon). Compares the frequency with which the media influence opinion on controversial, public affairs news.

ADVERTISLXG ARTICLES 0019 A Forum, arranged by the Television Bureau of Advertising, analyze commercial acceptance. Brdst (Apt 18) 100. The forum has decided that nudity is off-limits but that tasteful sex, often seen in foreign commercials, is acceptable. 0020 Abrams, B. Advertisers growing restless over rising cost of TV time. WSJ (Jan 27) 29. Reason for increasing TV costs is that they're set by supply and demand. There is a great demand these days for commercial spots, yet limited space. O021 Advertisers turn to independents with increased fYequency as network advertising fees escalate. Brdst (Jan 24) 67. Advertisers even are willing to pay for developing original programing. 0022 Advertising on PBS: reality of fantasy. Mkt & Med Dec (Oct) 146. Ten volunteer public television stations tested advertising for revenue alternatives. Tentative results show little adverse public reaction. 0023 1982 advertising-to-sales ratios. Bus Mkt (Oct) 88. Schonfeld and Associates 1984 advertising spending forecasts are discussed. The drug industry is expected to lead spending followed by retail department stores. The annual growth rates of advertising spending in different industries are given. 0024 "Advertorial~' available in leading dailies. PRR (Oct 3) 3. O'Donnell organization claims advertorials do not hamper editorial acceptability. Rates are given. 0025 Alberto-Culver is first advertiser to accept NBC-TV's proposal for linking two 15-second "piggybacks" in a 30-second commercial advertising of two unrelated products. Brdst (Apr 18) 136. None of the commercials submitted by A-C have been accepted by NBC yet. 0026 American Advertising Federation plans to award its Addy awards nationally. Brdst (Jan 31) 54. The awards, for a decade granted only

Advertising to local advertisers, will be given for creative excellence in 13 product or service categories in five media. 0027 Anheuser-Busch was the leading radio advertiser for the first nine months of 1982. Brdst (Jan 24) 7. The beer producer spent $33.2 million on the medium. The second largest radio advertiser was General Motors with expenditures n~mbering $27.5 million. 0028 Antilla, Susan. TV ads go satellite. Doris Bus (Oct) 81. Advertisers are looking to the skies to get commercials to stations by satellite delivery. 0029 Apple's polished campaign. Adv Teeh (Dec) 8. The computer age is here, but many people do not understand computers. To overcome this problem, Apple created a series of ads emphasizing their easy-to-use personal computers. 0030 Archibald, R. B. & others. Quality price advertising and published quality ratings. J Cons Res (Mar) 347. This study focuses on the nature of the links between quality, price, and advertising. Earlier estimations of a negative link between quality ratings and advertising have been substantially disproven. O031 Armstrong, G. M. & J. L. Ozonne. An evaluation of NAD/NARB purpose and performance. J Ad (3) 15. Examines the performance of advertising regulating bodies. 0032 Bailey, D. M. New England's leading advertising agencies. NE Bus (Aug I) 18. The top seventy-five advertising agencies in New England are presented in a chart. Advertising revenues for 1982 were considerably increased, with the topten agencies accounting for over half the total billings. 0033 Bath iron works is ship shape. Adv Tecn (Nov) 12. A series of black and white award-winning ads for Bath Iron Works Corporation serve a dual purpose: to remind Congress of the urgent need for a bigger navy and that B.I.W. is the best company for the contract. 0034 Becker, B. W. Injunction powers of the federal trade commission immediate relief from deceptive advertising. J Ad (3) 43. The history and development of the injunctive powers of the FTC are given through legislation and judicial interpretation. 0035 Belinsky, M. N. Organ Dyn (Feb) 62. After unsuccessful attempts to gain favorable public opinion from the ecologically-minded, Mobil Inc. was advised to terminate its advertising campaign in such environmentalist publications as National Wildlife and Audubon. 0036 Bellizzi, J. A. & others. Cyclical variations of advertising and personal selling. J Acad Mkt Sci (Win/Spr) 142. The promotional spending of United States businesses on advertising and personal selling is studied over business cycles to determine if spending varies during difficult economic periods. 0037 Bellizzi, J. A. & J. Lehrer. Developing better industrial advertising. Ind Mkt (Feb) 19. Industrial advertising gives a company a widespread exposure in the market and gives information on products of a relatively low cost. 0038 Belth, I. The inflammatory issue of 'Junk Mail.' WSJ (Mar 18) 21. Although many claim the only use for junk mail is as fuel for heating, this is not true. Many people use it as a convenient method to shop. 0039 Bennett, J. R. Saturday Review's annual advertising awards. J Bus Ethics (May) 73. Annual Advertisingn Awards given by 'Saturday Review' are to be judged public-service advertisem*nts and public-relations

Advertising advertisem*nts. But that does not happen in practice~ according to the author. 0040 Bill Burton, chairman of Eastman Radio, says getting ad dollars assigned to daytime TV is radio's biggest challenge. Brdst (Mar 7) 48. An estimated $2.7 billion is spent on daytime TV annually by advertisers, and radio needs a piece of that, declares Burton. 0041Bohn, Joseph. Food equipment maker tries local television. Bus Mkt (Jun) 12. A food service equipment company discontinues direct sales in advertising approach and uses the F#ney saved for heavy •q advertising. 0042 Brewing a new look for Miehelob. Adv Tech (Jun) 18. Miehelob eliminated the people and concentrated on the product in their advertising. 0043 Buell, Barbara. Int'l Mgt (May) 40. The Sord Computer Systems plan of advertising stresses the ideas behind the product as well as the computer itself. 0044 Burger King beefs up its jobs and jokes. BUs W (Sep 26) 42. Burger King improves performance and launches a humorous $25 million ad campaign against McDonald's. The fast-foo~ giant retaliates with its Olympics campaign. 0045 Byme, A. J. Tells why your advertising isn't understood. Nat Und P & C (Aug) 24. Guidelines for effective advertising are presented. Advertising should be simple and clear. 0046 Cable easebook: how to place PSAs on cabIe. VM (Feb) 3. Survey reveals optimistic future for PSAs. 0047 Cable convention draws 15,000 to Houston. VM (Jul). National Cable Television Association meet in nationai convention responding to cable audiences growing at rate of 400,000 households a month. Warned against regulation and lack of public understanding. 0048 CabIe TV is one advertisings most innovative media. Brdst (Apt 4) 28. Some of the advantages cited are longer-length spots, program sponsorships, merchandising benefits, and ~o:nrnercials that are the program. 0049 Chestnut, R. W. ARF interview: technology and its implications for advertising. J of Adv Res (Aug/Sep) 9. Advertising research is playing a crucial role in the debate over how technology is changing how advertising uses the mass media. 0050 Chestnut, R. W. Technology and its implications for advertising. J Ad Res (Aug/Sep) 9. Television is the medium that will undergo the most change as a resuIt of cable, teletext, pay-per-view and more. 0051 Coalition for better television released its list of 10 advertisers it considers to be the top sponsors of sex, violence, and profanity on prime time. Brdst (Feb 14) 112. The coalition plans a b~ycott. 0052 Coe, B. J. The effectiveness challenge in issue advertising campaigns. J Ad (4) 24. The effectiveness of issue advertising by business is examined. Results indicate that neither business nor media executives are satisfied with the current level of effectiveness. 0053 Cohen, Herb. How to negotiate anything. Pub Mgt (Jan) 2. Article is taken from a keynote speech by the author of the book by the same name. 0054 Computer blitz on TV. Bus W (Hat 14) 56. Computer advertisers are spending more than $200 million on TV this year. Computer advertisb~g is becoming very competitive as the major companies use advertising that is designed to belittle one another.


Advertising 0055 Coors pulls campus ads. Ad Age (Dec 19) 83. Coorscompany is ordered to discontinue a print ad campaign that is improperly using sex to sell Coors beer. 0056 Copier a versatile tool for advertising agency. Office (Jul) 104. An advertising agency known as the Marketing Connection has u t i l i z e d an e f f i c i e n t copier to save eosts. 0057 Copy ehasers choice: 1982's best business/industrial advertising. Ind Mkt (Jan) 56. A good ad establishes a relatlonship between the imaginations of the advertising tea:n and the reader. IBM and Xerox show consistent s k i l l in their ads. 0058 Copy testing for public relations and advertising. SSM (Apt) I. Account of the work of PACT (positioning advertising copy testing) which resulted in a consensus on basic copy testing principles. Nine principles are named and described. 0059 Corporate affairs: who supervises the ad agency? Hosp(Feb I) 35. The question of who controls a hospital's advertising agency. A lock at five different models that involve the administration-marketing-agency triangle. 0060 Creativity and skill-sharpening were the aspects stressed at the annual meeting of the American Association of Advertising Agencies. Brdst (May 16) 83. Discussed were Lifestyles and Trends, Executive Health, Managementof Technology and Mismanage~.entStyles. 0061Crittendon, R. R. Solidifying the company image with a bold advertising graphic. Bus Mkt (Dee) 76. After being acquired by Smith Kline Corp., Beckman Instruments had an image problem which they solved by a coordinated, high v i s i b i l i t y advertising campaign. The development of the campaign and i t s strategy and tactics are described. 0062 Dardenne, P. Corporateadvertising. PRJ (Nov) 32. An annual survey of corporate advertising expenditures was done. Several tables d e t a i l the r e s u l t s . 0063 Dole gets a new look. Adv Tech (Feb) 8. Dole Pineapple ads breaks the t r a d i t i o n a l mold by using simple, sophisticated easy-to-read copy. 0064 Donath, B. Managingthe partnership: how Du Pont works with i t s six advertising agencies. Bus Mkt (Sep) 70. How Du Pont deals and works with i t s six advertising agencies is described. I t s methods for handling compensation are described. Budgetingand agency evaluation methods are also described. 0065 Dunbar, D. S. Trends in t o t a l advertising expenditures in 16 countries, 1970-1981. I n t ' l J Ad (Jan-Mar) 73. The advertising expenditures of Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Germany, I t a l y , Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Philippines, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States are given. 0066 Dunk, W. P. Managementthrough chivalry. RR (Aug 15) supp. HOw managers at Ogilvy and Mather advertising agency manage with kindness, eomonsense and plain speaking. 0067 Edell, J. A. & Richard Staelin. The information processing of pictures in print advertisem*nts. J Cons Res (Jun) 45. Postulates that the presence of a dominant picture in a print ad can alter a consumer's cognitive activity while viewing the ad. 0068 Fannin, Rebecca. 'Madam Skin.' Mktg & Media Dec (Dec) 58. Mary Kay cosmetics adds TV advertising to its marketing. 0069 .. Made to order magazines. Mktg & Media Dee (Nov) 66. Advertisers sponsor their o~n magazines to get targeting and a eontrolled environment.


Advertising 0070 . Regional magazines' new national impact. Mktg & Media Dec (Aug) 64. Regional magazines are garnering more national advertiser interest. 0071 Exxon Office Systems develops a unique new advertising campaign using talents of award-winning cartoonists, composers and producers. Brdst (May 23) 14. The animated commercials are designed to simplify the complicated subject of automated office equipment. Target audience includes managament personnel. 0072 Fiur, Merton. Advertising and public relations: together again for the first time. Mad Av (Apt) 32. Ad agencies are again becoming involved in public relations, but a history of past relationships indicates that neither side has realized that the capabilities belong together. 0073 Floyd, C.F. Issues in the appraisal of outdoor advertising signs. Appraisal J (jul) 422. The Highway Beautification Act of 1965 aroused interest in the valuation of outdoor advertising. More than one hundred thousand billboards have been torn down due to the law but more than that number of illegal signs remain up. 0074 5 ~ for thought. Adv Teeh {Oct) 27. With playful art and headlines and d~,'d hitting copy, a California agency creates a s,~all-space campaign that succeeds in promoting a hospital's weight control program. 0075 Friedman, S. Agents learn use of advertising tools. Nat Und P & C (May 27) 8. Guidelines offered for insurance agents who are planning advertising campaigns. 0076 Gardner, Fred. Will advertisers fit in the media room? Mktg & Media Dec (Aug) 58. As consumers acquire more and increasingly sophisticated video equipment, their f&~ily room turns into a media room. 0077 Garner, K. P. Agencies and Brokers. GAM (Mar) 128. Deals with probl~ns between creative printers and big advertising agencies. 0078 Garson, B. K. International high-tech advertising: when you're hot you're hot. Ad W (Apr/May) 6. International advertising executives from Apple Computers, Atari and TeleVideo Systems discuss the way their companies monitor overseas m~rket trends. 0079 Gay, V. Business to business advertising. Mkt & Me4 Dec (May) 111. Five winning campaigns of the American Business Press' Advertising to Business C~npaign awards are described to show how they used all three aspects effectively. 0080 Giacobazzi spots pulled. Ad Age (Jul 25) 83. ABC's owned-andoperated AM radio outlet in Washington drops 60-second Giacobazzi wine advertisem*nts following complaints about its being sacreligious. The commercial used music to Handel's "Messiah" but substituted the word "Giacobazzi" for "hallelujah." 0081Gotcha grabs ya. Adv Teeh (Sep) 8. Art director for Salisbury Communications explains the use of flashy illustrations in his latest campaign for Gotcha swimwear; a unique use of artwork to position the c~npany. 0082 Greenblat, A. Advertising Fiascres. SH (Mar) 12. A convention manager must attend to details before the meeting, article tells how. 0083 Green, L. A buyer's guide to direct response space advertising. Dir Mkt (Oct) 176. Selection of a print advertising schedule by direct marketers is dictated by choosing publications that reach the correct target eustsners and reflect an image parallel to the offer. 0084 Grey, B. E. Want more business? Adv Tech (Feb) 29. The key to


Advertising success is to save the clients money and create a larger return for their money. 0085 Griffin, George. How's your advertising? The greeting card as advertising. GAM (Oct) 142. The seasonal greeting card is treated here as a form of direct mail advertisem*nt. Greeting cards are more personal though, and more apt to be read and remembered. 0086 Inside a typographers newsletter. GAM (Jun) 105. The number of company newsletters for public relations is increasing. The secret behind a newsletter is to make it look like journalism instead of P.R./advertising, and give it personality. 0087 . Newsletters: the friendly way to advertise. GAM (Mar) 127. Newsletters can often be more effective for smaller advertisers than the other media. The newsy format makes it more believable. The magic is its format - the editorial idea. 0088 Guinzberg, Suzanne. Puffery Sells. Psych Today (Feb) 23. Although many advertisem*nts use false claims - Minute Rice: perfect rice every time, and Ivory: the pure soap - it does work! 60% of college students interviewed used their products because of their (false) claims! 0089 Hallen, M. Creative compromise: marriage of direct, mass advertising. Dir Mkt (Oct) 188. A new specialty fo ~ both mass advertisers and direct marketers is a marriage of mass advertising and direct response disciplines. 0090 Hauptman, D. The human factor: it can skyrocket advertising impact. Dir Mkt (Mar) 76. Test shows human interest copy in direct mail advertising is significantly more effective. 0091 Healey, J. S. & H. H. Kasssrjian. Advertising substantiation and advertiser response. J Mkt (Win) 107. The advertising substantiation program that the Federal Trade Commission enacted in 1971 states that advertisers must have all available research and tests ready for inspection on all advertising claims. 0092 Herzog, R. E. Advertising to design engineers. Bus Mkt (Sep) 110. Design engineers play an important role in purchasing decisions and industrial advertisers should try to reach this group. The design engineer function is described. 0093 Higgins, K. Advertising paves way for national law firm. Mkt N (Sep 2) I. A law firm specializing in workers' compensation chases advertises in newspaper, trade journals, and on cable television. The firm has partners located in 36 states to which potential clients are referred. 0094 High rise art and design. Adv Tech (Mar) 14. Four-color spreads of inte,pretative art used to promote Houston's Four Leaf Towers condominiums. 0095 Hill, PHil. Man Dieu, these French ads. Ad Age (Aug I) 83. France, the home of avant garde cinema and sexual imagery, is now beco:ning the home of dirty words in ads. 0096 Hisrich, R. D. Executive advertisers' views of comparison advertising. Sloan Mgt R (Fall) 3. A study of the attitudes of directors of advertising firms about comparison advertising indicate that practitioners prefer to compare a product with a na~ned competitor if they are going to use comparison advertising. 0097 Holding advertising accountable via computer. Ind Mkt (Mar) 70. Everede Tool Company developed a computer system for handling advertising generated sales leads. The system has reduced costs by eighty percent over its manual system.


Advertising 0098 Hoop, C. C. & J. N. Wolzanehy. Matching white-collar skills to the work. HBR (Nov) 64. Discusses how a program at the research and development division of a large company improved productivity, enhanced the quality of work llfe and saved money. 0099 Horn, J. C. The Cable Fable. Psych Today (jan) 67. Media consultant questions the future of cable television. Since most of the cable channels are local, they are amateurish. Viewers demand high quality! Even if these shows do attract people, they will not attract advertisers! 0100 Hume, Scott. Recall problem just won't let go. Ad Age (Sep 26) 83. Many consumers not only have trouble remembering the names of the brands they buy, but also the advertising for any brands in many categories. 0101 IIAA pilots advertising consultancy program. Nat Und P & C (Jun 24) 41. The Independent Insurance Agents of America launch a series of advertising seminars throughout the country to stimulate an understanding of advertising and marketing opportunities. 0102 IIAAoffers radio program for advertising spots. Nat Und P & C (Sep) 32. A syndicated radio program will be offered to independent insurance agents for advertising purposes. The program is called Crime Line. It is a ninety-second program offering crime tips. 0103 In-flight ads: a new business takes off. Bus W (Apt 25) 106. Airlines are beginning to show ads to flyers in addition to movies. The airlines are paid either on a per traveler basis or offered a percentage of the ad sales. 0104 Increasing costs and market fragmentation were two of the major problems addressed by the Association of National Advertisers television workshop. Brdst (Feb 21) 56. James Coppersmith of WCVB-TV Boston suggests that stations can prosper through a policy of localism, regionalism, and in-house production. 0105 Jacobi, Peter. Ads tech. RR (Feb 14) supp. Essay on ads that sell ideas, concepts, philosophies as well as information and advice. 0106 Justice dept investigates arrangements in which networks sell exclusive advertising rights to beer companies. Brdst (Jan 3) 9. These arrangements, designed tneliminate competition, arenow believed to be the fault of the beer companies aqd not the networks. 0107 Kinsley, Michael. !~ne dare call it commercial. Harpers {Mar) 9. Public television stations are starting to sneak in commercials as "visual messages of enhanced corporate identity." 0108 Late-night programing is promoted to advertisers as excellent demographic market. Brdst (Mar 28) 80. Playboy Cable Network President Paul Klein said that late-night television audiences tend to be "younger and more affluent." 0109 Legal services are the fastest growing advertising category, according to the Television Bureau of Advertising. Brdst (Mar 28) 18. In 1978, the first year that restrictions on legal advertising were lifted, less than a million dollars was spent on TV. In 1981 more than $11 million were spent. 0110 Leone, R. P. Modeling sales-advertising relationships. J Mkt Res (Aug) 291. A competitive industry that relies on advertising is analyzed through the use of multivariate time series analysis. 0111Lieboff, L. Standard advertising units. Mkt & Med Dec (Jul) 165. ANPA's standard unit for advertisem*nts is dlscribed, explained and defended.


Advertising O112 Mayer, J. Putting ads on public T@ angers few. WSJ (Mar 24) 35. Commercials have come to public television but not with the outrage as expected. 0113 Maysles, David & Albert. Direct cinema. CJ (Sep/oct) 30. Hollywood producers advise corporate and advertising film makers. O114 McNeal, J. V. Advertising's disparagement of American workers. BUs H (Jan-Feb) 7. While some ads continue to stereotype male/female roles and some ethnic groups, other have found a new target: the A,nerican worker. Gives suggestions and alternatives to this derogatory advertising. 0115 & S. W. McDaniel. Prospects for future advertising regulation: "a'view from Capitol hill. Mid S BUs J (Jan) 17. Members of Congress were asked in the study to indicate the role the federal government would play in advertising in the eighties. 0116 Media Monitors specialize in tracking radio advertiser activity on a market-by-market basis. Brdst (Mar 9) 48. The company, which monitors eocm~ercials by recording th~n in log form is gaining mom,ent~m. 0117 Mehlman, Barbara. Speaking out can be good for your corporate health. Mad Av (Feb) 72. International Telephone & Telegraph, W. R. Grace, and Mobil use corporate advertising to assure that the public's perception of them is based on deliberat~ u'~| ~ell thought-out advertising that can help to balance the negative stories that sometimes appear. 0118 Mintz, Steven. Of toasters and telephones. Sales & Mkt Mgt (Nov) 35. Consumers will spend $~00 million on home phones this year, because advertising has persuaded them that owning a phoone is cheaper than r e n t i n g one. 0119 N e t t e r , J. M. P o l i t i c a l c o m p e t i t i o n and a d v e r t i s i n g as a b a r r i e r t o e n t r y . S Econ J (Oct) 510. P o l i t i e a l c o m p e t i t i o n data i s used t o gauge the e f f e c t o f a d v e r t i s i n g on c o m p e t i t i o n . 0120 Naples, M. A new era f o r a d v e r t i s i n g and market research. Rev o f Bus (Sum) 15. Marketing researchers c o l l e c t and analyze data so t h a t d e c i s i o n makers can assess forces a f f e c t i n g t h e market and judge consumer b e h a v i o r . 0121 New image o f UCC. Adv Tech (Sep) 24. C r e a t i v e d i r e c t o r Ron HcQuien discusses the use of lively, image-creating ~ds for a computing software business tn position a product that has nothing visual to offer. 0122 Neumann, A. T. Bucha,~ sues over Aqua-fresh. Ad Age (Aug I) 83. Bucham sues Colgate-Palmolive for infringement of copyright covering the name and packaging of Aqua-fresh. Colgate-Palmolive is offering a toothpaste, in the Phillipines, called Fresh Plus that resembles the package of Aqua-Fresh closely. 0123 New Paine Webber ads snub Securities industry tradition. WSJ (Jul 14) 29. Paine Webber is taking a poke at its competitors and naming them directly in a new commercial for Paine Webber's new Resource Management account.

0124 New prestige for print. Adv Tech (Feb) 24. Alvin Hampel, Chairman of D'Arcy-MacManus & Maslus, discusses the power and effectiveness of the print medium and its importance in the future of advertising. 0125 Newspaper adverSising. S & M Mgt Can (Nov) 8. Newspapers reach upper income and educational level families. Newspapers als~ serve the creative advertising approach effectively with opportunity 6)r continuous advertising c&~paigns.


Advertising 0126 NORMA awards. Adv Tech (Mar) 8. The most notable trends among this year's winners were use of large, dominate illustrations, bold headliner, generous use of white space and incorporating several items of merchandise into a single graphic el~ment. O127 Norris, V. P. Toward a social control in the advertising agency. J Ad (1) 30. College students are not told the truth about the real advertising world. 0128 Not strictly business. Adv Tech (Oct 22. Allied Corporation approaches the old problem of getting people to read the copy in a corporate policy ad by using a series of enticingly bold and funny images and copy that emphasize their new energetic spirit. 0129 Outdoor in the offing. Mktg & Media Dec (Out) 72. Fiber optics and holography are turning outdoor media into high-tech vehicles. 0130 Owari, Y. Advertising in relation to economic growth. Int'l J Ad (Jul) 233. Com:nereial television and new products contributed to the developTnent of advertising and economic growth in Japan. Advertising expenditure expanded at a higher rate than personal consumption and gross national product. 0131Passow, S. Eye on advertising in the P.R.C. Ad World (Apr/May) 28. Despite the limited opportunities in China, advertisers are still attracted to the country, but most of the advertisers in China are Japanese firms. 0132 Pepsi Now! Adv Tech (Sep) 14. BBDO Executive Creative Director comments on the use of spontaneity in shooting the 1983 Pepsi campaign, "Pepsi Now" with Pepsi Challenge spots. 0133 Peugeot's newspaper relaunch. Mktg & Media Dec (Jul) 48. The French automaker is revitalizing sales with an ad campaign that relies heavily on newspapers. 0134 Poindexter, J. Voices of authority. Psych Today (Aug) 53. Recently, there has been a grea~ ih~,rease in the number of professional businessmen (executives) making commercials! The reasoning is simple-it works! People are more likely to buy the product, because of the increased interest in knowing the person behind the product. 0135 Political advertising o~ television reached a record high of $117 million in 1982, according to the Television BureaJ of Advertising. Brdst (Mar 7) 84. The use of TV advertising to political candidates is expected to reach totals of $180 million in 1984. O136 Production manager profile: Bill Strub. Adv Tech (Apt) 28. Advertising is a team effort that depends on details and accuracy, says Strub. Managers must be trained in both production and traffic. O137 "Programmereials" may be the cable feature of the future. Brdst (Feb 28) 18. These short entertaining or informative video clips are interspersed with commercial messages and designed for showing on cable systems. O138 Rate setting for magazines. Mktg & M~]ia Dec (Fall) 41. Jim Kobak explains how consumer magazine and business publication rates are set. O139 RCA projects enormous growth rates in television advertising by 1990. Brdst (Apt 18) 72. In its annual report, RCA claims that television advertising will reach $32.3 billion a year by 1990. 0]40 Reader's Digest runs full-page ad proclaiming that network television ratings are dow~1. Brdst (Feb 28) 98. The revolutionary advertisem*nt goes on to say that magazines, particularly Reader's Digest, are the best medium to fill the audience gap.


Advertising 0141Reiss, Craig. Opponents of split 30s fear basic change in TV. Ad Age {Oct 31) 3. 15-second commercials may become the basic unit and may increase advertising commercial clutter. 0142 . Will ads turn cable into a TV clone? Mktg & Media Dec (Jul) 39. The economics of audience delivery have made cable turn to ads; are ads turning cable into over-the-air TV? 0143 Report says ad agencies too cautious - new media suffer. Bus Mkt (Apt) 45. A report by International Resource Development says that ad agencies are slowing the growth of new electronic media. 0144 Rennie, D. Going in-house: one company's success with do-it-yourself advertising. Bus Mkt (Sep) 71. A ease history on how one c~mpany converted from ad agency services to in-house service. 0145 Revised guidelines issued for advertising to children. Mkt N (Sep 2) 4. The Children's Advertising Review Unit of the Council of Better Business Bureaus has published revised guidelines for advertising to children. 0146 Sachs, W. S. MBO in advertising. Rev of Bus (Sum) 19. The concept of management by objectives entered advertising more than twenty years ago. Applying the concept of MBO to advertising is a three-stage process. O147 Samuelson, AI. Samuelson,s commentary stresses the need for more creative effort in advertising. Brdst (Apt 18) 18. He feels that American industry emphasis on cost effectiveness, planned obsolescence, and marketing strategy, has bypassed the basics. O148 Santill, P. C. The informative and persuasive functions of advertising: a moral appraisal. J Bus Ethics (Feb) 27. Advertising both informs and persuades consumers. The moral evaluation of advertising as developed by Burton Lelser is reviewed. O149 Sassoon: a cut above. Adv Tech (Jun) 12. To regain a glamorous campaign, the Vidal Sassoon ads used bright primary color backgrounds and close-ups of both products and model. O150 Schaefer, A. O. Jr. Business-to-business advertising takes off. Mad Av (Nov) 34. Business-to-business advertising is the fastest growing se~nent of the industry. 0151 Sherman, Howard. Direct marketing boom boosting U.S. shops. Ad Age (Aug 15) 83. U.S. agencies scramble to set up direct response subsidiaries because the ones that have opened are booming because high TV costs and declining audiences are cutting into the effectiveness nC TV advertising. 0152 Silver, J. Does advertising influence snaking? Rev of Bus (Sum) 24. The object of the program was to determine advertising methods in changing eating habits. The connection between advertising and youthful snacking is examined. 0153 Sponseller, Diane. Progress of regulation: conservation and advertising. Pub Util Ft (Sep) 59. Energy conservation programs have reduced energy demand, thereby increasing costs of services. O154 Sports and media. Mktg & Media Dec (Dec) 55. Advertisers are using sports as a pipeline to reach unique line-ups of demographics. O155 Survey commissioned by Cable Health Network shows commercials on its network higher in audience recall. Brdst (Mar 21) 33. The survey found that CHN advertisem*nts had a 35% recall while the nol~ is only 20%. O156 Ted Block of FB&C cites reasons why an advertiser should use cable in his marketing mix. Brdst (April) 8. Cable audiences tend to be more


Advertising selective in viewing, and they're younger and of higher income. Also, cable offers greater flexibility and lower-cost sponsorship. 0157 Thirty-first annual survey of leading broadcast agencies shows Young and Rubicam in first place with Oillings in 1982 of $926.2 million. Brdst (Jan 17) 10. In second place is J. Walter Thompson with a total of $903.4 million. BBDO is third. 0158 Today's France: an international advertising perspective. Ad W (Apt/May) 20. The Mitterand government in France has had a dramatic impact on France's media scene. Despite the changes, advertising revenues actually increased in 1982. 0159 Top business/industrial advertising agencies. Bus Mkt (Sep) 126. A guide to the top two hundred business/Industrlal advertising agencies is given. The agencies are ranked by gross business-to-buslness billings. Profiles of the top ten largest agencies are also included. 0160 Top 25 national radio advertisers spent an estimated $422.85 million on the medium last year. Brdst (May 16) 42. Topping the list of major radio advertisers in 1982 was Anheuser-Busch with total investments of $43.13 million, follo~d by GM (38.90 million). 0161Traylor, M. B. & A. M. Mathias. The impact of TV advertising versus word of mouth on the image ,~f lawyers. J Ad (4) 42. The impact of television advertising on the image of lawyers is examined. Results indicate that television advertising does affect the image of lawyers. If television is the consumer's only source of information the effect is negative. 0162 Trieb, Marc. My junk mail - and yours. Print (Sep/Oct) 87. The computer and some graphic tricks enable today's direct-mail advertising to achieve mass personalization - a contradiction in ten,ls. 0163 NBC-TV is offering advertisers the opportunity to buy 30 second spots nn an experimental basis. Brdst (Apt 11) 184. The spots would differ in the fact that each would contain two fifteen-second commercials of unrelated products or services from the same c~npany. 0164 Video Story Boards tests reveal Miller Lite as the most remembered commercial in 1982. Brdst (Mar 21) 22. The recognition was not cost efficient, though, as Oscar Mayer reached the same size audience at onefifth the price. 0165 Weiss, W. H. Advertising pays off. Amer Salesman (May) 37. The advantages of advertising before going out and selling are presented. 0166 Western takes off. Adv Tech (Feb) 14. Black and white is making a comeback in TV advertising, and no one has used the nostalgic technique better than McCann-Ericks~n. 0167 Wight magic: advertising. Econ (Feb 19) 66. Britain's advertising industry is becoming increas[ngly pnpular with investors. 0168 Woolward, laln. Getting your money's worth from your advertising agency. Bus Mkt (Apt) 116. Explains different types of agencies and how they work, average payments, how to negotiate, an~1 wh~t boexpect from an advertising agency. 0169 Working with an advertising agency. Sm BUs Rept (Apt) 9. A successful advertising ca~palgn results only from a successful agencyclient relationship. 0170 Wunderman, L. Databased targeted advertising. Dir Mkt (Jul) 22. A history of direct and indirect marketing is detailed. 0171 Young and Rubicam and Dentsu agree to form a joint venture in the U.S. Brdst (Jan 3) 14. T~ts will be the third collaboration between the two


Advertising advertising giants. Y & R is the parent of Burson-Marsteller which has surpassed Hill Knowlton as the U.S. largest public relations firm in billings. O172 Zanot, E. J. & others. Public perceptions of subliminal advertising. J Ad (I) 39. The public's knowledge and beliefs about subliminal advertising are studied. Results indicate that public awareness of subliminal advertising is high. BOOKS 0173 Booth, C. E. ed. American illustration 1982/83: the first annual of A,nerican editorial, book, advertising, poster, unpublished work, film, animation, and promotional art. NY: Amer Illust, 289 pp. $37.50. A collection of the best illustrations. 0174 Dirkson, C. J. Advertising: principles and management cases, 6th ed. Homewood, IL: Irwin, 638 pp. Analyses of the principles and the decision-making process management employs to determine when and how to advertise. 0175 Guide to production and placement of PSAs. Denver, CO: National Broadcast Association for Community Affairs, 34 pp. Includes sections on scheduling a PSA to targeted audiences, and radio and television PSA formats. 0176 Katz, R. B. Cable: an advertiser's guide to the new electronic media. Chicago: Crain, 209 Pp. $14.95 paper. Cable's advantages include longer messages at lower cost to specialized audiences. Contains ease studies. 0177 Ogilvy, David. Ogilvy on advertising. New York: Crown, $24.95. A sequel to his Confessions of an advertising man, this book offers more insights into advertising techniques by the co-owner of Ogilvy & Mather. 0178 Percy, Larry & A. G. Woodside, eds. Advertising and consumer psychology. Lexington, MA: Lexington Bks, 400 pp. Essays are organized into five parts: how advertising works, cognitive responses, effects of manipulating advertising variables on consumer psychological processes, and structures of psychological responses to advertising. 0179 Pope, Daniel. The making of modern advertising. NY: Basic Bks, 340 pp. $18.32. Traces the history of advertising. O180 Sandage, C. H. Advertising theory and practice, 11th ed. Homewood, IL: Irwin, 525 pp. This is the longest-running text on the theory os advertising with some practical exercises. O181 Witch, john. Response television: combat advertising of the 1980s. Chicago: Crain, 208 pp. $22.95. New medium is a natural extension of direct mail advertising. "Combat" refer to the urgency for militant results. 0182 Young, R. F. & S. A..Geyser. Managing cooperative advertising. Lexington, MA: Lexington Bks, 192 PP. $25. Shows how agencies, manufacturers and local businesses can make it more useful.

ADVERTISING lU:SE~UICli ARTICLES 0183 Advertising Research Foundation's 29th annual conference focuses on the "new marketplaceJ' Brdst (Jan 17) 114. The conference examined


Advertising R e s e a r c h trends in advertising, improved technologies for measuring and im~ovlng the public image of advertising. 0184 Abrams, B. People appreciate good ads, agency survey concludes. WSJ (Apr 28) 33. Defining good advertising as that which is both creative and persuasive, survey respondents were asked to rate each ad on these two factors. The conclusion was that consumers know and appreciate good adve,tising. 0185 Advertising? Sales managers don't care for it. Bus Mkt (Sep) 26. The results of a McGraw-Hill survey indicate that sales managers prefer to use direct selling for many of the tasks that advertising can do effectively. 0186 Ayanian, R. The Advertising capital controversy. J Bus (jul) 349. The relationship between the competitive effects of advertising and the durability of its economic effects are examined to determine if heavy advertising creates barriers to market entry. 0187 Christenson, P.G. Children's perceptions of TV commercials and products. Comm Res (Oct) 491. The effects of PSAs on children. 0188 Consumers say ads a little better. Ad Age (Jul 11) 83. A national survey of consumers on U.S. advertising has mixed results on the "image of advertising." 0189 Controversial sexual content might increase interest but not impact. J Ad (3) 32. Findings of a study show men react more positively than women and that the type of programs on which the commercial appears affects impact. 0190 Dares, R. H. & J. A. Welsch. Int'l J Ad (Apr/Jun) 141. The purpose of this study is to determine whether brand recall will be decreased by increased levels of male model nudity for both sexes. Results indicate that brand recall was increased by increasing levels of male model nudity. This increased recall is more significant a~ong males. 0191Donath, Bob. More evidence on the direct mail boom. Bus Mkt (Apr) 102. Author summarizes findings of surveys on direct mail. 0192 Donohue, T. R. & others. Learning about television commercials: the impact of instructional units on children's percePtions of m,)tive and intent. J Brdst (Sum) 251. The authors designed two instructional units - role-playing and traditional - to examine if young children can be taught general and specific intent of television commercials. The results are positive. 0193 Elliott, J. W. Advertising and R & D investments in the wealthmaximizing firm. J Eeon & Bus (Aug) 389. The same financial planning process is proposed for advertising and research and development expenditures as is used for capital investment spending. 0194 Elliott, Stuart. Changes at "Family Circle" aimed at younger women. Ad Age (Jul 11) 83. Family Circle is spending $5 to $10 million to make major changes in its promotion, appearance and reproduction. 0195 Furniss, J. D. Reverse investment advertising aims high. Ad World (Feb/Mar) 14. The major financial publications in Europe are reviewed. 0196 Gante, Walter & S. I. Eastman. Viewer uses of promotional media to find out about television programs. J Brdst (Sum) 269. Investigates how viewers use and value print promotional ads and on-air spots. The author concludes that the majority turned to the print laedia fnr information about television prograns. 0197 Garbett, T.F. Researching corporate advertising. J Ad Res (Feb/mar) 33. Six stages in developing a corporate advertising campaign are n~ned.

Advertising R e s e a r c h O198 . What happens when corporate ad budgets are cut? PRJ {Nov) 25. Interviews with 25 c~mpanies that had stopped or sharply cut back their corporate advertising during the recession produced results. 0199 Gelb, B. D. & C. M. Pickett. Attitude-toward-the-ad: links to humor and advertising effectiveness. J Ad (2) 34. The link between liking and disliking an ad to the advertising outcomes of attitudes towards the brand, credibility of the ad, persuasiveness of the ad and intention to buy the advertised product are studied. 0200 Kirban, Lloyd. Showing what we do t~akes a difference. PRQ (Fall) 22. A review of recent literature indicates that there has been little progress in understanding the implementing the evaluation of advertising's impact. 0201Lammers, H. B. & others. Humor and cognitive responses to advertising stimuli: a trace consolidation approach. J Bus Res (Jun) 173. Theoretical arguments exist for the belief that humor enhances the persuasiveness of a communication. 0202 Lannon, J. & P. Cooper. Humanistic advertising. Int'l J Ad (Jul) 195. Hodels of the linear sequential sort used in advertising research about consumer psychology and behavior reinforce how organizations want advertising to work. 0203 MacLachlan, James. Making a message memorable and persuasive. J of Ad Res (Dec/Jan 84) 51. Cognitive psychology reveals a number of techniques that lead to higher levels of remembrance or persuasion. 0204 & J. G. Meyers. Using response latency to identify co~merc{als that motivate. J of Ad Res (Oct/Nov) 51. 0205 Millman, Nancy. Consumers rate advertising. Ad Age (Oct 24) 1. Findings of survey of 1,250 respondents. They rate advertising a lot higher than many thought. 0206 Monahan, G. E. Optimal advertising with Stochastic demand. Mgt Sci (Jan) 106. Optimal advertising expenditures for a class of products are studied. Characteristics of advertising strategy are established including sales and goodwill. 0207 Moriarty, M. M. Carryover effects of advertising on sales of durable goods. J Bus Res (Mar) 127. Researchers claim long term effects nf advertising carryover persists. Results show that effects may last months rather than years. 0208 . Feature advertising-price interaction effects in the reatil environment. J Ret (Sum) 80. The research described in this article was undertaken to determine the existence of an interaction effect between price and newspaper feature advertising on the likeliness of consumers to purchase products. 0209 Parasuraman, A. Research's place in the marketing budget. Bus H (Mar-Apt) 25. Firms that engage in little or no marketing research may be missing opportunities that their competitors are not. Discussions on research and the 'relationships between characteristics of firms and their expenditures on marketing research' are given. 0210 Petty, R. E. & others. Central and peripheral routes to advertising effectiveness: the moderating role of involvement. J Cons Res (Sep) 135. This study presents the argume~t that although the informational content of an advertisem*nt may be an important determinant of product attitudes, the credibility of the product endorses more personal relevance which produces better association with the product.

Advertising Research 0211 Pretesting and posttesting of corporate advertising. J Ad Res (Feb/Mar) 25. Standard Oil of California pretests and posttests its ads to help develop a campaign, to select a campaign approach or execution, and to select between alternative campaigns. 0212 Quarles, R. C. & L. W. Jeffres. J Ad (2) 4. The path analysis evaluation (PATHEVAL) technique is used to determine the relationship between advertising and national const~nption. 0213 Reekie, W. D. & 0. E. Allen. Hours of work and advertising: an international comparison. Int'l J Ad (Apr/Jun) 99. This study is to determine whether advertising increases consumption at the expense of savings or whether it affects the distribution of consumer expenditures. 0214 Reidenbach, R. E. & K. W. McCleary. Advertising and male nudity. J. Acad Mkt SCi (Fall) 444. The purpose of this study is to determine what impact male nudity has on the product being advertised. Reactions were measured by varying levels of male nudity. Females liked the male nudity ad, believed the ad, and had a higher intention to buy than the males. 0215 Renforth, W. & S. Raved. Consumer information cues in television advertising. J Acad Mkt (Sum) 216. The purpose of this study is to compare the information content of television commercials in Australia, Ecuador, and the United States. 0216 Schmalense, D. H. Today's top priority advertising research questions. J Ad (Apt/May) 49. The top priority questions in advertising research are discussed. 0217 Schmalensie, R. Advertising and entry deterrence. J Pol Econ (Aug) 636. The impact on advertising of sales is analyzed using mathematical models. Two hypothetical firms are used for illustration and the existing literature is reviewed. 0218 Scott, R. A. & D. H. Rudderow. Advertising by accountants: how clients and practitioners feel about it. Pract Acct (Apt) 71. A research study was conducted to compare the attitudes of both practitioners and business people to accountants' advertising. 0219 Sheffet, M.J. An experimental investigation of the documentation of advertising claims. J Ad (I) 19. This study compares the effectiveness of ads with different types of advertising claims, sources of disclosure, and levels of involvement. 0220 Singer, B. D. The Case for using real people in advertising. Bus Q (Win) 32. The author covers the prevalence of selective portrayals, the actual effectiveness of using ony attractive, young ethnically central people in advertising. 0221Sissors, J. Z. Confusions about effective frequency. J Ad Res (Dec/Jan) 33. Concludes that unless the se,nantic problems are solved, it w~ll be difficulttosuccessfully implement the effective frequency concept. 0222 Soley, L. C. & I.. N. Reid. On the validity of students as subjects in advertising experiments. The question of students as valid representatives of the population-at-large when used in advertising research is explored. 0223 . Satisfaction with the informational value nf magazine and television advertising. J Ad (3) 27. Survey results indicate that consumers are more satisfied with the information value of magazine advertising rather than television advertising. 0224 Tapiero, C. S. World-of-mouth effects. Euro J Op Res (apt) 348. A model is developed which includes advertising and word-of-mouth effects


Advertising Research based on explicit assumptions about consumer behavior, response to advertising, and the sales process. 0225 Twenty-ninth annual conference of Advertising Research Foundation focuses on research on media choices, and splintered audiences. Brdst (Mar 14) 158. Most important among the topics discussed is the need to dispel the notion that advertising is not informative, credible, or entertaining. 0226 Warwick Advertising releases findings of 11,000 household study nr, the electronics industry. Brdst (Mar 14) 18. Results provide data on such topics as home computers, video games, and cable systems in related to demographic data. 0227 Waterson, M. J. Advertising expenditure in the VK: 1982 survey. Int'l J Ad (Apr/Jun) 159. Details of advertising expenditures in Britain are given in tables. Each table gives the current year along with previous years for comparison purposes. 0228 Wells, W. D. Point of view: how to end the never ending struggle. J Ad Res (Apr/May) 67. Describes struggle between creatives and researchhrs (art and science) in most advertising agencies. The best resolve would be to move evaluation out of the agency, so these conflicts of interest would not occur. 0229 Williams, R. TV Rx: more sports. Psych Today, (Jul) 13. According to a survey conducted by Benton & Bowles advertising agency, many people would be happy if more sports were on television. 0230 Yuspeh, S. & G. Hallberrg. The radical potential of cable advertising. J Ad Res (Aug/Sep) 51. J. Walter Thompson/USA has found with its experiment with CABLESHOP, that cable can successfully consider newer formats. CABLESHOP is 24 hour-a-day channels entirely programmed with commercials generally of the lengthy, informative, informercial style. 0231Zahra, S. A. A D. H. Ashworth. Inventing innovation. Hgt W (Aug) 44. A major source of new ideas has been small businesses. Small business manag~nent needs to enhance indiv[dy31 and group creativity. BOOKS 0232 Harris, R. J., ed. Information processing research in advertising. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 322 pp. $36. Applies cognitive psychology to advertising research with a focus on the issue of misleading advertising. 0233 Temporary commission on alternative financing for public telecommunications: a report to the Congress of the United States, October 1983, with appendices to the final report. Washington, DC: The Commission, 115 pp. Describes the experiment with certain kinds of advertising on public television. THESES 0234 Gable, G. C. Point of view in television advertising: an analysis of the visual, aural and linguistic structure of television advertising with special attention paid to the patterns in advertising's development of point of view. 0235 James, E.L. What makes direct marketing on television work as perceived by practitioners. Unpub thesis (Florida). Study identified


Advertising Research factors contributing to the success of direct selling via television. 0236 Lamer, K. R. Perceptions of opinion leadership and advertising effectiveness among a select population. Unpub thesis (Point Park College). Findings are based on a survey of student and non-student populations at Pittsburg Theological Seminary. 0237 Lo, R. M. L. Myth and advertising. Unpub thesis (CaliforniaFullerton). A comparative study of American and Hong Kong advertising revealed the use of myths in advertising across cultural barriers. 0238 Rogers, Martha. Effects of positive versus negative news on newspaper advertising response. Unpub dissert (Tennessee-~noxville). Examines one dimension of source effects on advertising effectiveness, specifically positive, negative or neutral news as portrayed in headlines and news stories in a mock tabloid newspaper. 0239 Shizue, Kishi. Exposure distribution models in advertising media. Unpub dissert (Illinois). This study addressed the estimation methods of reach and frequency distributions in advertising media. 0240 Taylor, R. E. Undesirable practice: a cultural history of lawyers and advertising. Unpub dissert (Illinois). A study of bar associations, policies regarding advertising from 1887 to 1982 lends historical perspective to current discussions about lawyer advertising. 024] Toole, D. T. The effect of television public service announcements on the initial rate of return of mail surveys. Unpub thesis (Florida). 0242 West, M. L. An examination of the effects of the arrangement of aechan|cal elements on recognition of print advertisem*nts. Unpub thesis (California-Fullerton).

,~N U~L REPORTS 0243 Annual r e p o r t i s s u e . PR News (Jan ]0) 1. Review o f ]982 show h i g h positive correlation between the level of management support and support for the public relations function. 0244 AR trends: does B & W look like you saved money? PRR (Feb 7) 3. Trends in annual reports point to less four-color, research themes and less emphasis on corporate social responsibility. 0245 Bettman, J. R. & B. A. Weitz. Attributions in the boardroom: causal reasoning in corporate annual reports. Adm Sci Q (gun) I. Causal analysis is used to explain an organization's behavior. 0246 Budd puts his video pioneering advocacy into book. PRR (Jun 20) 3. Review of book advocating the video annual report. 0247 Cato, Sid. Annual reports don't communicate. PRR (Jul 18) 3. Author reveals results of survey. 9?48 Chang, L. S. & others. The utility of annual re~),'ts: an international study, g int'l Bus Studies (Spr/Sum) 63. Re~rts on study of usefulness of financial statements for investment decisions. 0249 Dillon, D. W. Annual report: reaching out to every member. Mus Educ J (Sep) 60. The Music Educators National Conference launched a new public relations plan; membership remained relatively stable; division meetings proved successful; and the Music in Our Schools Week campaign completed its best year ever. 0250 Moldenhauer, C. A. Begin with the basics. PRJ (Nov) 42. One way to take advantage of the opportunities of the annual report and avoid its pitfalls is to first consider the report's audiences, its objectives, and how it can meet these objectives.




0251 Nothing succeeds like success. Adv Tech (Mar) 27. W. E. Andrews Co. tries roseate people into using their company to print their annual report by first making them laugh. 3252 Reilly, R. T. The 1982 annual reports: looking good while loo~dng frugal. RR (Jun 27) supp. A review and critique of annual reports from a design and production perspective. 0253 Reynolds, E.O. 1983 reports face new challenges. PRJ (Nov) 40. The 1983 annual report must convince investors to hold their stock instead of selling out to take a pros now. The key to investor confidence is providing them with as much information as possible on which they can base an assessment of the c~npany's future. 0854 Richti, Ulrich & Norman Wasserman. Public companies have t,~ vie~ themselves as publishers. PRQ (Win) 9. Theauthors feel that the annual report represents are excellent opportunity to bridge the gap between the company and its key audience. 0255 Watras, Michael. Perils of producing the international annual report. Comm W (Dec) 13. Deiscusses four major problem areas to be considered and planned for in producing an international annual report. These areas are photography, typography, printing and distribution. BOOKS 0256 Coyle, R. J. Financial disclosure: the handbook of annual and quarterly reports. New York: Creamer Dickson Bansford, $50. Samples of best writing from 2,000 reports. 0257 Foote, C. S. Put more muscle in your annual report. Fin Exec (Mar) 34. The annual report can help a company gain acceptance from its customers and the investing public. It can force a o~npany to evaluate its financial, product, and marketing strategies, and to develop a formal, operational plan setting yearly activities and priorities. TIIESIS 0258 Van Campen, J. S. A concept and copy proposal for the 1983 annual report of Anacomp, Inc. Unpub thesis (Indiana). A project to produce a le~del annual report.

B USLA']ESS CREDlllll,ITY 0259 Ackerman, L. D. How to make corporate identity work harder for the organization. Mgt R (Jan) 38. If a corporation can effectively analyze and understand its identity as more than just cosmetics, it stands to gain in its business environment. 0260 Bramson, Gene. The image :naker. CJW (Nov/Dec) 51. Author believes your company's stationery, furniture and architecture says a great d,;al about you. In this article, he offers advice on these and many other image-makers. 0261 Bronillard, Joseph. Corporate reputation counts. Adv Age (Nov 14) M-46. How the public sees the company, feels about the company, and talks about it determines corporate reputation, which is a very important asset in the pursuit of corporate objectives. 0262 Consolidating assets. Adv Tech (Mar) 10. A look at Security Pacific Bank's eclectic and flexible c&mpaign to boost its identity.


B u s i n e s s Credibility 0263 Crigger, J. R. A positive approach to public perception. Banker's M (Oct 15) 13. The public perception of the banker is very different from reality. Bankers are usually portrayed as having easy lives and opulent working environments. 0264 Cullather, J. L. Has the laughter died? Bus H (Mar-Apt) 30. Comments on "The New Yorker's" business ethics cartoons. Long noted for its satiric bite, "The New Yorker" has never neglected the buslnes&~an in its cartoons. 0265 Friend, William. Personal packaging: a look at the new image makers. Assoc Mgt (Apt) 77. As a result of the executive's changing role, the personal image concept for the association executive is stronger than ever. 0266 Garbett, T.F. The forces of names. PRJ (Aug) 30. Asuccessful corporate name change depends on its communication potential, the impact the old name has on the success of the transition, and the need for a clearly defined objective for making the na:e change. 0267 Goodman, Hal. Name-dropping. ATB (May) 35. Suggestions offered on picking company names with guidelines on what to aim for and what to stay away ~'om. 0268 Hostility to American business revealed in plots of American novelists. NYT (Apt 17). Book review section documents the fact and tries to explain reasons for its popularity. 0269 Jordan, Don D. Is America pulling the plug on the future? Pub Util Fort (Jan 6) II. Emphasizes the importance of public understanding of a regulated public utilities industry. Narrates what invester-owned electric companies have done to broaden public understanding of issues fundamental to the future of utilities. 0270 Jordan, N. Picking a name for the corporate child. Psych Today (Oct) 72. When a company changes its name, it risks losing public recognition, and disconcerting its employees there is also the added cost of a new advertising campaign. 0271Lukarsch, Gerhard. Public prejudice against insurance: causes and ways to i,nprovement. Int'l Ins M (Sep) 18. In most countries, a public prejudice exists against insurance and reinsurance companies, despite insurance's supportive role in the economy. 0272 Media, labor, Congress and business still not trusted, finds Gallup. PRR (Sep 26) 4. Lowest five in descending order are newspapers, big business, Congress, organized labor and television. 0273 Moldenhauer, Charles. What's in a name. CJ (Nov/Dec) 60. The brand name helps position products, services, corporations. 0274 Moran, D.J. Corporate ID is your major resource. CJ (May/Jun) 34. Combining the familiar with the new is the approach to successful, effective identity progr&~. 0275 Nakanishi, Motoo. In Japan, corporate identity is more than a new set of clothes. Comm W (Nov) 35. A Japanese design firm explains how corporate identity building should touch not only the visible aspects of the corporation, but its philosophies and management policies as well. 0276 Productivity pace slow, but confidence high. Mgt W (Oct) 4. Conference Board reports that its measure of business confidence climbed to the highest reading in the seven-year history of the survey, even though productivity growth remains slower than no~al. 0277 Raissmon, Robert. Xerox fighting for" old image. Ad Age (Aug I) 83. Xerox has lost its association with high technology and efficiency since


B u s i n e s s Credibility Japanese competitors began flooding the U.S. copier market. 0278 Ralston Purina: Dumping products that led it away from Checkerboard Square. Bus W (Jan 31) 63. Ralston Purina Co. divests itself of the businesses it is in that do not fit the goals and objectives of the company. 0279 Renovating its entire operation, International Harvester gains positive publicity. Int'l Mgt (Jun) 64. ,By appointing a local executive as managing director of its South African subsidiary I.H. gained front-page coverage. 0280 Sweeten, Tom. Facing disclosure of past-due loans without wringing hands. ABA Bank J (jun) 33. Banks usually want their communities, customers, and the news media to view them as friendly, professional, and as competent and careful in lending practices.

0281Del Galloway, Charles. Dimensions of media credibility as contingent e,~nditions in the agenda-setting process. Unpub thesis (Florida). A study of how different media dimensions of media credibility affect agenda-setting. 0282 Stocking, S. H. Mass media visibility of medical school research: the role of public information initiatives, scientists publishing activity, institutional prestige. Unpub dissert (Indiana).

BUSINESS ETillCS ARTICLES 0283 Bayles, M. D. Ethical issues in Purchasing Management. Bus Q (Spr) 42. Examines the ethical responsibilities of purchasing managers. 0284 Ethics: It makes good sense. Ad Age (Aug 15) 83. Ethics and the short run are not compatible. To achieve a quick payoff businesses are tempted to cut corners without the long-term interests of either their own e~npanies or customers. 0285 In defense of the freelance writer: a special report. ASNE Bull (Oct) 16. Several articles dealing with the pros and cons of accepting expense money and gifts in kind for preparing travel articles. 0286 Nestle violations of infant formula found. O'Dwyer (May 4) 3. The Nestle Infant Fnrmula Audit Commission has found valid complaints against the way the e~npany markets its infant formula in foreign countries. 0287 Newman, Bud & Verne Williams. Foreign travel on USIA's account. WJR (Oct) 50. Addresses the issue of journalist's acceptance of free travel and speaking fees from the United States Information Agency. 0288 Serious questions rise over issue of genetic screening for possible employees. Int'l Mgt (Mar) 4. Public relations departments claim that the practice protects the employee from future, work-related illness tn which he is especially susceptible. 0289 Thomas, Julia. Ethics and professionalism. VS (Jul I) 558. Generally speaking, many professionals have lost the respect and trust of the public. Their biggest threat is from specialists, analysts, and consultants. 0290 Tac~nick, Gene. 51siness Ethics: a manager's primer. Bus (Jan/Mar)



83. Too many business managers have been shortchanged in their business education because their business professors failed to integrate ethical issues into management education. 0291 Wander, Philip. The aesthetics of fascism. J Comm (Spr) 70. Against a backdrop of four films - The Deerhunter, Patton, M*A*S*H and Apocalypse Now - the question is explored of how art handles the implication that slaughter is attractive. 0292 Whisnant, S. R. Marketing CPA services. CPA J (Jan) 86. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Code has a rule stating that a member shall not seek to obtain clients by advertising or other fo~ns of solicitation that are false, misleaJing or deceptive. 0293 White, C. S. Problem-solving: the first neglected step. Mgt Rev (Jan) 52. A reliable method to probl~n solving is described.



0294 Adkins, Lynn.


The hig~ cost nf e~,lloyee t h e f t .

Duns Bus M (Oct) 76.

It's a crime that amounts to I% of the GNP, and just about every employee this side of sainthood will commit it some time during his/her working life. 0295 Adkins, Lynn. Getting a grip on white-collar productivity. Duns R (Dec) 120. Nowhere is productivity a greater problem than in the service industry, which is overwhelmingly dominated by white-collar workers. 0295 Aggarwai, S. C. Manager, manage thyseIf. Bus H (Jan-Feb) 25. Inefficient staff personneI and services are the main causes of economic decline. A thoughtful vaiue anaIysis of overhead services can help a company to increase its productivity and put it back on the road to recovery. 0297 Agor, W. H. Tomorrow's intuitive ieaders. Futurist (Aug)49. Intuition is beginning to make an impact on decision making. Tomorrow's managers are expected to make increasing use of thisunorthodox trechnique to try to steer their organizations through any upsets. 0298 Agee, W. M. The American economy. VS (Mar I) 309. Statement of problems in economy with suggestions for improving economic health from the former Bendix chairman. 0299 Aiello, Ralph. Service industries: whe~'e your future lies. Amer Salesman (Jul) 39. Our economy is becoming one of service rather than tangible goods. This article describes the implications of the new economy. 0300 Alexander, Jan. Strategy sessions for corporate success. (A,Jg) 61. Successful careers require an understanding of the corporate environment. Three steps--planning, politicking and promoting--are discussed in launching a successful career. 0301Allenbaugh, G. E. A management for more effective work performance. Mgt R (May) 21. Managers should coach their employees rather than evaluate them. Coaching an employee's strong points will improve job performance productivity. 0302 Alston, Jon P. Tm'ee principles of Japanese management. Pets J (Sep) 758. Advice for American managers not to rush to copy Japanese management practices without understanding the social foundation of the Japanese management. 0303 Arbose, Jules & Don Shapiro. Int'l Mgt (Jan) 22. Even in the midst


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of a two-year negative growth period, Tawain's Tatung Co. maintains its traditional policies of company responsibility to employees, customers, and society as a ~ole. 0304 Ashour, A. S. & G. Johns. Leader influence through operant principles: a theoretical and methodological framework. Hum Rel (Jul) 603. The way that leader influence affects subordinate behavior is analyzed. 0305 Austin, D.L. Recruitment - Interviewing candidates for managerial positions. Pets J (Mar) 192. Questions to ask to assess the skill level and experience of the job candidate; also stresses the importance of the interviewer to be able to match the candidate's previous experience with the responsibilities of the current job opening. 0306 Baird, Lloyd & K. Kkram. Career" dynamics: managing the superior/subordinate relationship. Org Dyn (Spr) 46. Various stages of subordinates' and supervisors' careers are examined. 0307 Bar, Robert. This month: improving productivity and plant effectiveness. Pets J (Nov) 920. Discusses management solution to reduce operating costs of the Cummins Engine Co. Stresses that the key to success is total acceptance and support of the workers. 0308 Bartholome, Fernando. The work alibi; when it's harder to go home. HBR (Mar) 66. Explores factors contributing to unsatisfactory personal lives of many executives. Lack of openness and uncreative time at home may be the real reasons many executives have ix)or private lives. 0309 Bartlett, C.A. MNCs . . . get off the reorganization merry-go-round. HBR (Mar/Apr) 138. The author shows that managers may be asking the wrong questions in their efforts to find the right organizational structure. The problem is more likely in managing the process than in changing the structure. 0310 Baucus, D. A. & J. P. Near. Managers and the good life: fact or fiction? Bus H (Jul/Aug) 20. As a group, managers seem to have 'better jobs' and to be happier with their lives than non-managers. 0311Bedeian, A. G. & others. Role perception--outcome relationships: moderating effects of situational variables. Hum Rel (Feb) 168. Supervisory interaction, peer group interaction, and organizational work facilitation were examined. 0312 Beck, A. C. & 5 D. Hillmar. The power of positive management. Pers J (Feb) 126. This article shows how adherence to ~:3[ttve management techniques make some organizations more comfortable to work in than others. 0313 Bernstein, J. E. Handling health costs by reducing health risks. Pets J (Nov) 882. Maintains that managing employee wellness is becoming a critical part of a personnel manager's job. 0314 Bernstein, Paul. Using the soft approach for hard results. Bus (Apr/Jun) 83. Soft, people-related goals emphasizing the use of teams and employee participation in decision making can lead to the hard and often measurable goals of increased productivity or lower absenteeism and turnover. 0315 Bittel, L. R. & J. E. Ramsey. Misfit supervisors: bad apples in the managerial barrel. Mgt R (Feb) 8. The author examines a survey which studied supervisors who rose from employee ranks. 0316 Blackman, j.H. Improving performance with positive manage:nent. Mgr's Hag (Oct) 30. A look at supervising performance and how there is a huge discrepancy between knowing what's 'probably right' and doing the right thing.


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0317 Blelcher, Knut & others. Managerial frameworks for innovative responses in high-tech organizations. Bus H (Nov/Dec) 69. Operating a high-tech company requires new managerial responses. This paper surveys methods for many tasks management must face as it operates, or converts to, today's high technologies. O318 Bliss, E. C. Get more done - with less tension. Mkt Times {Jan/Feb) 31. Nine ways to do your job effectively and to avoid unnecessary tension; notes the importance of physical health. 0319 Bloom, S.P. How to rebuild your P & P manual. Mgt W (jun) 11. Organizations should develop policy and procedure (P & P) manuals to eliminate repetitive instructions, reduce supervision and increase uniformity. 0320 Bluhdorn, D.G. Facing up to Japan. Mgt W (Jun) I. For the U.S. to reach Japan's level of superior management, there must be unparalled cooperation among business, labor and government. Labor should participate in planning so the workforce can understand and accept change. 0321Bly, R. W. Consulting: is it really right for you. CJW (Sep/Oct) 18. Consultant offers advice on how to get started, set fees and other steps in beconing a consultant. 0322 Bnbbe, R. A. & R. H. Schaffer. Productivity improvement-manage it or buy it? Bus H (Mar/Apt) 62. Significant improvement in a company requires management to expand its capacity and get more fro~ new inveshnents and from ones already in place. 0323 Bomberg, H. Productivity by the people. Mgt W {Feb/Mar) 22. At Herman Miller Inc. of Michigan everyone participates through committees and work tear,s. The results of this include high levels of job satisfaction and motivation. 0324 Bower, J. L. Managing for efficiency, managing for equity. HBR (Jul/Aug) 83. Discussed are topics that prove that essential goals and tasks of management aren't the sane. 0325 Brache, Alan. Seven assumptions that block performance improve,aent. Mgt Rev {Mar) 21. How most managers avoid human performance issues in reexamining company performance. 0326 Brown, Robert. Unfair dismissal cases as pointers to management performance: The NHS experience. Pets Mgt (Jun). First in a four-part series on the National Health Service from the management viewpoint. Continued in successive ~ n t h s throughout the st~ner months. 0327 Britney, R. R. & others. Planning for productivity improvement: a management perspective. Bus Q (Win) 38. Authors list The article discusses the designing of productivity programs, how quality and quantity of work life are related to productivity, and that useful prod~ctivi~y measurement must reflect the link between productivity and profitability. 0328 Buehlmann, D. M. & R. F. Ortman. Management by objectives: so:he evidence on measuring objectives. Mgt Plan (Jul) 33. In this article the authors describe the results nf a survey made in 61 medlum-sized firms to determine the current nature and measurement of organizational objectives. 0329 Butler, Richard. Control of work flow in organizations: perspective for markets, hierarchies and collectives. Hum Rel {May) 421. Three types of control bases, dependence, routinization and collaboration are identified to control work flow and organization.


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0330 Campbell, W.S., Your island of order. VS (Jan 15) 213. Investigates management and organizations 'islands of order.' Material order, problem solving, habit changing and goal achievement are discussed. 0331 Carpenter, R. L. Get close to your" consultant. Mgt Plan (Nov) 43. A counterpoint article dealing with the selection of consultants. A different viewpoint on the nature of business problem solving and the appropriate relationship between consultant and client. 0332 Champagne, P. J. Our productivity growth rate places us sixth among leading industrial nations. Hum Res Mgt (Jan) 7. This fact has e~,Jsed much apprehension among emloyees, owners and the public. 0333 Chatfield, M. V. Books for the thoughtful executive. HBR {Jan) 48. Descriptions of six books on a variety of topics that are of interest to managers; included are books covering the managerial skills and strategies of Japanese business. 0334 Cheng, J. L. C. Interdependence and coordination in organizations: a role-system analysis. Acad Mgt Rev (Mar) 156. Examines the link between interdependence and coordination in organizations. 0335 & William McKinley. Toward an integration of organization research and practice: a contingency study of bureaucratic control and performance in scientific setting. AdEn Sei Q (Mar) 85. 0336 Clement, R. A. The social science bias in management research: another" view. Bus H (May/Jun) 46. Social science bias in management research is a thing of the past; organizational development specialists are not typical of most behavioral scientists. 0337 Clements, R. F. The manager of the eighties. Mgr's Mag (Dee) 30. A look at how managers may need to review their old management skills in they want the~:l~ work for 1984 and the years beyond. 0338 co*ke, Simon. Putting professionalism in its place. Pe"s Mgt (Feb) 44. A look at how to improve a company by using a preseleetion process and a reeom~nended cnurse of action to help top management grasp every mode of operation in an organization. 0339 Cole Jr., Albert. Flexible benefits are a key to better" employee relations. Pets J (Jan) 49. The assumption that all employees have the same benefits' need is wrongly assumed. Employees enjoy picking the benefit package they feel they only need. 0340 Cole, R. E. A Japanese management import comes full circle. WSJ (Feb 22) 30. Two years ago everyone wanted to hear about the newest import quality circles. [~w interest has stalled among managers to most companies rushing into the adoption of a circle and not getting the results they wanted. 0341 Conversation with Edson W. Spencer and Fosten A. Boyle. Organ Dyn (Spr) 30. Interviews with Honeywell Ine.'s chief executive officer and its vice-president of employee relations. They project the ways in which economic forecasts ,~f the future will affect human resource management in this ,~n,'~ration. 0342 Corporate employment tight. Mgt W (Aug) 3. Personnel departments of major metropolitan New York companies are emphasizing cost-reduction which leads to short-term personnel strategy, including counseling and early retir~nent. 0343 Cox, Allan. The married executive has the edge. ATB (Jan) 20. Corporations are willing to hire unmarried men, but most promotions are given to men who are married.


Business Management 0344 Cravens, D. W. Strategic marketing's new challenge. Bus H (Mar-Apt) 18. A rapidly changing business environment dictates closer attention to strategic planning of marketing. 0345 Culture shock is shaking the Bell System. Bus W (Sep 26) 112. The split-up of the Bell System is forcing management to reorient itself. ~ the agenda are redefining managers' jobs, teaching them new skills and changing their thinking. 0346 Davis, B. Newcomers in personal computers have trouble breaking into market. WSJ (Feb 18) 31. A newcomer trying to break into the microcomputer market must compete for dealers' attention with 150 other ecfnpanies. 0347 Day, Dave. Re~arks: effective delegation. Pers J (Nov) 916. Discusses the importance of the supervisor being able to effectively delegate authority and responsibilities. 0348 Delano, Sara. Boosting software sales. Inc {Oct) 166. Fred Gibbons, founder and chief executive officer of Software Publishing Corp., often visits retail stores and dealers to find out what they are thinking. 0349 Delin, Gustaf. Rewiring corporate thinking. PRJ (Aug) 12. The author expresses the need for a new business culture that promotes creative thinking to be developed, discusses the new corporate cultures, management techniques and the values of management and employees. 0350 Delmar, D. E. & Sheldon, G.W. Taking stock intangible. Mgt W (Jun) 26. Morale and employee attitudes can be improved or maintained through a eonsciouis effort to recognize and reward achievement, delegate responsibility, and maintain required skill levels. 0351Dubin, Robert. Management: meanings, methods and moxie. Acad Mgt Rev (Jul) 371. Examples are provided to support the claims that studies of organizations and management aren't thoroughly researched. 0352 Dull corporate philosophy turned into vibrant tool for energizing and enforcing organizational culture. PRR (Oct 10) I. A case history of how Dayton Hudson enforced its corporate culture by making it a participatory progr&~. 0353 Duncan, W. J. Humor in management: prospects for administrative practice and research. Acad Mgt Rev (Jan) 136. Humor used as a t~anagement tool and the research of humor's influence on group characteristics like cohesiveness, communications, power and status. 0354 Dunk, W. P. Don't trust the experts. C & D (Sep/Oct) 52. The author's inte-view with the futurist, Bennett Goodspeed, gives insights for business leaders, and communicators who spend too much time analyzi~ig the past, rather than acting on the present. This is the first in a series of articles. 0355 Durlabhji, Subhash. Japanese-style American management: primary 9relations in social organization. Human Rel (Aug) 827. Management methods that are set to make American companies "Japanese in style" are examined. 0356 Dvorak, D.F. Our changing corporate culture. VS (Sep I) 681. A look at corporate executives and what these executives will be expecting of their employees. Eight examples and explanations of the "r~ew" corporate executive. 0357 Dyer, Janet. American 'Intrapreneurialism." PRJ (Aug) 14. The author describes costly mistakes of entrep~-eneurialism and gives suggestions on how to avoid them. 0358 Ellis, J. R. Organizational leadership in turbulent times. Mgt Rev (Mar) 59. Two key activities that a manager must be engaged in during

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times of uncertainty. These keys are: stimulating ideas and iniatives and steering the problem-solving process. 0359 England, G. W. Japanese and A~r~can management: theory Z and beyond. J Int'l Bus Studies (Fall) 131. Differences between Japanese and American managers are analyzed. 0360 Ewing, D.W. A bill of rights for corporations. ATB (Apr) I. Commentary concerning rights of corporations. Author includes a hyothetical preamble including such things as the rightto be managed efficiently and employee loyalty. O361 Excellence in management awards. Ind Wk (Oct 17). All recipients dc~nonstrate effective communication skills. 0362 Family systems theory is useful to understand corporate culture. PRR (Aug 15) I. Excerpts from a book published by Georgetown University. 0363 Feinberg, M. R. Perks: How to keep the gravy ~ m leaving a stain. WSJ (Apt 18) 26. Executives' perks can serve a valuable purpose, but if misused, they can cost both the executive and company dearly. 0364 Ferguson, K. E. Bureaucracy and public life, the femininization of the policy. Adm & Soc (Nov) 295. The requirements of survival in bureaucracies require one to develop sets of skills and traits that perpetuate dependency and undermine autonomous political action. 0365 Fisher, B~b. Training: case study of a training cooperative. Pets J (Jul) 524. Discusses the harm caused by neglecting management training of first line supervisors. 0366 Fleenor, C. P. & others. The changing profile of business leadership. BUs H (July/Aug) 43. Just how high can a corporate salary go? Revealed here are the levels, plus the ages and backgrounds of corporate leaders. 0367 Foster, R. N. Why ~erica's technology leaders tend to lose. VS (Jun 15) 524. A look at some companies that were market share leaders and what happened. 0368 Fostering the entrepreneurial spirit and developing "interpreneurs" is part of the transformation of society--and PR has a key role. PRR (~v 7) I. An account of how enplnyees are turned into entrepreneurs. 0369 Foy, Nancy. Networkers of the world unite! Pets Mgt (Mar) 24. A look at how Ms. Foy describes her sort of networking as a collection of people who tend to keep in touch by an exchange of informal information. 0370 Freeman, R. E. & D. L. Reed. Stockholders and stakeholders: a new perspective in corporate goverance. Cal Mgt R (Spr) 88. Manageneqt thought has changed dramatically in recent years. Emphasis is on the stakeholder which includes all who have a stake in the fortunes of the corporation. 0371Gabris, G. T. & W. A. Giles. Perceptions of management style a~d employee performance: resurrecting a diminishing debate. PPM (Su,~) 167. Addresses the question of whether managerial styles actuallly increase ~ployee performaqce. 0372 Galitz, W. O. & O. J. Cirillo. The electronic office: how to make it user friendly. Mgt R (Apt) 24. The increased rise of electronic innovations in the office is presenting a new series of proble;ns ranging from worker indifference to complaints of health hazards. 0373 Gannan, M. J. Managerial ignorance. BUs H (May/Jun) 26. Ineffective selection of managers, unfocused management training, inappropriate organizational reward systems, and information overload are discussed and solutions are offered. 0374 Garner, Barbara. The new marketing managers. GAM (Apt) 82. Article about Sandy Goldsmith and Bob Ehrenberg, Rumford National Graphics. The


Business Management company was stagnating, so they made sure they were in control of their customers. 0375 Gengler, Michele & others. Robots enm[ng to wo~'k in A:neriea. Bus Mgt (Apr/Jun) 83. Companies turn to robots to reduce costs and increase productivity. The ultimate impact of robotic technology may be a total redesign of manufacturing facilities that will minimize the role of human labor. 0376 Getzler, A. E. How to spot hidden threats to your business. Nat Bus (Jan) 69. Management often fails to react quickly and decisively when competition comes out with a better p,'oduct at a lower price. A founder-owner can fail to be critical of his own company. 0377 Goddard, R. W. Charting labor's course. Hgt W (Sep) 26. New attitudes and shifts in the workforce will call for a high degree of management creativity. An information explosion will continue to be the largest and most rapidly growing seg~nent of the economy. 0378 Gray, Bonnie & Robert Tendrum. Difficulties with being ethical. 5~s Mgt (jul/Sep) 83. In business organizations, management issues such a~ hiring, firing, due process and performance evaluations may all give rise to ethical dile~nas. 0379 Greenberger, R. S. Firms are confronting alcoholic executives with threat of firing. WSJ (Jan 13) I. A growing number of companies are dispensing a harsh medicine to alcoholic executives. 0380 Gregory, K.L. Native-view paradigms multiple cultures and culture conflicts in organizations. Adm Sei Q (Sep) 359. A study of organizational culture which is a study of the informal corporate life. This study will help explain the conflicts among people in organizations. 0381Grunwald, Wolfgang & W. F. Bernthal. Controversy In German management: the Hartzburg model experience. Acad Mgt R (Apt) 233. German critics propose a humanistic fo~m of participative leadership as an alternative, but many German managers still seek a modelthat retains greater management control. 0382 Guest, R.H. The human effects of robots. VS (Jun I) 510. An explanation and closer look at robots, besides a l ~ k into the future using them. They show great promise, but will never take the place of h~mans. 0383 [|aeckel, D. A. & B. B. Johnson. The importance of management input in the development of information systems security. Mgt R (Aug) 26. Four phases of the management cycle must be observed to ensure the protection of computer-based information and systems assets. These are planning, implementation, reporting and evaluation. 0384 Harbaugh, Norman & others. }bw does your management style measure up? Bus (Jan/Mar) 83. A supervisor with irritating work habits may cause hostility and resent:~ent among employees. 0385 Heiman, Grover. Engineering a bright future. Nat Bus (Oct) 50. CEO Edward Danley, Air Products and Chemicals, believes in a management advisory committee to encourage debate. 0386 . Getting back to basics. Nat Bus (Jan) 48. Boise Cascade CEO built his corporation by traveling all over the system to explain changes and prospects for the future to the emplnyees. Hershey's "new" ingredient. Nat Bus (Jun) 42. Bill 0387Dea~den, CEO of Hershey Crop. travels to different company facilities to greet employees.


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0388 . Making the best use of money and manpower. Nat Bus (Aug) 48. CEO of Phillips Petroleum Co. is a strong believer in participatory management. He wants leaders in businesses to take initiative to encourage greater responsibility in decision-making. 0389 Hill, Roy & others. Consultants begin taking their own medicine. Int'l Mgt (Aug) 21. The day of the general management consultant is gone as firms specialize in particular aspects of consulting. 0390 Hirst, Mike. Insurance: the business of people. Can Ins (May) 8. Insurance is described as a people business, with personal service as a major objective. 039] Hise, R. T. & nthers. Factors affecting the performance of individual chain store units. J Ret (Sum) 22. Retailers with multiple units in various geographic markets can expect different levels of success ft~:a each unit. 0392 Howard, J. A. Marketing theory of the firm. J Mkt (Fall) 90. Marketing management is provided with the fundamental logic to guide strategic and operational planning. 0393 Howard, J. H. Hassles, helplessness and hurriedness: three critical stressors in a manager's life. Bus Q (Spr) 22. Explains difficulties managers have dealing with the public and employees. Author describes three problems and how to cope with them. 0394 Jocca seen as most PR sensitive CEO. PRR (Mat- 21) 2. Report of pr reporter's ]982 sociometric survey of most respected public relations practitioners and other findings. 0395 If jobs making machines don't replace jobs running machines, will "job tragic" result in new ways to distribute wealth? PRR (Jun 13) 1. Review of several articles about issue anticipation. 0396 I.M. examines reasons behind U.S. decline in world market share. Int'l Mgt (Feb) 14. Foreign competition has outmanuevered all-product quality. 0397 Incentives, called "perks," are changing as a result of the unstable economy. Int'l Mgt (Apt) 67. Extravagant luxuries, such as exclusive club memberships, are out while those that "enhance income," such as company cars, housing assistance, and extended holidays, are in. 0398 Increasing productivity of knowledge workers in future office. Purview (Jan 17) I. Review of article from Harvard Business Review (Nov-Dec '82) "~ho needs the office of the Future?" 0399 Jacobson, R. H. Hanagement excellence. Mgt W (Aug) I. Superior management is not an accident. Managers need practical sources of information on trends and theories to keep ,Jp with the times. 0400 Johnston, Jean. Word of memo. Mgt W (Feb/Mar) 46. The Japanese style of management includes less paper work, more communicatiton, and an open office concept - no walls ~r cubicles. 0401 Jones, David. Public relations advisors suggest the human element into automated chain of banks. Int'l Mgt (Apt) 35. Although overall money flow has increased, the bank gets complaints from those with questions and problems who want personalized service. 0402 Jones, T. M. & L. D. Goldberg. Governing the large corporation: more arguments foot public directors. Acad Mgt Rev (Oct) 603. 0403 Joynt, Pat. Research based p~'ojects as a learning strategy in b.~siness school. }~m Rel (Jan) 69. The article presents a summary of a new learning strategy for practicing managers who attend courses in business school.


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0404 Kanabayashi, M. A. A sign of Japan's diversification trend: Steelmaker jumps into volleyball shoes. WSJ (Feb 22) 34. Once again Japanese companies are diversifying their product lines. 0405 Kanungo, R. N. & R. W. Wright. A cross-cultural comparative study of managerial job attitudes. J of Int'l Bus Stud (Fall) 115. Managerial Job attitudes are compared from four countries: Canada, France, Japan and the ~K. 0406 Kerwin, Robert. Brainstorming as a flexible management tool. Pets J (May) 414. Discusses brainstorming as a useful management tool to help develop employees, establish policy, improve comm~ication and d~ter~line new business activities. 0407 Keys to leadership. Mgt W (Oct) 21. Leadership is the most studied and least understood aspect of management. Five leadership traits are I) compelling vision; 2) the capacity to comm~licate that vision; 3) constancy; 4) a positive self-regard; and 5) an ability not to dwell on failure. 0408 Kresler, Sara. Robotics: its major effect will be on relationships in the wo.'kplace. Tips & Tactics (Nov 28) I. An account of changes that will occur and the consequences of the new technology. 0409 Knight, Ken. A case for DIY (do it yourself) an organization design. Pets Mgt (Sep) 38. The question of whether organization design should be the exclusive preserve of the specialist or the consultant. 0410 Larson, E. Why are some managers top performers? WSJ (Jan 21) 25. A peak-performing business manager requires 16 defined characteristics in order to work at tol) fo~,n. 0411 '~earn how to learn" produced by Training of Trainers Advisory Group. J E I n d Trng (Feb 16) 4. It is designed to help employees, from the manager downwards, teach one another to learn as they w~r'k. 0412 LeBoeuf, Michael. Melting the paper blizzard. Mkt Times (Jan/Feb) 5. An examination of office paperwork build-up and tips on how to cut down on mounting paperwork. 0413 Lee, Diane. Westinghouse at work. Mgt W (Sep) 29. Explains how Westinghouse Electric formed a task force of secretaries to centralize operations and increase productivity. 0414 Lehr, L.W. A good business climate. VS(Aug 15) 666. A look at what it takes to attract investment and create jobs. Also how business decisions and business cllrnate factors relate to the employees, shareholders, customers, and the community. 0415 Leigh, ~ndrew. Making decisions in the public sector. Pets Mgt (Dee) 28. A look at the different methods employed in the public sector and in the private sector in ways that decisions are made. 0416 . Reshaping of the master manager. MHC (Mar-Apt) 2. Fbw the managerial revolutions has break a new type of leader, and the new pattern of extern forces based on group attitudes are explained. O417 . Thinking broader and deeper. MHC (May-Jun) I. The manager ceases being a sgecialist and becomes a true executive when he/she can see .how all segments of the organization fit together and how the whole functions as a unit. 0418 Levinson, Harry. Getting along with the boss. ATB (Jun) 47. The question of how to get along is answered by the question 'what does it take to enable the boss to like himself or herself?.' 0419 Levy, Robert. Long-distance phone fight. Dun's Bus (Nov) 60. More than 200 cut-rate services are making long-distance talk relatively cheap for con3u,l:~'sand c~npanies and Ma Bell feels the pinch.


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0420 MacDonald, R. A. Productivity improvement through human resource systems. Bus Q (Sum) 32. The author feels that a significant opportunity to improve productivity and gain a competitive edge resides in the huge group of supervisory managerial, professional, and technical employees usually called middle maqagonont. 0421 MacMillan, I. C. The politics of new venture management. H3R (Nov/Dec) 8. Topics of particular interest to owners and managers of smaller businesses. This article oLztlines how the entrepreneur can take steps to avoid coalition building, by-passing resistance groups, developing networks and rapport with opponents. 0422 Machlowitz, M. Green over Gray needn't lead to a clash. WSJ (Apt 11) 26. Executives and supervisors who supervise people older than themselves face a special kind of challenge. 0423 Maliekson, D. L. Are you ready for" a product recall? Bus H (Jan-Feb) 31. Such mundane products as step-ladders and baby back-carriers have recently been added to the government's product recall list. 0424 Management a creative art. Mgt W (Nov) 22. Effeective managers create an ebb and flow of ideas, and regularly perform unrecognized er'eative acts. This occurs because of the constant demands on their intelligence, adaptability, and people skills. 0425 Manz, C. C. & C. A. Snyder. How resourceful entrepreneurs meet business challenges . . . and survive. Mgt R (Oct) 68. Successful entrepreneurs rely on a variety of techniques for effective selfmanagement, some of which have strong implications for strategic decision making. 0426 Marsland, Stephen & M. Beer. The evol,Jti,)qos Japanese management: lessons f~r U.S. managers. Organizational Dynaaics (Win) 49. Finding ways to bond the societal norms of the United States with managerial techniques. Lessons for improved productivity. 0427 McGovern, Thomas. Why Japan's management styles ~n;~ynot fit here. Nat Bus (Aug) 30. Japanese participative management may not fit in the U.S. because the people in Japan are more unified, while the U.S. is more individualistic and are unified ethnically. 0428 Middle management reaches "critical mass." Mgt W (Jul) 24. A major change in job structure and responsibility is taking place at middlemanagement levels. 0429 Mikalaehki, Alexander. Does anyone listen to the boss? Bus H (JanFeb) 18. 'What should a top executive do when his managers don't see the problems he sees? 0430 Hiller, R.C. Are you an enabler? Mgt Q (Spr) 36. An enabler is a cooperative manager" who views an open, 2-way communications progra,n as essential to the productivity of the cooperative. 0431 Hiller, S.S. Hake your plant manager's job manageable. HBR (Jan) 68. Discusses the need for" plant managers to be given the resources they need to improve productivity. The author stresses clear" cut objectives and good organizational skills as the keys to higher productivity of employees. 0432 Honk, J. T. & K. M. Landis. Gearing up for" rapid growth. BCS (Sep) 45. A ease history of problems encountered in planning for rapid growth is presented. 0433 Montgomery Ward moving fast eno~Jgh? BUs W (Ha- 28) 35. To upgrade Ward's image, tarnished by an earlier move to lower-quality ~ywls, its CEO pushes the addition of high-quality merchandise.


Business Management

0434 Monthly seminars designed to hone skills of senior managers. Nat'l Hgt (Feb) 30. The most interesting part of the seminar is the interview with the firm's CEO, during which the executives come to know their boss. 0435 Hunchus, George. Employer - ~nployee based quality circles in Japan: human resources policy implications for American firms. Acad of Hgt R (Apr) 255. Traces the development of the quality circle in Japan with reference to such traditions as permanent employment, seniority based c~pensation, enterprise unlonlsm, and management paternalism. 0436 Myers, Scott & Susan. Devel,,ping a common data base for management and labor. Bus Q (Spr) 43. Believing that employee participation is key to improving productivity, the authors of this article first discuss the workplace as it relates to the traditional attitudes and relationships of management and labor. 0437 Nave, J. L. Banishing burnout. Hgt W (Jun) 30. Explains what causes professional burnout with suggestions for co~bating the problem. 0438 . Z from theory to practice. Mgt W (May) 10. Describes five ways to adapt Theory Z to your workforce. 0439 Nielsen, R. P. Training programs: pulling them into sync with your company's strategic planning. Pets (May) 19. The article demonstrates, through five case studies, the need for long-range organizational strategic planning to be implemented by continually adapting to an organization's changing environment. 0440 Nierenberg, G. D. How to develop win/win techniques. Mgt Rev (Feb) 48. Instructs management on how to use strategies and counterstrategies when negotiating deals s~ that a lastlng agreement can satisfy both sides. Four possible strategies are presented. 0441 Oliver, A. R. & J. R. Garber. Implementing strategic planning: ten sure-fire ways to do it wrong. Bus H (Mar/Apt) 49. Knowing what not to do can be as important as knowing what to do in the strategic planning business. 0442 Once-overcrowded hotels along the Arabian Gulf, promote business. Int'l Hgt (May) 83. They sponsor tennis and snooker exhibitions, hold exotic fruit and vegetables weeks, and serve up ethnic atmosphere continually. 0443 Ong J. D. Business management. VS (Sep 15) 726. How business management needs to take on broader perspective. A desire for managers and personnel with a broader range of knowledge and interests aqd communication skills. 0444 Peters, T. J. & R. H. Waterman, Jr. Corporate chariots of fire. ATB (May) 40. Big companies preserve their innovative spark by encouraging product ch&~pions and venture te&~. 0445 Poe, Randall. A walk and talk with Peter Drucker. ATB (Feb) 32. Interview with Peter Drueker, a management consultant. Drucker discusses his views on his conservatism, management as a career and how companies are doing today. 0446 Pollock, Ted. How well do you know your company? Salesman (Jun) 27. Knowing your company is essential to a convincing presentation. 0447 Program to educate American executive~ on the costs of living abroad is recommended by consultants. Int'l Mgt (Jun) 5. ~]e program would help executives who are relocated understand differences in living standard. 0448 Pulieh, M. A. Train first-line supervisors to handle discipline.


Business Management Pets J (Dee) 980. A look at how to train supervisors with the necessary knowledge to handle discipline and its problems. A look at job rotation prograns, clarification of rules and job policies. 0449 Ragan, Janine. Corporate culture: you've got it even if you don't know what it is. RR (Mar 21) I. Examples of corporate culture in practice in several organizations. 0450 Raimes, James. Bosses, cautionary tales for the modern employee. Harper's (Aug) 54. A sampling of bad bosses, as sketched by their former ~nployees. 0451Rehder, R. R. & J. L. Porter. The creative MBA: balancing the science and the art of management. Bus H (Nov/Dec) 52. A new kind of MBA program with a distinctly humanistic and creative perspective would emphasize the non-cognitive qualities that MBAs need to become leaders. 0452 Education and training: have the Japanese beaten us again? Pets J'(Jan) 42. Shows why the lifetime educational and industrial training and development system succeeds. 0453 Retiree Execs invited back to brief successors. Int'l Mgt (Jan) 7. ~ c h of the advice concentrated on avoiding mistakes. 0454 Robertson, T. S. & Scott Ward. Management lessons from airline deregulation. HBR (Jan) 40. Offers suggestions for managers of established companies in industries that are being deregulated. The authors use the successes and failures of airline managers as examples in their article. 0455 Robsoq, Britt. Moving Onl Bl Ent (Oct) 99. Taking a job in a new town can be both profitable and problematic. Tips on how to manage that climb up the corporate ladder. 0456 Rosenfield, J.H. Values and quality. VS (Mar 1) 312. A l o o k at two keys to business strategy: values and quality. A look at business, particularly CBS, and how they go about performing their strategy. 0457 Roskin, Rich & Charles Margerison. The effectiveness of some measures of managerial effectiveness. Hum Rel (Oct) 865. The study of British managers who participated in intensive seminars. 0458 Route to top data show previous emphasis on fina~elal background gives way to CEOs with technical background. PRR (Dec 5) 3. Next are those with a~ninistrative backgrounds; financial is third. 0459 Roy, W. G. The unfolding of the interlocking directorate structure of the United States. Am Soc Rev (Apt) 248. An analysis of the inter industry interlocking for the period of 1886-1905, whereas centrality was the primary feature. 0460 Rutherford, R. D. Getting a better grip on your time. Mkt Times (Jan/Feb) 35. Answers to questions on recurring time management problems-interruptions, travel time, paperwork. 0461Schilit, W. T. A managers guide to efficient time management. Pets J (Sep) 736. Learn to avoid the manager's dilemma 'too little time, too ,nany tasks.' Some valuable adviee. 0462 Sc.holl, R. W. & W. W. Browne11. Let management develnpment score for your organization. Pers J (Jun) 486. Learn how to overcome traditional roadblocks to success by focusing on three essential steps: need assesmnent progr~n development and evaluation. 0463 Selman, James & V. F. DiBianea. Contextual management: applying the art of dealing creatively with change. Mgt Rev (Sep) 13. A look at how U.S. business can regain its position as world leader by establishing a new way of management. 0464 Serps up. Mgt W (Aug) 3. More major industrial companies are using

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Business Management supplemental executive retirement plans (SERPs) this year. SERPs geflerally provide lifetime beneefits that are calculated on the executives final pay. 0465 Shapiro, H. D. Corporate middle America. Psych Today (Jan) 12. Lists traits that are valued in managers. Examples include: hard work and an ability to get along, brilliance, and an MBA is most welcome! 0466 Sherman, S. P. Muddling to victory at Geleo. Fort (Sep 5) 66. CEO of Geieo Corp. calls his management style 'muddling through' because he waited years for his colleagues to suggest a change instead of giving an order. 0467 Simpson, E . L . Motorola's p a r t i c i p a t i v e management. Mgt W (Jul) 19. This management program i s a response t o r a p i d l y changing technologies, g r e a t e r eomFetition and a changing workforee. The program includes a f i n a n c i a l sharing o f the r e s u l t s b e t ~ e n the e~npany and the ~ p l o y e e s . 0468 . P a r t i c i p a t i n g employees produce. CJ (Jul/Aug) 46. An e x p l a n a t i o n o f F ~ t o r o l a ' s p a r t i c i p a t i v e Managenent Program. 0469 Singh, Ramadhar. Leadership s t y l e and reward a l l o c a t i o n : does l e a s t p r e f e r r e d co-worker scale measure task and r e l a t i o n o r i e n t a t i o n ? Org Beh & Hum Perf (Oct) 178. A study as t o what people consider e q u i t a b l e d i s t r i b u t i o n o f rewards in a group. Ind another study t o r e l a t e p e o p l e ' s l e a d e r s h i p s t y l e t o t h e i r d i s t r i b u t i o n s o f rewards. 0470 Slocum, J. W. & D. H e l l r i e g e l . A look a t how managers' minds work. Bus H (Jul/Aug) 58. Managers manage in c e r t a i n ways because o f how t h e i r minds work. A look a t four types. 0471 Smith, H. T. Managing tomorrow's workforee. Mgt W (Jun) 9. M a i n t a i n i n g a human perspective in the automated o f f i c e is the most c r i t i c a l issue o f the f u t u r e . Most managers tend to be more concerned w i t h p r a c t i c a l issues o f impl~nenting o f f i c e automation. 0472 Spark o f m i l i t a n c y in the land o f l o y a l t y . Bus W (Sep 5) 96. Japan's once d~cile unions start to fight back against au~nation and Third World competition; once guaranteed lifetime employment now looks questionable. 0473 Spencer, inn. The non-executive director: sage or sycophant. Pets Mgt (Aug) 24. How people come to be 'outside directors.' What they do, how they are appointed and how the process can be i,~proved is discussed. 0474 Stainton, R.S. Challenging conformity: the question is more important than the answer. Bus Q (Win) 27. The authors stress that the best kind of manager is the one who can think broadly and wh,, can use his or her initiative and innovative skills to tackle whatever problems may come up. 0475 Starbuck, W. H. Organizations as action generators, i~ Soc Rev (Feb) 91. Discussed are organizations and how they generate actions unreflectively and non-adaptively. How organizations modify their behavior progr&ms mainly in small increments that make sense to top managers. 0476 Steele, Philip. Winston of Citibank: a man with enthusiasm and brains. S/N (Jun 17) I. A tribute to Mr. Winston as thoughtful, articulated and an intellectual who gives well-crafted speeches. 0477 Streufert, Siegfried. The stress of excellence. ATB (Oct) 8. Why our best decision-makers may face the greatest risk of heart attacks. 0478 Sullivan, J.J. A critique of theory Z. Acad of Mgt R (Jan) 132. Ouchi's Theory Z prescribes how employees should be motivated for increased productivity.

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0479 Sullivan, W. P. Have you got what it takes to get to the top? Mgt R (Apt) 9. The task of selecting top executives is almost completely a subjective one. The author suggests objective teats. 0480 Surveying executives from 11 countries. I.M. finds that most people are prepared to settle fnr a lower level of achievement in exchange for better f~ily llfe. Int'l F~t {Mar) 58. 0481Swenson, Keith. Help employees save with a cash or deferred plan. Assoc Mgt (Aug) 74. Analysis of the 401(K) plan which can offer employees the sa~e tax deductions as an individual retire:,~ent. 0482 Taylor, H.L. Make prime time work harder for yo:J. Mkt Ti:nes (Jan/Feb) 19. Suggestions for using your time more efficiently by scheduling your prime ~r peak time for important tasks. 0483 Thomas, E. G. Managers rate their skills. Mgt W (May) 19. Results showed that managers are primarily interested in managing suhordln~ites that have general management skills; view themselves as generalists rather than technical specialists. 0484 Thurow: business too bureaucratic. Mgt W (Jul) 21. Many managers are too preoccupied with protecting themselves from being laid off or fired. The productivity problem is in the office with the managers. 0485 U.S. strategy consultant believes top executives not equipped to think strategically. Int'l Mgt {Mar) 63. Many of those employees promoted from the operations level do not have "a clear mental track," which is needed in strategy devising. 0486 Usually dull enrporate philosophy turned into vibrant tool for energizing and enforcing organizational culture by making it a participative program, not just a document. PRR (Oct ]0) I. 0487 Van Fleet, D. D. Span of management research and issues. Acad Mgt Rev (Sep) 546. Research into the span of management. What affects span and factors that affect effectiveness and productivity. 0488 Votaw, D. W. Has corporate public affairs come of age? Cal Hgt R (Sum) 160. There is still much to learn a ~ u t corporate behavior. The gaps are being filled slowly from leaks from inside and .~bservations from outside the corporate organization. 0489 Wallum, Peter. Financial incentives for top executives. Pets Mgt (Apr) 32. A look at how companies feel there is a direct link between company performance and management rewards as a powerful motivator. 0489 Watson, C. E. Managerial mindsets and the structural side of managing. Bus H (Nov/Dec) 21. Successful management depends on eo~plex mental processes such as setting goals, planning, organizing and controlling. 0491 Watson, E. M. Leadership, manage,nent, and the seven keys. ~ s H (Mar-Apr) 8. A comparison of traditional organization the,~ry with the 7-S model highlights key differences between managers and leaders. 0492 Wells, Ronald G. ~lat every manager should know about management consultants. Pets J (Feb) 142. Selecting, retaining and working with a managc~nent consultant. 0493 What the spinoff will mean to the customer. Bus W (Sep 5) 72. The divestiture of AT&T will mean a bewildering array of options and higher rates. 0494 Wilkins, A. L. & W. G. Ouchi. Efficient cultures: exploring the relationship between culture and organizational performance. Adm Sci Q (Sep) 468. Analysis of an organization's culture on its performance. An organization's performance cannnt be adequately understood unless the culture is understood.


Business Man~,~emcnt

0495 Williams, R. The robot: friend or D~e? psych Today {Dec) 21. Although there is the ultimate fear of robots one day taking over the working class, an experiment has proved that workers do not seem to be very worried about it. 0496 Williamson, Nicholas. Productivity - another Japanese export. Bus (Oct/Dec) 83. The Japanese were the first to understand the importance of market share to the long-term profitability of companies. 0497 Wills, Gordon. The Buckingham business school: a base for transferring theory into practice. Pets Mgt (Apt) 24. A school that combines the best of management teaching teachniques with the best of consultancy. 0498 Wind, Yora,n & others. An empirical comparison of standardized portfolio models. J Mkt (Spr) 89. Using data for 15 businesses, the author compares the positioning of these businesses in a number of portfolio models. Managerial implications of these results are discussed. 0499 Wood, Duncan. Uses and abuses of personnel consultants. Pets Mgt (Oct) 40. Former personnel consultant Duncan Wood looks at the size and structure of the business and draws on a recent survey on why we use management consultants. 0500 Wooten, B. E. & Holstead, R.J. Productivity. Mgt W (May) 14. It is up to managers to find the cure to lagging productivity. A Japanese style of management should be followed - mutual trust not manager eliti~. 0501Yukl, Gary & Tom Taber. The effective use of managerial power. Pets (Mar) 37. Competent leadership is influence over the attitudes and behavoir of subordinants. 0502 Zmuda, Richard. Planning for professional growth. Mgt W (Nov) 27. Characteristics of an effective boss include above-average ability to communicate, displaying good interpersonal skills, and maintaining technical knowledge. 0503 Zussman, Y. E. Learning from the Japanese: management in a resourcescarce world. Org Dyn (Win) 68. A look into how U.S. managers must recognize that the increasing scarcity of resources calls for certain changes. BOOKS 0504 Bowen, Murray. Understanding organizations: applications of family systems theory. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Family Center, 131 pp. $12. Author's theory is based on symptoms in individuals are seen as an imbalance in relationships. 0505 Bradley, P. H. & J. E. Baird Jr. Communicating for business and the professions, 2nd ed. Dubuque, IA: Borwn. 385 pp., paper. The inclusion of an entire chapter on conflict is the strength of this book because of the growing concern in business and the prnfessions for an understanding of the role of conflict in organizational life. 0506 Curtis, D. A. Strategic planning for s~naller businesses. Lexington, MA: Lexington Bks, 224 pp. $22. Derived from the best practices currently used by major coporations. 0507 Fink, S. L. & others. Designing and managing organizations. Homewood, IL: Irwin, 666 pp. Stresses theoretical and research-based concepts with s~ne application to real situations.


Business Management

0508 Finn, N. B. The electronic office. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: P-H, 143 pp. $12.95 paper. Demonstrates how office automation can help save money and time in business co~nunieations. 0509 Heneman, H. G. I I I & others. Personnel/human resource management, rev. Homewood, IL: Irwin, 677 pp. The authors differentiate between functional activities and activities that support the function. O510 Peters, Thomas & Robert Waterman. In search of excellence: lessons from America's best run companies. New York: Harper & Row, $19.95. The authors are management consultants who judge eonpanies based on their proximity to their markets and customers, and can adapt to change. 0511 Poe, J. B. An introduction to the American business enterprise, fifth edition. Homewood, IL: Irwin, 501 pp. Comprehensive approach to the role of business in our private enterprise system. O512 Ricks, D. A. Big business blunders: mistakes in multinational marketing. Homewood, IL: Irwin, 168 pp. A collection of actual mistakes to provide learning in avoidance. 0513 Robock, S. H. International business and multinational enterprises, 3rd ed. Homewood, IL: Irwin, 795 pp. An introduction to the field focusing on the development of management skills in problem-solving situations. 0514 Solman, Paul & Thomas Friedman. Life and death on the corporate battlefield. New York: Simon & Schuster, $13.95. Authors use ease histories to s}nw i~)w the fast-changing market place can upset longranging planning. 0515 Winters, R. J. It's different when you manage. Lexington, MA: Lexington [3ks., 272 pp. $20. Covers interpersonal relationships, problem-solving, communication motivation and initiating changes. ~{ESIS O516 Chaudry, Naz Perwer. Why s~,all b~J~inesses fail: an exploratory investigation of information communication problems of small business 9 organizations. Unpub thesis (Iowa). An exploratory study of small businessness failures and reasons from eight case studies, focused interviews and questionnaires.

tlUSLYESS R E S P O N S l i l I L I T Y ARTICLES 0517 Ad Council leads literacy ad campaign. Ad Age (Sep 12) 83. President Reagan plugging forgovernment/private sector teamwork O combat adult illiterary, endorses a national literacy awareness ad campaign. 0518 Armacost, S. H. The problem behind the problem with the economy. PRJ (Jan) 19. It is the task of the PR practitioner to emphasize that creating jobs - and high-quality goods - are the two main social benefits that a business enterprise can contribute to a community. 0519 Boyer, Tom. Philips pumps up for product. Ad Age (Aug I) 83. Philips Petroleum Co. ads two new twists to its marketing strategy. Its first public affairs commercial TV spot airs on nine cable TV networks. 0520 Carroll, A. B. When business closes down: social responsibilities and management actions. Cal Mgt R (Win) 125. Business must learn to address their manag~nent actions in t e ~ s of social responsibilities.


Business Responsibility

O521 Corporations, cities and nonprofits learned how to work together at partnerships conference. PRR (Jul 19) 3. Includes priorities of areas of concern and where corporations want to help. 0522 Crisps, John. Public directors on company boards. Bus Q (Sum) 139. The author explains the need fo~ i~plementing outside influence in order to take responsibility for the consideration of the social impact of corporate activity. 0523 Define your area .-.fs,)cial responsibility by "doing what you do best.', PRR (Jul 18) 2. Case history of bookseller's literacy program. 0524 Delano, Sara. Give and you shall receive. Inc (Feb) 128. Since Jack Caffray and his wife, Joan, started Instant Copy of Indiana Inc. in 1969, they have looked for opportunities to help the community and to increase their company's sales. 0525 Dennis, L. B. The limits of giving. VS (Mar 1) 29?. Recommendations on when and where to give and how much; also do's and don'ts, plus a little encouragement, for these economically lean times. 0526 Drunk driving e&mpaign works by combining m/o, peer pressure and enforcement. PRR (Aug 15) 2. A case history of a successful, effective campaign including the six levels of public relations activity. 0527 Evers, Myrlie. Consumerism in the eighties. PRJ (Aug) 24. Atlantic Richfield company (ARCO) has long recognized the [mportance of a close give-and-take relationship with public interest groups. 0528 Evidence that true social responsibility pays off is seen in Tylenol crisis. PRR (Feb 14) I. Action is based on ethics expressed in 1942: the welfare and protection of the cons~er must come first. 0529 Evolution of a sports promotion. Mkt Comm (Nov) 26. General Foods' Fun 'n Fitness program began with a direct-mail promoted, youth-oriented effort in which free exercise and play equipment was offered to elementary schools for proofs-of-purchase from Post cereal packages. 0530 Fernstrom, M. M. Corporate public responsibility: a marketing opportunity. Mgt R (Feb) 54. The author believes that a corporation must demonstrate its public responsibility by focusing its full creative talents on the public's needs should coincide with the overall corporate strategy. 0531Frederickson, H. The recovery of civism in public administration. Lib Educ (Win) 343. Outcries about the decline of civic institutions have initiated a return to civism, with partnerships forming between business, civic, and political leaders to work on civic problems. 0532 Frederick, W. C. Corporate social responsibility in the Reagan era and beyond. Cal Mgt R (Spr) ]45. Corporations must form "social partnerships" to help solve neglected social problems. 0533 Garagh&n, P.F. Alcohol industry campaigns against alcohol abuse. PRQ (Such) 11. The Licensed Beverage Information Council was formed by the alcoholic beverage industry in response to a 1978 study indicating that public education was needed to increase women's awareness of the dangers of drinking during pregnancy. 0534 Gill, R. W. T. & L. J. Leinbach. Corporate social responsibility in l~ng Kong. Cal Mgt R (Jan) 107. A study identifies attitudes concerning social responsibility that prevail in Hong Kong corporations. 0535 Grunig, J. E. & D. A. Ipes. The anatomy of a campaign against drunk driving. PR Rev (Sum) 36. Using results of a 2-stage study of the drunken driving issue, a theoretical anatomy of a public information

eanpaign i s developed.


Business Responsibili~, 0536 Hiring disadvantaged youth. Mgt W (Aug) 24. Companies that contribute jobs to disadvantaged young people could eventually fill their own demands for skilled workers as well. This year companies can receive a major tax credit. 0537 How business is joining the fight against functional illiteracy. Bus W (Apt) 94. The problem is not simple illiteracy. But one needs a higher level of reading ability - a~d associated math and problemsolving skills - to function in today's society. 0538 Kamerman, S. B. The new mixed economy of welfare: public and private. Social Work (Ja~/Feb) 5. ~ account of how profit-making companies are entering the field of child care, home health srvices and other social services. 0539 Knecht, G. B. Cmrporate compact with Boston's schools. Dun's BUs M (May) 81. Boston compact guarantees jobs to high school graduates. 0540 Laue, Cindy. Youths and drunk driving: an industry reaches out. J Ins (Jul/Aug) 26. The National Association of Insurance Women and Insurance Information Institute offer film and discussion of the effects of alcohol to young drivers. O541 Moore, M.D. Improving marketing while helping communities. Nat Uqd P & C (Aug 12) 3. All insurance agents and company representatives taking part in major Insurance Information Institute action programs have an opportunity to build good will for the insurance industry, while making their communities better places to live. 0542 Moskowitz, Milton. Trumpeting the new values. Comm W (Nov) 39. American companies are rediscovering the need for such values as integrity and honesty in corporate policy. They're even putting them in ~'iting. 0543 Plimio, A. J. Organizing a corporate philanthropy program. Mgt Rev (Feb) 50. Three models a corporation can choose from in philanthropy plans. 0544 Positive message strategies seen as more effective than fear in getting publics to act. PRR (Nov 28) I. A case history on Low National Car Rental created driving safety and anti-drunk driving campaign. 0545 Reagan's private sector initiatives program has led to greater public awareness of voluntarism and new ideas for public~private partnerships. Purview (Aug 15) I. Effect of the President's task force. 0546 Retraining imperative. Mgt W (Aug) 22. Investing in training today's youth and retraining older workers will pay off in the future. Education is the first step of economic defense. 0547 Role for producers in the fight against drunk driviqg. J Ins (Jul/Aug) 32. A kit to help combat the problem of drunk driving is described. 0548 Ryan, Michael & D. C. Martinson. The PR officer as corporate conscience. PRQ (Sum) 20. PR practitioners are uniquely suited to collect and disseminate infomation about a corporation's relationship to social issues and to advocate socially responsible action. 0549 Social welfare: execs favor money over time. Mgt W (Jul) 23. Volunteerism should be enforced by corporations - not only by donating funds to worthy causes, but also involving employees in community groups. 0550 Takeuchi, Hirotaka & J. A. Quelch. Quality is more than making a good product. HBR (Jul/Aug) 139.


Business Responsibility 0551 Texaco: working with public interest groups. PRJ (Apt) 16. When an audit of Texaco's image indicated that the time was ripe to work with third-party groups on issues of mutual concern, the company established a consumer affairs function with its focus on developing sound two-way communication with major national constituency groups. 0552 Winpisinger: leglslate social responsibility. Mgt W (Jul) 22. Advocates a labor industrial sector board based on the Federal Reserve Board to keep a watch on production and economic development. 0553 York, Stanley and J~ Robert Mlalko. Utility Diversification: a regulatory perspective. Pub Uttl Fort (Jan 6) 15. Reviews actions taken to reex~nine public interest issues involved in current efforts by utlities to expand. BOOKS 0554 Alexander, H. E. The case for PACs. Washington, CD: Public Affairs Council, 32 pp. A monograph defending PACs but advocating educating the public regarding their methods and goals, and especially the low level of their influence. 0555 Gollner, A. B. Social change and corporate strategy: the expanding r~le of public affairs. Stamford, CT: Issues Actions publicatlons. $24.93. Explores ways to conduct a public affairs audit.

CO~Di UNICATION--CRISIS ARTICLES 0556 Another headache for J & J. Bus W (Mar) 36. Just five m~nths ~rter" spending $100 million to recall 31 million bottles of Tyle~ol cap-~.Jles, Johnson and Johnson is recalling Zomax, a prescription painreliver, following the deaths of five persons. 0557 Can Dew improve its public relations? PR News (Jun 13) I. Account of Bow's att~npt to overcome its negative public relations. 0558 Crisis speaker called out on crisis. O'Dwyer (Apr 27) 2. Account of the public relations problems of chemical companies, especially Dow, and what they and their counselors, notably ||Ill and Knowlton, are doing about it. 0559 Deaton, D. C. Corporate ~'aud and crisis public relations. PRJ (Jun) 18. When computer fraud was discovered in a J. Walter Thompson uqtt, a crisis communications program based on the simple strategy to tell the full story to everyone who should know, caused JWT to end up essentially where it had been before the crisis. 0560 Fannin, Rebecca. Diary of an a,~azing comeback. Mkt & Med Dec (Spr) 129. After- the Tylenol tragedy J & J began efforts to rebuild the brand. The company sent letters to the trade and statements to the press to reduce the public alarm. It conducted surveys of cons~ers. 9 Most lie low when disaster strikes. Mkt & Media Dec I 056(Jan) 58. Rather than lose its top money maker after the deaths resulting from contamination of Extra-Strength Tylenol capsules, Johnson & Johnson decided to rescue the Tylenol image and go directly to the

public. 0562 Foster, L. G. 23.


Handling the Tylenol story:

good PR. ASNE Bull (Oct)

More praise for this award-winning crisis communication effort.


0563 Greene, Bob. Trying to trap the Tylen<~l k[llker: a columnist's conscience. ASNE (Oct) 20. Columnist discusses his role in the att~npt to draw out the killer. 0564 Home, G. N. Mediating conflict in a crisis. PRJ (Jan) 22. Crisis management is a way of public relations life today. 0565 Horton, T. R. Rumors: a corporate communication crisis. Sec Mgt (Jun) 21. It takes a concentrated effort to dispel a business rumor. Communication is the primary weapon in putting an end to unwarranted gossip. 0566 Johnson & Johnson launches its first extensive advertising campaign for Tylenol since the cyanide poisonings. Brdst (Jan 3) 37. The campaign features a woman placing her trust in the product. The commercials end with a description of Tylenol's safety wrap. 0567 Kribel, David M. Hosp (Mar I) 39. The crisis management team at Marymount Hospital in Garfield Heights, Ohio, has developed a program for handling crises. 0568 Leon, Mitchell. Tylenol fights back. PRJ (Mar) 10. The successful handling of the Tylenol poisoning crisis by Johnson & Johnson won both the support of the media and the confidence of the customers. 0569 Levy, Robert. Crisis public relations. Dun's Bus R (Aus) 50. The 4 primary attributes of an effective emergency PR program are: I. preparation, 2. candor, 3. action, and 4. initiative. 0570 Rossie, C. M. Jr. Now is the time. C J (Nov/Dec) 18. When a crisis occurs, the performance of the corporate communicator can make or break a company. 0571Rubenstein, C. The Tylenol tradition. Psych Today (Apt) 16. Tylenol will survive - according to the public! Of 500 surveyed, 92% said they thought that Tylenol would survive the poisoning incident. 91% said they would probably buy the prnduct again. 0572 Seitel, F. P. Ten myths of handling bad news (and better ways to manage a crisis). Bank Mkt (May) 12. The recession has generated much bad news for banks requiring the 'rules' contained in the expanding crisis management literature. 0573 Snyder, Leonard & L. G. Foster. An anniversary review and critique: the Tylenol crisis/replay. PR Rev (Fall) 24. The Tylenol crisis demonstrated the need to recognize public relations as a top-management, independent function. 0574 Stephenson, D. R. Crisis situations. VS (Mar I) 315. A look at how Dow Che:~ical Canada learned to turn correctional public relations (which primarily pries management out of a crisis) into a solid, practical bedrock. 0575 Tschop, C. A. Make crisis work for you: Wilson college case history. FRM (Dec) 20. Gifts and grants constitute a college's fUndraising and promotional strategy emphasized the college's cause, crisis and its constituency. 0576 Viekery, H. B. III. The phone rings . . . it's the press. There's a crisis. What now? Assoc Mgt (Mar) 46. The associations that survive crises have 3 factors in common: I. They are prepared for a crisis. 2. They act to protect their members and to serve the public. 3. They are open and cooperative with the news media.



THESES 0577 Lee, G. D. The effects of organizational structure on crisis communication in the chemical industry. Unpub thesis (Georgia). knalysis of the relationship between structure and crisis communication. 0578 Liu, A. C. Crisis public relations: problem communications in five well-known cases. "Unpub thesis (Oklahoma). 0579 Mana, F.J. Emergency crisis communication - a model and video presentation for public relations practitioners. Unpub thesis (Florida). This study surveyed the relevant literature. 0580 Partch, M. A. The California State government's public relations efforts during the medfly project June 1980 to November 1981: a case study.

CO.~DI U N ! C A T I O N - - G E N E R A L ARTICLES 0581 Barnes, Ken. 'We can fight back.' Can Bank (Apr) 44. By following prudent procedures, banks can set up effective co~,uunications programs. 0582 Become your organization's CIA, counsels public affairs division. PRR (May 30) 3- Importance of in-bound com:nunication and knowledge of the community and their publics advocated by consultant. 0583 Broms, Henri & Henrik Gahmberg. Communication to self in organizations and cultures. Adm Sei Q (Sep) 482. Autocommunication is the communication to oneself. ~lis inner communication can be used in a corporate environment to focus your mind, set gnals and generate enthusiasm. 0584 Case study: Alaska national communication program shows mass information campaigns can correct misperceptions. PRR (Feb 28) ]. A ease history of Alaska's $2 million e&~paign. 0585 Cole, R. E. Improving product quality through continuous feedback. Mgt R (Oct) 8. Management has the job to see to it that quality improvement is not a limited operation aimed at only one level. 0586 DiGaetanl, J. L. A systems solution to communication problems. Bus H (Sep/Oct) 57. A case study on the Connecticut bank and how it restructured its co~;n~nication. 0587 Effects of mass commtmication - a review. SSM (May) I. Review of Milestones in Mass Communication Research exploring the effects on public atti~-ude-'~nd human behavioro--~ss communication. 0588 Ferment in the field. JOC (~]m). Collection of essays assessing the status of mass c~anunication and theory. 0589 Gilsdorf, J. W. Executive and managerial attitudes toward business slang: A Fortune-list survey. J Bus Comm (Fall) 29. A survey reveals that a large number" of business communicators express tolerant attitudes. 0590 . Turbulence and new language: watch out for software rot. J Comm Mgt (2) 9. A list of new words and old words with new meanings challenges communicators to weed out the linguistic junk. 0591Grany, J. E. & D. A. Ipes. The state-of-the-art in public communication campaigns. Tips & Tactics (Feb 7) ]. Warns that co.~rnunications alone cannot change behavior. 0592 Klepper, M. M. TV exposure for management. Mgt R (Apr) 21. The



author believes that it is management's responsibility to tell the corporate story to the public via television programming. 0593 Lehr, L. W. What bothers this businessman. ASNE Bull (May-June) 11. CEO of 3M Co. wants improved communication beetween the media and top business management, more mutual trust and time for validating information. 0594 Leontiades, Milton. The confusing words of business policy. Acad Mgt Rev (Jan) 45. Proposals concerning semantics and aetivlties that define the business field, that will promote a consensus on the basic concepts and terms found in this field. 0595 Lynch, Dudley. The brain's 7 vital secrets. CJ (May/Jun) 52. Author analyzes the source of all communication - the brain. 0596 McKinley, S. J. & C. A. Gosselink. What you don't say says it all. CJ (May/Jun) 47. Discusses body language and their effect on others. 0597 Managhan. R.R. Preemptive language. ETC (Win) 437. Discusses how word choice is influenced by societal status, attitude, and internal meanings. 0598 Murns, Charles. Comments on mysticism and its language. ETC (Fall) 305. Words are words and no more. When words cease to correspond with facts, it is time for us to part with words and return to the facts. This idea is related to the Zen Buddist philosophy. 0599 Ober, S. & A. P. Wunsch. The status of business communication instruction in post-secondary institutions in the United States. J Bus Comm (Spr) 5. A rando n sample of U.S. post-secondary institutions was analyzed in three categories to determine the status o~ bdsiness com~nunication instruction in each. 0600 Pattison, Robert. The literacy of power. CJ (Sep/Oct) 46.. Distinguishes between literacy defined as the ability to read and write and the literacy of power, which is manipulating language for power and profit. 0601 Reeves, Byron. Now you see them, now you don't: demonstrating effects of communication programs. PRQ (Fall) 17. The effective evaluation of a communication program should consider what is having an effect, ~ is affected, what changes, and how it changes. 0602 Robinson, John & Mark Levy. What do readers digest? WJR (Oct) 38. The public often picks up garbled messages and images about the news. Studies have found that people do not com~'ehend enough news and tend to get stories confused. 0603 Rohrer, Robert. When ignorance is bliss. Am ~alesr~an (Oct) 14. The dangers of making assunptions are explored. 0604 Siegel, Alan. Plain English. VS (Feb I) 249. Author complains about specialized English used by professionals; points to misunderstandings arising from such "wordiness." 0605 Sigma Delta Chi conference. O'Dwyer (Nov 30) 4. Report of the conference of the Society of Professional Journalists. 0606 Stappers, J.O. Mass communication as public communication. J Comm (Sum) 141. Acts of communication in which knowledge is made available without restricting who may receive it constitute public cow,nucleation. 0607 Swan, Christopher. Big steel's media blues. Mktg & Media Dec (Dec) 64. U.S. steel producers are being forced to muffle their corporate communications efforts. 0608 Thompson, W. S. Communication and information. VS (Apt 15) 407. We are now living in the "informatloq age." Explanations are given of



three princiiples for more effective communication. 0609 Zamarripa, P. O. & Dorothy Krueger. Implicit contracts regulating small group leadership. Sm Gr Beh (May) 187. Rules for group communication, especially in dealing with language barriers and selecting a group leader are analyzed.

0610 Baron, Stanley & others. Self, symbols and society: an introduction to mass eommunication. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 311 pp. $31.95. Another in a series of mass c ~ u n i c a t i o n texts with a marketable title. 0611 Davis, H. & P. Walton, eds. Language, image, media. NY: St. Martin's Press, 317 pP. $29.95. Analyzes the different ways in which the print and electronic media, advertising and photography construct and convey messages. 0612 Gudykunst, William. Intercultural communication theory: current perspectives. Beverly Hills, Sage, 311 pp. $28. This seventh volu,ne of the international and intercultural communication annual offers 18 essays.

COMMUNICATION--GI~II,lliCS ~%~DDESIGN ARTICLES O613 Arnold's admirables. RR (Mar 14) supp. A semi-annual presentation of non-periodic publications of high typographic quality. More Arnold's a~mirables can be found in RR {Jun 20 & Nov 7). 0614 Beyond four-color printing. Adv Tech (Jun) 24. Print has suffered a minor setback in the past 20 years due to television. Now art design ads with a fifth or sixth color can be reproduced with presses that can print up to 10 colors in one run. 0615 Bishop, Jerry. Gutenberg's marvel begins with a bang, ends with a whimper. WSJ (Jul 7) I. Movable type, one of mankind's greatest inventions, is on the verge of disappearing after more than five centuries. 0616 Church, F. E. Magazine advertising reproduction. GAM (Jun) 152. The physical display in magazines is not as good as it should be. The article deals with ways to improve this in different kind of printing processes. 0617 Design costs. RR (Feb 7) 3. What some East Cost companies pay for design. Same subject is covered for e~mpanies on the West Coast in RR issue for Feb 28. 0618 Dorn, Ray. The-do-it yourself designer: tabloids-designing sidebars. RR (Jan 10) supp. How to use sidebars on the page. More design recommendations by Dorn appears in Feb. 7, Apr. 11, May 23 and Nov. 21 issues. 0619 Grey, B.E. Color: how much do you need? Adv Tech (Jun) 30. A test to determine if color Is required is to see if it ace~nplishes the desired result. It must generate more profit to justify its use. 0620 Hartley, James & Donald Rooum. Sir Cyril Butt and typography: a reevaluation. Brit J Psych (May) 203. C. Burr contributed to 5 areas of typographical research: spacing words and text; the use of series; the effects of typefaces, typesizes, and line lengths on reading e~nprehension; and aesthetic preferences.


Comm,mication--Grapl, ics and D e s i g n 0621 Hunter, Bill. The next wave: not just more technology, but more useful technology. Comm W (Nov) 14. In 1982, about $500 million was spent on computer business graphics, and this fig~'e is expected to increase 40% annually, to over $6 billion by the end of the 1980s. 0622 Jordan, Archie. Adding more poweer to your presentations. ~ e r Salesman (Mar) 31. Visual aids can be an effective way to increase the impact of a presentation. 0623 Laser technology. Adv Tech (Nov) 26. An examination of laser-aided color separations for printing finds lasers to be more precise than traditional white light sources and, in the long run, more costefficient. 0624 Neumann, Eckhard. The visual image of the Deutsche bank. Graphics (225) 56. The basic design guidelines for the new visual image of the Deutsche Bank are presented. 0625 Peterson, B. K. Tables and graphs improve reader performance and reader reaction. J Bus Comm (Spr) 47. Graphic presentations increase readers' comprehension of material that may not be too understandable in verbal form. 0626 Pre-press color printing. Adv Tech (Apt) 26. Overlay pre-press proofs are made of separate transparency overlays, each in a different color. 0627 Rogivue, Philippe. Swiss posters. Graphics (225) 50. Street posters are discussed as a form of communication, a conveyance of information, a presentation of a message. A complex advertising message is condensed into a visually attractive message. 0628 Spiegel's new chic. Adv Tech (Apt) 8. Today's mail order COml~nies try to keep up with the designers by new catalog designs. 0629 Taking stock of paper. Adv Tech (Sep) 28. Uncoated stock costs less than coated paper and can deliver equal results for half-tone reproductions. 0630 Taylor, Jeremy & Alec MacKenzie. The power of silence in selling. Bus Q (Spr) 38. The authors take a look at the powerful impact of the well-chosen silence, the ability to keep silent without losing impetus. 0631Wallker, Tom. Although costly, color scanner can make difference in quality. Presstime (Feb) 40. The color scanner ean provide more consistency than the direct-screen process in newspaper production. 0632 Weaver, Bill. Ugly letterhead speeds up board responses. Assoe Mgt (Jan) 120. The use of a bright coloeed stationary can be used to stress the importance of a piece of mail. Color indicates the importance of the mail and the need for- an immediate reply. 0633 White, Jan. Editing by design. RR (Jan 3) supp. Picture windows: how one part of the design is affected by the rest of the design on the page. More in RR (Mar" 21 and May 9). 0634 . How to make your own special logo. RR (Aug I) supp. Using ready-made letters for" designing a logo. More on the topic appears I n RR (Aug 8). 0635 . Picture windows. RR (Mar 2]) supp. Third in a series of results from viewing photos in publications as pictures dressing up a blank wall. 0636 White, Leslie. The symbol: the origin and basis of human behavior. ETC (Fall) 248. A reprint from the first year of publication. Discussion of the symbol as the basic unit of a human behavior, elvilizatlon and communication.


Communication~Graphics and Design BOOKS 0637 Craig, R. T. & Karen Tracy. Conversational coherence. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 344 pp. $28. Demonstrates how body language affect interpersonal eou~nunicattons. 0638 Helmken, Charles. Creativity illustrated. Washington, DC: CASE, 125 PP. $75. paper. A clip book of more than 600 line drawings plus lists of sources for more line art. 0639 Joyce, W. L. & AI. Printing and society in early America. Worcester, MA: Amer. Antiquarian Son., 322 pp. $32.50. A collection of essays dealing with the social, intellectual and cultural history of the early book trade. 0640 Marshall, Alan. Changing the word: the printing industry in transition. London: Comedia, 144 pp. This history shows how printing has become a global business through electronic advancement. 0641 McQuail, Denis. Mass communication theory. Beverly Hills, CA, 248 pp. $25. Overview of the different approaches to the analysis of mass communication. 0642 Wnlte, Jan. Mastering graphics: design and production made easy. Ann Arbor, HI: Bowker, $24.95. Manual presupposes no prior training or background. 0643 Wieman, J. M. & R. P. Harrison. Nonverbal interaction, ed. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 288 pp. $25. An updated review of issues on nonverbal nr~nmunication research. THESES 0644 Mahaffy, C.A. Redesign at a community newspaper: process and product. Unpub thesis (Indiana). Examines inhouse redesign as one avenue to graphic improvement for community newspapers on l~mited budgets. 0645 Papier, Paul. A comparison of the readability and comprehensibility of modern and traditional laynut styles. Unpub thesis (Indiana). 0646 Turner, R. J. An experimental study of the legibility of minus letterspacing of typography as measured by s~ee4 ,~f reading and comprehension. Unpub dissert (Ohio). The study compared the legibility of minus one unit vs. normal letter spacing.

CO,~DI U N I C A T ! ON--LA'TE P ~ A L ARTICLES 0647 Aiello, R.J. They hear you ... but they're not listeqi~g. PRJ (Mar) 18. Guidelines for management in employee relations: today's young employees are more loyal to the work itself than to the employer. 0648 Employee attitude surveys: impact on corporate decisions. PRJ (Mar) 21. Survey of 50 companies showed singificant differences betweerl organizations that conduct employee opinion surveys and those that do not. 0649 Arnold, E. C. The logic of headline design. RR (Apt 25) supp. Gnod headlines result from an expert blending of content and fo,~. 0650 Arnold, V. D. Harvesting your employee grapevine. Mgt W (Jul) 26. Employees tend to be more active on the grapevine during periods of



excitement and insecurity. 0651Ashford, S. J. & L. L. Cumings. Feedback as an individual resource: personal strategies of creating information. Org Beh Hum Per (Dec) 370. Presented is a theoretical model of feedback seeking behavior by individuals in organizations. 0652 Barr, J. J. Employee communications: the syncrude experience. Can Bus R (Win) 33. Syncrude is not large by international standards, and it has been active in employee communications for only four years. 0653 Bloom, S. P. Policy proced,~re statements that communicate. Pets J (Sep) 711. Problems with organizations using policy procedure statements as an effective communication tool are discussed. 0654 Charnay, J. B. Communicating change internally. PRJ (Mar) 25. How Glendale Federal used a variety of internal media to govern support for its reidentificat[~q p,'.~g,'&n. 0655 Delaney, W. A. Making fringe benefits pay. Super Mgt (May) 36. For organization toget maximum benefits from its fringe benefits, it must make sure the employees know about all the benefits. 0656 Ewing, D. W. How to negotiate with employee objectors. HBR (Jan) 103. A growing number of employees are speaking out against company policies they think are unsafe or unfair. 0657 Ewing, D. H. Practical incentives for helping employees make themselves heard. Mgt Rev (Jan) 14. A look at how corporations are starting programs to give employees more opportunity to speak out as a way of enhancing their personal dignity. 0658 Geib, D. M. F.Y.I. Mgt W (Oct) 38. Organizatinnal communication should be used to inform employees of the company's philosophy, programs, and practices. 0659 Goldstein, J. M. Employees in the picture. PRJ (Mar) 26. A look at how corporateTVnews programs can be powerful internal communication tools. Guidelines for making video corporate communications work. 0660 Hermone, R. H. Resolving differences. Super Mgt (May) 30. ~nether it is due to poor communications, structural differences, or personal differences, differences are unhealthy for the organization. 0661 Hunter, Bill. USA Today's format shows up in corporate publications. Comm W (Dec) 22. Corporate communicators have adapted some of the "nation's newspaper's" snappy storytelling styles and snazzy graphics for their own use. They use more graphics and photographs, fewer words. 0662 Jablin, F. M. Formal structural characteristics of organizations and superior-subordinate communication. Hum Com Res (Sum) 338. The effects of sexual structural characteristics of organizations on subordinates' perceptions of openness in superior-subordinate communication. 0663 Key to survival is effective eraployee c~n4unications: key to surviving in today's changing business environment. Int'l Mgt (May) 79. Work force must feel that it is an integral part of the overall design. 0664 Linder, J. L. Employee communications: a policy and a system. Can Bus R (Win) 28. Business is always being accused of not doing a good job of telling its story. The best hope of an employee communication program is to be found where the chief executive officer personally pledges himself to the cause. 0665 Mason, J. L. The new thrust--& essentiality--of internal communications. Tips & Tactics (May 23) I. Monsanto (St. Louis) develops a strong quality awareness program based on internal communications. The program includes group and one-on-one discussions, motivational videos and print.



0666 McKenzle, C. L. & C. J. Qazi. Communication barriers in the workplace. Bus H (Mar-Apt) 70. 'Employers with non-native employees are reminded that various problems in understanding language and gesture can hamper employees' work. This article outlines the areas of difficulty and suggests some solutions.' 0667 Mischkind, L.A. No-nonsense surveys improve employee morale. Pets J (Nov) 906. Discusses how the use of instrumented group process and its dependence on a willing management and honest feedback. 0668 Morgan, B. S. & W. A. Schiemann. Why internal communication is failing. PRJ {Mar) 15. Today's employees at all levels get most of their information about their r~rgan[zations from the grapevine and feel that internal co~unleation is deteriorating. 0669 Ragan, Larry. James Sere speech at IABC conference a disappointment. RR (May 30) I. Speaker recommends five ways that business communicators can improve. 0670 St. John, W.D. Successful communications between supervisors and ~nployees. Pets J (Jan) 71. Discusses supervisor-employee communication problems with regard to opposing needs, interpersonal dynamics, and the need for employees to have information about their own job and about the company. 0671Sigband, N. B. Face to face employee co~unlcations. CJ (May/Jun) 56. A new feedback program is detailed. 0672 Sinickas, A. D. }~w to sell your communication plan to management. Comm W22. A communication concept must be marketed to higher manag~nent. 0673 Slote, L. M. Taking the staff's pulse. ||osp (Mar I) 80. Employeemanagement feedback surveys as an effective trial in human resources management. 0674 Steel listens to workers and likes what it hears. Bus W (Dec) 92. There are an increasing number of successful attempts in the steel industry to improve efficiency and job satisfaction by giving workers a voice in plant-floor operations. 0675 Schaeffer, Dorothy. keeper of the 'Bored.' Sup {Nov) 5. The office bulletin board plays a vital part in relating information to company employees. 0676 Smeltzer, L. R. & others. Managerial communication: the merging of business communication, organizational communication and management. J Bus Comm (Fall) 71. Trend is towards an information society requiring changes in the skills necessary to communicate. A discussion is presented of obstacles in presenting a course in managerial c~ ~a,~nlt~ation. 0577 Walsh, Frank. What companies should know about eI~ployees and the right of privacy. PRJ (May) 5. The employer-employee relationship does not alter the right of any person to be left alone. 0678 Watson, K. M. A methodology for the study of organizational behavior at the interpersonal level of analysis. Acad Hgt Rev (Jul) 392. A specific method for the study of organizational behavior at the interpersonal relatinnship level is presented using transaction for" the basis of analysis. O679 Warner's problems tied to co~nmunication failure. WSJ (Jul 25). A detailed article points to inadequate internal communication among topechelon executives and between them and their" divisions as partly responsible for their financial problems.



0680 Whitney, G.G. When the news is bad; leveling with employees. Pers (Jan) 37. Covers ways in whleh the supervisor can prepare to deliver the bad news, and offers suggestions for coping with stressful situations. 0681Wildavsky, Aaron. Information as an organizational problem. J Hgt Stud (Jan) 29. A look into management information systems and the information processes used in large organizations. 0682 The Wyatt. CJ (Jul/Aug) 45. A case history of how a company explained fringe benefits by inventing a game. 0683 Ynostrava, Roger. The new marketing manager. GAM 62. The article deals with O'Such's views on internal promotion efforts, promotion budgets, and employee suggestions. BOOK 0684 Adler, R. B. C~:n~unicating at work: principles and practices for business and the professions. 334 pp. NY: Random House. This is a practical introduction which focuses primarily on skills needed to communicate effectively in an organizational setting. 0685 Meyer, J. W. & W. R. Scott. Organizational environments. Beverly }{ills, CA: Sage, 304 pp. $?5. Investigates factors the greatest influence on the structure and behavior of an organization. 0686 Pace, R. W. Organizational communication: foundation for human resource development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: P-H, 286 pp. organizational communication is presented as a foundation for careers in training and development. 0687 Putnan, L. L. & M. E. Pacanowsky, eds. Comm~nlcation and organizations: an interpretive approach. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 303 pp. S28. Lays out the research agenda for organizational communicators. I~{ESr~ 0688 Ailor, Jennifer. Case study of an employee communication survey. Unpub thesis (Kansas). 0689 Neuman, J. S. Impact readership survey. Unpub theses (Texas-Austin). The sur'vcy snught to determine whether relationships exist between the frequency and amount employees read the company magazine and length of service, type of work, education and nther variables. 0690 Schreiber, R. E. The study of employee attitudes and interests toward a midwestern common carrier's communication tools. Unpub thesis (Northern Illinois). Based on an e:nployee survey and a communication audit.

CO,~Di U N ! C A T ! ON--LN'TE I g N A T I O N A L ARTICLES 0691 Harris, D. G. MuItilinguaiism in a giobal economy. VS (Mar 15) 332. Discusses ways in which co~unleatlon and persuasion in other languages affect various aspects of the business world. 0692 Marks, David. Broadcastlr!g across the wall: the free flow of information between East and West Germany. J Comm (Win) 46. West German television reaches much of East Germany, broadcasting western



politics, advertising and eulture to this Soviet controlled state. 0693 Through satellite telecasting systems many European firms have new publicity medium. Int'l Mgt (Mar) 78. Schweppes Inc. has introduced non-verbal satellite presentations to overcome the language barrier. 0694 World eommLmlcations year holds message for all practitioners, CPRs conference told. PRR (Jul 11) I. The problem is registering messages in diverse cultures. BOOK 0695 The yearbook of international organizations. Detroit, MI: Gale Research, $168. Compiles all the names of inter-governmental organizatinns, international and non-governmental bodies; non-profit centers and institutes. THESIS 0696 Shailendra, Chorpade. Reporting America to the world: a survey of Washington-based foreign coe,'e~p~ndents. Unpub thesis (North Carolina). A survey.

CO,~D! UNICATION--LAW ARTICLES 0697 Cato ordered t,~ 9ay FR~ $5?,000. O'Dwyer (Mar 30) I. Judge enforces non-c~npete rule signed by ex-~nployees. 0698 Genovese, Margaret. Professors in demand as libel ease witnesses. Presstime (Feb) 22. It is becoming increasingly popular for journalism professors to testify as experts witnesses in libel cases. They testify about proper journalism procedures and whether the defendant adhered to them. 0699 Georgia newspapers automates to stay ahead of pack. GAM (Jun) 96. &n independent daily, the Rome News-Tribune, uses advanced technology to dominate its coverage area. 0700 Hentoff, Nat. Free Speeeh. Pros (May) 34. A proposal to limit libel suits against the media to private matters affecting private persons. O701Komisarjevsky, C. P.A. Trial by media. Bus H (Jan/Feb) 36. Companies should develop a realistic eommunieations strategy to combat possible product liability lawsuits. 0702 Libel suits have chilling effect on TV. VM (Nov) I. Secator Packwood introduces a bill to give electronic media the same first amendment protection against libel that present media have. 0703 List, K. K. "Attitudes toward freedom of the press" theme builds enthusiasm in history course. JE (Spr) 36. Describes an American journalism history course that is organized around a theme--development of attitudes toward freedom of the press throughout history. 0704 Lunsford, J. R. Jr. The philosophy of trademark use: legal aspects, history and guidelines. E & P (Dee 3) 11T. 0705 Networks take censorship complaints to Congress. B4st (Nov 7) 36. Testimony about the restrainst the Reagan administration placed on jo,arnalists attempting to cover the invasion in Grenada. 0706 Packw~od introduces bill to free broadcasters from content regulation.



~Isb (Oct 10) 88. Senate Commerce committee chairman introduces Freedom of expression Act which would lift all Federal restrictions that have made broadcasters second-class citizens in first Amendment protection. 0707 Publishers cheer book ad ruling. Ad Age (Sep 26) 83. The courts have reaffirmed the right of publishing companies to decide how to best market and advertise their authors' books. 0708 Saddler, Jeanne. FTC alters its policy on deceptive ads by 3-2 vote, sparks Congressional outcry. WSJ (Oct 24) 39. The new policy allows the FTC to decide deceptiveness based on whether a "reasonable" consumer would be injured by it. 0709 Seammon, D.L. & R. V. sem*nik. The FTC's 'reasonable basis' for substantiation of advertising. J Ad (1) 4. The Federal Trade Commission's decision against American Home Products is analyzed. 0710 Schwartz, L. B. The new merger guidelines: guide to governmental discretion and private counseling or propaganda for revision of the antitrust laws? Cal law R (Mar) 575. The 1982 Merger Guidelines demonstrate a r~narkable retention of prosecutorial discretion. 0711 Struggle builds over cable TV regulation. VM (Mar). Two sides forming for a fight for and against a bill that would regulate rates, ~'anchise renewals and access channels. 0712 Wirth's way: hour a day for the Children. Bdst (Oct I0) 36. Congress introduces H. R. 4097 that would require eommercial television stations to carry educational programs for children. 0713 Worrying about cable TV's First Amendment protection. Bdst (Dec 19) 44. Cable and First Amen&~ent protections proved to be major concern. BOOKS 0714 Donnell, J. D. & others. Law for business. Homewood, IL: Irwin, 997 pp. The basic principles of the legal environ;~e']tr~f business. 0715 Ginsburg, D. H. & M. D. Director. 1983 Supplement to regulation of broadcasting; law and policy towards radio, television and cable ~,,,l,l~lieations. St. Paul, MN: West, 182 pp. Supplement tn the 1978 casebook addresses changes related to the new communication technologies. 0716 Schwartz, T. A. The supreme court and the first a n~qd,l,mt. C~m,u Yibk 7:18. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. The author looks at changing attitudes by the justices and found consistencies with attitudes toward civil liberties and economic issues. THESES 0717 LaRoeque, P. R. Newspaper editor attitudes toward matter involving privacy. Unpub thesis (North Texas). The purpose of the study was to determine if there has been any change. 0718 Lewis, D. K. An evaluation of the exemptions to the equal opportunity provision of Section 315 of the Commtmieation Act of 1934 as currently implemented by the Federal Communications Commissinn. Unpub thesis (Georgia). The exemption was to allow debates between major party caqdidate without including the minor party candidates. 0719 Mang~ne, Richard. FCC deregulation of CATV and m~qicipal ordinances. Unpub thesis (California-Fullerton). The purpose was to exa:~ine the effects of FCC deregulatinq oy comparing licenses granted in the 1970s

Comm,,nlcation~Law with those granted in the 1980s. 0720 Martin, Jody. Freedom of expression and the legal cases involving censorship of public school books. Unpub thesis (Washington).

CO.sL~iUNICATION--OI~YL ARTICLES 0721 Baker, Stephen & A. Levin. The meeting is the message. ATB (Nov) ]. A commentary on business meetings and foru,~s and pointers on how to excel when speaking at a meeting. 0722 Budd, John. Behind the buzz words. S/N (Jul 29) supp. Demonstrates how use of buzz words hinders communication. 0723 Camer, R. Soft words speak louder with lads. Psych Today (Dec) I~L Researchers found that children, on the average, listened better to co,mnands ~nad,~ in soft voices, rather than by a loud voice when told to do something in a loud voice. 0724 Classic rumor-stopping tactics may not work--or be to? sl,,w. PR~ (<:~," II) 3. A ease study with reconm,,endatlols. 0725 Dickason, J. H. To i,nprove board meetings use three agenda. Assoc Mgt (Apt) 118. By dividing the agenda of a board meeting by three levels, the meeting can run more effectively. The agenda includes an informative and action agenda and a consent calendar. 0726 Esposito, J. L. & R. L. Rosnow. Corporate rumors . .. how they start and how to stop them. Mgmt Rev (Apr) 44. How a well-planned manageaent strategy will minimize the adverse effects of rumors that surface in and about corporations. 0727 Ewald, H. R. & Donna Stine. Speech act theory and business communication conventions. J Bus comm (Sum) 13. Applies speech a,~t theory to business communication principles in order to determine why certain messages succeed while other fail. 0728 Garner, K.P. Catching a rabbit. GAM (Apr) 116. Toarrange a faceto-face meeting is the first step in arousing the interest of a qualified prospect. The article emphasizes how to make correct use of the telephone in arranging appointments. 0729 Gronn, P. C. Talk as the work: the accomplishment of $C}l~l administration. AdEn Sci Q (Mar) I. A case study of administering a school, showinghow talk is central to the achievem,,entof control. 0730 Harris, Lyn. Managing small meetings. Assoc Mgt (Apr) 95. Understanding your leadership perspective and those of your committee members can help you reduce conflict and increase the productivity of small meeting. 0731Hulbert, J. E. Responsible assertive behavior promotes effective interpersonal co,nmunication. Bus Educ F (Apr) 20. Tips on skills which may be used to become more assertive are given. 0732 Jasper, Alan. Verbal com:nunication: have you listened to it lately? Tips & Tactics (Jun 6) I. }bw to develop a business or professional voice. 0733 Karger, June. Speaking: how to do It, when to do i~ a n d . . , even make some money at it. Tips & Tactics (Oct 17) I. How to conduct s~ninars, workshops and lectures. 0734 Kirkwood, W.G. St~rytelling an4 self-confrontation: parables as com~unlcation strategies. Q J of Spch (Feb) 58. Rellgio.~s speakers have



often referred to personal narrative stories, parables to allow their audience to examine their own thought, feelings attitudes and actions. 0735 Olson, Lester. Portraits in praise of a people: a rhetorical analysis of Norman Rockwell's icons in Franklin D. Roosevelt's "Four Freedoms" campaign. Q J of Spch (Feb) 15. An analysis of Rockwell's series of paintings, the "Four Freedoms" within the context of Roosevelt's campaign to educate Americans about the necessity of participation in WWII. 0736 "Oral style" becomes valuable as face-to-face eommun.icati~n booms. PRR (Jan 17) 2. Ed McCarthy, speech consultant, offers tips on effective oral coa~nunieation. 0737 Orben, Robert. Controlling your audience. S/N (May 27) supp. Guidance on winning over your audience expressed with humor. 0738 . The first two minutes of your- speech/1. S/N (Jun 3) I. A lesson in injecting humor into speeches by a humorist. Part II appears in Jun. 10 issue. 0739 Perlman, A. M. Speaking prose. Cliche index. S/N (Jul I) insert. A defense of cliches when it is not overworked or overdone. 0740 Peters, M.L. How important is interpersonal communication? Pets J (Jul) 554. Discusses three basic concepts in avoiding communication breakdowns. 0741 Rafe, S. C. Tips on teleprompters. PRJ (Sep) 19. A teleprompter ean be very useful in helping presenters maintain important eye contact, which in turn enhances the presenters' sincerity and credibility. 0742 Ragan, Janlne. 2100 laughs for all occasions. S/N (Jun 17) insert. A review essay based on humor writer Robert Orben's "2100 Laughs for all Occasions." 0743 . Humor is sometimes the best communication. RR (Feb 28) I. Ex~nples of humor to brighten up the message. Followed up with examples of humor in the organizational press (RR Mar 28). 0744 . Judge for yourself: a fate worse than death? S/N (Jul 22)-]. A plea for honesty in speak and attributions. 0745 New h,)pe fr:r the pseudo phobic. S/N (Jul 15) I. Newsletter publisher believes fear &.nong speakers is overrated. 0746kn'editor is all Notes for a speech: What is an editor? RR (Dec 12) I. things but mainly an expert on managing .~rds. 0747 . Speeches we hope we never hear - again. RR (Jul 11). A review and critique of recent speeches pointing out what to avoid. 0748 Rahim, M. A. A measure of styles of handling interpersonal conflict. Acad Mgt Rev (Jun) 368. The objective of this study was to measure the five styles of handling conflict, integrating, obliging, dominating, avoiding and compromising. 0749 Smeltzer, L. R. & Steven Golen. Importance of teaching effective telephone techniques. Bus Educ For (Jan) 19. Findings reveal that business people are not effective users of the telephone. 0750 Speechwriter and speaker use glmmacks to get their message across. S/N (Jun 10) I. An account of catching audience interest through gimmicks. 0751 Steele, Phillip. Keeping it sDaple: the Phillips. S/N (Jun 3) I. A plea for more simplicity and charity in executive speeches. 0752 . Mondale and the Litella syndrome. S/N (Jul 22) supp. Critique of Mondale as a public speaker. 0753 . Of sex, speeches and deferred gratification. S/N (Jul I)I. Timing and balance are na~ed as vit~l to writing speeches.

C o m m . . ni c a t i o n - - O r a l

O754 . A true story in the form of a fable. S/rJ (Hay 27) I. A success story of writing for an executive without access. 0755 Sussman, Lyle & others. Corporate speeches as a source of corporate values: an analysis across years, themes and industries. Strategic Mgt J (Apr/Jun) 187. To examine the major themes in corporate speeches over the period 1950-1975, data were obtained from spe~c~es p,~blished in the 1950-1975 vol~-nes of Vital Speeches. O756 Tarver, Jerry. The speech as narration. S/N (Jul 8) I. Lessons on speech writing fromclasslc essayists. 0757 True story in the form of a fable. S/N (May 27) I. Personal experiences of a speechwriter. 0758 Walker, Albert. Facts at your fingers. S/N (Sep 16) insert. How speeehwriters can maintain their credibility by getting their facts right the first time by checking with the reference services of trade and professional associations. 0759 . Recommended reading from Kodak. S/N (Mar 25) suppl. Eastman-Kodak'has prnduced a manual titled "Presenting Yoursel~' recommended for speechwriters and public speakers. Also other recommended references. 0760 . Speaker's lifetime library: massive resources. S/N (Jun 24) supp. Recommended references for speechwriters and public speakers. BOOK 0761Masterson, J. T. & others. Speech communication: theory and practice. NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 287 pp. Contains a broad view of communication followed by discussion of various comm~ications situations with progressive by larger n~bers.

C O,~LMU~ICATION~i'lglkX'T ARTICLES O762 Bank finds print better than TV for reaching mass audience with a lot more information,. PRR (Jul 19) I. 0763 Government coverage: does it have to be dull? ASNE Bull (Nov) 3. A series of recog~nendations for remedying the problem. O764 Griffin, George. Much ado about something: How's your advertising? O&M (Feb) 107. Describes an original promotional brochure that is a superb public relations tool and good all-arounJ advertising. It was a Shakespearan theme to guide its readers. 0765 Leathers, Tom. When gossip ~ c o n e s news. GE (Sum) 7. Discusses the question of whether much of ne~s is really gossip. 0766 Picard, Doq. Magazines communicate. CJ (Nov/Dec) 56. The Webb company's editnr tells how a magazine can become a sales call. 0767 Wilhoit, G. C. & David Weaver. Foreign news eoverage in two U.S. wire services: an update. J. Comm (Spr) 132. Foreign news pours through a funnel, and only a few of the vast array of stories are selected by small newspapers.




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ARTICLES 0768 Berry, Colin. Learning from television news: a critique of the research. J Brdst (4) 359. A critical review of some approaches to research on the effectiveness of television news. 0769 Boatrlght, Joyce. Use "stars" for no-cost TV announcements. C&JCJ (Mar) 30. Encourages colleges to use television's public service announcements and contributions from the services of stars who can take a tax deduction. 0770 "Business Times" debuts on cable. O'Dwyer (Jan 19) 2. Plans are forone-hour news show at 6 a.m. repeated at 7 a.m. for. viewers, who want to start the work day with full knowledge of latest events. 0771 Cable needs new audience measurement tools. VM (Apr). Discussion of new ,aeasurements needed to track audiences for proliferation of cable television channels. Arbitron study found electronic metering is only effective method. 0772 Cable penetration up 28% in 12 months. VM (May) 4. Latest esti!nates from Nielson place the number of U.S. cable households at 31.1 million, and cable penetration at 37.2%. The largest market is in New York and the smallest, No. 15, in Miami. 0773 CBS-TV and ~C-TV inform their affiliates that they plan to expand their pri:netime commercial load by adding two minutes of national time and one minute of local time each week. Brdst (Mar 14) 44. ABC-TV has al,'eady an.~ounced that it would do the same. 0;~4 Collins, Janay & others. Predicting cable subscribership: local factors. J Brdst (Apr) 177. A model predicting cable subscribership is developed segmented by household composition, ownership and type of residence. 0775 Diamond, Edwin. The troublle with TV-news. TVGuide (Jan 29) 28. In face of increasing public criticism and multimillion-dollar lawsuits, the networks have started to pay more attention to public grievances. 0776 Ducey, R. V. & others. Predicting market segnents in the cable industry: the basic and pay subscribers. J Brdst (Apt) 155. Explores the factors which account for cable subscribers purchasing a pay cable service in addition to their basic cable. 0777 Early fringe time is the fastest growing television time period. Brdst (Mar 21) 84. Many new information/news/entertainment programs are now being offered in this slot and with increasing success. 0778 Gwyn, Robert. Rural Radio in Bolivia: a case study. J Comm (Spr) 79. Rural radio stations have assumed a role in local communications of providing information to f~nily and community needs. 0779 Hardy, K. G. Pay-T1/ in Canada: the players and the prospects. Bus Q (Spr) 28. An introduction to pay television in Canada and the U.S. The participating companies and their market share are discussed. Also, the viewing habits of men and women to pay television are given. 0780 Marcus, S. J. Cable TV: competing in the wrong place. Tech Rev (Apt) 72. Cable television is beginning to sour. Its problems are a result of the fact that a person can only watch one program at a time. 0781 Networks draw four million to late-night news. TV-Guide (Feb 5) A-2. ABe, NBC and CBS are drawing a total of more than four million homes to their late-night news telecasts.



anti TV

0782 Networks plunge i n t o overnight news. Mktg & Media Dec (Jul) 46. The three TV networks are embarking on experiments with overnight news programing: initiation of a major program expansion without first testing the waters for advertising support. 0783 O'Connor, J. P. Viewers guide to basic cable language. TV Guide (May 30) 30. The article lists different terms and abbreviations to read and talk to dlffereqt cable syst~s. 0784 O'Connor, P. D. Guide to the new cable channels. TV Guide (Feb 26) 46. Ten new satellite cable channels are being launched this year. Hore specialized channels are being introduced on cable this year, like a channel for deaf people, the Disney channel and the national Jazz Network. 0785 Paisley, William. Computerizing information: lessons of a videotext trail. J Comm (Win) 153. The 'Green Thumb' electro~ie text system provides weather and farm information to Kentucky farmers. 0786 Postman, Neil. How TV banished childhood. ATB (Feb) 51. Television opens the doors to many subjects, thus educating today's children to be adult-like informed. 0787 Prescott, Eileen. Behind the ca,hera on mor-ning TV. PRJ (Nov) 16. More morning air time is being programmed by the television networks than ever before - a full 9 hours a day. Among them, the 3 network morning shows book I00-150 guests a week. 0788 Rosenfield, J. H. To have, to have not, or to have more. VS (Nov I) 42. A discussion of the nature of network television. What it means to a society that values open competition and wide consumer choice. 0789 Shaw, David. Dan Rather: CBS's $8-million anch~r~an. TV-Guide (Feb 19) 4. A media critic assesses the strengths and weaknesses of Walter Cronkite' s replac(-~nent. 0790 Sixty minutes. TV Guide (Apt 18). Cover article evaluates the toprated CBS doc~entary. 0791 Spillman, Susan. MTV network aJs siJurned by ABC. Ad Age (Jul 11) 83. ABC is the only broadcast network that owns cable TV services, and they are also the only broadcast network that wor~.'taccept commercials on behalf of cable companies. 0792 Television is a fast foods medium. PRR (Oct 3) 2. Guidelines for television interviews offered by media consultants. 0793 Thomas, Marlo & Susan Duarkin. America's changing views. Sex, the single woman and TV. TV Guide (May 7) 8. Television reveals the changes of attitudes toward females over" the year. 0794 Trainer, Harriet & L W. Jeffres. Talk radir - forum and companion. J of Brdst (Sum) 297. A survey of 181 callers to three talk radio shows found that 24% use the progra,~ as a for,,m and 27% just to talk. 0795 TV's coverage of business news increases as public wants more. Purview (Mar 14) 1. Review of Washington Journalism Review article (Nov 82) on increasing television coverage. 0796 WABC-TV New York featuring a four spot advertising package that criticizes its competitors blandness and promotes its o~n ~ique presentation. Brdst (Jan 3) 14. One spot shows a teacher instructing the "news clones" to say "Good evening. Here is the news." 0797 Washignton's new radio station hopes success is a nonstop joke. WSJ (Feb 3) 33. WJOK is Washington's (DC) newest radio station. It is different, trough, because it plays only comedy. The station also provides ~eather, sports scores and news.


BOOKS 0798 Baldwin, T. F. & D. S. McVoy. Cable communication. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: P-H, 416 pp. $24.95. An all-purpose text explaining cable technology, o~%qership, programming patterns, pay and interactive sys terns. 0799 Hergendorff, F. L. & others. Broadcast advertising and promotion: a handbook for professionals. NY: Hastings House, 449 pp. $21.95 paper. A nuts and bolts approach. 0600 Millerson. Gerald. Effective TV production, 2rid ed. London: Focal, 192 pp. The basics of TV productions covering everything from camera movements and audience pack-up to rehearsals and audience attitudes. 0601 Ror.~Ln,J. W. Cablemania: the cable television sourcebook. E~glewood Cliffs, NJ: P-H, 278 pp. $9.95. A production primer for those who want more inforration about local access channels. 0802 Sprafkin, Joyce & others, eds. Rx television: enhancing the impact of TV. NY: Harworth Press, 139 PP. Issues on television's relating to the health and social effects of television on viewers. 0803 Webb, G. K. The economics of cable television. Lexington, MA: Lexington Bks. 224 pp. $23. The cable television market, its technology and regulatory environzent described in detail.

COMM UN! C A T I O N - - R E S F~XRC ! ! ARTICLES 0804 Boyce, Bill & Leona Hiraoka. A measure of trust: WJR polls the public on the press. WJR (Nov) 48. Results show increase in public confidence in newspapers and television news. 0805 Cusella, L. P. Hum Comm Res (Mar) 46. This study of source expertise and feedback valence on intrinsic motivation suggeests that the expertise-valence interaction he considered by those in feedback positions. 0806 D'Aprix, Roger. What does the IABC/TPF&C survey sex to communication professionals? J Comm Mgt (I) 13. Three major survey findings are discussed. Employees want management to view communication as a process, rather than merely a collection of prog~ms. 0807 Davison, W. P. The third person effect in communication. POQ (Spr) I. Four small experiments that support the hypothesis: a person exposed to a persuasive communication in the mass media see this as having a greater effect on others rather than him/herself. 0808 Emmrick, Stuart. ~wspapars hear call for better research. Ad Age (Jul 25) 83. Newspapers executives around the country say they increasingly are finding that sophisticated and well-documented research has become a crucial tool n their sales pitch. 0809 Grunig, J. E. & D. A. Ipes. The anatomy of a campaign against drunk driving. PR Rev (Sum) 36. A telephone survey. Follow-up with an information packet and another telephone survey showed only a relatively small public will communicate actively regarding any cause until the media set the agenda. 0810 Higbee, K. L. & R. J. Millard. Visual imagery and familiarity ratings for 203 sayings. Am J Psych (Sum) 211. The purpose of the study was to provide a list of sentences that have been scaled on visual imagery and


familiarity. 081J Karlinsky, S. S. & B. S. Koch. Readability is the mind of the reader. J Bus Comm (Fall) 57. Eighty-nine subjects were tested to determine the complexity of two readings. O812 Lichtenstein, Allen & [~ B. Rosenfeld. Uses and misuses of gratifications research. Comm Res (Jan) 97. Subjects rated their perceived gratifications of eight media sources. 0815 Lindenm~qrn, W. K. Dealing with the major obstacles to implementing public relations research. PRQ (Fall) 12. There are several inexpensive ways to conduct research, including the use of content analysis, telephone polls, secondary analysis, and piggyback polls. 0814 Maher, P. Psychographics and corporate advertising. Ind Mk (Feb) 64. Psychographic research is used successfully in consumer research. A new segmentation technique called Values and Life Styles (VALS) has been used for consumer research. 0815 f.~lhetra, N. K. A threshold model of stere choice. J Ret (Sum) 17. This article attempts to relate image characteristics to store choice and develops predictive models of consumer expenditure. 0816 Mollwraith, Robert & John Schallow. Adult fantasy life and patterns of media use. J Comm (Win) 78. The media use fantasy to entice viewers. This study examines media use of fantasy, fantasy life and sex roles. It concludes that people who use highly arousing media have obsessional-emotional fantasy lives. 0817 Media and large organizations may be natural antagonists. JE Ind Trng (Jan) 40. Research into the background of over 200 journalists suggests that those educated in journalism have a distrust of and disdain for business. 0818 Mcnge, P. R. Systems theory and research in the study of organizational communication: the correspondence problem. , Hum Corn Res (Spr) 245. The problem of whether traditional analytical techniques are capable of providing evidence for or against hypothesis. (3819 More media covers an issue, the more negative opinion becomes even if reporting is positive and accurate. PRR (Jim 20) I. A Syracuse University study concludes that public opposition on a given issue Is a function of the quantity of press coverage the issue is receiving. 0820 Palmgreen, Philip & J. D. Rayburn. Gratifications sought and media exposure. Comm Has (Oct) 561. The expectancy value theory and its uses and gratifications. 0821 Peehr, Terry A. & K. G. Love. A Meta-model of the effects of goal characteristics, feedback and role characteristics in human organizations. Hum Fel (Feb) 151. Eleven propositions regarding the direct effects of goal characteristics are given. 0822 Pool, I. de Sola. Tracking the flow of information. Science (Aug) 609. By using words transmitted and words attended to as common denominators, novel indexes were constructed of growth trends in 17 major communications media from 1960-1977. 0823 Putnam, L. L & ~ L. Sorenson. Equivocal messages in organizations. Hum Corn Res (Win) 114. A study of the impact of ambiguous messages and organizational level on the processing of equivocality. 0824 Quarles, R. C. & others. ~ w s diffusion of assassination attempts on President Reagan and Pope John Paul If. J Brdst (Fall) 387. Discusses studies that have described the speed and relative importance of channels in the diffusion of news about critical events.



0825 Questor computer analyzes meanings of words used by communicators. PRR (May 30 ). Quester service uses computer to analyze one-on-one interviews for reader understanding. 0826 Research helps pinpoint lifestyle trends. Comm W (Jun) 11. Values and lifestyles can help pinpoint audience needs and interests. The major identifiable life styles are need-driven, outer-directed, innerdirected and integrated. 0827 Rice, B. Call-in therapy hits. Psych Today (Aug) 83. Researchers found that the most often discussed topics on call-in talk shows are: marriage, child care and discipline, phobias, depression, anxiety, sexual relations and sexual dysfunction. 0828 Roscel, R. D. Code and context. Sm Gr Beh (~ay) 227. Theories on interactive and contextual properties of signs are developed. Demonstrates how knowledge and analysis of theories might be effective in face-to-face communication. 0829 Hothwell, W. J. Conducting an employee attitude survey. Pets J (Apt) 308. Attitude survey results can form the basis for some personnel policy and practices. The results can be used to assess training needs, predict turnover and stop unionization efforts. 0830 Roundy, Nancy & Charlotte Thralls. Modeling the communication context: a procedure for revision and evaluation in business writing. J Bus Comm (Sum) 27. Inexperienced writers are stuck at word level. This narrow view makes revision difficult, according to this two-part article. 0831 Schiller, ~L I. Critical research in the information age. J Comm (Sum) 249. An exploration of the concomitants of production and po~er and how critical research has a vital role in the high-stakes enterprise of communication for an era of technological and industrial change. 0832 Smith, J. R. Four perspectives on media research in the 1980s. J Brdst (Spr) 185. Industry researchers call for more sophisticated audience research, methodological tools and message research. 0833 Soldow, G. F. & G. P. Thomas. Relational communication: form versus content in the sales interaction. J Mkt (Win) 84. Interpreting interpersonal communications is influenced by properties other than actual content. 0834 Shaffer, W. M. Three levels of knowledge: a mental construct for the practice of PR. PRQ (Win) 23. Much of what is done in public relations such as merchandising ideas, explaining positions, taking goods and services to market involves media dealings on 3 levels: I. descriptive (data) , 2. comparative (information), and 3. predictive (knowledge). 0835 Tracy, Karen. Tracy studies the effects of conversation that contains an issue-event structure on the receiver of information. Hum Corn Res (Feb) 361. The receiver's ability to grasp the sender's message and continue the conversation through relevant remarks is also examined. 0836 Tunstall, Jeremy. The trouble with U.S. communication resarch. J Comm (Sum) 92. }bw media researchers should research the direction the media is and should be going. 0837 McCombs, Maxwell and Paula Poindexter. The duty to keep informed: news exposure and civic obligation. J Comm (Spr) 88. A series of studies analyzing the relationships between the civic norm of an informed citizen and how media use affected these norms. 0838 Weibull, Lenmart. Political factors in newspaper readership. Comm Res (Jul) 311. The party press system in Sweden is strong, despite



heavy newspaper concentration, because of the parties' ties to newspapers, the government subsidy system and the citizens' experiences from the party press. BOOKS 0859 Bostrom, R. N. Communication yearbook 7. Lexington, MA: Lexington Hks., 9223 pp. $45. A synthesis of current research and commentary. C640 Grunig, J. E. Communication behaviors and attitudes of environmental publics: two studies. J Mon {Mar) 47 PP. Research reveals significant difference between high- and low-involvement publics. Environmental and special interest publics are high involvement. O841 Hiemstra, G. You say you want a revolution? Information technology in organizations. Comm Yrbk (7) 802. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. Findings of an investigation of four different levels of technological development in organizational com,~unication. 0842 Lewery, Shearon & M. L De Fleur. Milestones in mass communication: research on media effects. NY: Longman. A study of the influence of the media on public attitudes and behavior, revealing that media can establish new habits of thinking understanding and communicating. 0843 Mander, M. S., ed. Communications in transition: issues and debates in current research. NY: Praeger, 527 pp. $55.95. A coTlection of essays on new directions in communication research. 0844 ~brtcn, Robert. Communicator style. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 520 pp. $14 psper. Stresses the central role of style in interpersonal communication. 0845 Wartella, Ellen & D. C. Whihney. Mass communication review yearbook. Lexington, MA: Lexington Hks., 720 pP. $40. Volume 4 updates previous editions representing the latest and best of communication research. 0846 Woodlock, B. K~ Levels of exchange and organizational cor~nunicatlon. Comm Yrbk (7) 756. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. A study toexplore the effects of variables on the effectiveness of organizational communication. Findings include interpersonal rather then group communication had greatest effect. Management style had little effect. THESES 0847 Beller, Albert. The perceptions of broadcast - news students about the broadcast-news industry. Unpub thesis (Florida). Attempts to identify students' perceptions. 0848 B r o ~ , J. C. Editorial Attitudes and philosophies of lifestyle section editors. Unpub thesis (Missouri). The direction that lifestyle sections are taking in a time of rapid social change remains unsolved. 0849 Courtright, P. B. Assessment of a university publication: a readership survey. Unpub thesis (North Carolina). Assessment of the publication's effectiveness as a communication tool. 0850 Caughterty, D. B. Group-o~ed newspapers vs. independently-ok~ed newspapers: an analysis of the differences and similarities. Unpub thesis (Texas-Austin). 0651 Caber, L B. Unattributed information: the source's motive and the reperter's justification. Unpub thesis (California-Fullerton). 0852 Hammond, M. E. Suburban dailies: readers' characteristics and what they seek from their newspapers. Unpub thesis (California-Fullerton).



0853 Intemann, R. H. Letters to the editor: an anlysis of the difference in letters written by men and women and the occurrence of mobilizing information. A content analysis. (3854 Jensen, D. W. Quantitative comparisons of Gannett and non-Gannett newspapers. Unpub thesis (Central Missouri). Attempts to determine whether the content is likely to he different based on oknership. 0855 }Cromer, G. R. Co,-~ntmityorientation and newspaper selection and readership in a suburban market. Unpub dissert (Syracuse). The study addresses corr~nunity orientation and newspaper readership from the complex local versus urban versus metropolitan readership perspective. 0856 Krousti-Theophanous, Sotira. The influence of one-sided versus twosided message and single versus multiple channel in persuasion. Unpub thesis (San Jose). This study was undertaken to determine the influence of the media in persuasion. 0857 Levine, S. T. Application of the transactional modele to the interaction between capitol reporters and high-level state government bureaucrats. Unpub thesis (Texas-Austin). A test of the pertinence of a modified version of the tran~ model of cammunicatlon. 0858 Ostoioh, L. T-M. A study of the influence of commercial breaks on recall of news in television news programs. Unpub thesis (~Sen Jose). 0859 R~mbley, S. G. Metro dailies and the urban poor: an experiment in communication. Unpub thesis (indiana). investigates how much newspaper readership exists.

CO,~L~i U N I C A T I O N - - R E S E , % l g C i ! ( R , U ) I O J T V ) ARTICLES 0860 A commissioned radio listening study finds that the average audience erosion for commercial radio stations programing in 1983 averaged qI%. Brdst (Jan 3) 9. 0861 A study commissioned by United Media Enterprises reveals t/at watching TV and reading newspapers are the most popular leisure time activities for Americans. Brdst (Jan 10) 93. 72% of all Americans watch TV for an average of 2.8 hours daily. 0862 A 35-64 age committee formed to sell agencies and advertisers on catering to older demographics. Brdst (Mar 7) 50. The committee submitted to 1,400 radio stations nostalgic music and news/talk formats plus requests for donations for continuing research. 0865 Action for Children's Television pressures commercial television stations to meet FCC rules based on FOC"s childrens television report and policy statement. Brdst (Jan 10) 96. The ATC %turned against increased advertising and host/character promotion on children's television progranming. 0864 Arbitron challenges radio theories. VM (Feb). Study of radio listening found 74% of the audience is at home rather than in cars during the peak morning listening time. Other findings also are surprising. 0865 Becker, L B. & others. Cable's impact on use of other news media. J Brdst (Spr) 127. A motivational perspective on media use habits to ex~%mine the effects of cable television on the use of other media. 0866 Brldgwater, C. A. Misunderstanding media. Psych Today (Apt) 21. Survey conducted at shopping malls across the country. Participants saw


Communlcation--Research (Radlo/l~ 0 two Zf)-sec television clips. Then they took a short true or false quiz. Results: the average American misunderstands about one-fifth of the information that comes from TV. 0867 Bush, A. J. & others. A content analysis of animation in television advertising. J Ad (4) 20. A content analysis of current network and cable television advertising on adult and child oriented animated ads indicate that advertisers use animation for both adult and childoriented ads. 0868 Cook, T. D. & others. The implicit assumptions of television research: an analysis of a report on Television and Behavior. POQ

(Sum) 161. 0869 Fredin, E. S. The context of communication. Comm Q (Oct) 553. Explores the effects of an interactive cable television system upon the d)r~amic of interpersonal communication and the diversity of new ideas within work groups. 0870 Haler, M. C. & J. E. Fletcher. An analysis of television problems/programs lists. J Brdst (Sum) 291. The authors studied a stratified sample of 50 television stations problems/programs and concluded that expected differences across market size and network affiliation status did not appear. 0871 Hill, D. B. Qualitative dimensions of exposure to political television. SSQ (Sep) 614. A plea for quality exposure versus frequency is made by the author to get the attention of quality audiences. 0872 Paddock, Steve. Selling a new CPM. Mkt & Media Dec (Nov) 70. []ave Vadehra measures TV campaign cost efficiency by combining recall and media outlays. 0875 Reeves, Byron & Gine Carramore. Children's person perception: the generalization from television people to real people. Hum Corn Res (Sum) 317. An investigation of how children perceive television people and how these perceptions are generalized to impressions of their peers. 0874 Rubin, A. M. Television uses and gratifications: the interactions of viewing patterns and motivations. J Brdst (Win) 37. Analysis of television viewing motivations and patterns locates two types of television user types. 0875 Scb~mittlein, D. C. & D. G. Morrison. Measuring miscomprehension for televised communications using true-false questions. J Comm Res (Sep) 147. Aproaches to the measurement of miscomprehension are developed using true-false questions about the content of televised comm~mica tions. 0876 Sparkes, V. M. Survey of cable subscribers and nonsubscribers. J Brdst (Apr) 165. Cable subscribers and nonsubscribers are compared on a variety of behavioral and attitudinal measures across time. 0877 Sudman, Seymolm. The network polls: a critical review. PRQ (Win) 490. The major network television stations have major polling operations that provide scclal scientists with a valuable source of public opinion useful in secondary analyses. 0878 Television Audience Assessment develops program ratings system which measures attitudes rather than audience size. Brdst (Apt 25) 29. According to the impact scores, those watching high impact programs are much more likely to ~ t c h the co~nercials. 0879 Wakshlag, J. J. & others. Television news viewing and network affiliation changes. J Brdst (Win) 55. Tests divergent predictions


C o m m u n i c a t i o n - - R e s e a r c h (Radiofl~ r) based on network, program and channel loyalty by analyzing rating, audience flow and repeat viewing for news programs before and after a network affiliation change. 0680 Webster, J. G. & J. J. Wakshlag. A theory of television program choice. Comm Res (OCt) 430. Various theories are examined to predict the patterns of television program choice. Some evidence shows program choice is not related to content but rather scheduling. 0881 Winan, A. R. Parental influence and children's responds to television advertising. J Ad (I) 12. The influence of parents on their children's response to advertising is studied.

COMM U N I C A T I O N - - R E S ~ L ~ C l l (SURVEYS) ARTICLES 0882 Cohen, R. L. & others. Nuclear power: the decision makers speak. Regulation (Mar/Apt) 52. Results of a questionnaire mailed in October 1980 to top decision makers in 7 different categories indicate support for nuclear energy development. 0885 Gloede, Bill. Poll shows newspapers gaining credibility: Associated Press managing editors told latest results. E & P (Nov 12) 14. 0884 Lokker, Steve. Survey tracks communication priorities. Comm W (Oct) 6. A total of I ,5C0 employees responded to 25-question form, which resulted in a more relevant format and content of the employee publication. 0885 Wall~grk, S. S. The Montana poll: more than just a public opinion poll. The Montana Poll ~ s developed to help decision makers in Montana learn the opinions, attitudes, and expectations of the general public. The Poll includes economic and related issues of importance to Montana. Topics can be repeated in subsequent polls to determine public opinion changes. 0886 Worcester, P~ M. Don't disregard the power of the polls. Director trK (JLn) 92. Polls have 5 functions: to predict, to analyze, and to report. A more useful function of polls is their ability to provide an objective view of the public's views on issues. BOOK 0887 Frey, J. H. Survey research by telephone. 5~verly Hills, CA: Sage, 208 pp. $24. Offers details of sampling, questionnaire design and survey administration are covered as well as comparison of various survey techniques. ~{ESES 0888 Boakes, J. C. A study of television viewership of Congressional proceedings carried on C-Span, the cable satellite public affairs network. Unpub thesis (Pennsylvania). Seeks to ascertain public interest in and reactions to the television gavel-to-gavel proceedings of the U.S. House of Representatives. 0889 Gray, L. S. The role and effectiveness of a radio program in communicating with a university population. Unpub thesis (Plorida). The study seeks to determine if the on-campus constituencies listened to


Communication--Research (Surveys) "University Lipdate" program. 0890 }~nlon, J. M. A study of Air Force broadcasting in Europe - past and present. Unpub thesis (F4aryland). 0891 Hurwitz, D. L. Broadcast "ratings" - the rise and development of commercial audience research and measurement in American broadcasting. Unpub dissert {Illinois). 0892 Krynshi, T. E. Radio Farm broadcasters in Missouri: a gatekeeper study. Unpub thesis {Missouri). This study examines the demographics of radio farm broadcasters of Missouri. 0893 Mahoney, K. P. The formation of the national radio broadcasters association (NRBA): organization and policy making of a splinter trade association. Unpub dissert (Indiana). This study examines the relationship between the emergence of the NRBA and the growing complexity of the broadcasting industry. 0894 McDonald, D. G. Television program preference, choice and viewing behavior. Unpub thesis (Wisconsin-r~dison). The study attempted to integrate a variety of findings which suggest that influences other than sheer preferences operate. 0895 Meehan, F_~ P~ Neither heroes nor villians: toward a political economy of the ratings industry. Unpub dissert (Illinois). This study finds sufficient divergence in demand for ratings firms to exercise considerable discretion in selecting measurement practices and in using them. 0896 Morgan, R. C. Jr. An historical study of Georgia public television from 2967 to the 1981 formation of the Georgia Public Telecommunications Con~mission. 0897 Wiesner, N. K. Parental styles of television control and children's television viewing behavior. Unpub thesis (Pennsylvania). The study examined parental control across soclo- and concept-oriented family styles of con,nunlcatton. 0898 Ziemke, D. A. Adolescent television viewing and family communication tterns as facilitators of role-taking development. Unpub thesis isconsin-Madison). The study investigates the influence of two co~unication behaviors.


COMM I ~ I C A T I O N - - T E CliNOLOGY ARTICLES 0899 Ad agency software program markets to the smaller shops. Bus b~t (Jun) 42. Although large agencies have been using computers for quite some time, smaller agencies are now beginning to use them. 0900 Alber, A. F. Get ready for electronic publishing. Bus H (Jan-Feb) 51. The publishing industry is on tie threshold of the most important changes since Gutenberg's invention of movable type. 0901 Alexander, B. H. Impact of computers on human behavior. VS (Jan I) 185. The computer affects all our lives. Stresses the importance of a balance between what's best for the computer and what's best for humanity. 0902 Barrett, Vern & Keith O;ren. Micro-based performance and productivity for managers and professiomals. Bus Q (Fell) 61. The authors show that the personal computer opened up dramatic possibilities for productivity and performance on the part of achievement-oriented managers and


Communication T e c h n o l o g y professionals. 0905 Bates, Don. What the new technologies mean for public relations. PRJ (Sep) 8. Experienced practitioners who have used the new technologies see great promise in them, but they realize it is a long ~ourney between vision and reality. 0904 Baych, Toni. The telecommunications director. Hosp (Sep) 85. The management activities of a telecomaunications direector are outlined. 0905 Blumenthal, W. M. Guiding technology. Mgt W (Nov) I. Understanding technology and technological change is crucial. The chief condition for success is to understand and to respond to the organizational challenges. 09(36 Bolton, Ted. Perceptual factors that influence the adoption of videotex technology: results of the channel 2000 field test. J Brdst (Apt) 141. Discusses videotex - a consumer oriented on-demand con~munication system that delivers into the home both textual and graphic material on request. 0907 Bralove, M. M. Computer anxiety hits middle management. WSJ (Mar 7) 2_~ tm estimated 90% of the 10 million executives and professional managers in the U.S. today are computer illiterate. 0908 Cahill, M. F. The desk-top computer as PR consultant. PRQ (Spr) 7. The focal point of the public relations and public affairs function is information management. 0909 Casmir, Fred L A new breed of manager. PRJ (Feb) 27. The flood of new technology and informational needs require information managers to be scientifically and humanistically trained. O910 Cattau, Dsniel. Big Bucks spread the word of the Lord. CJ (Jul/Aug) 21. America's religious groups are using modern communications technology effectively. ~his article tells how and demonstrates the adaptability of these techniques to other causes. O911 Communication in the service of man. UN Courier (Mar) 4. Analyzes the cultural, social, economic and political problems involved in handling new communications technologies. O912 Communications is dealing business a potent new hand. Bus W (Oct 24) 151. A well-managed co.T~nunications system is an important new strategic weapon for companies; teleconferencing, transmission of computer data and other telecommunications technology hold the potential for competing effectively. O915 Compuserve: profile of a videotext service. VM (Jun). The videotext service has 50,0(30 customers and is growing at the rate of 800 to I,O00 customers a %~ek. 0914 Computer generated designs may help advertisers and public relations practitioners get their messages through. Purview (Oct 10) I. 0915 Computerizing Design. Adv Tech (t,~ay) 18. The fine arts of calligraphy, painting, illustration and type design can now be mechanically reproduced. O916 Computers no threat to H~ people - Fegley, O'Dwyer (Oct 26) 2. Excerpts from talk before PRSA Foundation advocating greater use of technology. 0917 Consultant, training vital in computer buy. O'Dwyer (Oct 12) 5. PR firms adversed to hire consultant to assess needs before computerizing. 0918 Cote-Merow, Janet & Jeremiah Goldstein. Telec~onferencing - everything you need to know. CJ (Sep/oct) 24. Satellites and computers are



Communication Technology bringing American business closer to the electronic office, including teleconferencing to save time, money and energy. O919 Depersonalized computer communication will affect many media. PER (SOp 12) 2. Comparison of electronic communication and print in terms of depersonalizing infonnation. 0920 Elsworth P. & P. Mareth. At the threshold of 1984. C of Comm (sop/Oct) 67. Two authors debate the potential threat to American society. 0921 Elton, Martin & John Carey. Computerizing information: consumer reactions to teletext. J Comm (Win) 162. A teletext information system ~ s provided in 40 households and 10 puDlic sites. 0922 Farrell, F. J. The new wealth of nations. VS (Jul I) 562. Information is the resource of today's world. Information has great value to society, with many factors relating to it and new technology,. 0923 Genovese, Margaret. All eyes are on Viewtron screen text. Presstime (Dec) 22. Knight-Ridder's South Florida commercial operation. Time will tell whet2~r or not it is profitable. Topic is also discussed in Presstlme (Nov) 55 and E & P (Oct 29) 16. 0924 Good, Robert & others. Managing with microcomputers. Bus (Jan/~.~r) 83. Managers are relying on microcomputers for a broad range of applications from simple calculators to complex budgeting. 0925 Grindlay, Andrew. The challenging life of a data processing manager. Bus Q (Spr) 94. Explains the roles of a data processing manager. What happens to the managers as technology increases. 0926 Haight, Timothy & Robert Rubinyi. How community groups use computers. J Comm (Win) 109. Most groups that have computerized use the computer to au~rent existing r~)des of communication. 0927 Helfer, Edward. Intercontinental communication. PRJ (Feb) 24. Satellites are being used to broadcast annual meetings, training programs, and other public relations programs. 0928 Hills, bee. Freedom of expression. VS (Jun I) 507. Communication today is using new technology. The challenge of this is to produce quality technology. 0929 Hospitals use cable, computers for PR. VM (Oct). Case history of how hospitals use computerized information retrieval system to educate the community and maintain a link with the oo,nmuqity. 0930 How media view new technology. PRR (Nov 7) 2. Advocates back to the basics by emphasizing constants and h~.-~anware versus hard~sre. O931 IABC focuses on new technologies at national media meeting. SSM (Dec) I. Account of trends discussed at meeting including predictions of continued dramatic shifts and acc~.qeration of change. 0932 Impact that electronic communications forms will have on media strategies, delivery of news, network television programming and TV program sponsorship debated at the 4A's annual Media Dsy. Brdst (5~y 16) 80. Also dlscus&-~d was network TV's rising costs, media competition, and reprogra.~ming prospects. O933 James, W. S. The new electronic media: an overview. J Ad Res (Aug/Sep) 33. Describes the new electronic media. Discusses new technologies and estimates of their future success. 0934 Kennedy, Alan. Back-fence conversations: new tools for quality communication. Comm W (Nov) 26. The author discusses the potential of new communications tools, including the computer in delivering specialized quality messages to large audiences. Keeping mailing lists


Commnnlcatlon T e c h n o l o g y up-to-date and communicating on a high-quality level are important and possible. 0935 Kierber, Edwin Jr. Teletext in a California community. TV-guide (Jan 15) 52. Since July, 1982, WPIX has maintained special television receivers in selected homes to test reaction to shopping by TV. 0936 Lapointe, J. P~ Human resource performance index. Pets J (Jul) 545. Discusses how computerization in the personnel department should go beyond mere record keeping and reporting. 095? levy, M. R. The time-shifting use of home video recorders. J Brdst (Sum) 263. |brae video recorders are helping to create a new age of mass communication in which mass media audiences have more message choices. 0958 Marketing/advertising research: new technology unfolding. Ad Age (Oct 51) M9. Predicts great future for research due to lead time needed for ad0usting to new technology. 0959 Mascotte, J. P. Technology and the environment. VS (Jan 15) 220. Technology must be used correctly to be an asset in our lives today. Business and industry must listen to the needs of the public. 0940 McCommcn, Kevin., The best-equipped video household: what would it cost. TV-Guide (~:ar 12) 43. The article discusses electronic communication today including cable television and ha~e computers. 0941 Miller, Jack. Videoconferencing comes of age. CJ (Jul/Aug) 16. How to balk to I ,000 people in 15 locations for $25 per person or 15,000 in I~9 locations for $6 each. 0942 Miller, Win & T. W. Sut~r III. Display station anthropometrics: preferred height and angle settings of CRT and keyboard. }hm Factors (Aug) 401. Study of display station physical adjustments preferred by VDT operators. 0945 ~ardoni, Ran. G.~tting to know the technology: Help with computers for personnel professionals. Pets (Mar) 11. Discusses how m~nagers can use technology to improve their services. 0944 New communication technologies are changing political processes. SSM (~r) 3. Review of the literature. 0945 Next step in automating data specifically for PR. PRR (Oct 3) I. Gambit offers a data base for issues directly related to public relations. 0946 1984 field guide to the new media. C of Comm (Nov/Dec) 3. Status of videotex/teletext, home video, personal computers, optical discs, video g~mes, broadcast TV, and glossary. Very comprehensive 65-Page report. 0947 Plank, B. A. The new technology and its implications for the public relations profession. IPRA R (Aug) 35. New methods developed to promote public relations are discussed. 0948 . The revolution in communication technology for public relations. PR Rev (Spr) 5. An overview is provided of the technological change brought by computer information systems, and the social change bound to result from the transition from the industrial to the information a~.e. 0949 Pollock, A. J. Computers can't walk or talk. ATB (Jun) I. A commentary on the problems and inefficiency with management information systems. 0950 Pool, I. deSola. The 'electrocution' of print. ATB (I~r) 36. Author describes how tha sudden increase of computers and other electronic devices is going to affect advertising, newspapers and the print media, in general.


Communication T e c h n o l o g y O951 Pottle, M. K. The. mic,ocomputer in a public realtions firm. Interface Age (May) 44. A firm decides that a computer would solve the problem. The first step it took was to conduct a needs assessment. 0952 Publishing the electronic newspaper: Cowles Publishing begins commercial operation of low-cost, text-only electronic newspaper tailored to the Spokane market. E & P (Oct 8) 31. 0953 Quester computer analyzes meaning of words used by communicators. FRR (May 30) 2. A new computer analysis program, Quester, analyzes word use patterns to reveal the connotative meanings attached to them by special publics. 0954 Rambo, C. D. It's still a 'maybe' market for new technologies. Presstime (Jan) 20. Media marketers question if computer-based electronic information systems will catch on. An outlook of the future of the. market is presented. 0955 Raub, A. C. Conquering computer fear. Mgt W (Nov) 16. Managers should provide opportunities for employees to voice their fears and misconceptions over computers to increase understanding of the capabilities and limits of computers. 0956 Routledge, Jack. A minute thirty. PRJ (May) 31. Electronic journalism is here to stay, but people need to be a%~re of its boundaries and encourage it to deal better with such complex questions as those raised by health care delivery. 0957 Satellite politics ahead in '84 and other developments in communication technology. W,! (Jan). Predictions of greater use of cable and closed circuit television. 0958 Smith, G. W. & W. N. Smallwood. Preparing for breakthroughs . . . the rewards of technology futuring. Mgt R (Apt) 51. Preparing for the future by deb~c,~ining wb~t kind of technology a company will need to meet its business objectives. 0959 Special report: PR execs briefed on technology. VM (May) I. Highlights from a conference on "the next revolution in public relations: new uses of electronic co~nunications." 0960 Technology moves upward on evolutionary path. Bdst (Oct 10) 54. RCA is leading the way into the era of the tubeless camera with its remarkable solid-state F_2JGcamera. 0961 Time's teletext carries new editorial style. VM (Aug) 2. Time's version offers subscribers a remote control key pad with which they can punch up 4,(I)O-5,000 TV text pages of specialized news, games and entertainment. 0962 Today's high-tech business cemmunlc~tlons field warn against relying too much on computers, cable TV and video software. Org Dyn (Mar) 14. Executives note t}[~t ~ n y communications channels have little conclusive research results reKardin~ their effectiveness. O963 Townley, Rod. Satellite TV: schoolhouse in the sky. TV-Guide (May 21) 45. Satellite TV is now being used to beam teachers and knowledge into remote villages around the world. 0964 Update on television. SSM (Jun/Jul) I. Changing technology in mass media and its implication for the practice of public relations and advertising are recounted. 0965 Urbany, J. E. & ~lareyk, W. W. Videotex: I,~plications for retailing. J Ret (Fall) 76. Videotex is an in-home con~municaations technology which hes the potential to "revolutionize" the way goods and services are ~rketed.

Communication Technolo~,~ 0966 Verrant, J. J. New challenges for process control. VS (Aug 15) 665. Importance is stressed to develop a partnership between the technology supplier and user. Steps are recx~T~nended for each side to take. 0967 Vilardl, Vivienne. The ABCs of videotex/teletext. F~t & Media Dec (Nev) 64. First of a three-part series detailing the medium's growth and operations. Continued in December and January 1984 issues. 0968 Washington profile: satellite news channel. VM (Sep). }bw to place news with the Washington Bureau of Satellite ~ w s Channel is explained. 0969 Weiss, W. L. Tomorrow belongs to us. VS (Feb 15) 280. A look at how telecommunications technology is the ~ v e of the future. 0970 Wilker, Earl. Satellites take hold. GAM (Oct) 65. As three major publications position themselves as national newspapers, satellite transmission technology becomes more integral to their operations. O971 Word processing . . . now's the time. CJ (Sep/Oct) 62. Several experts look at the state of the art. They conclude that technology has helped writers and creative people. 0972 Word processors speed output of news bureau. Office (Feb) 108. General Electric news bureau is the in-house press relations operation that is part of the company's public relations department, and word procassing is improving the productivity of the publicists there. BOOKS 0975 Bretz, Rudy. Media for interactive communication. Lexington, MA: Lexington Bks., 2664 pp. $25. Demonstrates how interactive media can simulate face-to-face interaction. 0974 List. Veto Beach, FL: Redgate publishers, 400 pp., $12.50 paper. Combines a 128-page magazine section containing in-depth articles, case histories and interviews about personal computers with a 272-page software locator. 0975 McWilliams, P.fu The word processor book. Los Angeles: Prelude, $ii.95. Discribes the word processor role in producing s~all publications and other uses. 0976 Miller, G. M. Modern electronic communi~tion, 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, ~iI: P-H, 578 pp. $26.95. The technology of communication expressed in technical terms, not for the novice. 0977 Murphy, Brian. The world wired up: unscrambling the new communications puzzle. London: Comidia, 154 pp. An assessment of British, American, Canadian, European, Japanese and Third World developments in telecommunications. 0978 Noam, E. M. Telecommunications regulation today and tomorrow. NY: HBJ, 454 pp. Covers a number of areas that need adjustment b~sed on the new communication. 0979 Olgrin, C. H. Teleconferenclng and applications. Dedhem, Mass: Artich House, 552 pp. $45. Systems are explained and described and application are discussed. T~ESES 0980 Cox, M. K. The computerized broadcast newsroom. Unpub thesis ( I o ~ State). Study focuses on the buyers and sellers oF t}~ equipment. 0981 Sosna, M. L A stylebook for teletext. Unpub thesis (OalifornlaNorthridge). Serves as a bridge spanning current journalistic usage to

Communication Technolo~,~, futuristic teletext usage. 0982 Tartaglione, R. A. Media use and information-seeklng: a proposed model for selection of content for videotext systems. Unpub thesis (Florida). 0985 Trimble, J. M. Prediction of worker respo~tse to computer-bssed autor~tion at a technical-publishing office: a case study. Unpub t}esis (Texas-Austin). 0984 Zaradich, L. J. Electronic home news delivery in the thlted States: a survey of 55 products in 1981. Unpub thesis (Indiana). This study is bssed on a mail survey of 55 electronic news delivery projects.

COMM U ~ I C A T I O N - - V I S UAL ARTICLES 0985 Bitter, John. Don't neglect your media roo:a. SM (Jun) 144. An appropriately equipped media center can help your organization receive favorable redia coverage. 0986 Brouse, W. D. There's more than one way to use slides. Assoc Mgt (Feb) 160. Slides can be used as an effective and inexpensive msnagement tool at meetings. A wide range of slides can add glamour. 0987 Films are prime illustration of need for full perception management. PRR (SOp 19) 5. Demonstrates thet film's power lies in its ability to evoke intellectual and emotional stimulation. 0988 Floros, Leo. The .~hyflower story. PRJ (Sep) 25. The average public relations or sponsored film hes a life expectancy of about 5 .to 9 years and may be seen by 10 to 15 million people. 0989 IBM, Bechtel among PRSA film winners. O'Dwyer (Aug 51) 2. A list and brief discriptions of winners in the 19th annual film/video festival compe ti tion. 0990 In a study of effective communications techniques, film was found to be among the best. Hum Res Mgt (Apr) 40. Film was especially effective in communicating with blue-collar workers, primarily because of its demonstrative properties. O991 Kieckhafer, Sandra. How to prepare a successful slide presentation. PRJ (Sep) 17. Guidelines are given to help make a slide presentation informative, coherent, dynamic and memorable. 0992 Klein, W. J. Sponsored films. PRJ (Sep) 20. The public relations film is the most requested item in 'asked for' advertising. Some 1 ~POO commercial, public and cable television stations and systems and some 50,000 civic groups regularly ask. 0995 Moloney, Peter. The. business of communicating and the communications business. Pers Mgt (Dec) 20. Com~nunicatlons studies lecture proclaims that the use of visual aids such as flipoherts, overhead projectors and such merely delude. BOOKS 0994 Budd, J. F. Jr. Corporate video in focus. A management guide to private TV. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: P-H, 210 pp. $10.99 paper. Case histories of video runs in corporate publicity. 0995 Budd, John & Bruce Pennington. Corporate video in focus. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: P-H, 210 pp. $21.95. How to use corporate video effectively as a new medium for communication rather than a visual aid.


C O ) D I U N ! CATION--WRITING ARTICLES 0996 Asimov, Isaac. Write, Write, Write. CJ (bt~y/Jun) 40. Advice from a successful writer is to approach the task with total dedication and passion. Author offer seven rules. O99Z Bacon, M. S. What we should have said was. Assoc Mgt (Mar) 61. Communicating with association members requires simple and concise writing, careful editing, logical organization, and commonsense. 0998 Bitter, John. Beware of the Macedonians. J Comm Mgmt (I) 6. A short and sarcastic article pleading with cor to use simpler, more understandable language that communicates more clearly and directly to the reader. 0999 Campbell, Andrew. Hiring for results - interviews that select winners. Bus Q (Win) 57. A management consultant suggests questions to ask, how to organize and how to conduct the interviewing process. 1000 Bay, Y. L A basic training document: the economics of writing, part I. Tips & q~ctics (Sep 19) I. The advantages of writing skills are recounted. Part II appears in Oct. 3 issue. 1001 Emerson, Frank. The write stuff. Ent (,Nov) 73. This article offers tips that promises to help master the art of business writing. 1002 Ferrara C.F. Waging a campaign for better writing: upgrading the quality of a company's business writing skills. Mgt Rev (Dec) 20. A discussion of the low quality of business writing attributed to a lack of managerial concern about clear communications. Writing tips that will help managers say what they ~ant to say. q003 Fregly, M. S. & J. S. Detweiler. Teach them to think before they write. JE (Spr) 32. Describes how two objectives--enhancing public relations thinking and producing an attractive showpiece of writing talent for the student--form the basis of a course in public relations at the University of Florida. 1004 Frankston, Sherman & Patrick Flanagan. Cross-cultural - a strained two-way street. RR (Mar 2B) supp. Tips on more effective writing and how to avoid blunders in communicating outside the United States. 1005 How teget good writing. ASNE Bull (Peb) 3. A special report on writing. 1006 Jacobi, Peter. The best lead depends on the story and audience. RR (Apr 4) 1. How to write better leads. 1007 . Give a story proper space. RR (Sep 19) supp. Review and critique Of leads. 1008 Tidbits (RR) I. An essay on how to write with style. 1009 . Time at 60. HR (Dec 19) supp, Author recommends Time's 6Oth anniversary issue for examples of effective, lively writing. 1010 . Writi~lg out loud. S/N (Jul q5) insert. Author makes a plea for the four 'knows:' Know your speaker, audience, objective, subject. 1011 Limaye, M. R. The. syntax of persuasion: two business letters of requ:~st. J Bus Comm (Spr) 17. Two late 16th century letters are compared to show that a mutually productive relationship must be ,~stablished. 1012 Roman, Kenneth & Joel Raphaelson. Stop mumbling when you write it'll make your work easier. Mkt Times (Jan/Feb) 9. An overview of


Communlcation--Writing effective writing techniques. Clear thinking and omission of jargon and vogue words save time and avoid stress. 1015 Rothwell, W. J. Developing an in-house training curriculum in written com~nunicatlon. J Bus Comm (Spr) 51. The author discusses how or~~. organization developed a program of learning experiences in written communication for its employees. 1014 Sal}~r, R. C. Showcasing your statistics. Mgt W (~bv) 32. M~ke sure that the amount of detail is limited to that which can be controlled. Eliminate all unnecessary computed figures. 1015 White, Pat. Why we light torches: using people to shape the message. RR (Feb 21) I. An essay advocating the marketing function of business co~aunica tion. 1016 Wood, A. S. Countdown to Orwell. RR (Jan 3, Feb 7) Essays on using the right word to convey the precise meaning. BOOKS 1017 Davies, Peter. Success with words: a guide to the American language. Pleasantville, IT,': Reader's Digest, 704 pp. $21.50. This usage guide bases its recommendations on how English is used. It features more than 1 #300 essays with advice ranging from problem words and usages to questions about style and gr~.%.nar. 1018 Hayes, J. N. & others. The writer's mind: writing as a mode of thinking. Urbana, IL: Natior~3l Council of Teachers of English, 256 pp. $15.50 paper. Sustained writing linked to reading can develop the. reader's ability to analyze and synthesize ideas. 1019 Jones, }L H. Programming better writing: how to develop effective writing skills for a computerized age. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: P-H, 176 pp. $7.95. The author assumes a working knowledge of structured computer progra~r.ming. 1020 Young, J. R. How to b e g i n a s u c e s s f u l f r e e l a n c e w r i t e r . Anaheim, CA: Moonstore Press, 121 pp. $7.95. Practical advice on working with computers, eliciting good quotes, breaking into major publications, use of a tape recorder, and maintaining files - all practical advice.

l l E ~ L T H ,I~%~) W E L F A R E ARTICLES 1021 A conference to educate and sensitize the public to the needs of the elderly scheduled. Hosp (Mar 16) 54. The conference will focus on: needs of the frail and chronically ill; environmental factors affecting the elderly; and related topics. 1022 American Heart Association develops a CPR education that utilizes a vldeo-game format. }bsp (May 24) 47. The AHA, which makes the facility available at numerous hospital learning center, hopes the innovative program will encourage people, especially the young to learn CPR. 1025 Brody, E. W. Hospitals: communications today and tomorrow. PR Casebk (Nov/Dec) 6. The hospital communicator must be thoroughly familiar with the economics of health care and hospitals, and hospital governance. 1024 Caldwell, ~ M. }bw can we educate the American public about the child care profession? YC (Mar) 11. Offers three lines of evidence

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associated with the need to better educate the public about the child care profession, suggesting ~ays for achieving this objective. 1025 Carper, W. B. & R. J. Litschert. Strategic power relationships in contemporary profit and nonprofit hospitals. Acad Hgt Rev (Jun) 311. A study os top level decision makers of profit and not for profit hospitals to see if an organizations economic orientation has a direct effect on its strategic behavior. 1026 Carrol, M. J. St. Vincent Health Center in Erie, PA, develops new approach to security. Hosp (May 24) 21. The facility formed an external patrol in conjunction with the neighborhood security group to reduce 9vandalism and burglary attempts. 1027 Colling, R. L. Hospitals undertake programs to involve employees in security. Hosp (May 24) 25. One very successful aspect of these programs is the security fair, a series of films, displays, and seminars designed to educate and motivate hospital personnel. 1028 Communication: an Rx for rising health care costs. Comm & Mgt (JanFeb). Employee communication must make employee understand detriment r[simg health care benefit costs can be to American economy as reported in Purview (May 16). 1029 C o ~ y advisory groups exist at one-fifth of all hospitals surveyed by AHA. Hosp (Apt 16) 58. Thcough these groups the community is allowed a voice in hosoital Dolicles. 1030 Database speeds management reports. Hosp (Oct 16) 35. Most of the hospitals data are computerized, but they cannot be manipulated into report formats that would help in management declsion-making. 1051 Denison, G. W. Jr. The delivery of health information. VS (Jan 15) 208. Patients must l~ educated about their health care. Three primary areas in which patients should be_ educated are named. 1032 Eresian, J. G. O_~tting down to business. Hosp (Apt 16) 75. Managers of tax-exempt hospitals should adopt a more businesslike approach. Four critical facets of good man~geme,lt a ~ locked at. 1033 Ewell, C. M. Talking to the board. Hosp (Jan 16) 79. Orientation programs, weekend retreats, and policy guides are simple tools that can help hospital executives and trustees learn one another's concerns. 1054 Forbush, Dan. Hospital sales and market communio~tions: more than just promotion. HC Fin Mgt (Dec) 40. Promotion in support of wellconceived and well-executed programs can be a powerful tool for stimulating ,~rket exchanges and increasing market share. 1055 Friedman, Emily. A stats of transition. Hosp (Jan 16) 68. Less money, more need, changing relations with providers, and the "politlcization of health" are all on the minds of the chief health officers in eight key states. 1036 G1asco*ck, Alison. Hill Crest hospital: New Life Center for substance abusers. ~I Case bk (Nov/Dec) 35. The decision to establish the ~ w Life Center at Hill Crest Hospital (Birmingham, Alabama) ~ s based on 2 perceived needs. 1037 }Nlperin, J. A. Forces of change in health services. VS (Jan 15) 198. The future of health services and costs examined. Information technology impacts on health services and cost of health care. 1038 Heuser, L. J. Hospital marketing: can it help? P~J (May) 20. Hospitals today are faced with a battery of business d)namics unmatched by those of most other professions. 1059 Heineken, J. H. Does anyone out there know I'm bere? Super Nurse (Jun) 16. Rapport with the patient can ease pain and promote healing.


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1040 Hospital forms political activity group. Hosp (Jun I) 36. North Memorial Medical Center in Minneapolis keeps employers and others up-todate on legislation and regulations that could afflict the hospital. 1041 Hospital's patient meals become lessons in good eating. }bsp (Oct 1) 64. C~otlief Hospital, Illinois, wanted patients' meals to provide mere than Oust daily sustenance. They publish new menu booklets which help patients determine the nutritional value of each meal served to them during their hospital stay. 1042 Human resource personnel roles change. Hosp (Dec 16) 55. Some changes discussed for the human resource personnel include prospective pricing, increased competition, corporate reorganizations, and hospitalphysician joint ventures. 1045 In a "performance-recognized" strategy, the Lake Co~ty Hospital in Ohio publicizes its new money and energy saving facilities. Hosp (May 24) 96. Many community members, previously upset with the apparent waste at the. hospital, ~ere pleased and impressed. 1044 In an effort to create good will, the American Hospital Association and Blue Cross-Blue Shield offers two advanced fellowships annually. }bsp (Feb 16) 12. The object of the fellowships is to provide experience in national health policy formation and analysis. 1045 In response to community outrage over the death of a child during routine surgery, the Wesley Medical Center grants permission for the child's parents to see the operating doctors peer review records. Hosp (Feb I) 49. The Center hopes to disprove allegations of negligence and improve good will. 1046 In response to the number of AIr~ in recent months, the public relations deparbnents of many hospitals wage an information blitz on the public. Hosp (5~ay 16) 15. In order to dispel myths and provide accurate information, ,~.~dtcal facilities have even started "hot lines." 1047 It was not until public relations dispelled many common productivity myths, that hospital management understood the reasons behind rising patient dis~]tisfaction. Hosp (Apt I) 116. 1048 Johnson, R. L. Era of responsibility. Hosp (Jun 16)75. Examples of hew the economic competition in hospitals is a high stake game for management. Discussed are th~. requirements of judgment, experience and courage from hospital management. 1049 Kahn, Lynn. Meeting of the minds. Hosp (5~ar 16) 84. Cost and care concerns must be shared by management and medical staff if a hospital hopes to keep its doors open in an era of prospective pricing. 1050 Kastenbatml, Robert. The psychologist and hospital policy: a report from the real world. Am Psych (Dec) 1555. Policy issues concerning hospitals and society with particular implications for psychologists in the United States. 1051 Leahigh, A. K. Health care marketing communication - a case history. PRQ (Win) 19. A case history on American Medical Systems Inc. and how they recognized the extraordinary opportunities for a public relations technique. 1052 Leon, Hortense. Hospital ad: A delicate procedure. Ad Age (Sep 26) 85. Care must h ~. b~ken in preparing copy. The hospital can't say it's the best or the first at anything because these claims can be disputed. 1055 Loucks, V.R. Health care cost control. VS (Apt 15) 414. A fourpoint program is proposed for the future of }~alth Industry iCanufacturer's Association (HIMA).

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1054 Mannisto, Marilyn. Managers wanted. Hosp (Mar 16) 91. A panel discussion of how management practices will be affected by case-mix reimbursem*nt and a prospective pricing system. 1055 Hattheson, Janice. Well, well, well . . . ! Shore Hemorial Hospital's wellness program. PR Casebk (Sep) 18. Shore Memorial Hospital has created a flourishing and cost-effective wellness program. 1056 Mickel, Clay. Poll concludes most Americans ready to share in health costs. Hosp {Jan 16) 28. Public willing to pay higher insurance premi~s if it will keep costs do~. 105F More philanthropy and government subsidies needed to finance healthcare. Purview (Apt 18) 2. Excerpts from article in Hospital Profless (Dec '82). 1058 Orlando Regional Medical Center has instituted the use of a comprehensive attitude survey to measure the levels of satisfaction and effectiveness. Hosp (Feb 1) 32. The program emphasizes extensive employee feedback during monthly sessions with middle ~anagement. 1059 Pearson, C. E. This month: implementing a health promotion program. Pets J (Feb) 150. Discusses the need for worksite health-promotion programs to motivate employees to assume personal responsibility for their health. 1060 Perry, J. K. The pain of regulation. PRJ (May) 29. Legislation will force hospitals to either change or flounder and eventually close. 1061 Peters, J. P. & Simone Tseng. Managing strategic change. Hosp (Jun I) 63. ~bw in hospitals and the health care sector, planning has become the 'thing to do; because of a rapidly changing environment. 1062 Poll reveals the greatest needs and concerns for the relatives of a terminally ill patient. Hosp (Jun 23) 41. With this research, hospitals are instituting new programs to help those family members deal with the death of a loved one. 1033 "Productivity and the quality of work llfe in hospitals" advocates a restructuring of personnel management. }bsp (Apr 16) 99. "Redesigning job structures to give employees less rigidly defined jobs with wider ;i~eas of responsibility can enhance the quality of work life ;' states t]~ author of the book. 1034 PR is a leading force, in changing our healthcare institutions. PRR (Oct 17) I. Broadened responsibilities, marketing emphasis, producttype advertising narrow the gap between hospital and corporate relations. 1035 Richard, Glenn. 'Lights, camera, action!' Hosp (Sep) ?8. An inside look at the Lee Memorial Hospital in Fort Hyers, Florida, and how they use television. 1066 Richards, Glenn. 'Sir, 27 phone vendors are at the door.' Hosp (Sep 16) 66. An article on how AT&T's divestiture presents hospitals with a new set of issues. 1067 Rollo, F. D. Public's growing apprehension of radiation exposure. }bsp (Jan 1) 61. Many hospitals can improve their image by switching from x-ray to other methods such as ultra-seund, computerized tomography and ECR. 1068 Rosenthal, T. S. Managing risks. Super h~rse (Apt) 38. There are everyday threats in all of our lives. Getting on top of the risks demands close attention to the threat. 1069 Russell, C. J. Maintaining control. Super Nurse (Mar) 51. Delegating responsibility presents real opportunities for a better kind of


Health and Welfare

managerial control. 1070 Rynne, T. J. Managing the community hospital's reputation. ~01C Rev (Win) 57. Planning and managing its reputation is part of the hospital marketing plan. 1071 Schlezlnger, I. H. & L. Green. Profiling the planner. Hosp (Jun) 74. The society for Hospital Planning asked Leo J. Schapiro and Associates to conduct a membership needs assessment to provide society with a statistical and informational base to use in planning future services. 1072 Shahoda, Tero. Patient complaints are poor food. Hosp (Apt 1) 57. In order to satisfy patients craving for variety and taste, as well as cake them active participants in nutritious meal planning, Gottliab Hospital in Chicago introduces innovative menu. 1073 Steinbrenner, J. M. A baby fair!! Riverside hospital's baby fair. PR Casebk (Sep) I. Riverside Hospital, a 2BOg-bed facility located in downtown Toledo, Ohio, increased awareness of its obstetrics department with a baby fair. 1074 Super-hospltal is example of profit motive at work for public. PRR (Nov 23) 2. For-profit and not-for-proflt organizations share stake holders. 1075 Survey probes incentive plans. Hosp (Feb 16) 36. A survey conducted by the t~ational |~alth Group of Arthur Young & Co. A look into ca_nagement incentive compansation programs, the structure and perceived effects of such programs. 1076 ~/rnover decreases with daycare usage. Hosp (~r" I) 47. [bspitalsponsored daycare helps in retaining employees. A team approach merges diagnostic, therapeutic services. 1077 Urmy, N. B. Surviving regulation. Hosp (Apt 16) 76. The hospital industry is one of the most regulated in the nation, and it's going to get worse before it gets better. 1078 Use of management contracts may decline. Hosp (Oct 16) 22. The popularity of hospital management contracts may suffer under a medicare prospective pricing system, because the cost no longer can be passed on to government through the medicare payment formula. 1079 Wacker, R. C. Value-driven management. Hosp (Apt I) 81. Gradual planning and creation of hospital cultures are elements of the 'next %ave' in health care-strategic L-anagement. 1080 Williams, C. A. Making things happen: community health nursing and the policy arena. ~3 (Jul/Aug) 225. ~'urses should assign higher priority to participating in forming health policy and broader public policy. I081 York, Karen & others. Pleasant Valley Hospital: emergency room awareness. PH Casebk (Aug) 17. Pleasant Valley Hospital wanted to increase its visibility in the community in an attempt to combat increasing competition and decreasing state and federal support. ~HESIS 1082 Webb, Stephen. Employee television news shows in t~e hospital setting: case studies from five hospitals.



lllSTORI" ARTICLE 1083 Douglass, Merril & Donna. How to make travel time productive. Mkt Times (Jan/Feb) 17. Several time-managing suggestions for more efficient business trips are given. The key is to view airports, planes, and taxis - as an extension of your office. BOOKS 1084 Barmask, Isadore. Always live better than your clients, rff: [bid, Mead, 208 pp. $15.95. A biography of Benjamin Sonmenberg who entered public in the twenties as publicist and press agent and climaxed his career as a successful and effective practitioner who convinced Texaco to sponsor Metropolitan Opera performances. 1085 Dornfeld, A. A. Behind the front page: the story of the City news Bureau of Chicago. Academy Chicago, 331 pp. $14.95. An affectionate, sometimes gossipy history of the City News Bureau of Chicago, a news agency more tl]an a century old. TrF_SES 1066 Gibson, ~. K. A history of medical journals in the United States. Unpub thesis (Mississippi). 10~7 ~;cCart, A. N. Reflections of 1880-2: a descriptive study of selected American magazines a century ago. Unpub thesis (Kansas). The object was to describe selected contents of seven magazines of the period to determine what life and society w~s like.

LYBOR R E L I T I O N S ARTICLES 1088-Batt, W. L. Canada's good example with displaced workers. HBR (Jul) 6. Canadian experience with plant closing is compared to experiences in Western Europe and the United States. By law in Canada, advance notice of closings must be given. 1089 Bell workers win some and lose some. Bus W (Sep 5) 33. [~w contract with Bell telephone includes retraining programs for employees whose jobs are eliminated by technology. I0C~ Benson, John. The long-term agreement: offering stability in return for change. Pets Hgt (Oct) 36. A case study breweries concerning negotiations on a 5-year pay agree~nent. A lock at what the company hoped to achieve with this long-term agreement. 1091 Berger, C. J. & others. Effects of unions on job satisfaction: the role of work-related values and perceived rewards. Org Beh Hum Pers (Dec) 289. A look at the effects of unions on five facets of job satisfaction and how unions were found to indirectly affect job satisfaction. 1092 Bernstein, Paul. The unraveling of labor-~nagement relations in Sweden. Pets J (Jun) 468. Stresses the need to supplement enlightened labor relations with an organized effort to foster a value system around


Labor Relations

the social utility of profit. 1095 Cooper, Robert. Some remarks on theoretical individualism, alienation and work. Hum Rel (Aug) 717. This paper offers some comments on the relationship between the individualistic and biased behavior in the study of the work place and organization. 1094 Coulsen, Robert. Better results from bargaining. H ~ (Jan) 46. The author offers insights for business executives from the book The Art and Science of Nesotiations by }{arold Raiffa. 1095 Craft, James A. & Subail Abboushi. The union image: concept, programs and analysis. J Lab Res (Fall) 299. Labor unions have become increasingly concerned over their deteriorating public image. A variety of publications were reviewed and a sample of labor union leaders were interviewed to identify the factors contributing to union image. 1096 Craver, C. B. The future of the American labor movement. Futurist (Oct) 70. Unions will have a hard time prospering in the future unless they make a number of changes. 1097 EnOoyment of work declines. Purview (,~t~r 14) 2. Review of article comparing work attitudes in 1955 with 1980. 1098 Ereg, Miriam & F. FL Kanfer. The role of goal acceptance in goal setting and task performance. Acad of Mgt R (Jul) 454. Goal-setting has been widely used to enhance work motivation. This article discusses the importance of goal acceptance in moderating goal setting effects, and shows how workers' acceptance of goals can he influenced. 1099 Eengalmayer, Paul. Campbell Soup image on line in union fight. WSJ (Jul 21) 29. A little known migrant farm workers' union hopes to win its five-year-old war against C~mpbell Soup Co. The Farm Labor Organizing Committee refuse to work for farmers who sell to Cam~bell. 1100 How to achieve union-management cooperation - some guidelines. Purview (Feb 14) I. Accommodation between management and labor unions is one way to revitalize the American economic base. 1101 Jackson, C. ||. & D. C. King. The effects of representatives' power within their own organizations on the outcome of negotiation. Acad E.~t Rev (}i3r) 178. This study found that negotiation time was affected by the intra-organizational power of the person who sets one organization with another, a boundary spanning person. 1102 Kantor, Seth. How U.S. automakers are fighting back. ~ht Bus (May) 28. The automobile industry is launching an all-out campaign that includes better labor-management relations. The program 'Quality of Work Life' (QWL) gives production llne workers more control over their job and produces high morale. 1103 Kernaghan, S. G. & others. Hosp (Apt 16) 34. In trying to avoid the picket lines of the '60s, hospitals bare been stressing cooperation rather than confrontation with their respective communities. Community advisory groups are the key. 1104 Kochan, T. A. & P~ B. McKersle. SMR forum: collective bargaining pressures for change. Sloan Mgt R (Sum) 59. Describes the biggest change in employee relations - use of sophisticated measures t2~t keep companies union-free. 1105 Kcehn, H. F. The pest-industrial worker. PPM (Pall) 244. An overview of the m~anifold changes which will affect labor and management in the years to come, including changing llfe-styles. 1106 Kruse, S. A. Giveback bargaining: one answer to current labor problems? Fers J (Apr) 286. A look at how the history of American labor relations is one of conflict and hostility.

Labor Relations

1107 Labor sborta&~ may require exceptional skills in keeping present employees, promoting loyalty, job satisfaction, re_training. PRR (Jun 27) I. Workplace issues are predicted to require ma0or attention of public relations practitioners. 1108 Levltan, Sara & C. M. Johnson. Labor and management: the illusion of cooperation. HBR (sep/Oct) 8. Employers have good reason for adopting participative techniques in management. 1109 Lundine, Stan. Toward economic cooperation. Mgt W (Jul) I. Improved productivity will enable more cost-effective production and will provide the key to fighting inflation. Improve productivity through the use of ~.~an resources and labor-management cooperation. 1110 Main, Jeremy. How to be a better negotiator. Fortune (Sep 19) 141. }~ny businessmen have a lot to learn about negotiating; instead of trying to defeat the opponent, a cooperative effort should be made. 1111 Matusewitch, Eric. Labor relations: employment discrimination against overweight. Pers J (Jun) 446. Rehabilitation Act of 1975 declares obesity a handicap and must be treated as such. 1112 Migdol, K. M. Union aid. Mgt W (May) 5~k A labor consultant can be the best ,medicine for a union threat. Author explains why a labor consultant is a good idea, what to expect from one, and how to choose. 1115 Mills, D. Q. When employees make concessions. HBR (t4ay) 105. Discusses the pros and cons of financially troubled companies asking their employees to make concessions. 1114 Mosoo, Vincent. Critical research and the role of labor. J Comm (Sum) 25?. A critique of the conventional ways of seeing social relations of communications. 1115 Poe, Randall. The lone ranger of labor relations. ATB (Sep) 20. Consultants specialize in running unions out of town le~lly through a campaign of 'positive labor relatlons.' 1116 Shirom, Arie. To%~rd a theory of organization development intervention in unionized work settings. Hum Rel (Aug) 745. On the basis of two models developed, potentially fruitful theoretical paths are delineated for prospective theory builders. 1117 Stem, T. M. B e ~ r e understress, b~t Times (Mar/Apt) 266. Too little stress is Oust as bad as too much. The article ?alks about understress as a work underload that does not challenge the worker's potential nearly enough. 111B Tje~andsen, Carl. How stands the union--the university and public responsibility. Mobius (Jan) 55. The author is concerned with certain principles and devices built into the constitutional system. 1119 2Yylng to curb health care costs at the bargaining table. Bus (Sep 19) 75. Rising cost of health care is forcing businesses to negotiate changes in health benefits. 1120 Webb, Tim. Union tactics for the high tech age. Pets Mgt (~y) 22. A look at the impact on the labor market. 1121 Welch, J. F. Jr. The new competitiveness. VS (Jul I) 549. Argues that government and labor should work together to m,~ke this cotnqtry competitive for the sake of future generations. 1122 Young, H. A. Labor relations, the present-day grievance procedure examined. Hum Res Mgt (Apt 15) 51. The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service has developed the RICO method-relations by objectives as a result.


Lobbx~ing LOBBYING ARTICLES 1125 Armstrong, P~ A. In defense of PACs. NESWK (Jul 18). PACs are defended as a court-approval expression of freedom of political speech. 1124 E~rans, D. W. Lobbying is a public relations responsibility, but is it PR's brainchild or stepchild? Part 1. Tips & Tactics (Jun 20) I. Advocacy of lobbying as a legitimate function of public relations. Part II appears in Jun 25 issue. 1125 Grassroots campaigns increase; reason is economy. PER (Feb 7) I. Offers tested route to effective grassroots lobbying. 1126 Gravina, I.C. Why people don't vote. PRJ (Aug) 21. This new study suggests a relationship between media habits and voting patterns. 1127 }louse turnover for Washington PA. O'Dwyer (Feb 25) 3. The record turnover in the past six years in the House of Representatives is maklna life more difficult for lobbyists. 1126 Jackson, B. A university Is hopin~ to clean up the imase of a very old profession. WSJ (Mar 24) 35. A bad image is given to lobbyists tecause of a few unscrupulous practitioners. Now a person may be able to get a master's degree in it. 1129 Kellar, Elizabeth. Focus on communication. Pub Mgt (Jul) 11. It takes special skill and trainin~ to communicate well with strong-minded elected officials. Evaluates strengths and weaknesses of communlcatin~ with elected officials. 1150 Keller, Bill. Lowest common denominator lobbying. Purview (Jun 13) I. How the bsnking lobby fought and won the withholding tax of savings. 1151 Langley, Mcnica. AT&T sends a horde of lobbyists to fight a phone bill proposal. WSJ (Nov 4) I. An in-depth lesson on how to lobby even though you do not win. 1152 be_ fore . s red congressman's wife lobbya inst legislation house unit~ WSJ (Oct 24) 2. She i s wife of Pep. ~brman Lent (R., N.Y.), who said his wife's new job hasn't any bearing on his committee duties. 1133 M ~ d fences with state legisl~tures, human service organizations told. Purview (Mar 14) 1. Reduced federal support requires social service agencies to look to state support, according to article in Jour~l of

Social Welfare (Spr/Sum 82). 1134 New approaches to lobbying by business.

Pi{ News (Jul 11) 1.


of an article from the 1983 Public Affairs Review published by the PA Council, Washington, DC. 1135 O'Connell, W. B. A battle won in Vashington saves the savings industry. Assoc 14dr (Dec) 128. The US League of ~vinds Institutions in an effort to aid its 5,500 beleaguered member institutions, devised a stratez~v to convince the federal government of the S&L crisis. 1136 Reagan administration proposes curtailed lobbying ability for federal funds recipients. PHR (Feb 21) 2. New ruling virtually shuts do~11 Iobbyin~ by or~nizations that get federal funds. 1137 Retroactive prlce-flxer bailout attempt hurts public perception of business. PHR (Jan 17) I. Corporations lobby for bill calling for reduced penalties for price-fixers. 1138 Walsh, L E. corporate election campaigns: in conflict with the law or not?. PR Rev (Sum) 7. Federal Election commission regulations

Lobbx~ing regarding corporate election campaigns conflict with Supreme Court interpretations. 1139 Washington fingerprints and PAC tracts. S/N (Jul 8) 3. Story of Washington lobbyist Tim Donohce. 1140 Wertheimer, Fred. Common Cause declares war on Political Action Committees. Common Cause (Mar/Apt) 43. PACs play a distructive role in representative democracy, according to the author. BOOKS

1141 Washington representatives, 7th ed.

Washington, DC: Columbia F~s., $40. Lists private individuals and firms that serve American and foreign corporation, associations, and interest groups.

M E D I A RELATIONS--GEAT~I~%L ARTICLES 1142 Being fair to business (but do they really want more than that?). ASNE Bull (May-Jun) 3. Several articles deal with the pros and cons of fair, complete and accurate business coverage. 1143 Files, J. A. Mass media's role in setting the public agenda. PRJ (Jul) 36. A recently reported experiment has potentially far-reachlng implications for theory construction and public relations practice. 1144 Hlckey, t~eil. }~enry Kissenger on politics and TV 0ournalism. TV Guide (Apr 2) 2. Former Secretary of State admits that he tried to exploit reporters to achieve policy goals. 1145 Hoadley, Walter E. Corporations and the ~edia must develop a better understanding. Dun's Bus Monthly (Sep) 45. Fresh looks and changed atti~ides for the hostility between business and the media. 1146 Holding the media accountable - and suing. Purview (Aug 15). A s~mmary of libel suits pending against the media. A trend is seen. 1147 How people use the mass media--an update. SSM (Sep) 1. A review of what kind of people use the mass media for information and aid in declslon-making. 1148 Journalist's role. ASNE Bull (Nov) 12. Essays by various authors regarding their perceptions of the role of themselves and their colleagues. 1149 Jurma, W. E. Media mannequins. VS (Nov 1) 61. How media mannequins people, ideas, or products, resultants of media strategies influence people. 1150 Kohlmeier, L. M. Business coverage is better but the cold war continues. ASNE Bull (May-Jun) 3. An optimlstic, documented report of progress including more space, larger staffs, and reporters with MBA degrees or beckL~rounds in economics. 1151 Lesly, Philip. Credibility crilsls of the media. Mgt Hum Climate (Sep/Oct) 3. Review of court decisions and results that limit media's license to gather information by using extreme measures. 1152 McCall, R. B. & S. H. Stocking. Between scientists and public: communicating psychological research through the mass media. Am Psych (Sep) 985. Account of the difference between how journalists and research psychologists operate. Practical hints on how scientists can successfully communicate their research to the media. -

Media Relations--General

1153 Media outlook 1984: gazing at kaleidiscopio change. Ad Age (rbv 7) M0. Attempts by media experts to anticipate change. 1154 Media relations policies and procedures of Henry Klssinger. TV Guide (Apt 4). Analysis of how the former Secretary of State used the media to help achieve his goals. 1155 Neiman-Marcus: Retailing's high fashion master. Mkt & Media Dec (Jul) 44. Guest editor Tom Alexander explains how the chain fine tunes media for its 16 steres. 1156 Radolf, Andrew. National Mews Council at a crossroad: internal bickering among members h~mpers an organization which lacks funding, media support and sense of mission. E & P (Dec 3) 13. An account of w~rj and how this watch dog over media responsibility died. Also discussed in E & P (Dec 10) 14. 1157 Rhody, R. E. Conventional wisdom is wrong. PRJ (Feb) 18. Business' approach to the media and the public bears re-examinatlon. 1158 Rickenbacker, W. F. The media at bay. ~ht Hey (Dec) 1602. Criticism of the news coverage of the three networks, the t~ew York Times, Washington Post, Time and Newsweek. 1159 Roberts, C. L. Attitudes and media use of the moral majority. J Brdst (Fall) 403. The author tries to determine the extent to which the media coverage of the moral majority differ from coverage of other news. 1160 Robinson, M. J. Media rate thyselves. WJ'd (Dec) 31. Media are selfcritical, but the focus is on the "other guys." 1161 Roth~an, Stanley & .q H. Lichter. Class warfare - the media elite vs. the business elite. ATB (Feb) 4. Do leading journalists differ significantly from business leaders in their political and social outlook? 1162 Sellers, J. C. Can community banks ~ana~e t ~ news? ABA Bank J (EIov) 63. If news about a bank is not pleasant, the bank ~rants coverage to be balanced and fair. Thus, it is important to designate a bank emplo)~e whys the newspaper's business editor can contact. 1163 Selvin, Barbara. News and local chambers. GE (Fall). What happens when the local editor and the chamber of commerce define news differently?. How to handle these situations is discussed. BOOKS 1164 Merrill, J. C., ed. Global journalism: a survey of the world's ~mss media. NY: [ongman, 374 pp. $25. Primarily a text for teaching international journalism. 1165 &qow, R. P. Creating media culture. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Lib Soc Res, V 149, 264 pp. $28. Authors argue that we can improve our knoweldge and work relationship with the mass media by treating them as a form of communication with their own media culture. T~.qF.q

1166 Holden, Rosemary.

Assessing business/media attitudes: Florida's phosphate industry and Florida newspapers. Unpub thesis (South Florida). The study identified several aspects of the business/medla relationship that indicate an adversarial tone. 1167 Sass, G. M. How are they doing? A study of one newspaper's reporter evaluation system. Unpub thesis (Kansas). A case study.

Media Relations~Print

MEDLY lgEI.%TIONS--PlglA'T ARTICLES 1168 Booth, William. When Journalists junket to Japan. WJR (Oct) 47. Many foreigD journalists who visit Japan are given a one-sided view of the country. They are shown a country without contradiction. 1169 Brokers like WSJ, Forbes and Barron's. O'Dwyer (Aug 24) 2. Results of survey of 800 brokers conducted by Technlmetrlcs reveal their favored media. 1170 bktffum, Charles. Sunday best. WJR (Oct) 52. Story about the growth and use of Sunday Magazines in newspapers. A look at some of the more popular magazines and how they encourage and inform their readers. 1171 Burroughs, Elise. Editors struggle to sort out world news. Presstlme (Feb) 18. If newspapers are to succeed in offering correct news about foreign affairs, they will have to stay. 1172 . He lures readers with doses of 'excitement.' Presstime (Apr) 50. When "newspaper doctor" Stuart H. Schwartz prescribes his medicine for curing newspaper readership ills, the reaction of the average newspaper is outrage. 1173 Business coverage is trendy, lazy-Wicker. O'Dwyer (Dec 14) 2~ New York Times columnist criticizes business reporters to IABC National Media Conference. 1174 Cook, Bruce. Vanity Fair's chaotic comeback. W JR (Sep) 2. A look at the return of the "Vanity Fair" magazine to publication. A discussion of the mew editor's plans. 1175 Curley, Anne. Intimidated by things financial9 You cannot afford to 9 be. ASidE Bull (May-Jun) 7. Argues for all reporters to understand finance because it is often the basis for most national and international events. 1176, R. H. The flavorless press. GE (Win) 6. }Iany newspapers tend to be drab, despite their use of modular design, color, and other improvements in news packaging. 1177 Halatin, Ted. Comnunicating through the news media. Pers J (Jun) 505. Several media developments are responsible for bringing out greater interaction between personnel executives and news reporters. 1178 |~nry, W. A. III. Journalism under fire: a growing perception of arrogance threatens the ~merican press. Time (Dec 12} 76. Cover story provides useful summary of public charges against media. This topic is also covered in Presstime {Dec) 57. E & P (Nov 12) 80 and (Nov 19) 4. 1179 Isaacs,N. E. It's up to editors to close the credibility gap. Presstime (FED) 27. A continuing problem for newspapers has been the credibility gap between readers and reporters. Some solutions are offered. 1180 Juerke D. B. Reflect the community. GE (Sum) 12. ~a Oregon community newspaper publisher stresses the point that weekly journalists must stay in touch with their readers and the readers are interested in more local news. 1181 Kaiser, C~mrles. Tinkering with success. ~ewswk (OCt 5) 98. %'all Street Journal subscribers have average household income of nearly $85,0(X) annually. 1182 Kristol, Irving. The 'mindlessness' of the media. ASNE Bull (Nov) 30. Serious Journalism is giving ~ y to adversary journalism which

Media n ~ t a t i o n s - - P r l n t regards its job as t*~ dlstruction of authority and institutions, according to tnls media critic. 1185 Kirkpatrick, Clayton. A practical matter of philosophy. ASNE Bull (Oct) 38. A plea to shift emphasis from using the technology of oommunicatlon to reevaluating the media-mission in light of the techlology. 1184 Leighton, M. U. Hum Comm Res (Jun) 51. The "agenda-setting" function of the media was examined and the findings reported. It was noted that the more general an issue, the stronger the effect of the media was in the declsion-maklng process. 1185 blagazlnes that zero in on the super rich. Bus W (b:ay 23) 47. ~here is new business in specialty magazines that are marketed to the very rich. ComFanles that sell expensive clothes and other products use the r.agazines for advertising. 1186 McCombs, M. E. & Laura Washington. Opinion surveys offer conflicting clues as to how public views press. Presstime (Feb) 4. An &nalysls on how the public perceives the press, a perception which is clearly more positive than widely believed. 1187 |;unter, Mary. ~mnaglng public affairs: how to conduct a successful media interview. Cal Mgt R (Sum) 143. Good relations with the news media o~n further a company's success. Such good relations are fotmded on the press conference or media interview. 1188 Osborne, Hurl. One way to make your staff smarter about business. ASNE Hull (May-Jun) 6. Argues for better coverage of business by insisting reporters learn t/~ language of business as a minimum

standard. 1189 'Post' r e a d i e s weekly e d i t i o n .

Ad Age (SOp 26) 83.

The Washington

Post is ready to put out its weekly edition. Readers will get t/~ best of the daily Post's political and government coverage. 1190 Rambo, C. D. After the trial is over, are jurors fair game for press interviews. Presstlme (Apt) 22. Rights of reporters to interview jurors after the trial are criticized. 1191 Some newspapers change name to broaden appeal. Presstime (Apt) 51. Some newspapers have dropped the city name in an effort to add to the appeal of their newspaper. 1192 . Statewide FOI councils resist local free-press enfrlngements. Presstlme (Apr) 20. The media form coalitions in several states to present united front on freedom of informtlon. 1193 Reeves, Byron & C. R. Borg~an. A blbllometric evaluation of core journals in communication research. Hum Comm Res (Fall) 119. Nine journals were analyzed to identify the sources of data for articles. Findings were writers cited each other. 1194 Ruhter, C. L. How and why to talk to media (Part I). r~t Und Life/h%alth (bray 28) 19. One can get a good idea of how a reporter will approach the subject by the type of publication the reporter represents. 1195 Stafford, Charles. The problem is tied to reporters' poor manners. Presstime (Feb) 9. Much of the poor image the press receives is due to the bad manners reporters possess. 1196 Watrous, P. The end of the world news. Psych Today (Aug) 83. A recent conference was held on "war, peace and the news media." Disagreements concerned whet journalists should or should not be allowed to print.

Media Relations--Print

1197 Wilson, Jeremy. Opportunities that should not be missed. Ind Mkt Dig UK (1) 28. Only about 30% of UK industrial ~arketing departments are responsive to editorial requirements of the trade and technical press. BOOKS 1198 Breasted, Mary. I shouldn't be telling you this. ~bw York: Harper & Row, $15.95. Story of the power struggle and pompous manners of a "fictional" newspaper resembling the ~ w York Times. 1199 Meyer, Philip. News side and business side: getting us together. AS~JE h~ull (Oct) 26. Findings of a study of editors and publishers reveal that fewer than 30% editors participating in financial planning and ~arketing decisions. Copies of the complete study is available from ASNE, The ~&=wspaper Center, Box 17004, Washingtcn, DC 20041. 12OO Robertson, Geoffrey. People against the press: an inquiry into the Press Council. London: Quartet, 182 pp. Results of a "biased" investigation into the action of the Press Council and an alleged threat to press freedom. 1201 Welnraub, Bernard. Bylines: a novel about powerful passions and the people who make news. NY: Doubleday, 590 pp. $17.95. Covers the major issues of the press today including the death of t ~ metros. THESES 1202 Daley, Patrick. Radical currents in twentieth century American press criticism: notes for the future. Unpub dlssert (Iowa). Study of advertlslng, consumerism, chain o~.-lership and public relations effects on the mass media. 1203 Kuba, Suzanne. Attitudes and opinions towards Pittsburg business news coverage among members of the Pittsburgh business press and business, economic and labor leaders. Unpub thesis (Point Park College). Findings of a survey showed mistrust. 1204 Till~an, J. A. Military media versus civilian media: a perspective in selectivity. Unpub thesis (South Carolina). This study was based on a survey of 315 soldiers to show little difference from their perspective.

M E D I A R E L Y T I O N S - - R A D I O ~%'D TV ARTICLES 1205 James, Ceryn. Future news supe_rstars. TV Guide (Apr 50) 2. Young reporters today are trained in broadcasting rather than in print Journalism. They get into the networks too early, without journalistic experience. 1206 Journalists coverage on [as Vegas. Bdst (Sep 19) 72. Agenda of 38th annual conference. ~]~ose who attend the 38th annual International Conference of the Radio-Televlsion ~bws Directors meet in hope of learning how to deal with problems and challenges of their jobs. 1207 [acbenbruch, []avid. Television without guilt. TV Guide (Apt 2) 14. Today nearly six million American households are equipped with videocasse tte recorders. 1208 Mendes, Nicholas. PR: narrowcasting. Ind Mkt Dig tK (4) 140.




and TV

thrrowcasting is concerned with determining how few people need to be told a memssage in order for it to produce results. 1209 Nielsen finds VCRs, pay cable change TV habits. VM (Jun) 4. More than two-thirds of households have nine or more channels to choose from; adult women make up the largest segment of primetime audiences, and TV viewing is at an all-tlme high. 1210 PBS funding panel votes against taking ads. Ad Age (Sep 26) 85. Continuing hostility between the Reagan administration and public broadcasters is caused over federal aid problems. 1211 PBS may get a few more words from its sponsors. Bus W (Oct 10) 70. Financial problems facing public television could signal the end to co~.ercia l-free programs. 1212 Poor Television. WSJ (Apr 20) 30. A study has just concluded that most of us are developing some very negative attitudes toward television. 1215 Public broadcasting stations try for Congressional support for extending advertising experiment. Brdst (Feb 14) 88. The nine public TV stations involved argue that advertising will be needed. 1214 Ritchie, D.L. Promises to keep. VS (Nov I) 53. A look at broadcasting and the public interest. A discussion in the area of deregulating broadcast television. 1215 Ristau, R. A. & K. A. Wilson. Network negatives. Mgt W (Jun) 44. Describes the roles of TV and business. According to reports, TV portrays business negatively. 1216 Showdo%n at the FCC over television reruns. Bus W (~3r 28) 111. The networks are battling to win beck syndication rights worth $700 million a year. 1217 Unusual twist to majority preference. Bdst (tbv 28) 42. FCC Review Board approves grant of UHF to non-mlnority group, which was deemed better able to meet needs of minority population. 1218 Was life/death drama lure of love TV operation? Part I. PRR (Apr 11) 1. Debate regarding live telecast of open heart surgery. Part II is covered in Apr. 18 issue. 1219 Weisman, John. Covering international news: t~e hazards of inexperience. TV Guide (May 28) 2. Often the wrong people get assigned to the hotest international stories. The reporters feel the pressures of jet-lagged living and dangerous situations. 1220 Wenner, L A. Gratifications sought and obtained in program dependency. Comm Res (OCt) 559. A look at 60 minutes and a study of network evening ne~;s. 1221 Why television stations are such hot properties. Bus W (Jun 20) 159. Network TV will remain the leader in advertising dollars, despite the increase in cable television.

MEI)L% ig]EIL,XTIONS--RAlJlO ~NI) TV ~21CLF~ 1222 Barnes, Fred. The sports section that rolls over its rivals. WJH (Oct) 42. The sports section os the "USA Today" newspaper is one of the best in t ~ country. 1225 Clavier, D. E. & F. B. Kalupa. Corporate rebuttals to "trial by television." PRR (Spr) 24. Describes a technique known as the

1 ~G

Media Relations--Radio

and ~T

corporate "reply tape" for corporate rebuttals to unfavorable television coverage.. 1224 Dreyfack, M. Crystalballing radio. Mktg & Media Dec. (Dec) 62. What lies ahead for radio in the 1990s? 1225 Getting your message on prime time television - case study. PRR (t~r 21) I. Account of how FCC's prime time access rule works to the advantage of public relations. 1226 Gunther, Marc & ~bel Gunther. And now a word from pay radio. WJR (Jul/Aug) 64. The new technology of pay radio is demonstrating t ~ t people are willing to pay to listen to radio. The programs are specialized and satisfy well-defined, narrow interests. 1227 Hazlett, T. W. How R~ covered- and failed to cover- the oil crisis. ATB (Feb) 46. A look at what the news reporters covered and what they didn't cover during the oil crisis and why. Also how the government might have influenced this coverage. BOOKS 1228 Buckley, W. F. Overdrive: a personal documentary. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 262 pp. $16.95. A week in the llfe of the commentator featuring exposure to his views and his political philosophy. 1229 Matusow, Barbara. The evening stars: the making of the network news anchor. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 302 pp. $14.95. Policies and politics involved in ~aking anchor persons based on interviews and personal experience accounts. 1230 Rowland, W. D., Jr. The politics of TV violence. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 320 pp. $25. How policy makers have used and abused communication research in their formulation and modification of telecommunication policy.

PHOTOGlb%PHY ARTICLES 1231 Bethane, Beverly. Under the microscope. N Pnotog (Nov) RI. Special report of national study of daily newspaper photographers' professional concerns and job satisfaction. 1232 Douglis, Phil. Using the wide angle lens to best advantage. RR (Jan 24) supp. Examples given of wide-angle lens photos. More tips by Douglis appears in Feb 28, |,By 2, Oct 31 and Dec 21 issues. 1233 Going down below down under. Hod Photo (Jan) 81. Australia has developed two cameras for use under ~ter. 1234 Miller, Annl. Photography: another channel of communication. Tips & Tactics (Oct 51) I. How to produce publishable photos.

~_,SIS 1235 Henderson, Lisa. Photographing in public places. Unpub thesis (Pennsylvania). Explores the strategies used by photographers to catch people off guard.


POLITICS ARTICLES 1236 Asp, Kent. The struggle for the agenda. Comm Res (Jul) 333. Studies indicate that the mass medla, set their own priorities concerning election campslgns. Also set the priorities of the voters more so than the political parties involved in the campal~n do. 1237 Barken, S. M. Eisenhower's television planning board: an unwritten chapter In the history of political broadcasting. J Brdst (Fall) 319. The 1952 presidential oampslgn ~ r k e d the first time television was broadly implemented in an A.~erlcan political c~mpal~n. 1238 Bennett, M.J. Smile, Senator, you're on the air. PRJ (Feb) 12. Senators take sides in the debate for or against the televising of Senate sessions. 1239 . ~ k l n ~ a page from Mr. McLuhan. PHJ (~b) 16. The audiovisual syste:n for recordln~ all speeches in the House of Representatives constitutes a victory for Congress over the commercial ne t~orks. 1240 Blankenship, Jane & others. The 1980 Republican Primary Debates: the transformation of actor to scene. Q J of Spch (Feb) 25. A look at how Rsazan used "creative circumferencing" in the debate to make the audience equate hies with the American Dream. 1241 Brunk, Gregory G. & James Andrew Fishkln. Media coverage of presidential candidates. Comm Res (Oct) 525. A model is used to relate the levels of media attentioa given candidates before the 1976 heroinstlng conventions. 1242 Cmncellor, Jo~m. Thos =. presidential press conferences: How to ~ k e them better. TV Guide (May 14) 4. The National Press Club feels that so,~ething needs to be done to bring more order and coherence to the questions put to the president at press conferences. 1245 Crosby, i. A. & J. R. Taylor. Psychological commitment and its effects on post-decislon evaluation and preference stability amon~ voters. J Cons Res (~r) 415. Social motivation moderates the influence of social versus personal outcomes in pest-decislon evaluation for high but not for low commitment voters. 1244 "Fight propaganda with public relations," says Rea~n. PRR (Feb 14) 3. Reagan launches campsign to sell missile policy to Europe. 1245 Fischman, J. Democracy deferred. Psych Today (Au~) 8. International researchers hove ranked 20 of the world's major democracies according to their voter participation. The United States came in last. 1246 Frith, G. H. A major objective of social studies. (]! (~ay) 408. Discusses the use of propaganda devices In political campaigns as a vehicle for developing critical thinking skills in the social studies classroom. 1247 Greenfield, Jeff. Does TV ruin the election process. TV-Guide (Jan I) 24. The 1982 races showed that it takes more thsn money and media to win voters. ~ s t of the self-financed Dig-money oandldates lost. 1248 Hill, D. B. Qualitative dimensions of exposure to political television. Soc Sci Q (Sep) 614. Attempts to identify the effectiveness on viewers of political use of television for commercials and news shows. 1249 }bfstetter, C. R. & P. J. Strand. ~lass media and political issue



perceptions. J Brdst (4) 545. Study shows that political media exposure is diffuse, that voters form perceptions based on mass media coverale. 9 Mass media & political issue perception. J Brdst 12 (Pall) 545. Based on one intensive survey of media behavior and a series of other national surveys, this article shows that holding issue positions and perceptions of major party candidate's issue positions are functions of media exposure to public affairs media. 1251 Hogan, Bill. The selling of the candidates: press secretaries are pitching their man to the media. WJ~{ (Nov) 16. How exposure was obtained or not obtained for the eight Democrat candidates. 1252 Jereski, Laura. Plotting the political buy. Mkt & Media Dec ({by) 72. Media consul%ants say poll results shaped candidates' $95 million spot TV this year. 1253 McLeod, J. M. & C. J. Glynn. Issues and Images: the influence of media reliance in voting decisions. Comm Res (Jan) 37. Voters who rely on television for information about candidates are affected by candidates' image characteristics more tban those who rely on the newspaper. 1254 Political public realtlons: state of the art. SSM (~r) I. Review of the literature for political public relations consultants. 1255 Should export controls be a political weapon? Pus W (Sep 12) 68. Critics in Congress and private industry cballen~e the Reagan administration's authority to impose restrictions on sales of products and technology to foreign countries. 1256 Strand, P. J. & others. Campaign messages, media usage and types of voters. PR Rev (Win) 53. Analysis of the vote on the California initiative. BOOKS 1257 Linsky, Martin, ed. Television and the presidential elections: selfinterest and the public interest. Lexington, HA: Lexington bks, 137 pp. The impact of network television coverage of the presidential election and the relation of television to presidential polities are discussed. 1258 Trlnt, J. S. & P. V. Friedendberg. Political campaign communication: principles and practices. NY: Praeger, 319 pp. $33.95. The campaign process, styles of co,n,nunicatlon, effects of media and speeches, debates and interpersonal communication are covered9 THP-~ 1259 Miller, K. W. Political content in two religious television programs: the PTL Club and the 700 Club. Unpub thesis (Florida). A content analysis to determine whether political comment is included with religious messages. 1260 Mob, P. C-Y. Political orientation and gratification sought from mass media in political campaign. Unpub thesis (Wisconsin). Explores the relationshlps between political orientations and qualifications sought9 1261 Storey, J. D. Television network news coverao=e of the international affairs content of presidential news conferences. Unpub thesis (TexasAustin).



1262 Turpin, W. D. The effect of public commitment of modifying the extremity of political attitudes. Unpub thesis (Texas-Austin). Examines the psychological pressures on opinion leaders and mass communicators.

PUBLIC AFFAIRS ARTICLES 1263 McKinley, J. K. Business for a r t ' s sake. Mgt W (~b/Mar) 1. Texaco supporting the Metropolitan Opera i s one example of a corporation supporting the a r t s . The r e s u l t s o f t h i s support Includes the spreading of the company name all over the world. 1264 Schmitt, Gerard. A call to action against drunk driving. J Ins (May/Jun) 30. Account of joint sponsorship of an international symposium on alcohol and driving. Preparation and purpose of the symposi~ are discussed. PUBLIC OPINION ARTICLES 1265 ~ r o c ~ e r , Joel & J. G~ra. Im~oving the performance of low ~ l f esteem i n d i v i d ~ l s : an a t t r i b u t i ~ l approach. A~d Mgt Rev (Dec) 642. Low self-esteem can be broken if these people attribute their failure at an insoluble task to the difficulty of the task, rather than their own personal inadequacies. 1266 Brcome, Benjamin J. Hum Comm Res (May 17) 127. A laboratory study at George Mason University reaffirms the belief that those organizations t ~ t share at least some similar attitudes with t~ir audiences will be most effective in gaining not only the attention, but also the agreement of message recipients. . 1267 Cody, M. J. & others. Dimensions of compllance-~ining situations are identified. |~m Comm Res (Jan 17) 99. Concluded that seven factors were involved: personal benefits, rights, resistance, dominance, intlmacy, situation apprehension, relational consequences. 1268 Condeni, Tony. The survey solution. Mgt W (~lay) 30. Recommends using an Open Systems Theory as a ~gy of thinking about the process of a business enterprise and its responsiveness to its environment. 1269 DeStephen, R. S. High and low consensus groups. Sm Gr Beh (May) 143. Differences in group interaction between high and low consensus groups are analyzed. 1270 Ellsworth, P. C. & Lee Ross. Public opinion and capital punishment: a close exaxmination of the views of abolitionists and retentionists. C&D (1) 116. Examined the attitudinal and informational bases of people's opinions about the death penalty. 1271 Gaining access to the power structure. Sch Adm (May). Deals with the. need to determine which groups wield power and how transitory they are. 1272 Garner, Thurmon. Playing the dozens: folklore as strategies for living. Q J Spch (Feb) 47. The "dozens" creates solutions to social problems through strategies of suggestion, persuasion, pressure, instruction and the liPe. 1273 Gragg, Gall. The power of suggestion. ATB (Dec) 27. A look at how the suggestion box can Inadverdantly turn into Pandora's box.


Public Opinion

1274 Jeffers, D. W. Discovering medla-value associations. PRR (Spr) 3?. Study indicated that PR practitioners attempting to change attitudes held by a special interest group follow a 4-step procedure. 1275 Kaplowltz, ~ A. & others. Anonymity strength of attitude, and the influence of public opinion polls. Hum Comm Res (Fall) 5. Authors speculate on poll effects On public opinion. 1276 Kelly, Lynne. A rose by any other name is still a rose: a comparative analysis of reticence, communication, apprehension, unwillingness to communicate and shyness. Hum Corn Res (Win) 99. An examination of the assumptions regarding shyness, how to identify it, the nature of it and proposed solutions. 1277 Lazurus, R. S. Thoughts On the relations between emotion and cognition. Am Psych (Sep) 1019. An argument supporting the claim that thought is a necessary condition for emotional response. 1278 Lefflngwell, R. J. Understanding human relations. PRQ (Sum) 19. Social science research has provided a large amount of knolwedge about relations, but r~nagement is seldom making use of it. 1279 Lesly, Philip. Dealing with misconceptions of risk. MHC (Jul/Aug) I. essay on how people respond to dangers. 12_80 14anz, C. C. & D. Agioia. ~]ne interrelationship of power and control. Hum Rel (May) 459. Addressed the interrelationship of power and control. 1281 ~{ccann, J. E~ Deslgnguidelines foe social problem-solving interventions. J Appl Eeh Sci (20) 177. Understanding social problemsolving and guidelines for intervention are discussed. 12S2 Moore, O. Local guns. Psych Today (Aug) 9. Gun control advocates have f a i l e d to be successful. There is significant public support for the r i g h t to possess firearms. 1285 h~stich, Milan. Senseand sensitivity. VS (V~y I) 442. ~ngineers must be sensitive to social concerns and aesthetics as well as technicalities. 1284 O ' N e i l l , W. F. & G. G. Demos. The Yeshor method. ETC (Win) 422. Under discussion is the Chinese '"feshor method" of thought reform as braln~ashlng, which has proved successful. 1265 P e r s o n a l persuasion techniques vital to practitioners' success. PRR (.Mar 7) I. |bw to achieve a willing suspension of disbelief. 1286 Ray, J. J. A s~le to measure conservatism of American public opinion. J Soc Psych (Apt) 295. ~b provide an attitude scale based on general population sampling that involves more recent social issues. 1287 Rewards do not stimulate learning but punishment retards it. IMIR (Apt 18) 4. Findings of a study revealed. 1288 Seitz, J. E. How to live with those Mercurial Mavericks. WSJ (Apt 4) 16. The toughest challenge for leaders of professional service organlsations is managing creative thinkers who don't always abide by the rules. 1289 Stanislao, Joseph & B. C. Stanislao. Dealing with resistance to change. Bus H (Jul/Aug) 74. Surveys the reasons supervisors and workers resist change; also, offers prescriptions for dealing with common resistances. 1290 Strand, P. J. & others. Campaign messages, media usage and types of voters. PR Ray (Win) 55. Interviews were conducted with potential voters. 1291 Update on atti~de formation and opinion change. SSU (Nov) I. Review


Public Opinion

of the literature. 1292 Whitney, J. C. & R. A. Smith. Effects of group cohesiveness on attitude polarization and the acquisition of knowledge in a strategic planning context. J l,~t Res (~y) 167. 1295 Wofford, J. C. & T. N. Srinlvasan. Experimental tests of the leader-environment-follower interaction theory of leadership. Org 5eh Hum Perf (Aug) 55. Presents ~ c r o theory of leadership. 1294 Wolf, D. E. Chemicals for agriculture. VS (Dec I) 116. ~ speaker addresses the problem of public perception and how it can correct false public perception. BOOK 1295 Kang, G. E. & L. Kurt. The battle for public opinion. NY: Columbia Univ. Press, 555 pp. $52. Documentation of the slow transformation of public opinion during the Watergate era. 1296 Patterson, J. W. & Dsvid Zarefsky. Contemporary debate. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 342 pp. Discussed the narrow and technical issues in debating to move people to making decisions. THESES 1297 Chen, Kuan-Hslng. American public opinion, the press and foreign policy to~'ard China. Unpub thesis (Iowa). Public opinion polls were the instr,~Tent of this study. 1298 Gl}r~q, C. J. Perceptions of others' opinions as public opinion and its relationship to communication in the neighborhoods: a systems level perspective. Unpub thesis (Wisconsin). Opinion formation studied from the perspective of those individually held and the influence of the social system.

PUBLIC REL%TIONS--ASSOCL, TIONS ARTICLES 1299 DeWitt, J. B. Films can project your association's message. Assoc Ngt (Mar) 85. Associations seeking to promote an entire industry can obtain excellent results by targeting their message to audiences that have asked to be informed. 1300 Friend, William. Competition makes a comeback. Assoc Mgt (Sep) 97. The pressures of the recession are once again bringing out the competitive menagerial styles of association executives. 1501 Jenkins, F. i4. The party line returns. Assoc Mgt (Feb) 87. Associations can use telephone conferences for board meetings, instructional programs, problem-solving, and other meetings that don't require face-to-face interaction. 1302 Nickels, W. G. To increa~.e membership find out what members want. Assoc Mgt (Aug) 83. By conducting market research to identify problems associations can correct their problems and regain lost membership. 1505 Rooney, R. D. |bw your association can help with your personal financial planning. Assoc Mgt (Oct) 91. Associations have a number of opportunities to assist key employees with their personal financial planning needs. Four case studies are presented. 1504 Shannon, T.A. Why the balance of power in associations is changing.


Public Relatlons--Associations

Assoc Mgt (Sep) 121. Association board of directors and executive committees are demanding a greater voice in the formulation of policy. 1305 Smith, R. F. & Kerry Tucker. Team up to rear, age change. Assoc Mgt (~ep) 131. When developing a strategic plan for an assocation, a team of expert is recommended to provide advice. The use of a team will provide various opinions on the future of the Association. 1306 Stalnes, R. P. Immediate response systems build member support. Assoc Mgt (Mar) 182. An effective association requires that inquiries are handled immediately. The association should offer complete service to its members. 1307 Vickery III, }L B. Changing with the times. Assoc Mgt (Aug) 61. When technological or sociological changes threaten the financial stability of an assoclation, it needs to adapt to these changes. 1308 Walters, Jonathan. Are you a risk taker? Assoc Mgt (Nov) 48. Today's association executive must be able to calculate an intelligent risk and then be willing to move ahead in support of the decision. 1309 1982 key award winners: they thrive on challenge. Assoc Mgt (Jani 43. A summary of the four Key A~mrd winners about their ideas and opinions on association management, the work of their associations, and challenges they face. 1310 Speaking out on association issues: whose role is it? Assoo Mgt (Mar) 53. More than half of the professional societies responding to an American Society of Association Executives survey had designated their chief official elected officer as their official spokesperson. Some 63% of trade associations designate their chief paid executive as spokesperson. 1511 Welch, Mike. Practice what you preach. Assoc Mgt (~3r) 111. The Credit Union Executive Society has changed its approach to the ways members write letters and answer the telephone in order to emphasize members' professiozlali&m. 1512 What makes executives tick? Assoc Mgt (De_c) 123. Successful executives appear to have some thlngs in common: curious, competitive, aggressive and concerned, and willing to adapt a changing environment.

P U B L I C R E L A T ! O N S - - CO,~L~i u n p i n " ARTICLES

1313 Community relations and its benefits in a new light: quality of life, even world peace begin in our o'al backyard. Tips & Tactics (Apt 18) I. 1314 Dove, Timothy. Business in the co.r~munity: how you can make a difference. J Ins (Jul/Aug) 17. Corporate public involvement have taken root. ~tbods and reasons are discussed. 1315 Pung, Janet. Support your local parks. PHJ (~y) 27. (~kland County Parks and Recreation Committee's millage campaign won support from several formerly recalcitrant voting districts, was financed on a $5~300 budget, and was approved by 62% of the voters. 1316 Thomas, Julia & K. E. Lee. The obtrusive neighbor. Hosp (Feb 16) 69. Conflicts over land use may arise between hospitals and their communities, impeding progress, tmless hospitals provide for community participation in their plans. 1317 Wiggins, Martha & Wes Williams. A good Texas neighbor: Delta Drilling company. PR Casebk (Aug) 10. When Delta Drilling Co. decided


Public RelaUons--Communlty to drill a gas well in a congested residential area inHouston, Texas, the Corporate communications Department developed a community relations plan aimed at presenting Delta as a good neighbor. THESES 1518 Bradshaw, Jean. Developing a statewlde community communication network through voluntary effort. Unpub thesis (Utah). The purpose of the study was to document the creation of such a network.

PUBLIC REL&TIONS--CONSUMERISM ARTICLES 1319 Abrams, B. More firms use '800' numbers to keep consumers satisfied. WSJ (Apt 7) 31. A growing number of corporations use toll free hotlines for cons~ners to air complaints. 1320 Barnes, J. G. & [essey Sooklal. The changing nature of consumer behavior: monitoring the impact of inflation and recession., Bus Q (Spr) 58. The authors review the findings and discuss the implications for the marketing comraunlty. 1321 Bearden, V. D. & J. E. Teel. Selected determinants os consumer satisfaction and complaint reports. J Mkt Res (Feb) 21. Data obtained from 375 members of a consumer panel in a two-phase study of consumer experiences with automobile repairs and services were used to examine the antecedents and consequences of consumer satisfaction. 1322 Detroit's tonic for lemon buyers. Bus W (Apt 4) 54. Car makers are setting up more arbitration boards to settle customer complaints. 1323 Funkhouser, R. G. Functional evaluation of consumer documents. J Bus Comm (Sum) 59. Advocates U m t consumer communications be evaluated as to their usability, tested by consumers in actual use situations. 1524 Griffin, R. W. Objective and social sources of information in task redesign: a field experiment. Adm Sci Q (Jun) 184. An examination of how informational cues from a supervisor can affect how subjects perceive and respond to an experimental task. 1325 Fbward, Niles. A new way to view consumers. D u n s R (Aug) 42. SRI international develops new system for categorizing consumers according to their values and lifestyles rather than their vital statistics. 1326 Lambert, D. M. & Christine lewis. Managing customer service to build market sh~re and increase profit. Bus Q (Sum) 50. The level of customer service offered by a firm will not only determine whether existing customers will remain customers, but also how many potential customers will become customers. 1327 Listening to the voice of the marketplace. Bus W (Feb 21) 90. Companies are using consumer feedback to improve product development and altering their tactics for devising new products to meet consumer de .T~and. 1328 ~ew consumerism emanates from product manufacturers, not activists. PRR (Sep 12) 2. Dissatisfied customers need quick responses and action to complaints. 1329 Resnik, A. J. & ~ R. Hat,non. Consumer complaints and managerial response: a holistic approach. J Mkt (Win) 86. An exemploratory study examined manager and consumer perceptions of appropriate responses to complaint letters.

Public Relations--Consumerism

1330 Richlns, Marsha. An analysis of consumer interaction styles in the marketplace. J Cons Res (Jun) 73. Examines how consumers interact with representatives of marketing institutions by investigating the individual difference variables of consumer assertiveness and aggression. 1331 Rudd, J. & F. J. Kohait. Individual and group consumer information acquisition in brand choice decisions. J Cons Res (Dec) 505. Ad hoc dyads and nominal groups acquired more information than did =rattled couples. 1332 Sarel, []an. A comment cn Capon and Lutz's model and methodology for the development of consumer information programs. J Mkt (Sum) 103. The literature on consumerism reflects the ideological inconsistency between what consumers know and what they ought to know. 1333 Schorr, Loretta. Handling the tricky complaint letter. Am Salesman (Fay) 5. Ways of responding to complaint letters are discussed. 1334 Smith, W. C. Total support: cnlfylng customer needs with worker satisfaction. Mgt Rev (Aug) 49. The principles of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs are grafted to customer relations strategy. 1355 Sprowls, Patrlcia. The safe car: if you don't ask for it, you may be asking for it. PR Casebk (Aug) 14. In 1982, US/~ (San Antonio, Texas) began a multimedia information campaign to encourage informed safety decisions when buying cars. 1336 Warner, H. W. Studies profile consumer concerns, elite-group influences. PHJ (Apt) 8. Su~umry of studies on consumer and media attitudes. 133F Ways to involve consumers. ~Lq (Dec 12) 1. Guidelines on establishing and working with cons~er advisory panels. BOOK 1338 Haug, Marie & Bebe Lavin. Consumerism in medicine: challenging physlctan authority. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 240 pp. Authors examine the changing attitudes toward patient-physlcian relationships and their implications for health care administration and communication X~F.SIS 1539 Veley, M. D. Communication strategy for the dissemination of consumer information via electronic media. Unpub theses (Cornell).

P U B L I C R E L A T I O N S - - C I L E D i B i LI~t~" ARTICLES 1340 A union boosts its image. @Lkt & Media Dec (Nov) 76. AFSCME became a tough advertiser to increase awareness and erase misconceptions. 1341 Weiler, H. N. Education, public confidence and the legitimacy of the modern state: is there a 'crlcis' semewhare? JCS (Apr/Jun) 125. A substantial decline of confidence in public education in the United States, mirrors and reflects an erosion of confidence In public authority and institutions in general. 1342 Wermiel, Stephen. Lawyers' public image is dreadful, spurring concern by attorneys. WSJ (Oct 11) I. The public sees lawyers as using devious


Public Relations~Credibility tactics, charging high fees, and getting too large damages, but they still defend the system.

PUBLIC R E L A T I O N S - - C R I S I S 1543 Manuel, Vivian. A c r i s i s i s coming! a c r i s i s i s coming! J Comm Mgt (2) 13. There's no excuse for being caught off guard by a media query in a crisis situation. Some do's and don'ts to follow in handling the media in a crisis situation. 1544 Ramirez, Rafael. Action learning: a strategic approach for or~nizations faclng turbulent conditions. }hm Rel (Aug) 725. An overview of strategic approach that organizations can utilize. 1345 Snyder, Leonard. An anniversary review and critique: the Tylenol crisis. FR Per (Fall) 24. The author gives Johnson and Jo~mson's public relations effort in response to the ~Flenol crisis a less then good rating.

PUBLIC RELATIONS--EDUCATION ARTICLES 1546 Coulscn-Themas, C. Public relations education within business school. IPRA (May) 49. This study analyzes the findings of m~jor British public relations research. Recommendations for curriculum planning, the structure of Co~unlcatlons Modules, and the master's degree are included. 1347 Culbertson, H. M. How public relations tsxt/x>oks handle honesty and lying. PR Rev (Sum) 65. A study of six PR textbooks shows that students get a very fragmented vlew of issues related to honesty in communications. 1548 Dennis, L~erette. Jour[~lism education: failing grades from a dean. ASN~ Bull (Oct) 27. A plea for updating Journalism curricula to conform with technological and cultural change. 1349 Ehllng, W. P. & M. B. Hesse. Use of 'issue management' in public relations. PR Rev (sum) 18. T~e extent to which the concepts and procedures of issue management have been diffused through membership of the Public Relations Society of America is assessed. 135<) Ferguson, J. L. Humanities and careers in business. VB (Aug) 617. General Foods (~EO talks about the need in business for people trained in humanities and the development of the individual. 1351 Five orlginal teachers of PR retiring. PRR (~hy 23) 4. Will their replacements shape up? 1352 Gartner, Michael & R. G. Gray. if I were a journalism dean . . . if I were an editor. Two authors tell what they would do if they changed places. 1353 Graduate school research on public relations. SSM (Aug) I. Review of public relations research done by graduate students. 1354 Pamlin, Jennifer. Presto chengo watch us change a student into a PR assistant- CC (May) 32. A student work program in the office of university relations. 1355 J & l~l major should not spend more th~n 5% of their time in J & courses. O'Dwyer (Mar 2) 4. Author advocates English, economics and political sclencee instead.


Public Relations--Education

1356 Linkage of PR and PA debated at foundation. O'Dw}er (Far 9) 3. Public affairs term is preferred as an entre into business schools. 1357 Newman, ex-PRSA/NYU, unveils own program. O'Dwyer (Jan 5) 2. Plans for the head of NYU/PRSA Professional Development Program to offer independent workshops unveiled. 1358 Papademas, Diana. Student mass media projects: combining content and context analyses. Teach So<: (Apt) 589. A sociology of communications and media course in whlch college students look at and analyze major media institutions to understand communications in society is due. 1359 Phillips 66 gives new twist to building relationships wlth students by concentrating on future journalists & PR practitioners. PRR (May 23) 1, Phillips Petroleum concentrates PR efforts on young people. }low they are aiming at college students in journalism and PR, who are seen as the thought leaders of tomorrow. 1560 Poriotis, Wes. Prelude to growth. VS (Oct 1) 745. qb be successful in a public relations career, one must be knowledgeable in economies, politics, current events, legislation, science, and psychology. 1361 Research is when PR starts, says Trotter. Comm W (Feb) 6. Educators give research top priority in preparing students for public relations careers. 1362 Rings, R. L Team-taught cam~igns course concentrates on communications ranagement. JE (Spr) 3 ~ Describes a public relations course that teaches students how to analyze a communications problem and plan and implement a prograts to solve problems based on sound managerial s tra tezy. 1363 Hogers, E. M. & ~ H. Chaffu. Communication as an academic discipline: a dialogue. JOC (Sum) 18. Debate and dialogue on the state of communication discipline. 1364 Russell, R. A. }~elping students develop positive work attitudes. Bus Educ F (Oct) 18. Positive work attitudes should be taught in the classroom and then carried over to the ~ r k environment. 1565 Sherpe, M. L. A look at public relations education in America's heartland. IFRA Rev (Nov) 8. A review of the public relations educational program at Ball State University is presented. 1 ~ 6 Step backward: investor relations execs say PR skills secondary for their job; news survey raises issues. PRR (Apr. 4) 2. Public relations skills ranked fourth in qualifications. 1567 Students learn about the real world. GAM (Apr) 73. Kodak gives 6 students a chance to learn while working at their marketing education o~nter 9 I~fo8 What's heppening: exemplary programs in business education. Part II. Bus Ed (May) 3. Descrlbes outstanding business education programs. 1569 Wri6ht, D. K. Implicaations of the IPRA Gold Paper. PR Rev (Sum) 3. The International Public Relations Association's Gold Paper No. 4 deals with educational standards for the profession. 1370 Yarrlngtcn, R. Higher education: two public relations case studies. PR Rev (:'~all)40. The American Cou]cil on Education Association mounted a national public relations program to counteract the Reagan Administration's proposal to cut student financial programs. %~SES 1571 Goodwin, Loretta.

The origin and development of Oournalism education


Public Relattons~Education

at Iowa State University. Unpub thesis (Iowa State). 1572 Fmrshall, K. D. Job qualifications for journalism educators. Unpub thesis (West Virginia). A survey of administrators was the basis for conclusions. 1575 [lay, A. L. Professionalism and existentialism among ~ournallsm educators. Unpub thesis (Ohio). A study of the educators In terms of hls/her desire for professional identification or to retain his/her individualism. 1574 Walters, Sally. A study of newspaper feature writing courses, thpub thesis (Ohio). A study of how extensively it is taught and hwat methods and materials are being used.

PU1H,IC RELATIONS--EMPLOYEES ARTICLES 1575 Aiello, R. J. Employee attitude surveys: impact on corporate decisions. RRJ (Har) 21. A survey of 50 of the Fortune 500 coral;roles found tlmt companies which conduct employee attitude s~dies are far less likely to have strikes than those which don't. 1576 Allison, }L E. Getting sales on track with Incentives. Mkt Times (Jul/Aug) 19. A look at incentive programs and the different applications of merchandise a~rds, cash, travel, and t~nors. 1577 As medical costs continue to outpace inflationary rate more organizations communicate cost containment strategies'to employees. Purview (May 16) 1. As healthcare costs rise, more employers make their employees pay more of their o~n health costs. 1578 Balrd, Lloyd & others. Meshing human resources planning with strategic business planning: a model approach. Pets (Sep) 14. Demonstrates how concepts and tools for strategic planning can be adapted for human resources management. q579 Banks, O. G. What would you do: promote from within or hire from the outside? Assoc Mgt (Aug) 79. A look at two options available if you lose a top director. 1~30 Bateman, T. S. & D. W. Organ. Job satisfaction and the good soldier: the relationship between affect and employee "citizenship." Acad Mgt Rev (Dec) 587. Implications of relationships much higher than typically found In the Job satisfaction-perforvance literature are discussed. 1581 Bayne, Rowan. Selecting the selectors. Pets Mgt (Jun) 42. A look at how selecting the right Interviewers will achieve getting the right person for the job. 1582 Balohlav, J. A. & P. O. Popp. Employee substance abuse: epidemic of the eighties. Bus H (Jul/Au~) 29. The overlooked problem of substance abuse on the job can have serious and far reaching effects on a business. 1585 Benefits: from basic to halmy. [4gt W (Aug) 24. Innovative benefits are offered by some organizations. Hewitt Associates include in their benefits birthday gifts for employees, and the use of a company condominium in }h%ali for $10 a day. 1584 Blake, P.J. Creative approaches to institutional internal relations. PRJ (~:ar) 22. Ideas for introducing or improving comprehensive and continuous two-way communication between employees and management.


Public Relations--Employees 1385 Bolt, J. F. Job security: its time has come. IIBN (Nov) 115. Guaranteeing employment security is a growing trend becau~-e managers have realized that the benefits of stable employment outweigh the finaflcial gains from layoffs. I~36 Bolyard, C. W. Red,cuing the troubled employee. Mgt W (Oct) 15. Troubled employees are those whose life problems affect social, emotional, or physical functioning to the point of reducing their ability to perform on the job. 1587 Boss, P~ W. Team building and the problem of regression: the personal management interview as an intervention. J App Beh Sol (Feb) 67. A study was taken of 208 participants, using Personal Management Interviews. The results were used to find ways to prevent regression that tends to occur after team-building sessions. I~38 Brewer, Jack & Carol Dubnicki. Relighting the fires with an employee revitalization program. Pers J (Oct) 812. Discusses techniques for ~,nproving staff morale and productivity. 1589 Brennan, A. J. How to set up a corporate wellness program. Mgt R (tray) 41. Many corporations are introducing health programs to their employees to teach them how to care for themselves before serious health problems develop. 1390 Carruthers, N. E. & C. C. Pinder. Urban geographic factors and location satisfaction following a personnel transfer. Acad Mgt Rev (Sep) 520. Impact of urban characteristics on the Iocational satisfaction of recently transferred employees and their spouses. 1391 Carroll, P. J. Don't go to the woodshed to deal with employee problems. Assoc Mgt (Sep) 117. ~anagers should look at discipline as the positive experience of enlightening and training. 1392 Charlton, J. H. Employee participation in the public sector: a review. J Can l,lgt(Spr) 62. Worker participation in management has become an issue of widespread concern in management, workforce, politicians and among academics. 1393 Collins, E. G. The contexts in which people work. HBR (~t~r) 8. Reviews seven books concerning the corporate and cultural influences that affect the way people work as well as the control managers have over their enviremTent. 1594 Collins, E. G. C. Managers and lovers. HBR (Sep/Oct) 142. ArgLLments that love in the office threatens the organization's stability, are presented. 1395 Company programs reduce employee alcoholism. Purview (F~b 14) 2. Review of a book by R. J. Tersine and James [~zildine, "Alcoholism: a productivity hangover." 1396 Davidson, R. M. Motivating the underachiever. Super ~.~t (Jan) 39. Three stages of support must be given to the unmotivated employee to enable t~mt employee to be efficient again. 1397 Day care centers--pressure for them is rlsirkg. Purview (Jun 27) I. According to a recent poll, 67% of personnel executives expect child care to become a company benefit by 1986. 1398 Daycare: great dem~nnd, little action. Mgt W (Aug) 22. By 1990 over 10 millian children will need work-related childcare. Companies should provide information and referrals about childcare services to their employees. 1399 Delicate dele6~tion. Mgt W (~y) 32. A balance of trust and control builds employee support. Managers should dele~te not instruct. 1400 Dickson, J. W. Beliefs about work and rationales for participation.


Public Relations~Employees Hum Eel (Oct) 911. The r e l a t i o n os b e l i e f s a b o u t work t o r a t i o n a l e s f o r participation were examined in a Scottish and Arizona s~mple. 1401 Dunk, W. P. Firing with grace. CJ (Nov/Dec) 24. How to avoid some of the anguish, bad press and bad feelings when an executive's service must be terminated. 1402 Edwards, H. P~ OJQ offers alternative to assessment center. FPM (Sum) 146. The author believes that talent assessment is a critical element in organizational success. 1403 ~dwards, M. R. & others. Improving comparability in performance appraisal. Bus H (Sep/Oct) 75. Many performance appraisal systems fail because they do not provide fair comparisons among performers who aspire to the s_zme higher level jobs. 1404 Employees given refresher course in kindness. Hosp (Apt 1) 55. Training pays for all managers and supervisors to reinforce their role in promoting employee hospitality. 1405 Employee rights have a price but they are worth it, says |~rvard professor in book. PRR ([.Mr 7) 3. Excerpts from David Eh~ing's ne~; book, Do It my way or ~/ou're fired!" 1406 Ewing, D. W. Worker rishts: critical communication issue of 1984. Comm W (Dec) 34. The U.S. is behind other industrialized nations in treating emplo)~es fairly and justly. 1407 . Your right to fire. HHR (Mar) 32. Discusses the managers' right to fire an employee. Implications for management are presented and steps are recommended to avoid court action. 1408 Flexible compensation cuts costs and meets employee needs. Pers (Mar/Apt) 47. A flexible approach means that a company can desi6n a program in whoh employees can pick the pay and oeneflt package. 1409 Floyd, G. J. Job enrichment. Sup Nurse (~'ay) 22. Bringing out the best in the j o b brings out the best in employees. 1410 Fox, Harold. Better hiring decisions. Pets J (Dec) 966. A look at how companies can plan and investigate to ensure a cream of the crop pick of employee candidates. 1411 Fringe Benefits: a stimulus for productivity, Pers (t~y/Jun) 53. One of the wmys companies are keeping their employees well motivated is through fringe benefits they' re giving them. 1412 Gaines Jeannie & J. M. Jermier. Emotional exhaustion in a high stress organization. Acad Mgt Rev (Dec) 567. Emotional exhaustion is partially the result of personal characteristics of the employee and the work itself, but is affected by" departmental context, administrative policy and practices. 1413 Glickan, M. D. A counseling approach to emplo~e burnout. Pers J (~lar) 222. Stresses responsibility of each individual to recognize signs of burnout and to develop a strategy for dealing with his or her own unique situation. 1414 Golen, Steven & DL3nne S/~ora. The personal touch. Mgt W (Sep) 40. How to improve performance Lhrough personal-problem counseling. t.k~nagers need to create an atmosphere sensitive to the concerns of the employee. 1415 Graber, J. M, Let's get a handle on QWL. Super Mgt (Jun) 26. The quality of working life (QWL) has grown rapidly since its emergence in the middle sixties. 1416 Hakins, David K, Custon tailoring yields best career development results. J Comm Mgt (2) 3. The best solution for high turnover is to tailor employee develolmnent progr~ns to fit the conlaunioater.


Public Relations--Employees 1417 Halght, G. G. Job transfer survivors. A~'B (Dec) 20. Companies assume most of the financial costs to the employee, but still pay little or no attention to U ~ human problems. 1418 P~if, Robert. Want to hire smart?. Here's how. Mkt Times (May/Jun) 9. Tips on what to look for in a potential employee and how to conduct the ~ob interview. 1419 Harper, ~ C. A developmental approach to performance appraisal. Bus H (Sep/Oct) 6 ~ Both managers and subordinates are %~ry of appraisals, but make them performance review and development sessions. 1420 Helman, Grover. A new career built with cement. ;~t Bus (Feb) 44. CEO James E. Stewart stresses harmony between employees and ~nagement. 1421 Hendrlck, A. M. Employee recognition programs boost morale. Presstime (Jan) 58. Some newspapers are among the companies turning to imaginative programs like dance classes, harbeques, lunchtime learning sessions and cash awards. 1422 HersD~mar, Arlene & Miriam Rozen. Corporate big brother is watching you. Duns Bus ;4 (Jan) 36. A new generation of technology is triggering an upsurge in the electronic surveillance of workers in service industries. 1423 Hillls, [~ J. An operational view of career planning. Pets J (Jul) 514. Discusses an ongoing and successful career planning program in Delco Electronics. Out os 7;X)O hourly and 2,400 salary employees only 1,800 are college graduates. 1424 Hodes, B. S. Planning for recruitment advertising, Part Two. Pets J Jun) 492. A continuati~1 of a two part article (see r~ay). In this article, discussed how }~u can learn to investigate every job end of your organization. }bw and why this might entice your applicants. 1425 Holler, William. How do you perceive time? Assoc Mgt (Jan) 57. Your perception of time may play a critical role in your ability or inability to relate to others. 1426 . How to help a troubled employee. Asset Mgt ( 69. One employer assistance program is a management strategy that allows an association executive to help an employee get through a difficult time. 1427 }bllingsworth, A. T. Why supervisors don't delegate and employees won't accept responsibility. Super t4gt (Apt) 12. Delegation permits employees to grow and develop. And yet the employee can he unwilling to accept the authority for fear of doing wrong, or out of laziness. 1428 Hollomon, J. H. Management and the labor of love. Mgt R (Jan) 12. The author relates from personal experience whet he believes to be the primary functions of a manager in relation to the employees. 1429 Ibw companies feel about outplacement services. Pets (Jan/Feb) 55. The main reasons for outplacement services are employee morale and the company' s public i~rage. 1430 Huber, V. L. An analysis of performance appraisal practices in t ~ public sector: a review and recommendations. PPM (Fall) 258. In an effort to improve performance appraisal systems in t ~ public sector, the author v.ndertakes a comparative analysis of public and private performance appraisal systems. 1431 Hunter, Bill. Communicating about employee assistance programs. RR (~ov 28) supp. A review of company programs. 1432 Hyman, Jeff & Tom Schuller. Who's afraid os employees as pension trustees? Fers Hgt (Jul) 28. The prospect os putting employees on the


Public Relations--Employees

board of pension funds due to a move by legislation has caused great c~otion. 1435 I. M. examines best method to investigate and handle information leaks by employees married to executives in rival companies. Int'l Mgt (Jan) 8. 1454 Imberman, Woodruff. Who strikes - and why? HBR (Nov) 18. The author shows how managers can read and heed the warning signs of worker unrest. 1455 It's money, says study. Mgt W (Jul) 4. Money Is still seen as a prime motivator to employees. After money, improved employee-management communications is the second most effective motivator. 1436 Jackson, S. F. & R. S. Schuler. Preventing employee burnout. Pets (Mar) ~ . q]le article takes a close look at emplo)ee burnout and then describes strategies that human resource managers can use to help prevent employee burnout in their organization. 1457 Jacobs, Jerry. Industrial sector and career mobility reconsidered. Am Soc Rev (Jun) 415. The relationship between industrial sector and career mobility is re-examined. 1458 Job burnout can be solved by retailoring 0ob. Int'l Mgt (~ar) 4. Among the major steps in eliminating burnout, setting goals; improving task t~nagement, improving tim.e management are recommended. 1459 Job notation adopted by Finland's alcohol monopoly, for middle managers. Int'l Mgt (Jan) 29. The_ program allows the employees to flnd the work they are most challenged in and in which they are likely to advance. 1440 Johnson, A. T. Equity in the public workplace; retrenchment, employment security and alternative placement. PPM (Sum) 186. ~his article addresses the ethical responsibilities of public employers in terminating employees. 1441 Katerburg, R. & G. J. Blau. t~ examination of level and directlon of effort and 3oh performance. Acad Mgt Rev (Jun) 249. Both direction and effort level were found to be significant predictors of individual performance and direction of behavior contributes uniquely to the prediction of perfor~%nce. 1442 }


Public Relations--Employees (Jan) 4. Discusses various means by which U.S. employers go about increasingg their workforce productivity. The article Is a result of questions Personnel asked readers about their productivity improvement el for is. 1448 Life and work: ending the separation. Mgt W (May) 25. Managers who are interested in the long-term profitability of their company should promote integration of their life and career planning. 1449 Lueder, R. K. Seat comfort: a review of the construct in the office environment. Hum Factors (Dec) 701. A general overview of approaches to the assessment of comfort in office furniture is presented. 1450 Luthans, Fred & others. O. ~ Hod: Meeting the productivity challenger with h u ~ resources management. Pers (Mar) 28. Supports t ~ view that the way in which resources are ~nnaged has a ~aJor impact (~i the productivity of all organizations. 1451 MacDonald, D. R. & M. R. Stewart. Industrial applications of learrercontrolled instruction. Pets J (Oct) 820. An increasingly promising employee training development program to streamline training efforts and to be used as a new program development. Specific development and examples and key decisions are discussed. 1452 Many American firms are retraining white-collar personnel via computer termb~Is in conjunction with nearby colleges. Int'l Mgt (Feb) 6. The colleges provide the service for a low fee and key office personnel are able to "study" in the workplace. 1453 Marchingten, Mick & Phll Wilding. Emplo)ee involvement inaction? Pets Mgt (Dec) 32. Any portfolio published since January 1980 must conbaln a statement describing employee involvement activity. The authors conducted a survey to find out companies' views on this requirement. 1454 F.~rchington, Hick. Opinion: industrial relations - involvement and intervention. Mgt Dec 21{I) 22. Ford's industrial relations director epresses his views on forward planning in industrial relations. He discusses employee involvement. 1455 ;,larcus, Eric t5 Neurolinguistic programming. Pets J {Dec) 972. A di~cusslon on how neurolingulstic programming can be and is a interpersonal approach to management. 1456 Hartin, J. E. Impact of technology on life today. VS (Apt 15) 394. How to approach technology as advancing the quality of work life. 1457 Martin, P. Y. & others. Advancement for women in hierarchical organizations. J Appl Beh Sci (1) 19. Women's problems and opportunities for advancement to higher level positions are analyzed. 1458 McCreight, R. G. Rer~rks: motivating improved performance. Pets J (Jan) 50. The ,~anager's most demanding role is that of managing human resource.

1459 Mcthmara, C. P. Productivity is management's problem. Bus }! (Mar/Apr) 55. Better allocation of resources in the key to changing a company's performance and to increasing overall management productivity. 1460 Meier, T. K. & Susan Hought. Hum Res Mgt (Mar) 27. A large R&D facility in }~w Jersey improves its employee relations by instituting a comprehensive new-employee asslmil~tion program. 1461 Helhuish, T. D. & Mark Palmer. Human Resource :.k~nagement and the Recession - W i m t Inve we learned? Bus Q (Sum) 73. The recession has brought about a change in attitude and has also caught many human resource practitioners unprepared. 1462 Melohn, T. }& How to build employee trust and productivity. HBH


Public Relations~Employees

(Jan) 57. The author gives suggestions for building employee trust and productivity in small businesses. 1463 Misa, K. F. & R. T. Stein. Management's involvement in the strategic utilization of the human resource. Mgt Rev (Oct) 13. To meet its longrange goals, management must identify the organization's weaknesses in the employee staff. 1464 Morf, t~mrtln. Eight scenarios for work in the future. Futurist (Jun) 24. A broad variety of future scenarios are possible due to different changes in society and technology. Presented are eight scenarios of the. world of work. 1465 Mroczkowski, Tomasz. Theory "T' or "~'? Mgt W (~y) 44. Theory Z would integrate emplo)~es more into the company. Theory E is the present system of r~nagement - with managers ruling over the employees. 1466 ;~uhs, W. F. Worker participation in the progressive era: an assessment by Hmrrington Emerson. Acad Mgt Roy (Jan) 99. Ehe thoughts of worker participation as an industrial issue by one of the pioneers of scientific management. 1467 Neider, 1. L. Cafeteria incentive plans: a new way to motivate. Super Mgt (Feb) 31. By instituting an incentive plan with desired rewards for good performance, the organization can increase its sales along with employee interest in the company. 1468 Networking is participative empowerment. PRR (Aug 8) I. How networking works and what it does. 1469 New communications plan supports CIBA-CEIGY's health care management program. RR (Jun 27) 2. Concerned about mounting health care costs, this coml~ny launches a new program involving employees in the decisions. 1470 Next: a smaller, more productive workforce. Mgt W (Oct) 4. The slLL~p in the growth rate of the workforce is only temporary and attributed to the decline of the birthrate. The average worker will be older, probably better trained, and more productive. 1471 Office automation highlights human needs. Pers (~y/Jun) 45. Executives and secretaries ~ office automation as opening up new career opportunities. 1472 OverlDlt, Miles H. & A. R. Ambler. ~ctical options for breaking up faulty cocmmunlcatlon. No~t Roy (Jul) 44. Unproductive employee behavior cannot a b a y s be traced to personability probl~s. 1475 Pakchr, P. A. Effective manpower planning. Pets J (Oct) 826. An examination of internal and external manpower labor source characteristic in determining career paths. 1474 Parker, M. A. & P. A. Wells. Forging a 'PACT.' Mgt W (Jun) 52. Model Ibr merging employee and supervisor expectations. 1475 Participative management growing. Mgt W (Jun) 22. The recession has helped increase emmployees say in maunagement decisions. Employees are also more educated than ever before. 1476 Penner, Maurice. How job-based classification systems promote organizational ineffectiveness. PPM (Fall) 268. Author argues for a performance-based classification process, focusing on quantity and quality of work produced. 1477 Performance appraisals unproductive? Hgt W (t~v) 4. Only ten percent of major U.S. corporations have improved productivity through thelr worker evaluation systems. 1478 Perfor~mnce evaluation is another personnel technique practitioners


l~lbHc R e l a t i o n s ~ E m p l o y e e s P~R (Flay 2) I. The best ~my to do performance evaluatlons is for practitioners to communicatemore among themselves, face-to-face. 1479 Perham, John. ~I~ dilemmaover lump-sum pensions. Duns R (Jun) 72. The de~and for 1~p-sum payments is becomingso insistent that nearly every pension plan may have to offer them sooner or l a t e r .

must Lmderstand--and practice.

1480 . The new corporate goodies. Duns R (Jul) 48. Corporate personnel executives seem to be ushering in a new era of offbeat fringe benefits such as adoption payments, flexible hours and paternity leaves. 1481 Phillips, J. J. Training programs: a result-oriented model for managing the devalop~.ent of human resources. PEts (Fray) 11. Offers how-tD steps in managing the programs needed to develop an organization's workforce and model for designing and implementing human resources development programs. 1482 Powell, J. T. Remarks: listening attentively to solve employee problems. Pets J (Jul) 580. Attentive listening means paying attention to detail, understanding the picture from the employee's perspective and responding accurately and constructively. 1485 Ibm, E. J. A do-it-yourself guide to group problem solving. Pets (5~r) 67. The article discusses the manager's objectives when leading a quality circle or problem-solving meeting. 1484 Problems remedied by "transcutaneous nerve stimulation" at Ballas telephone equipment plant. In~l Mgt (May) 64. The process, which dims as'Jembly line worker's pain through electrical impulse. 1489 Puegot/Talbot asks CST to produce video prgram to motivate workers. J European Ind Trng (Feb 16) 43. The program increased productivity dramatically and won a silver award. 1486 Rabinowltz, William & others. Worker motivation: unsolved problem or untapped resource? Cal Mgt Rev (Jan) 45. Social critics and some management theorists claim that specialized labor in industrial setting is dehumanizing and they call for radical redesign of jobs. 1487 Reed, D., J. One approach to employee assistance. Pets J {Aug) 648. Work related problems can disrupt personnel productivity and morale, and also affect work performance. 1488 Rice, B. Womb-to-Tomb Job Security, Psych Today (~;ar) 20. A Japanese company has really gone "all out" with fringe benefits! 1489 Richm~_n, t. S. Health benefits come under the knife. Fort ( ~ y 2) 99. Part of rising health care costs being passed to employees; also reported in Purview (~by 16). 1490 Richmond, V. P. & others. Individual differences among employees, management communication style and employee satisfaction: replication and extension. Hum Corn Res (Win) 170. Studies relating the findings of research on the relationship between employee satisfaction and productivity. 1491 Hockwell Graphics of Great Britain finds absenteeism best controlled by t ~ employees themselves. Int'l ~Igt (Jan) 9. To curb high absenteelsm, I~ockwell has a policy that states employees will receive full compensation if absenteeism is less that 7%. 1492 Rosen, Cory. ESOPs making employees owners. Bus (Apr-Jun) 83. Employee stock ownership plans ~sve grown rapidly in the past few years. Their tax and employee motivation benefits make them attractive. 1495 Rosenberg, Sheila. The power of team play. ~Igt W (Aug) 26. When groups are formed, the employee works better and the manager makes


Public Relations--Employees more practical and profitable decisions. 1494 Roson, J. M. & Robert Zager. Punch out the tl,ne clocks. ~ (Mar) 12. Discusses how changes in lifestyles and ~arketplace demands have s~de alternative work schedules an attractive option. Options such as flextlme, part-tlme, job sharlng, compressed work weeks, and worksharing discussed. 1495 Ross, J. D. & D. L. Pugh. Profile of the public personnel administrator. PPM (Fall) 232. How people in the public personnel profession feel about their Job, the problems they face, and the programs they implement. 1496 Roth, D. F. Why sponsor a preretirement program? Pers J (Sep) 720. Praretlrement programs can do more than just prepare employees for an enjoyable retirement. 1497 Hotman, R. E. Psychological testing: can it help you hire the right person? ~ J (Jun) 22. t~any PR firms rely heavily on psychological testing when recruiting. Psychological tests can do a lot, but they are just one measure. 1498 Roux, D. M. Seven fulfilling incentive tips. Sales & Mkt Mgt (Sep) 117. Incentive programs can be disastrous if careful attention is not given to the rewards. 1499 Rush, J. C. & Jeffrey Candy. Developing hum.~an resource ~anagers. Bus Q (Fall) 58. As organizations face the future, with all of its staggering changes, human resource managers face a number of basic challenges. This article identified those key challenges. 1500 Schul, P. L. & others. T~*~ impact of channel leadership behavior on intrachsnnel conflict. J ~tkt (Sum) 21. Conflict arising from administrative and product-service issues diminishes when the franchiscr is perceived to exhibit a leadership style emphaslzing participation. 1501 Scott, Sid. Finding the "right person." Pets J (Nov) 894. A look at how qualified employees make your company more productive and competitive. 1502 Self-fulfillment and work, 1980's style. Mgt W (Oct) 22. Employees today are more concerned with self-fulfillment. This nnw attitude creates both changes in workllfe and in f~mily llfe. 1503 Seers, Anson a others. The interaction of job stress and social support: a strong inference investigation. Acad Mgt Rev (Jun) 273. A comparative examination was using 3 alternative hypothesis: buffer, coping and no interaction. 1504 Sherwood, W. B. Developing subordinates: critical to managers and their organizations. Pers (Jan/Feb) 46. The task of developing a subordinate is critical to the manager, but difficult. What is needed are interpersonal skills which can be learned. 1505 Siegel, G. B. Personnel function: measuring decentralization and its impact. PPM (Spr) 101. Among the innovations of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 is a provision which permits authorization of experiments involving persc~lel systems in federal agencies. 1506 Sigelman, Lee & ~homas Konda. Understanding opinion dynamics. Soc Sci Q (Mar) 119. The increasing level of education during the post %ar era h3s been working aE~inst the spread of powerlessness. 1507 Smith, M. T. Five steps to improving employee performance. Sup ~ t (Apr) 36. It is the supervisor's responsibility to correct inadequate performances of subordlr~tes. 1508 Spenner, K. I. Temporal c}snge in the skill level of work. Am Soc


Public Relations--Employees

Rev (Dec) 8.24. Arguments and discussions on the effects of technology on work and workers and the changing nature of work. 1509 Stantcn, Erwin S. A critical re-evaluation of motivation management and productivity. Pets J (F~r) 208. A more realistic look at how companies are managed and refocus on what the author call reality centered management. An explanation and guideline of it is achieved. 1510 Steele, Fritz. The econology of executive teams: a new view of the top. Org Dyn (Spr) 65. A look into organizational ecology; the area of reciprocal relationships between people who work in organizations and their workplaces. 1511 Stewart, Rosemary. It's not what you do . . . it's the way you do it: implications of the choices in managerial jobs. Pets f{gt (Apt) 40. Personnel managers have not paid enough attention to the fact that people do jobs differently. 1512 Stoner, C. R. Developing a corporate policy for managing stress. Pets (May/Jun) 66. A model has been developed to help handle stress. 1513 Stow, Derek. Are ~m3a~ers safe enough? Pets Mgt (Apt) 36. Author concludes that employers are not providing llne m~inagers with adequate information on training. Guidelines are offered. 1514 Stress for productivity. Mgt W (Jun) 23. Stress - if unregulated - can result in: absenteeism, ineffectiveness, or even task failure. 1515 Sydlowski, %~illiam. Improve business with ergonomics. GAM (Oct} 118. Ergonomics is the study of how humans physically relate to the machines they work on in terms of size and shspe. 1516 Swartz, Herbert. The $720 billion-a-year theft of time. D~ns Bus M (Oct) 75. "Time theft" is the deliberate waste and abuse of onthe-job time. The cost would be much worse if government employees and ~7mnagement were included. 1517 Taylorism receding at last, book says, as worker participation unites hand and brain: are PR professionals 'doers' or 'managers'? PRR (Dec 12) 4. It's a doer function that needs a voice in manage~ment. A look at the demystification of management. 1518 Teas, R. K. Supervisory behavior, role stress, and the job satisfaction of industrial salespeople. J Mkt Res (Feb) 84. A structural equation was used to replicate and extend previous salesforce role stress research by testing hypothesis about the relationships among sales supervisory behavior, role stress and job satisfaction. 1519 Tharpe, C. G. A manager's guide to selection interviewing. Pets J (Aug) 637. A structured approach is suggested complete with a suggested interviewing format that can be adapted to fit different selection situations. 1520 Tt~lmpson, K. R. & W. D. Terpening. Job-type variations and antecedents to intention to leave: a content appr~3oh to turnover. Hum Pel (Jul) 655. An individuals' desire to leave a job are categorized into process and content aspects. 1521 Thompsen, D. J. Compensation and benefits. Pers J (Aug) 620. The. article deals with equitable and effective reward systems for fast track and high potential employees. The answer is work desi=on and personal development. 1522 Thorsteinson, Tim & Mary Storms. A "quest" for productivity. Mgt W (5:ay) 17. Explains how participative management is being implemented at fhtional Semiconductor.


Public Relations~Employees 1523 Thrower, Ellen. Offering an HMO: Guidelines for employers. Bus (Jan/Mar) 83. As the use of HMOs is being encouraged on a national basis to control health c~re costs, employers must know their rights and responsibilities in order to establish formal corporate policy. 1524 Toscano, D. J. Toward a typology of employee ownershlp. Hum Rel (Jul) 581. three types of employee ownership, direct ownership, employee stock ownership and producer co-operatives are compared to eight factors. 1525 Trac}dng the "megatrends" in our society. Mgt W (~y) 21. Employees want a greater role in decislon-maklng and managers are being forced to think about long-tarm results and the new information society. 1526 Tuckel, Peter & K. Siegel. The myth of the migrant manager. Bus (Jan/Feb) 64. Given the positive relations betwen size of company and employment stability, it would be expected that as companies grow larger, the proportion of executives who limit their careers to one employer will increase. 1527 Turney, J. R. & S. L. Cohen. Alternative work schedules increase employee satisfaction. Pers J (~r) 202. Examples of how to put employees in control of their working hours and how and why it will reap the important benefits. 152_8 Veiga, J. F. Mobility influences during managerial career stages. Acad Mgt Rev (Mar) 64. A framework was used to determine why some managers are more mobile than others. 1529 Vickery, }5 B. IIL Is being fired such a tragedy? Assoc r,~t (Sep) 71. Several association ~nagers advise on how to deal with being fired. 1530 Walters, R. W. Modern motivation. Mgt W (Sep) 44. At work, the only way people can demonstrate motivation is to have a motivating job. Employees need internal motivation. 1531 Wehrenberg, S. B. Training: evaluation of training - Part I. Pets J (Aug) 608. Deals with the evaluation made by the training director on the parts of training. Part II is continued in the September issue. 1532Pars J (Mar) 189. Training: picking a training method that works. Separates learning skills into two categories "mrd" s~id "soft" skills. Hard skills refer to t}ose that can be measured and observed; soft skills refer to those that involve planning, problem solving or decision making. 1533 Welck, K. E. Misconceptions about managerial productivity. Bus H (Jul/Aug) 47. Discussion on how common managerial wisdom puts too much emphasis on thinking and on recruiting bright people and not enough on action and on valuing the energetic. 1534 Wexley, K. N. & E. D. Pulakos. The effects of:perceptual congruence and sex on subordinates' performance appraisals of their managers. Acad Mgt Rev (Dec) 666. The results of this study indicate that the more cognizant a subordinate is of his or her manager's work-related attitudes, the more favorably the subordinate appraises the manager's leadership performance. 1535 ~/hen employees manage_. Mgt W {Jun) 21. The purpose of canagement is to reduce conflict between organizational goals and t2e interests of people who work in them. 1536 Workers are set to buy Weirton. Bus W (Sep 5) 35. As an alternative


Public Relations--EmployeeS

to slow phaseout of the company, fhtional Steel Corporation's Weirt~x, plant is being bought out by its emplo)~es. 153Z Wright, C. P. How managers should approach alcoholism and drug abuse in the workplace. Bus Q (Win) 53. Most supervisors need to face the possibility of Joint occurrences of alcohol and drug abuse. 1558 Yount, Lewis C. CLU The four ingredients of good agent-manager relations. Mgr's Hag (May) 4. Retired manager for Prudential of America talks about trust, acceptance, respect and communication. 1539 Zedeck, Sheldon & others. Shift work schedules and their relationship to health, adaptatlon, satisfaction and turnover intention. Acad Mgt Rev (Jun) 297. Relationships among shift work related problems, general physical and psychological health and job shift satsifaction and preference w~re examined. BDOKS 1540 Dreher, G. F. & P. R. Sackett. Perspectives on employer staffing and selection: readings and commentary. Homewood, IL: Irwin, 404 pp. A book of readings for a comprehensive view of current issues in employee recrui~ent and motivation. 1541 Hollinger, R. C. & J. J. Clark. Theft by employees. Lexington, MA: Lexington Eks., 176 pp. $22. Explains the occupational factors that contribute to employee theft and other forms of counterproductive behavior. 1542 Ray, E. B. Job burnout from a communication perspective. Comm Y r ~ 7: 738. Burnout is seen or related to cognitive distance between an individual's self-~erception and the job and perceived integration in a communication network.

PUBLIC RE LATI ONS--ENVI RON,'ME,%'T ARTICLES 1543 Acid rain issue proves scientific input affects public opinion. Purview (Mar 28) 2. Excerpts from articles in Technology Review (Oct '82). 1544 Bennett, M.J. New broom or old hat? PRJ (Jun) 12. A study by the U.S. Commerce Department found that industry spent $54 billion in 1981 for pollution control and abatement. 1545 Bybee, R. W. Human ecology: acid raid and public policy. Am Bio Tr (Apr/~ay) 211. A connection between science and society can be seen in the human and ecological dimensions of one contemporary problem: acid raid. 1546 Community relations: a h~gher profile at the grassroots. Chem Wk (Jul) 30. IIany chemical compsnles are renewing efforts to correct popular misconceptions about the role of t~*~ chemical processing industries as polluters of the environment. 1547 Disinger, J. F. ~vlronmental education research news. Ehv (Sum) 89. Summarizes selected environmental education research studies on. 1548 Ebinger, C. K. Oil glut psychology. VS (Aug 15) 642. Six reasons w~V oil demand fell. Suggestions on how to prevent situations of oil glut in the future. 1549 EPA envisions polluters paying 80% of cleanup. WSJ (Oct 13) 4. Proposed rules to help create funds for toxic waste cleanup.


Public Relations--En~4ronment

1550 Evans, Brock. Environmentalists and utilities. VS (Apt I) 368. There is a self-evident mistrust between environmentalists and utilities people. Proposals are made on how they can work together. 1551 Goss, C. & S. Kamlenleokl. Congruence between public opinion and Congressional action on energy issues, 1973-1974. Ener Sys & Policy (2) 149. Surveys of Americans' attitudes toward energy use, conservation and the environment. q552 . & ~ i d o n {


Public Relations--Enx~lronment

THESES 1565 Andrews, L. D. Accuracy in natural resource management articles: a mall survey. Unpub thesis (Tennessee-Knoxville). The purpose of this study was to determine the accuracy rates of newspaper articles about natural resource management, to identify the sources of errors and to suggests ways of avoiding them. 1~o6 Badahan, K. C. Coverage of environmental health hazards in r.~ss circulation magazines. Unpub thesis (Kent State). Examines differences in coverage among five consumer magazines. 1567 Brink, Martha. Tha Kansas magazine's coverage of land policy issues. Unpub thesis (Kansas). Study of the accuracy and adequacy of the cove rage. 1568 Grove, Boyd. A comparison of the agenda set by scientists and newspapers on the Chesapeake F~y. Unpub thesis (Maryland). Examines whather or not the media pay enough attention to local environmental problems.

PUBLIC R E L A T I O N S - - F I N ~ Y C I A L ~ICLF_~ q.569 [ewald, Rcon.

int'l Mgt (~ny) 5?. Hapag-Lloyd AG, Germany's giant shipping firm adopts an intensive relations policy with its disgruntled stock~x)iders. Because no dividends heve been paid since 1978, the company hns begun a program designed to explain its financial woes. 1570 F~wman, Karin. Financial communications and the conntested take-over bid, 1958-1982. Int'l J Ad UK (Jan/Mar) 47. The use of advertising in contested takeover bids increased during the 197Os. 1571 Seely, Michael. Investor relations at the crossroad. PRJ (Apt) 21. To be distinguished as an influential corporate function, the role of investor relations needs to be redefined. For the craft to survive, it must contribute to management decisions affecting shareholder valuee. 1572 Tender offers. M&A (Fall) 26. Seven investment bankers discuss the impact of tender offers, asset acquisitions, mergers, and proxy fights on the gainlng, maintaining, or relinquishing of corporate control. 1573 Tho,.~pson, C. R. How to plan successful financial presentations. PRJ (Apr). How to conduct successful financial presentations to meet the information needs of a particular financial audlence. q574 Wallace, S. L. Plumbing the investor market. PRJ (Apr) 28. Investors are a huge potential audience and source of support, made up of a wide variety of subgroups with different appetites and goals.

P U B L I C I ~ ' I~V,T! O N S - - F 1 ~


ARTICLES 1575 ~reakstone, K. S. & A. D. Hughes. Fin Exec (Nov) 54. European investor relations: get them interested in us. European investor ralatlons programs can provide platforms for other corporate co~.nunicatlons. q576 Cheney, R. E. PR to the rescue in takeover b~ttles. PNQ (Spr) 23. One of the most frequently asked questions about tender offers involves




steps the public relations professional can take on behalf of the target company.

P U B L I C RELATIONS--FUN~D I;.KISL~G ARTICLES 1577 Donovan, Jack. Development offices offer hospitals a high return. Fund Raising Mgt (Mar) 24. Trustees and physicians should be educated to demonstrate that development deserves t ~ highest institutional co~ibnent. 1978 Lindeman, W. K. Who makes donations? Rational survey provides new data. OC (Feb) 18. beta collected by Group Attitudes Corporation as part of a nationwide survey of public attitudes toward higher education is discussed. 1579 [brman, Colin. Universities find funding shortcut. Science (Jun 3) 1024. Catholic University and Columbia University hire a public relations firm to help lobby their proposals for money from the Deparbnent of Energy's budget for new facilities. 1580 Stone, Greg & John Carroll. A remarkable rally: pupils and persuade politicians to pry open the apron strings. CC ug) 22. A 62-mile relay run from the campus of Southeastern Massachusetts University to a rally at the State }buse in Boston was t}~ culmination of a grassroots effort to counteract state funding cuts. 1581 Van Hoose, L. K. & Ron Cunningham. Development: its essential role in ,2~ bottom llne. }~ealthcare Mgt (Sep) 12. Reductions in federal and state government payments, recent changes in the reimbursem*nt system, major revisions in the Internal Revenue Servio_9 tax codes, and skyrocketing costs have made community gifts, foundation grants, and individual endowments more important.

PUBLIC REL%TIONS--GOVERNMENT 1582 AEI sees tnnds-off approach by gov't the only consistent philosophy. PER (Nov 14) 4. American Enterprise Institute sees a new governmental philosophy taklng shape that is jointly guided by economic and social CO~ce ms. 1583 Annenberg, W. M. Commentary: the breakup of AT&T: A disservice to the public. TV Guide (Apt 30) 13. The breakup of America's telephone system will affect nearly every aspect of our society. 1584 Anti-regulation attitude of some industries is also antl-social responsibility and anti-PR, argues FTC commissioner. PRR (Nov 14) 1. 1585 Barvlck, William. The effect of commission structure on decisionmaking - Part I. Pub Utll Mgt (~$ov 10) 15. Examines structural flaws in utility commissions which defeat their efforts to resolve utilityconsu,er conflicts. Part II appears in November 17 issue. 1586 13ermont, Hubert. Business and its crying need for self-defense. Mkt Times (Jan/~hb) 21. There should be a distinct separation between business and the government; however, there is not, and government repeatedly enters the business co~munlty with disastrous results. 1587 Bill would freeze ownership rule. Ad Ag~ (Sep ~ ) 83. The FOC proposed to absndon or revise the current limits on the number of TV


Public Relations--Government and radio stations o ~ company can own. 1588 Business and government: IDw they can get along, what practitioners in each can learn from the other. PER (Jul) 3. 1589 Clark, N. W. Incentive programs in government: why aren't they being used? PPM (Sum) 181. Since poor economic conditions and increased public concern have forced tighter budgets in government, new ideas are needed to help find ways to conserve money, improve efficiency, and increase revenues. 1590 FOC sets TV deregulation in motion. Ddst (Jul 4) 31. FOC unanimously approves rulemaking that would deregulate television along the lines of radio. 1591 FDA studies drug advertising. Bus Hkt (Oct) 28. The Food and []rug Administration is preparing its procedure to examine what kinds of advertising, if any, should be allowed for prescription drugs. 1592 Fournier, G. M. & D. C. Martin. Does government restricted entry produce market power? New evidence from market for television advertising. Bell J Econ (Spr) 44. The effect of FOC control over market entry in the television industry is examined. 1993 }bpper, Kenneth. Public relations on a grand scale in America's postWWII reconstruction. Hum Res Mgt (Feb 28) 13. 1594 Hudson, H. P. PR in the Kennedy White House_. PRQ (Win) 5. The author interviews Kennedy's press ~.ecretary, about the relationship between the administration and its public relations. 1599 Flanders, L FL & others. External relations management: a critical set of functions and competencies for fede.~al career executives. PAQ (Sum) 199. Federal executives and middle managers were_ surveyed to determine hew executive and managerial jobs differ. 1596 Jefferson, E. G. Renewing industry. Mgt W (Oct) I. Consistent government policy is essential if business is to make long-term plans to grow. Encourage more invesb~ent in industrial ,T~xlernlzation and growth. 1597 La Harbera, P.A. The diffusion of trade association advertising selfregulation. J Mkt (Win) 58. Shows hew self-regulatlon can forestall government regulation. 1598 McMillan, C. J. & V. V. Murray. Strategically managing public affairs. Bus Q (Sum) 94. A study of buslness-government relations in Canada is presented. 1599 Strategically m~3naging public affairs: lessons from the analysis of buslness-government relations. Bus Q Can (Sum) 94. Among sc~x)ols of thought concerning business-&~vernment relations are the social context school, which sees business-governi,lent relations in wide social structural terms. 1600 Mitchell, D. J. B. Should the consumer-price index determine wages? Cal Mgt R (}~Ii) 5. Critics claim t~nt the CPI exaggerates the rate of inflation and question whether price incre:~_,s should be the major element in wage decisions. 1601 Pappas, Ike. Reporting from f2)e Penbagon. TV Guide (Feb 5) 14. The s~ze of the Pentagon, 17 miles at corridors and 20~300 people, makes covering it a formindable task. 1602 Pedersen, Wes. Washington focus: changing Congressional procedures: the implications for business. H{J (Jun) 4. The US Congress is changing the way it does business, and this will require c~Bnges in strategies for corporate affairs officers and others. 1603 Posner, B. Z. & W. }5 Schmidt. Interface between government and


Public Relations--Government

business increasingly important. Hum Res Mgt (Feb 28) 35. Governmental relations may prove the key. 1604 Post, J. E. & others. The public affairs function. Cal Mgt R (Fall) 135. Results of a survey and four cases studies are used to determine the management dimensions of the public affairs function. 16CY5 Rogers, H. C. New public/private cooperation. PRJ (F~y) 12. %lie U.S. government has assigned to the private sector public relations work involving President Reagan's international Youth Exchange Initiative. 16C6 Stevens, J. M. & R. P. McGo~n. ~.~anagerlal strategies in municipal government organizations. Acad Mgt Rev (Sep) 527. An examination of management strategy in local goverr,nents. 1607 Moore, P~ H. Monitoring governmental regulation. Nat Und L & H (Sep 17) 15. TO begin monitoring governmental regulation, one must first understand how one's o ~ company makes its money and know where that money goes. 1608 Robertson, A. H~ Public misled on social security. Nat Und L & H (Jan 29) 22. While Social Security is most certainly facing financial difficulties, t ~ most serious problem is the general misunderstanding among the public. 1609 Walters, Jonathan. Communicating the word according to Reagan. Assoc Mgt (Sep) 85. Mary Jo Jacobi, special assistant to the President for public liaison, discusses the role of the public liaison office in an interview.

1610 Casey, W. L. & others. Ehtrepreneurship, productivity and the Y~eedom of Information Act: protecting circ*mstantially relevant business information. Lexington, MA: Lexington [ks., 240 pp. $25. Untimely disclosure of confidential business information by the government has resulted in a new form of industrial espionage. 1611 Holbe, P. ~ Tarnished expansion: the Alaska scandal, the press and the Congress, 1867-1871. Knoxville, %]J: University Press, 145 pp. Covers allegatlons, consumeratlons, investigations and sensational, unconfirmed reports as part of the press' involvement.

P U B L I C igE L,%T!O N S - - LN'TEI ~ A T I O N A L ARTICLES 1612 Alder, t4. J. Cross cultural management research: t ~ ostrich and the trend. Acad of Mgt Rev (Apt) 226. This article is designed to help ~anagers understand the behavior os people in multinational and transnationa I organizations. 1615 Arbose, Jules. In a plan to reassure its people of the great feats being accomplished with the revenue from oil, the Saudi government is opening its projects to the public. 1614 Browne, D. R. The international newsroom: a study of practices at the Voice of America, BBC & Deutsche. J Brdst (Sum) 205. The aut~Dr discusses several problems that newsrooms of the western world's three largest radio stations have in common. 1615 Bule, James & others. Foreign governments are playing our press. WJR (Oct) 21. Foreign governments are a~ressively dealing with the

Public Relations~lnte,~national

American press. Some countries use public relations flrms to improve relations with the American press. 1616 Burden, C. A. & M. S. Hoohmuth. Why foreign firms llke American workers. Bus H (Sep/Oct) 10. Despite the widely publicized decline in U.S. productivity and American wor~rs' lack of enthusiasm for work, foreign investors increasingly are setting up operations in the U.S. 1617 Hustamante, J. A. The tdexlcans are coming: from ideology to labor relations. In~l Mig R (Sum) 323. Reveals a vast discrepancy between scientific findings as to the magnitude and permanence of Mexican migration to the United States on the one hand, and the public's perceptions on the other. 1618 Corbett, W. J. Realities and perceptions of international public relations, in planning any marketing or public relations program in another country, there are certain realities of international public relations which must be faced. 1619 Costello, Michael. Ireland's experiment with worker directors. Pers Mgt (Oct) 54. One of the four worker directors on a corporate board on the impact of employee representation. 1620 Dalton, V. E. We work for America. PRJ (Nov) 23. Economic recessions, Watergate, Abscam, Vietnam, and foreign competition have resulted in a prevailing attitude in the U.S. that maybe the nation is no longer number one. In response, an energy company has come up with a simple statement: 'We Work for It~erica'. 1621 Eden-Green, Alan. Industry and government - a way to better understanding. PRQ (Sum) 17. In the UK, misunderstandings between Parliament and industry are common. Personal contact within the industrial environment is necessary to improving understanding between industrialists and legislators. 1622 Hiscook, [~ R. U.K. government sets up specialized centers for unemployed executives. JE Ind Trng (t~ar 29) 17. 1623 Hill and Knowlton starts tourist PR for Guatemala. O'Dwyer (Jun 22) 3. Detailed account on how Hill & Knowlton organized to promote tourism in Guate.11ala. 1624 James, H. L. Public realtions conflict. IPRA R (Aug) 5. Former press secretary to 10 Downing Street states the ways the Falkland crisis affected public relations of tha British goverrL~ent. 1625 Kodak's new lean and hungry look. Bus W (~day 30) 33. Japanese_ competitors force Kodak to adopt aggressive pricing and promotion. 1626 Kujawa, Duane. Technology strategy and industrial relations: case studies of Japanese multinationals in the United States. J Intq Bus Studies (Win) 9. Eight case studies consider variations in competitive strategies and industrial relations practices. 1627 Kupfer, Andrew. The 50 leading exporters. Fort (Aug 8) 88. A list of t2~ top 50 U.S. industrial exporters is given alon~ with trends in export sales. 1628 Kwan, Y. K. & others. Executives in the People's Republic of China. J Mkt Res (Jan) 99. A survey of Chinese businessmen reveals t ~ t they find the positive aspects of advertising trends in China to be the increased recognition of the need for advertising. 1629 Lace, Geoffrey. PR gets a key to the door. Mkt UK (Sep I) 22. Increasing a~reness of PR is leading :n~re and more British m~rketers to use PR services in addition to traditional advertising.


Public Relations~lnternational

1630 'Lifetime employment' may be on its last leZ. Bus W (Sep) 98. Lifetime employment never covered more than 25% of Japan's labor force, but even that limited system has been shaken to its core by the mssive payroll purges of t~m last two years. 1651 MacMillan, Keith. Managing public affairs in British industry. J Gen ;.Igt[FK (Win) 74. The task of public affairs specialists in organlz;~tions is to interpret the social and political world to top industrialists. 1632 Mattelart, Armand. q~chnology, culture and communication: research and policy priorities in France. J Comm (Sum) 59. A government (France)report spells out t1~ requirements of social research on communications in the area of public, professional, educational and business uses of media. 1653 MoLaughlin, Nicola. Solving PR's problems. Mgt Today UK (rbv) 94. Britlsh management is increasingly turning to public relations as a valuable menagement tool, and as a result, PR consultancies are experiencing rapid growth. 1634 Mickiewioz, Ellen. Feedback, surveys and Soviet communication theory. J Comm (Spr) 97. Reports on how traditional feedback channels in the Soviet thion work and how public opinion surveys have caused Comm,~qist party leaders to assess and expand their feedback channels. 1635 rhkanejinic~L[, R. O. & F~ W. Hall. &Ianagement specs for stockless production, h ~ (May/Jun) 84. Competitive challenges from Japan no less than rapid advances in t1~ technology of automation have intrigued corporate managers to master their work in production. 1636 r~elle-r~u~ann, E. The missile cap: the German press and public opinion. PO (Oct/~ov) 45. German-American relations are affected by the public's perceptions of the United States role in Germany's defense. 1657 Oliver, Brian. Vladivar rakes news. Mkt UK (5~ay 19) 47. A carefully planned public relations campaign characterized by ~conventional media stunts and tongue-in-cheek t~mor has vaulted Vladivar VodPa from virtual oblivion to the number 2 market spot. 1638 Parta, E. R. & others. The short,rive audience in the USSR. Comm Res (Oct) ~BI. Estimate of the audience for western shortwave broadcasts in the USSR. 1639 Public Relations: how do we rate in Australia? IPHA (~y) 42. The United States has a fairly extrava~nt kind of public relations mettx~dology. Europe's public relations is more conservative. 1640 Practitioner's checklist for internatio~ml events. PRR (Sep 19) 4. Tips for conducting special events in foreign countries. 1641 Padzlevsky, Yuri. The 'invisible know' and other monsters of translation. Viewpt (Fall) 10. An Ogilvy and f4ather publication explains problems involved in translating advertising copy. 1642 Toyne, Brian & R. J. Kuhne. The m2a%agement of the international executive compensation and benefits process. J Int'l Bus Stud (Win) 37. Three managerial tasks related to executive comFensatlon and benefits are examined. 1643 Ulman, t~. France's g~vernment faces test on r~mning nationalized industry. WSJ (Feb 14) 1. The lines of authority aren't clear to the French in and out of government. They are still wondering how nationalization is supposed to work, ~K)w it is to be paid for and whether it will satisfy anyone.


Public Relations--International

1644 Wakamatsu, S. Foreign firms vie for local talent in Japan. WSJ (Apt 25) 30. One of the principal obstacles for foreign businesses in Japan is the difficulty in hiring Japanese management talent. 1645 Walsh, D. L. Time to tap into world markets. Mkt Times (Jul/Au~) 26. This section gives brief demographic breakdo~s of several world markets examined according to annual coverage growth rate, birth rate, status of wamen, and population density. 1646 Wright, D. E. How Canada's economic recession affects public relations. IPPA R (May) 39. Over the past decade, Canada's economic growth has declined. Public relations conditions in Alberta, a hard-hit region, are analyzed. 1647 Zander, Alvin. The value of belonging to a group in Japan. Sm Gr Beh (Feb) 3. Examples and importance of group interaction starting from childhood are dlscussed, where each member is willing to compromise. BOOK 1648 Wells, [. T. Jr. Third world multinationals: the rise of foreign investment from developing countries. Cambridge, MA: MIT press, 206 pp. Author collected daba on nearly 2,0(X) overseas subsidiaries. ~SIS 1649 Abdulaziz A1 Saud, Turki Sultan. A comparison of the public affairs programs of the armed forces of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States of America. Unpub thesis (Syracuse). A comparison of the goals, policies and programs.


1650 Adler, N. J. A typology of management studies involving culture. J Int'l Bus Stud (Fall) 29. Six approaches to researching crosscultural management issues are reviewed. 1651 Are they issues? An introduction to issues management. Bus Q (Fall) 22. Attempts to translate issues, identification and management into bottom line results. 1652 Farley, Richard. Issues management survey results. CPi (Jun 15). Complete results of survey ranking relative importance of issues to the future of public relations. 1653 Campbell, T. W. Identifying the issues. PRJ (Au~) 19. Identifying the issues may be the most difficult part of issues management. Once an issue has been identified, analyzing its potential impacton an organization is realatively simple. 1654 Cook, F. L. & others. Media and agenda setting: effects on the public, interest group leaders, policy makers, and policy. POQ (Spr) 16. Using an experimental design built around a single media event, the authors explored the impact of the media on t ~ general public and policy makers. 1655 Cooper, Michael. Public affairs. [~(J (Shr) 28. The field of


Public Relations--issues

public affairs continues to grow in importance, as issues that impact on business and other institutions multiply in number and influence. 1656 D'Aprix, Roger. Communicating critical issues. CJ (May/Jun) 20. Or&-=nizational communication expert offers advice on prc~ctive co~rnunlcation. 1657 Duke, W. F. Demystifying the issues in a world of transition. PHJ (Aug) 16. Because ~'mny key areas in society are in transition, the very number and complexity of issues and trends to be anticipated appear to be overwhelmino~. 1658 Emerging issues seen as difficult in PHSA Delphi survey. I~LR (Aug 22) 5. Only 54 of tha 165 issues get consensus. 1659 Fox, J. F. Communicating on public issues: the CEO's changing role. PR Rev (Spr) 11. O/rrently, forces shape the future for PR counselors. 1660 Fry, D. L. & T. A. McCain. Community influentials media dependence in dealing with a controversial local issue. JQ (Aut) 458. Community influentials are involved in highly controversial local issues rely more heavily on interpersonal sources than the mass media. 1661 Cettlng the community to participate is how this utility manages issues; dealing with them before they arise. PRR (Jan 20) 2. A case history of how Boston Edison involved consumers in identifying Issues. 1662 Goodman, S. E. Why few corporations monitor social issues. PRJ (Apt) 20. While many corporations are concerned about social issues, few incorporate them into their corporate planning systems. 1665 Graham-Dwyer, Peter. Corporate power and public issues. Can Mgr (Dec) 8. The autonomy of corporate decision making in Canada is coming under increased pressure from violent and nonviolent specialinterest groups. A recent Conference Board survey indicates that .Tany executives in the industrialized world feel such pressure. 1664 Higgins, John. Public relations' role in strategic planning for higher education. PRJ (May) 25. In a recent survey of 500 university presidents, public relations was rated 18th in importance among 20 key issues, while typicasl PR issues such as declining enrollment and government relations were among the top four. 1665 High pay for low skill work and other issues will be major topics of PR activities through the decade. PHR ([by 21) I. ~o-tier labor force is created with robots in the first tier. 1666 Johnson, John. Issues f,~anagement - what are the issues? Hus Q (Sum) 22. Corporations have come to recognize that their survival as profitable enterprises is as aepandent on their ability to anticipate, understand and influence social issues as it is on their proficiency in business. 1667 Knowing public expectations critical in building working relationships. ~ (May 16) 2. Findings of a survey by Public Policy Analysis are an indicator of public expectations. 1668 Lauer, L. D. Putting a lid on crisis issues management can control a crisis before it [Dils over and you get burned. CC (Apt) 58. Issues management is defined as a distant early warning system. 1669 Laurie, Marilyn. Keyboarding the issues. PRJ (Feb) 2>I. r~ew technology is raising issues for public relations to solve, involving tteory, political, social and economic issues. 1670 Managing issues is PR's new frontier, P~R (Jun 15) 3.


Public RelaUons~issues

Practitioners responding to a survey ~ ism~_~s n~.~mgement rate as U e 3 most important g~als to I) identify, ar~lyze and interpret emerging issues, 2) create and maintain awareness of issues among management and 3) identify and minimize threats. 1671 Nice, D. C. Representation in the states: policymaklng and ideology. Soc Scl (Jun) 40. The desree of responsiveness of state policies to the ideological leanings of public opinion is examined. 1672 Olson, M. W. & R. L. Sadler. Why withholding is a 'people' issue. ABA Bank J (Jun) 108. From the very beginnlng, withholding of interest and dividends is a people issue, with roots far deeper than the law thet pro T.Oted it. 1673 Policy impact analysis a useful tool of issues management. Purview (Feb 28). Key steps listed for tracking trends. From an article in The Futurist (Oct '82) 54. 1674 Rada, S. F~ Regional differences fuel the corporate-publlc policy debate. PRQ (Sum) 29. The U.S. is a collection of distinct regions that operate from unique values and attitudes that frequently surface in the form of regional public policy. 1675 Schmertz, }~rbert. They love me, they love me not. Mad Ave (Feb) 32. Mobil Corp. sees itself as a company with a crucial social and economic role to play. Public affairs is viewed as an integral part of the energy industry. 1676 Shapiro, I. A. Consumers, health care professionals are deeply divided on the issue of advertising. Mkt N (Dec 9) 13. Attitudes toward the use of advertising by health care professionals are discussed. 1677 Stephenson, D. R. Turning a crisis into an opportunity. F.[anage (~lay) 28. In response to forces outside their businesses such as consumer groups, company managements have been placing much emphasis on issues management. 1678 Trisko, Eugene M. Acid precipitation: causes, consequences, controls. Pub Util ~dgt (Feb 3) 19. Examines the public concern over acid rain, its mitigation or prevention by stricter control requirements. 1679 What's ahead ibr the cities? Purview (~hr 28) I. President's Commission for a ~ation~l Agenda for the Eighties suggests guidelines for urban policy. BOOKS 1680 Greenfield, Jeff. TJ~ real campai@l. I~w York: Summit [~ks. $15.95. An acco~it of 'l~#'sfailure to deal with political issues. 1681 14cOarthy, D. J. & others. Business policy and strategy: concepts and readings, 3rd ed., 521 pp. A book of theory and applications of a variety of business policies and practices. 1682 Public affairs review. Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Council, $15. The 15~33 Review contains a series of articles of public policy experts.

THESES 1683 Bailey, R. ~J. Issues management: a survey o f contemporary practice. Unpub thesis (Florida). Including an evalustion of issue management's perceived imparb~nce amon~ p r a c t i t i o n e r s .


Public Relations~lssues

1684 Draper, D. G. Media agenda-setting and personal influence in the promotion of national issues. Unpub thesis (Georgia). The public agenda ~ s dominated by issues that involve personal influences in spite of media insistence on other issues. 1685 Kiefer, N. E. Agenda-setting and corporate communication issues: can the mass media influence corporate stock prices? Unpub thesis (Syracuse). Examines whether or not the media leave an impression of their o~a or reflect the issues of others. 1686 .%~xcn, C. L. Public relations issues for the 19S0s - a comparative of male and female practitioners. Unpub thesis (Callfornia-Fullerton). Object was to determine if any differences exist between the way men and women view the issues.

P U B L I C RE LATIONS--M~%'~AGF,MENT ARTICLES 1687 Alvanez, P. H. And now comes Chapter III: accountability is the key to a new era in public relations. PRJ (Jul) 27. }bw to justify the public realtions budget. 1688 Bailey, D. M. The selling of public relations. NE Bus (Mar 21) 14. The public relations industry is suffering from an image problem and many in the industry are out to change that. 1689 Barry, R. A. & others. Selecting public relations counsel/client, agency share responslbilitles/the cllent/agency relationship. FIR Casebk (Oct) 8. Choosing the best public realtlons firm for a program or special assignment can be made easier by evaluating nine factors. 1690 Bell, Quentin. Pulling together apart. Mkt L~K (Oct 2?) 57. Successful and effective marketing requires the cooperation of all parties involved - the client, the advertising agency, and the public relations agency. 1691 Bernays, E. L. The case for licensing FR practitioners. PRQ (Spr) 32. For the profession of public relations to be considered a respected vocation, t~e term 'public relations' needs to be defined by law, wlth licensing and registration of practitioners. 1692 . Research & Evaluation. P[{Q (Win) 14. Research and evaluation are essential in any program of public relations that attempts to establish sound public relationships over a period of time. 1693 Burger, Chesta.r. [bw management views public relations. PHQ (Win) 27. Ineffective [~{ results from a failure to show senior ~nagement what PR can do and how it can help them. Senior ~anagement needs people who know their company's problems and can offer solutions. 1694 Chapman, Ray. Measurement: it is alive and well in Chicago. PRJ (May) 28. A survey and analysis of hew 207 PRSA members account for their results. 1695 Charnay, John. Planning a public relations marPeting campaign. PR Casebk (tbv/Dec) 3. The success of a public relations marketing campaign lies more with planning thln execution. 1696 Conversations with Edward L. Bernays and Ed%~rd M. Block. PR News (Oct 10). Special report No. 1840. 1697 Cooper, Michael. Are the acquisitions working? PRJ (May) 17. The trend begun in the late 1970s w~erein advertising agencies acquired public relations companies has continued today. Public relations people are wondering how this trend will affect their profession.


Public R e l a t i o n s - - M a n a g e m e n t 1698 Copy testing makes comeback in PR. Comm W (Oct) 8. Clients are becoming more concerned with testing messages before they are delivered to tl~elr intended audiences. This article is taken from "Social Science I,bnitor" newsletter which suggests nine copy testing principles. 1699 Counselors will lead PR into th~ 21st century. O'Dwyer (Apr 20) 3, Report of the PRSA Counselors Academy conference. 1700 Coyle, R. J. Management is the message. PRJ (Apr) 51. The key to promoting capital information today is an investor relations strategy t~mt packages management as the corporate messat~. 1701 Cult of personality remains solid public relations strategy. PRR (Feb 21) 1. How celebrated personalities help sell an organization or a product. 1702 Cushman, Dry. Determining the return on your public relations investment~ PR Casebk (Oct) 14. An equitable tool for gauging the effect of public relations on sales is needed. 1705 D-A-Y celibrates 75th anniversary. INC (NOv). Seven-page spread on tie oldest continuing public relations firm featuring its handling of the centennial of the Brooklyn Bridge. 1704 Dodgy, J. R. You need a communications consultant. CJ (Jul/Aug) 40. Consultants are recommended to handle crises cor.aunlcatlon. Describes qualities to look for. 1705 Doing it: Reynolds Metals FH department takes lead in creating proactive quality/productivity program to improve morale, products, s~sreholder support, community relations. PR Reporter (Apt 4) 1. 1706 DOff, Bob & Alex Stanton. The shoemaker's children. PRJ (Oct) 21. }~om 1980-1985, the public relations firm, DOrf/MJH L~ew, from 22 to 66 employees. Communicating with employees became harder until client service symposiums were initiated to sbare new ideas with employees. 1707 Dropping use of the word "agency" to delineate PR firms will benefit everyone in tre profession. Rhq (Aug 1) 1. Essay advocating public relations firms versus agencies. 1708 Edelman, D. J. Hanagir~ the public relations firm in the 21st Century. PR Hey (Fall). The factors determining success in PR are: I. the q~lity of people recruited, and ?~ ho~ they are brought along to an increasing amount of responsibility. 1709 Farinelli, J. L. Auditing your counselor's performance. PRJ (Oct) 27. In selecting a public relations firm, a structured set of criteria should be used to spot strengths and weakmesses among com~tlng firms. 1710 Cardner, Fred. Profile of a direct marketer. Mkt/Media Dec (Jul) 42Ed }hsh pinpoints four variables in direct marketing strategy: tfe offer, the ~ d i a , the product and distribution. 1711 Ceeslin, W. F. ~IorfolK Southern: marketing a railroad merger. F~ Casebk (Nov/Dec) 58. in 1980, ~brfolk and ~:'estern Railway and Southern Railway, 2 of the most profitable transportation companies in the U.S., announced plans to consolidate under a holding company struch~re. 1712 Gray assesses two years of rapld growth. O'Dwyer ([~r 16) 5. In an interview in connection with the two-year anniversary of his 'a;ashington agency, Bob Gray says the success of the firm is due mostly to a communications program combining public relations with public affairs and advertising. 1715 A guide to communication audits, evaluations, and measurements. S,SH (Jan) I. Summary of seven reports designed for the non-scientist com~nunica t o r .


Public Relattons~Management 1714 Hallmark leaves Byoir after 55 years. O'Dwyer (Nov 16) 1. }~llmark plans more in-house activity. 171.5 }hrtm3n, Curtis. Selling the Brooklyn bridge. Inc (tbv) 58. New York's Dudley-Anderson-Yutzy Public Relations Inc. (D-A-Y) has successfully promoted products and companies ranging from the Brooklyn Bridge and Panadol pain reliever to Verbatim Corp. 1716 Haywood, Roger. British PR scene: a shift to consultnncles. J Comm Mgt (1) 7. More and more United Kingdom organizations are turning to consultants for advisory, policy Baking and implementing of public relations programs. 1717 Nerbert, Alan. Executives learn to face the canera. J Ins (Sept/Oct) 25. Describes a course to teach insurance executives to look for opportunities to get the. industry's viewpoint before the public. 1718 Hilliard, R. A. Marketing a knowledge base: PR's role in positioning today's accounting and consulting firm. PRQ (Spr) 15. Putting together a comm&qicatlon program for positioning a consulting and accounting firm's services in the marketplace. 1719 How fast do new ideas percolate tl~ru PR ranks? Are we really adopters? Study not encouragIng - but turns up useful data about "issue management." PER (Jan 24) 5. A study concerning "issues m~3nagement" reveal little knowledge by public relations practitioners. 1720 How not to become another scalp for TV interviewers. Rydge's Aus (Aug) 105. The television news and current affairs programs are unfamiliar territory for most executives, and their poor perfor~mnoe reflects this. 1721 Huxrmn relationships, not numbers is CEO functlon, say ex-CEO at GE. PRR (~bv 7) 5. Success is the ~mnegement of a network of power relationships. 1722 IABC conference report. O'Dwyer (tz~y 11) 2. Communicator of the year challenges PR people to be as capable as other executives on their level. Dote about the conference appears in ~lay 18 issue. 1725 Insurance claim personnel make more public Lmpressions tknn weekly news ,nags os prime time TV shows, but need public relations training from practitioners. PR Rept. (Nay 25) 5. In order to overcome the many bad perceptions it has to deal with, the insurance industry is training claims personnel to create positive relationships. 1724 Johansen, Peter. Ann Jamieson discusses colnmunication. Comm %~ (Dec) 10. Jalnieson believes top ~nagement support is crucial to effective communication. A great deal of communication fails because of the minor, rather than ~aOor issues of a campai~. 1725 Key to top H{ jobs: impress fellow workers. O'Dwye# (Jan 12) 5. R~qe key to working with executive recruiters and getting top jobs In FR is to impress your colleagues and superiors. 1726 Kruger, Myra. A basic training document: evaluating public relations effectiveness - a necessary PR function. Tips & 2~ctics (Aug 22) 1. A strategy is proposed for F.easurement and evaluation. 1727 Lesly, Pbilip. Puture of public relations. IPRA Rev (tlov) 20. }4ajor forces that have created the current human climate are reviewed. The role of public relations is examined. 1728 Lilly, D. f{. W#~t CEOs ask of public relations professionals. ~IJ (ti~y) 14. Increased knowledge of the publics and business is the key, together with identifying to~.mrrew's trends. 1729 Machalaba, M. }~w editor shifts r~wsweek's emphasis and stirs up staff, trying to &~in on TINE. WSJ (Feb 17) 55. The new editor thinks


Public Relations--Man~ement the best hope for ~wsweek's future lies in transforming it into something less llke TIME. 1730 Major corp execs unhappy with promotion of business viewpoints. PER (Mar 7) 3. Harris poll findings in interviews with 600 high-level business executives. 1731 Managing corporate external affairs tt~-ough strong public relations. Sm Bus Rept (Oct) 39. Public relations has a profound impact on business. Its importance has ~ade it a top management function. 1732 Mass firing at Byoir shocks staffers. O'Dwyer (Mar 30) 1. Detailed discussions of the reasons and results of mass firing. 1733 Match communication style to organization's management style, advises Jim Haynes. here's how: PRR (~bv 14) 2. In order to effectively support the organization, communication strategies must be compatible with management styles, A look at three styles of management and three co~nunlca tion styles. 1734 Mciaughlin, Nicola. The creative finds a role. Mkt UK (t,~y 19) 43. Creativity in public relations is coming to be regarded as a formalized skill. 1735 Mergers and acquisitions. NYT (Jul 11) Bus. section p. I. Discussed largely in terms of the public relations role. 1736 More women H{ execs; more execs have MBA's. O'Dwyer ( ~ y 18) I. 1903 edition of O'Owyer's Directory reveals 20% of IAR executives are women, 5% have MBA degrees compared. Journalism continues to be the most popular major. 1737 "Okay, Ailes, for me." CJ (Nov/Dec) 54. Emmy award-winning producer and communications consultant Roger Ailes tells how he gets America's top executives ready to face the camera, the board, stockholders and the public. 1758 Pierson, D. A. A technique for managing creative people. Pets (Jan) 12. While creative people shun highly regulated situations which they feel detract from the creative process, certain policies and procedures are necessary to meet the goal of providing effective h~man resources. 1739 Procter, Jo. The path to the top. PRJ (Jun) 25. A study of 28 chief executive officers of the largest U.S. public relations firms explored the attributes and the professional attitude of top professionals. 1740 Profile: James Strenski. PR Cmsebk (Oct) 22. James Strenski, chariman of Public Communications Inc., is ~redited Ibr making his company one of the top 50 independent public relations firms in the U.S. 1741 Project for '83: getting public relations ready to move beyond information transfer to perception management; do we have the techniques to deal wit}, this most powerful force? PRR (Jan 3) 2. Discussed are the influences in shaping perception and the contrast between reality and perception. 1742 PRSA increase its social science orientation. SSM (Oct) I. Summaries of papers presented at the national convention disclose interest in and emphasis on social science research. 1743 Pfl firms shine in gloom of recession. O'Dwyer (Feb 9) 2. The top 50 PR firms in the country - how well they did in 15k32; .net fee income and employee figures. 1744 PR leaders' opinion re the year ahead. PR News (Dec ~ ) Special report ~b. 1949. The three biggest problems for public relations in 1964 will be how to: (I) build understanding and confidence on the part of top management, (2) achieve higher PR professior~sl standards and performance and (3) adapt to new technology.


Public Relations--Mana


1745 PR moves to ~ w England. I~ Bus (;,far21). In-depth feature on public relations marred by an a t ~ c k against "flacks" in an editorial by the editor. I746 PR reporter new year's inquiry on perception management: eight ways public relations contributes to the bottom line_: a llst aimed at shaping positive perceptions of the field. }~R (Jan 5) I. I747 PR wing a "necessity" for medium ad shops. O'Dwyer (Mar 9) 2. A survey of ad agencies' use of PR s~)ws 57% of responding agencies have one or more employees spending at least 75% of their time on H{ for clients. I748 Public affairs at Bank of ,~w hhgland: one man many duties. S/N (Jun 24) I. As vice president of a one-man public affairs department. Tin Kilduff devotes most of his ~ob listening. 1749 Public relations in the '8Os: trends & challenges. PR Casebk (Oct) 4. Public relations is a fast-growing service industry, used especially for product introductions and positioning. 1750 Public relations progress over 26 )ears. PRR (Sep 26). Editor traces progress in public relations practice since the first issue of PR Reporter in September 1958. 1751 Public seeks management action. Mgt W (Feb/~r) 27. Participative programs in the future are seen as the cure for the low quality of worklife. I752 R & C's Washington office opens. O'Dwyer (Aug 24) 3. Detailed account of the opening by Rogers and C o ~ n , 12th largest U.S. public relations operations. 1753 Read, Roland. %;ant to start your o~l business? PI{J (Oct) 25. Before going into business for themselves, public relations practitioners should consider the high failure rate for new businesses and the ingredients needed for success, according to Harold Burson. 1754 Recessionary recruiting. ~Ikt & t,ledia Dec (Oct) 64. Getting outside media talent can be expensive in today's economy - internal staff can be the cost-efficient solution. 1755 Reynolds metals PR department takes lead in creating proactive q'~llity/productivity program to improve morale, products, shareholder support, com~nunity relations. P?~ (Apt 4) I. A case history accotmt. 1756 RF&R has writing unit, new publications. O'Dwyer (Oct 19) 2. Firm forms division to meet the growing need of clients for professional writing and editorial service. 1757 Richardson, John. Sharp at 92 - Bernays on P.[~ CJ (~ov/Dec) 28. Bernays feels the biggeest problem with the profession today is trnt it is plagued by too many people w~D are not qualified to do the Oob. 1758 Ry~n, Michael & D. L Martinson. PRQ (Sum) 20. Discusses what happens w~en the public relations function invades the boardroom. The article stresses that it should not beco:ne so well integrated into top management that it can lose its effectiveness. 1759 Schwartzberg, Cynthia. What makes a practitioner tick? PRJ (Jun) 52. A variety of public relations practitioners were interviewed to find out the type of personality needed for success in the field and the types of personalities that are draw~ to the work. 1760 Service, Ken. Reader miles - a dramatic new approach to publicity evaluation. HLR (5~ar 21). Author suggests a method for converting colur,m inches into reader miles by multiplying linear miles of coverage by readership.


Public Relattons~Management 1761 Somerlck, M. M. & J. V. Fee. Using public relations effectively. t.lanaglng (2) 4. The most effective public relations professionals are those who can promote an ongoing information exchange between the management of organizations and their significant publics. 1762 Stephenson, D. R. Internal H~ efforts further corporate responsibility: a report from Dow Canada. PRQ (Sum) 7. The PR department at Dow Canada managed to raise the social responsibility of its management through a highly effective program. 1763 Stoltz, Victor. "Conflict ~<" in the formation of public opinion. PRQ (Spr) 2 ~ The objective of "Conflict PR" is to influence, polarize, organize and also mobilize opinion through action and prevent an already formed opinion from mobilizing. 1764 Stover, D. S. & R. A. Strano. Making the best use of your PR dollars it takes cooperation to reach common goals. Nealthoare Fin Mgt (Sep) 42. Several hospital trends expected over t2~ remainder of the decade. 1765 Strensky, J.B. the future of the consultancy. PRQ (Spr) 18. Because the service business is expanding much more rapidly t}~in manufacturing, there should be greater opportunities for service organizations. 1766 Suddenly management consultants, biz schools and authors are talking about the things public relations ~ns stood for all these years; but can practitioners capitalize on it, instead of losing turf?. PRR (Jun 6) I. What books and consultants are saying. 1767 Survey of the profession, Part I. PRR (Aug 29) 1. Comparison of 1983 and 1982 median salaries of top-level public relations practitioners. Part II appears in Oct 24 issue. 1768 S,;artz, J. E. On the margin: between journalist and publicist. PR Rev (Fall) 11. Role the public relations practitioner plays in society, especially in government information. 1769 Traub, D. C. George E. Goodwin: dean os Atlanta public relations. PRJ (Sep) 28. President of Manning, Selvage & Lee (Atlanta, Georgia), has been practicing public relations in Atlanta for more than 30 years and played a major role in shaping Atlanta into progressive city through responsible public relations practice. 1770 Warner, }L W. A different approach - hew to select a firm. PRJ (Oct) 29. In choosing a public relations flrm, the prospective client should try to develop an overall picture of every firm it is considering. 1771%:'hat's ahead for public relations in the next six months. PH News (Jun 27). Special report No. 1826 based on a survey of the five largest public relations firms. They were optimistic. 1772 Whitman, Digby. The supermarP~t press. RR (Oct 31) I. What the supermarket press and the organizational press have in common. 1773 Wright, D. K. H~isuring social conscience. ~ J (Aug) 27. This article discusses whether public relation's practitioners have the_ social conscience for the job. 1774relations. I P ~ Measuring social responsibility in Canadian public R (Aug) 12. This empirical study relates social responsibility to the public relations aspect of any given corporation. 1775 . Hen, women and social responsibility. PRJ (Aug)L,,,,~ 27. A study was conducted to explore male/female attitudinal differences concerning social responsibility values. 1"gt6 Wylie, F. W. & S. P. Slovacek. Public rel~tions evaluation - myth, option or necessity? IPRA Rev (Nov) 11. Less than 60% of the libraries


Public Relations--Management

surveyed have a publlc relations program. objectives or professior~al help.

Less than that have

BOOK 1777 Jaeger, Richard. Statistics: a spectator sport. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 320 pp. Useful for public relations practitioners w}m play the "numbers game" in accounting for their budget and results. 1778 Rothw~n, Jack & others. Marketing hu.T~n service innovations. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 272 pp. A look at "social marketing," using marketing principles with nonco,1;nercial goods and services. 1779 Rue, L. W. Management: theory and application. Third edition. Homewood, IL: Irwin, 705 pp. Based on integrating the various facets of the management process into a conceptual whole. T~ESES 1780 Brindley, Priscilla. The acquisition of new busienss in medium-slze advertising agencies in the southeast United States. Unpub thesis (Florida). Exmlines the promotional efforts. 1781 Kesler, K. C. Public relations policies and procedures at Central Illinois Public Service Compsny. Unpub thesis (Northern Illinois). This is the utility that produced a videotaped response to 60 minutes to dOO~Tent biased editing.

P U B L I C REL,%T! O N S --M LNOlglT! ES ARTICLES 1782 Age/~ex discrimination suits. O'Dwyer (Sep 7) 4. A summary of suits pending against advertising and public relations agencies. Continued in Aug. 31 issue. 1783 Brabyn, L. A. & J. A. An evaluation of 'talking signs' for the blind. Hum Factors (Feb) 49. Blind subjects were asked to locate rooms on one_ floor of a large building. One group used audio speech signals to guide t ~ m ~ i v e s , the other group used conventional ralsed-print labels. 1784 Equal employment opportunity. Bdst (Jul 4) 28. FCC voted in 1980 to launch rulemaklng looking to more stringent FED reporting requirements for all broadcast stations with five or more employees. 1785 Gandy, Jeffrey & J. C. Rush. Huq;an rights & the right way to hire. Bus Q (Spr) 70. Discusses how the trend toward increasingly strict requirements for organizations to avoid discrimination in hiring can cause poor management/employee relations. 1786 Oenovese, i,largaret. Here's a catalog of programs to aid minorities. Presstlme (Apt) 26. A comprehensive list of newspaper-related programs for minority journalists. 1787 Here's a new viewpoint: there may be a labor shortage soon and it will require exceptional skills. PRR (Jun 27 ) 1. In the future workforce there will be more wo;~en, minority, middle-aged and old workers. Tb/s calls for PR skills in employee relations, retraining programs, job satisfaction improvement and much more. 1788 Jacob, J. E. Fourth national conference on equal employment opportunity. VS (Apt I) 377. 14inorities are growing and they must be acknowledged. A neutrality stance is like ignoring the situation.


Public Relatlons--Mlnoridles

1789 Lublin, Joann. G[.Ito spend $42.5 million to hire, train women and minorities, settling bias case. WSJ (Oct 19) 8. T ~ accord is the largest settlement of Job-biased charges brought by the F/~O. 1790 [dinorities urged to help themselves through legislative action. Bdst (Oct 10) 39. Minority group members who want to became part of the country's expanding telecommunications industry are urged to support legislation designed to aid them. 1791 Okihiro, G. Y. & Julie Sly. ~]qe_press. Japanese Americans, and the concentration camps. Phylon (Mar) 66. A study of the wartime press suggests that the plan to incarcerate Japanese Americans ~ s ~overnmentinitlated, that the public and the press initially disapproved of such trea bnen t. 1792 Smoothing the way for the handicapped. [~ers (t.t~r/Apr) -51. Accommodating handicapped workers on the job means adapting the job site or function to fit the handicapped person. These adjustments can increase the benefits and efficiency of both disabled and nondisabled employees. 1795 Svlnn, R. M. & J. C. Witt. Survey on ethnic minority faculty recruitment and retention. Am Psych (Nov) 1259. A summary of a survey taken regarding the b/ring and retention of minority faculty and reasons behind the decline of faculty positions by minorities. 1794 Swanson, S. C. Affirmative action goals: Acknowledging the employers interest. Pets J (Mar) 216. The Reagan administration is cast out on the legitimacy of affirmative action goals, but its policy isn't fully developed. Tips on what employers should do in the meantime. 1795 Temple, A. J. & J. H. Tollivar. Affirmative action - making it effective in the public sector. PPH (Sum) 211. Many agencies view affirmative action in terms of quotas and are tempted to present target groups with an unrealistically positive picture of vanagerial positions. THESES 1796 Friedman, J. M. Attitudes toward Arabs: a q-methodological investigation. Unpub thesis ('dissouri). Study identified crosscul rural attitudes. 1797 Hirao, Ayako. The American image of Japan. Unpub thesis (t{issouri). Explores how the image has changed since World War II. 1798 Wang, C. S-R. The treatment of Chinese Americans and Chinatown in three American newspapers, 1882-1981. Unpub thesis (Georgia). Three newspapers were used in t/x) study, New York Times, Los Angeles Times and the San Francisco Examiner.


1799 Aging population becoming major public. PRR (Dec .5) 3. Organizations must get prepared for an aging population able and willing to work. 1800 Howard, J. H. & Judith [larshall. Retirementadaptation - what research says about doing it successfully. B u ~ Q (Sum) 29. Review and discussion of current thinking about t2~ process of adapting to retire,Tent. 1801 Kallerg, A. L. & K. A. Loscocco. Age differences in job &3tisfaction. Am Soc Rev (Feb) 78. The study of age difference and job satisfaction


Public RelaUons~Minorities


as a useful focus for studying the interplay among work, self and family. 1802 Elemmack, D. L. Public support for government energy assistance payments to older persons. Geron (Jun)30?. Sampled Alabama Power Company customers to predict public support for government assistance to older persons in paying their home energy bills. 1805 Marotta, George. The growing power of senior citizens. VS (~ay I) 446. Senior citizens are the fastest growing age group. Article investigates the implications. 1804 New approach to retirement. Mgt W (Nov) 21. The retirement process consists of two steps: I) The company has to cope without the employee, and 2) ~ employee has to live without the company. Phased retirement has benefits for both the employee and the company. 1805 Rubin, A. M. & H. B. Nubin. Contextual age and television use. Hum Corn Res (Spr) 228. An investigation to initiate development of 'contextual age' as an alternate to chronological age in communication. 18G6 Weier, E. Utility services for seniors - One example. Pub Utll Ngt (Dec 22) 55. Describes modifications in utility customer service made by one utility to accommodate the needs of the elderly. 1807 Young, P. Gold watches are not health hazards. Psych Today (Sep) 72. People that claim that retirement is followed by a decline in health are wrong. Researchers found that there was no significant difference. THESIS I~08 Delaney, J. J. Videotext: information conduit for the aged? Unpub thesis (Florida). Study investigated the reactions of a sample of the over-60 population for their reactions.

PUIILIC REL,%TIONS--MINORITIES (BI,ACKS) ARTICLF~ 1809 America, R. F. Public relations and affirmative action. PHQ (Sum) 24. Few corporations think through the tangle of controversial racial issues to arrive at a sound affirmative action policy. 1810 Blake, F. H. Black public relations firms: are they surviving? PRJ (Oct) 31. Most black public relations firms tend to employ fewer than 5 full-tlme employees, are poorly capitalized in their first years. IB11 Blacks on newspaper staffs: a special report. ASNE Bull (Oct) 28. A series of articles dealing with the problems of black newspaper men and wom.en. 1812 Fred's bl~ck board forum airs grievances, forces solutions. RR (Feb 21) 2. An account of the way Ford's innovative grievance procedure. 1815 Carino, D. P. Anheuser-Busch fights boycott of its beer, prompting a traveling debate with critic. WSJ (Feb I) 55. Jesse Jackson accuses Anheuser-B~scb Co. of not hiring, promoting or doing busiry_~ss with enough minority members. 1814 Gunther, ~larc & Noel. Black radio. WJR (Oct) ~6. Story about black radio stations and |Dw they are broadening their appeal. A discussion of how these stations fit into the community is presented. 1815 Gupta, Udayan. From other s~mres. BE (Mar) 51. Influx of Aslan, hispanic and Caribbean s has stirred concern among Blacks. 1816 }brn, J. C. Psychic gains from social movements. Psych Today (Feb)


Public Relations--Minorities (Black) 6. Discusses the positive self-i,uage emerging from black children today. 1817 Jones, [~tbaniel & J. C. Wofford. 1999-the year of the black CEO. Bus H (May/Jun) 51. A study of today's white CEOs helped develop a concept of black CEOs. How black CEO's mlzht perform differently is discussed. 1818 Loury, G. C. Responsibility and race. VS (Apt" 15) 398. The "melting pot myt/q" is dispelled, especially in the case of the Black population. 1819 Schomer, Howard. South Africa . . . beyond fair employment. }~3R (~lay/Jun) 145. Action that companies can take now to foster justice and stability. 1820 Stinson, Patricia. t.{akingthe right moves. Ehter (Sop) 55. [bw to get off to a good start durin~ your first few months on a new job. Tips that will keep you on the fast track. 1821 Study compares white vs. nonwhite television vlewin~. Bdst (Nov 21) 44. A. C. Nielson finds that nonwhites' viewing exceeds whites' vlewin~. 1822 Williams, R. M. White help still %~nted. Psych Today (~bv) 16. In this study, the theory that employers are looking for well-educated black people was proved wrong. BOOK 1823 Simmons, John & William Mares. Working together. [bw York: Knopf, $15.95. Based on the thesis that a major cause of current economic problems with quality and productivity lies in deep division between thinkers and doers, mna6ers and managed o',~lersand non-o~ers. q}{ESSS 1824 Butler, V. R. A content analysis of Crises ma~azine. Unpub thesis (~brthern Illinois). A content analysis of the official publicationof t~,~ ~tional Association fog the Advancement of Colored People. 1825 |hrrlston, K. A. Comparison of editorial content of Ebony magazine, 1966 to 1970. Unpub thesis (Kansas). A content analysis. 1826 Lieteau, Toni. An historical study and the probable viability of the new Pittsburgh Courier. Unpub thesis (Point Park Colleze). A history and evaluation of a Black newspaper. 1827 Thompson, [/]juan. An experimental study of how journalism students conceptualize and report news about Blacks and Black issues. Unpub thesis (Or/o). The study was designed to investigate whether race of a news source has a prejudicial effect on the reporting process.

PUBLIC RELATIONS--MINOIHTIES ( I l l S i ' ~ I C S ) 1828 G u e r n i c a , Antonio. The U.S. t l i s p a n i c m a r k e t . . . 15 m i l l i o n and grow~. CJ ( J u l / A ~ ) 58. ~ n a g e m e n t c o n s u l t a n t documents his ~ol~ion t h a t co~'po~tions a r e n e g l e c t i n ~ i t s f a s t e s t ~ r o ~ n g ~ r ~ t . 1829 ~ctor, Carrie & others. Cross media coverage of local Hispanic American news. J Hrdst (Fall) 395. In some Southwest cities in the United States, Mexican-Americans are the majority 6roup in the population.


Public Relations~Minoritles


1830 Latinos goodwill regained. Org Dyn (14ay) 82. A California firm is still trying to regain the goodwill of many area Latinos. The company, in a recent "celebration of ethnic heritage" offended many Latinos by recognizing all of the,l]as [~exicans. 1851 Murphy, Liz. Hispanic 6ets manic. Sales & Mkt Mgt (Nov) 39. More marketers are beginnir~ to create national ads in Spanish, because of the success of test ads. 1832 Stern, M. L Survey shows Mexican-Americans rely most on q~. E&P (Oct 22) 44. Educatlon, civic action is associated with newspaper readership.


1833 Automation threatens women's employment. Mgt W (AuG) 21. [~arly one million women could be unemployed by 1993 because of higher office technology. More specialized workers will be needed. In-house training programs and affirmative-action programs are recom~rended. 1834 Bartos, R. Women in advertising. Int'l J Ad (Jan/~.~r) 33. 'ilne changing role of women has affected how women react to advertising. [[here is evidence to suggest that how a consumer feels about an advertisem*nt affects how they perceive the brand image. 1835 Bate, Barbara & Lois S. Self. The rl~etorlc of career success books for women. J Comm (Spr) 149. Their more obvious similarities mask very different perceptions and different counsel concerning what success is and how women can, or should, integrate their personal and professional lives. 1836 Bates, Don. A concern: will women inherit the profession? H{J (Jul) 6. A number of senior public relations practitioners have recently voiced f2~ worry t ~ t if women become a majority in public relations, the practice will: 1. be typecast as "women's work;' 2. Iosewhat clout it now has as a management function. 1837 Bland, M. S. Henriett~ the homemaker and Rosie the riveter: im~3ges of women in advertising in MacLean's magazine, 1939-50. Atlantic (Spr) 61. Wo~en in 1950 %ere portrayed even ~x)re d~r.esticated than in 1939. 1858 Bridgewater, C. A. Sex and the prestigious job. Psych Today (~bv) 74. Even though there has been a drastic chanze in the women's place in the working world, men are still more likely to hold prestigious jobs. 1839 Women's puny promotions, Psych Today (Feb) 16. Even though women are promoted more often tt~n men, their promotions are smaller. 1840 Bruning, ~. S. & R. A. Snyder. Sex and position as predictors of organizatiornl commitment. Acad Mgt Rev (Sep) 485. An examination of sex and position as predictors of organizational commitment for employes of social service organizations. 1841 Burris, Val. Who opposed the ERA? An analysis of %.~ social bases of antifeminism. Soc Sci Q (Jun) 305. Factors are identified as most important in explaining the nonratification of the Equal Pdzhts /4nesdu~nt (ERA). 1842 Buskirk, R. H. & Beverly Miles. Where to find industrial saleswomen. Mkt Times (May/Jun) 13. Feur categories of women to recruit as salespeople.


Public R e l a t i o n s - - M i n o r i t i e s (Sex) 1843 Cantor, M. G. & Elizabeth Jones. Creating fiction for women. Comm Res (Jan) 111. Two ma~zines for women are compared to learn how they differ and how fiction is selected for publication. 1844 Cbusmlr, L. H. Job commit~T,ent and the or~anizational woman. Acad ~[gt Rev (Oct) 595. Research that s~K)ws it is not a person's sex that affects commitment but other variables. 1845 Claber, J. G. Ibw we cover (or don't cover) women's issues. AS~E Bull (Dec-Jan) 12. Highlights from study of newspaper coverage of six wo~en' s issues. 1846 Cohen, L. R. Nonverbal (MIS) communication. Bus H (Jan/Feb) 15. Nonverbal communication between women and men in managerial positions. How body movement and gestures can contradict, undercut or reinforce what you say. 1847 Elgort, L.D. Women on "Fortune 500" Boards. Cal Mgt R (Sum) 121. The author analyzes the reasons given by 126 survey respondents of the "~brtune 500" for not recruiting more female directors and discusses the perceptions of female directors. 1848 Pannin, Rebecca. rbw age for women's magazines, ts & Media Dec (Oct) 59. Catering to contemporary lifestyles is a ~ j o r challenge. 1849 Fischer, Arlene. The business of women's l~ws. WW (14ov) 172. A new breed of newspaper aimed at business and professional women is appearing in urban and suburban areas. 1850 Graham, P.A. The cult of true womanhood. VS (Apt 15) 400. A look at the impact of the feminist movement and a comparison of women in the 19th century to today. 1851 Guderian, J. F. European business macho. Psych Today (Apr) 19. American women think that they have a hard time becoming a manager. But in a survey by Management Centre Europe, only half of the 420 companies had any woman r.anagers at all. 1852 Harel, G. H. & Karen Cottledge. Poll of female worFers reveals sexual harassment was major concern, l~m Res Ngt (Jan 28) 2. Yet according to the Nichigan Department of Civil Frights, most state agencies have ~aken no affirmative steps to combat sexual harass,Tent. 1855 Huckle, Patricia. A decade's difference: mid-level managers and affirmative action. PPM (D~II) 249. The author assesses the difference in attitudes of told-level government managers towards affirmative action. 1854 Hunter, Bill. Public relations: 'velvet ghetto' for women/Part 1. RR (Oct 17) supp. Advice to women entering public relations in increasing n u ~ r s . 1855 Rose,C. E. & P. If. Rossi. Gender and jobs: prestige standings of occupations as affected by gender. Am Soc Rev (Jun) 516. The main objective of ttlis article is the measurement of prestige through tie full range of men and women occupations and of gender incumbancy effects on prestige. LK)OES 1856 Clabes, J. G., ed. t~ew guardians of ~ press: selected profiles of America's women newspaper editors. Indianapolis, IN: R.J. Perg, 140 pp., $18.95. Here are 13 first-person success stories of women editors showing the varied pathways to success, the existe_nce of bias in the newsroom and how to overcome them.


Public Relations--Minorities


1857 Courtney, A. F. & T. W. Whipple. Sex stereotyping in advertising. Lexington, MA: iexingtonn Bks., 256 pp. $26. Attempts to demonstrate the media have handled and mishandled se.x roles with recommendations for creating more effective and less offensive advertising. 1858 Daniels, T. D. & L. L Logan. Com~nunication in women's career development relationships. Comm Yrbk 7:552. Beverly Hills: Sage. rnta for this study were obtained by surveying 550 members of three large women's professional organizations.

PUBLIC REL,XTIONS--SI-%K(WOMF~) ~'~TIC~ 1859 Cline, C. G. & h~nne, g4agel-Walters. At least the editors are trying: women and sexism in corporate publications. ABCA Bull (Sep) 26. A sample of 29 in-house employee publications reveal awareness of the problem of avoiding sex discrimination in language but little progress is irade. 1860 Ginati, Oscar & Carol Buck~sm. Day care: still waiting its turn as a standard benefit. Mgt Rev (May) 57. Pressure rising for day care centers. 1861 James, Jennifer. Sex harassment: the ultimate communication problem. CJ (Jul/Aug) 52. Author advises grievance procedure for dealing with sexual harassment. Article includes guidelines for detecting sexual harassment. 1862 Kauffman, Claudia. Christine Craft. CJ (Sep/0ct) 44. Interview with the Kansas City newscaster who sued for sex discrimination. 1863 I/pton, M. A. ;t~erica's women sound off about %AI. TV Guide (Dec) 6. Children's programming, sex on cable and other opinions revealed in national survey. 1864 Lyles, M. A. Strategies for helping women managers - or anyone. Pets (Jan) 67. Discusses the neeu for the organization to manage change in the working environment resulting from the influx of highly qualified women who are moving rapidly into positions with decision-making. 1865 tlcLaughlin, W. E. Women in business: policies of three Canadian corporations. Can Bus R (Sum) 8. More than a million women here Joined the Canadian labor force since 1{/./9,but despite the fact that they now hold one in every three jobs in the co,try, few are in management. 1L~o6 Myers, llildred. Mary Cunningham and the press: w}~ said what and how? WS in Comm (Fall) 76. General interest and business press coverage of William Agree/~ry Cunningham relationship fotmd to be more critical of Agree than of Cunnlngham. 1867 I{agging }~act. Psych Today (Jan) 56. Cars are starting to talk to us! Some 1985 cars s~y, "Don't forget your keys!" and "Thank you!" There is some controversy as to using a woman's or a man's voice. 1868 Nine-to-five passion. Psych Today (Jan) 15. Businesses have been handling the issue of sexual harassment very well, according to the article. I~69 Norman, M. Competent men, ~Brdworking women. Psych Today (Dec) 70. Women have shown that it is possible for them to, and they most likely do, perform as well as men, yet on the average, they are still earning 4(Y9 less than men! IS70 Priestland, S. C. Women move into executive slots but salaries lag


Public R e l a t i o n s - - S e x ~ ' o m e n ) behind. As~oc Mgt (Aug) 65. A look a t the f a c t s Barbered from a survey. 1871 Rice, B. The modern wor,lan sells. Psych Today (Apt) 16. According to a sh/dy in s advertisem*nts were more effective when they portra)~d women in nontraditlonal roles. 1872 Robinson, G. J. The media and social change: thirty years of .magazine coverage of women and work (1950-1977). Atlantic (Spr) 87. Coverage was found to both reflect and lead public attitudes and social change. 1873 Rogan, Helen. Take my mentor-please. Harper's (Oct) 6. A look at the advice working women are receiving and the advice which they need. The use of a mentor has its advantages and disadvantages in tI~ business world. 1874 Rosen, Benson & others. Compensation, jobs and gender. HBR (Jul/Aug) 170. A survey taken on how jobs of equal value should be compensated through pay. Results of the survey are discussed. 1875 Sex discrimination suit may force blg changes in retirement benefits. WSJ (Jan 10) 21. The ~ain controversy lies with the life expectancy tables that are used to predict risks and benefits. Since women live longer, t/~ey are receiving less in benefits. 1876 Smith, P. J. }'etworking. VS (Sep 15) 712. A keynote address to the Women in Work Force Series on networking. 1877 P~ efforts aimed at working women. Comm W (Mar) 3. Studies summarized In Social Science Monitor conclude that public relations executives need to aim to a new type of working women. 1878 Rubin, Z. Are working wives hazardous to their husbands' mental health? Psych Today (May) 70. Working wives are hazardous to their husbands' mental health] 1879 WCGV-TV wins sexism suit. Hdst (Dec 5) 69J. I.]il~nukee independent television station wins sex discrimination case brought by female e~nployee. 1880 Welsch, H. P. & Young, 5". C. Women at the top. Mgt W (Sep) 32. Women meet the many challen~es of owning their own business through careful planning, co.T/~ined with their interpersonal skills. 1831 Wermiel, Stephen. Justices' ruling awards women equal pensions. WSJ (Jul 7) 2. 'fre Supreme Court ruled that employers can't pay women smaller monthly pensions. 1882 Witty, Susan. What does the traveling business woman want? AT~ (Oct) 53. The travel industry looks at what business women ~ n t and how t ~ y still feel thoy're treated second class. 1883 Woman skills. Psych today (Jan) 57. Heusewives who are re-enterin~ t ~ job ~ r k e t are finding that they have skills they hadn't realized they had. 1884 Women entrepreneurs discuss risks. Mgt W (Jul) 23. The important risks to consider included financial, lack of recognitlon, support and risk of failure. 1885 Women's movement strong despite E]RA setback, as MS celebrates 10th anniversary. Purview (Jun 28) 1. Volume 11 (Jul/Aug '82) issue of MS ma~zine publishes a double-lssue with information and feelings about progress made in the status of women and women's movement. 1886 Wymer, J. F. Compensatory and punitive damages for sexual harassment. }%rs J (Far) 181. Discusses the different forms of sexual harassment workin Z women have been subjected to in the workplace.


Public R e l a t i o n s - - S e x (Women) THYLqES 1887 Blackwood, S. K. Sports Illustrated and the woman athlete, an analyses, 1970-1979. Unpub thesis (Kansas). Examines coverage through a period of tremendous growth in women's participation in athletics. 1888 Espitla, Ricardo. Sex bias and bylines: does gender affect the evaluation of a news story?. Unpub thesis (Texas-Austin). 1889 Kelly, M. P. The images of women in the advertising of six magazines from 1940 through 1980. Unpub tbesis (Hontana). Conclusion of the content analysis ~ms little change. 1890 Newton, K. K. A critical analysis of t ~ depiction of women in Godey's lady's Book for 1950. Unpub thesis (Kansas). 1891 Paxson, A. J. R. Occupational information in Redbook, ladies Home Journal, and Good Housekeepin~ 1970-1980. Unpub thesis (Texas-Au-'~in). ] [ - - ~ n t ana yl'~Ts of work-related articles to determine if the magazines have changed their editorial content to include more workrelated material to meet the needs of t ~ new working woman. 1892 Reed, B. L Patterns of advertisers' support and attack of the women's movement in four mass market women's magazines. Unpub thesis (Pennsylvania). Tested the hypothesis that advertisers whose markets could be threatened by feminism will be influenced in their advertising. 1893 Reich, P. J. A comparison of male and female editors' attitudes toward news about women and women's issues. Unpub thesis (Missouri). Differences %ere revealed.

PUBLIC RELITIONS--NOT-FOR.PROFIT ARTICLES 1694 Boyer, Tom. Boy Scouts take off the gloves. Ad Age (Nov 28) 83. The Boy Scouts of Amerioa have released the most hard-hitting campaign in Scout history to recruit new members. The campaign t2eme is "Boy do we need scouting." 1895 Cunningham, Lynne. ~bt-for-profit budgeting. PRJ (May) 35. Ca~-e history of one approach by a not-for-profit organization to budgetin~ and staffing. 1896 Delfin, Stephen. Positive media coverage: openness is key. PRJ (Jul) 8. Charities and other not-for-profit groups often receive haphazard media coverage, because the amorphous nature of the not-forprofit sector makes coverage of it difficult. 1897 }brmanoff, S. I.i. The zoo spot. PRJ (~.lay) 25. Ebw creative PSAs followed by an innovative B{ program, helped save the Detroit Zoo by moving the entire community. 1898 Leonard, Jennifer & David Johnston. The payoff in non-profits. CJR (~4ay/Jun) 51. Argument for greater coverage for an industry that employs five million people and spends 3129 billion annually. 1899 Lloyd, M. G. Geisinger's cancer center. PR casebk (Nov/Dec) 52. The planning for a consolidated Cancer Center at Geisinger :.~edical Center (Denville, ~nnsylvania) started more than 2 years before the center ~ns formally dedicated. 1900 Lovelock, C. H. & C. B. Weinberg. Successful retail operations public and nonprofit organizations. J Ret (Fall) 95. This article explores the decisions entailed in successful retail operations for public and nonprofit organizations.

Public Relations--Not-For-Prof|t

1901 McPherson, Miller. The size of voltntary organlz~tlons. Soc F (Jun) 1044. Discusses whether affiliation with a state or national association results in larger, local groups, whether size relates to turnover, and how voluntary organizations relate to each other. 1902 Survival kit for unemployed builds relations for Lhited Way: valuable idea for any organization. PRR (Mar 14) 4. The Toledo area United Way aids the community at t ~ same time as it helps member agencies adapt to clients' current needs. 1903 Trend in social services is toward decentralization and voluntarism. Purview (Jun 13)I. Decentralization of social services is the theme for the '8Os. This will create a greater demand for citizen participation in social policy. T~ES 1904 Funk, T. J. Lark, Utah: a case study os public communication in a community organization. Unpub thesis (Utah). Presents the notion of public commtnication in community organizing and tracer how it functions through a case study. 1905 Jeffers, E. L. Effects of declslon-making involvement and isolation on Red Cross public relations workers. Unpub thesis (~laryland). A multiple choice survey was the instrument of this study administered to Red Cross workers attending a co,,nnunicatlons and carketing institute.


1906 Alvarez, P. H. And now comes Chapter III. FRJ (Jul) 27. Public relations has passed the stages of infancy and rapid growth, and is entering Chapter III, one of maturity. Successful public relations businesses in the 198Os will be characterized by accot~itability. 1~O7 Annual forecast issue. PE News (Jan 17) I. Predicts public relations function to the recession-reslstant. 1906 Arts as public relations' pioneer I~vid Finn sees unparalleled opportunities. PRR (Y-~r 28) I. Describes com.pany support of the arts. 1909 Audience targeting gets even more sophisticated but t~e best way appears unconventional. PHR (Aug 16) I. A case history of the former AT~T's public affairs program. 1910 Awad lists five ways PR can aid productivity. PRR (Feb 28) 2. Veteran practitioner explains hew public relations can help solve America' s low productivity. 1911 Hartling, C. E. Hard-bell time for public relations. Bank MEt (Jun) 42. The Bank Marketing Association's Public Relations Conference highlighted the importance of public relations in the changing bank environment. 1912 Cantor, Bill. The year abead for public relations. PRJ (Jan) 12. Public relations has a good future in light of declining human resources. 1913 . Winning personality traits. ~{J (Jun) 30. Successful public relations practitioners are generally intense people. They usually have individual initiative and will take action before a problem gets blown out of proportion.


Public Relations~Profession

1914 Case history formula t o l d by Ketohum. O'Dw~er (Aug 31,) 3. Case histories for trade magazines must have a unique solution to a timely problem, document cost-~vings and avoid commercialism. A copy of the complete report is available from Ketchum/PR, Pittsburgh. 1915 Center, A. H. The state of the art: Part III. PRJ (Oct) 18. The public relations profession has bolstered its academic disciplines and upgraded its intellectual substance. 1916 Conference roundup: change in many areas. FRJ (Jan) 24. Presentations given at the Public Relations Society of ~nerica's 55th national Conference. 1917 Confessions of an ex-oounselor offer guidelines for firms and clients. PRR (flay 2) 3. Advice from John Budd, after 30 years with Carl Byolr. 1918 Dsrdenne, Peg. Silver anvil case study: remember w~mn someone helped you? PHJ (Jul) 34. 'Volunteer North Carolina' is a dynamic program t~st has helped that state maintain social services on a greatly reduced budget, with voluntarlsm a central theme. 1919 Dynamics of public relations. PHJ (Jan) 16. Public relations practitioners discuss the dynamics of PR at their annual meeting. 1920 Editorial case studies. PRR (Jul 18) 4. Survey finds usage high, benefits great, plens of pitfalls. Guidelines for a successful case study included. 1921 Gilsdorf, J. W. & L. K. Vawter. Public relations professionals rate their association. PR Rev (Win). For quite some time, the public relations (PR) profession has been working to upgrade its image. However, many PR practitlohers appear to show little support for the idea of professionalism and professional organizations. 1922 Greater awareness of PR soen by professionals. WSJ (Aug 22) I. Indepth report of the changing attitudes and increased u.~e of public relations by health service professionals and other professionals. 1923 Hyett, K. M. How the media cover public relations. ~{J (Mar) 50. The media still do not perceive public relations as an issues-oriented orofesslon. Although media interest in public relations has increased, little headway has been made in educating the media about the complex role of public relations. 1924 Jensen, A. W. The status of public relations in major U.S. hanks. DR Rev (Sum) 53. A survey of 645 banks with deposits of $500 million or more, representing 49 states, tested 5 hypotheses, all of which were accepted. 1925 McCammond, D. B. A matter of ethics. PRJ (Iby) 46. Some questions ,1Tat have been raised with the PRSA Grievance Board concerning professional ethics. 1926 MciaugD_lin, Nicola. C~mbling on generics. Mkt UK (Oct 27) 53. Generic public relations campaigns, w~,~n several companies combine their resources to mount one campaign, are used by a wide variety of indus tries. 1927 Meyer, G. J. The PR circus. CJ (Nov/Dec) 64. Vain struggle for professionalism reveals that PR people, as a group, are intensely insecure about themselves and their occupation. 1928 h~tional PHSA convention report, Part I. ~ ~b~is (~bv 7). Part II appears in ~bv. 14 issue. 1929 NIRI membership up 27% to 1,522. O'Dw)er (tJov 25) 2. Report of the Fall meeting of the t-htional Investor Relations Institubg. 1930 Parker, R. A. }%arold Burson discusses potholes lurking on the public


Public Relatlons--Professlon

relations path~ Comm W (};ov) 12. The role of a public relations practitioner is examined. 1931 PRSA accreditation program studied. O'Dwyer (Nov 9) 4. Problems with progr~ recounted. 1932 PRSA conference report. RR (Oct 24) I. Report of the Society's 36th annual meeting. 1933 I~R newswire uses satellite transmission. O'Dwyer (sap 28) 2. Adopts distribution system using the SATNET satellite system of the Associated Press. 1934 Rada, & L D e l i c a t e balance: corporate and agency membership in PRSA. PR Rev (Win) 14. The top 100 corporations from the Fortune 500 w~re examined to determine if the chief PR officer and staff were ~RSA members. 1935 Rourke, J. A. The care and feeding of firm/client relationships: one practitioner tells how. Tips & Tactics (Apt 4) I. 1956 Speckley, Michael. Five myths exploded. Mkt UK (Oct 27) 65. Public relations remains a poorly defined, misunderstood aspect of marketing. 19Y/ Stoltz, V. Conflict public relations. IPRA R (Aug) 29. The role of public relations is discussed. Six important points are included. 1938 Tragic events are backdrop to PHSA meeting. O'Dwyer (Nov 2) I. Report of }~L~ conference. 1939 Tylenol program advanced [~{, says IAqSA. O'Dwyer (Apt 6) 3. Johnson & Johnson and Burson-Narsteller get Silver Anvil a ~ r d s for their work following the Tylenol mlrders. ~b other }~{ response hos done so much to demmnstrate the role of PR in maOor management decisions. 1940 Volkm~nnn, M. F. He prepared: plan to get the most from yourself and your PR sb{ff. CC (Jun) 48. Eight steps to set up a public relations program are identified. 1941 Ways outside counselors and in-house practitioners can build trust with their clients. PRR (}~r 7) 2. Ten key elements listed for successful client/flrm relationships. 1942 'We must pursue a broader perception . . . . ' J Comm Mgt (I) 5. Service industries, such as hospitals and other health care institutions, are the ma0or growth areas'in the Oob market for business communicators. 1945 Winners of ~LSAsilver anvil awards. H{ ~ws (Apr 4). Special report tb. 1816. 1944 Wolter, L. J. & others. Toward public relations theory. PHJ (Sep) 12. Considerable confusion surrounds perceptions of the public relations functions. 1945 Work toward a standard definiti~l of public relations continues. PRR (Aug 16) 5. Review of definitions. BOOKS 1946 Aronofr, C. E. & O. W. Baskin. Public relations: the profession the practice. St. Paul, 111]: West, 466 pp. Another comprehensive public relations text organized by profession, w|nt it is, has been may bec~e, by process, publics and organizations. 1947 ~lack, Sam & M. A. Shorpe. Practical PR: commonsense guidelines business and professional people. ~glewood Cliffs, NJ: T-H, 224 $16.95. 1948 Dartnell's public relations ~nndbeok. Chicago: Fartnell Corp.,

and and for pp.,




$53.50. An all-new edition combining the efforts of its original author, Dan Forrestal, with Richard D~rrow and the staff of Hill and Knowl ton. 1949 Gerbner, George & Seifert, Marsha. World communication: a handbook. NY: Lon~-mn, 448 pp., $54.95. 1950 hesly, Philip, ed. Lesly's public relations handbook, 3rd ed. }~iglewood Cliffs, NJ: P-H, 718 pp. $42.50. This hsndbook published in large format. Two colu,rms to the page brings together nearly 50 authors to write chapters within their experience and expertise. It contains entirely new chapters on issues management, public affairs and cor~nunication technology. 1951 Putnam, L. L & M. E. Pacanowsky. Communication and organizations: an interpretive approach. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 304 pp. Analysis of policies and practices as they are and should be. 1952 Rotman, Morris. Opportunities in public relations. Lincolnwood, IL: VGM Career }brlzons, 150 pp. A guide for beginners based on the personal experiences and observations of a 40-year veteran. THESSS

1953 Leoni-Rlttof, P.M. The role of the outside, public relations counselor, 1982. Unpub thesis (Northern Illinois). Partial replication of a 1971 study s h o ~ significant change in 10 years. 1954 Root, M. G. Measuring the effectiveness of a corporate identity program. Unpub thesis (Hall State). A case study of a major midwestern financial institution. Also reviews the available literature on ff~surement. 1956 Sullivan, M. V. A case study description of his duties by a U.S. Army public affairs officer. Unpub thesis (Kansas).

PUIH,IC RELATIONS--I'IgOMOTION ARTICLES 1957 American Bell's snappy start. Bus W (Jan 17) 57. American Bell is using a 'brash operating style' to make sure that the public is aware of Ulis new subsidiary of AT&T. 1958 Anderson, J. M. Putting oatmeal back on the map. ~{ Casebk (Sep) 8. When the town of Oatmeal, Texas, was removed from the official state map, city officials decided to focus publio attention on this slight. The small town had virtually no promotional funds. 1959 Berkowitz, P. Short on priests, Toronto Catholics hope some are called by billboards. WSJ (Jan 31) 31. Faced with a severe shortage of priests, Toronto archdiocese uses billboards to recruit clerics. 1960 Bi6gest new area of public relations is sports promotion. PER (Bep 5) 1. Discusses all the facets of sports promotional activity. 1961 Blue-chlp lawyers discover marketing. Bus Wk (Apt 25) 8. A tough competitive environment is forcing even the most conservative lawyers to use so~e type of promotion to sell their services. 1962 Boston H{ reaches new heights. PR Casebk (Oct) 11. The public relations business in Boston is growing in volume and recognition. Boston agencies are successfully competing with ~ew York-based firms. 1963 Bretherick, Audrey. Sparking an interest in fire safety. J Ins


Public Relations--Promotion

(Sep/Oct) 22. An essay contest in five Jeffrey City b/gh schools coincides with an improvement in area fire statistics. 1964 Bridgewater, C~ A. Redeeming facts. P s y c ~ Today (Apt) 15. How many "cents of P' coupons really get used by customers? It ranges from 3% to U ~ coupons that you actually clip out of a magazine to 15-20~; to the coupons that come with a product purchased! 1969 Cosse, T. J. & J. F_ Swan. Strategic marketing planning by product managers - room for improvement? J Nkt (Sum) 92. Findings of an empirical study to answer such questions as: do product managers utilize planning processes that require the data recommended for strategic planning. 1966 Co~9rd, D. W. Trac I h marketing key to success of an innovative idea. ?~t Times {Jan/Feb) 38. An overview of the successful marketing stratet;[es usad by Gillette to introduce its Trac II and Atra razors. 1967 Curran, Jo. Togo's Burgeoning Tourism Industry. FRJ (Nov) 12. Until 1561, the attractions of the Republic of Togo - ~ n n y beaches, varied terrain, pleasant temperatures, luxury accommodaations, gourmet food, and a people as varied as the landscape - were a well-kept secret. 1968 Decline and fall of the freebie. Duns R ($ep) 90. Climbing costs and changing economics are dooming such traditional giveaways as road maps, boo]{ r/atohes and shopping bags. 1969 Gebbett, Steve. Prize fighting on the street. Mkt UK (Feb 5} 4?. The sales promotion technique of offering the press exclusive editorial promotions can be used to advertise products in a newspaper's editorial col~.~]S. 1970 Green P. El & others. A decislon-support system for developing retail promotional strategy. J Ret (Fall) 116. Describes a decision-support system called BENEMAX for helping retailers generate sets of product features/benefits/Image components that optimize well-defined criteria. 1971 Griffln, George. Ben Franklin generates sales. GAM (Apt) 111. Putnam printing used an almanac with an actor as Franklin on the front, to advertisa the company's promotion. 1972 }brn, J. C. Planning olympic gold. Psych Today (Sep) 71. It has not been only recently that Olympic winners seem to make a lot of money once the Olympics are over. The Greek atheletes of the 6th century B.C. received cash a~ards and pensions. 1973 }brton, Michael. How to use a total communications agency. Sales & Mkt Mgt Can (Oct) 56. To get the most value from ~arketing dollars, smart marketing and product managers are pursuing total communications plans. 1974 Ho%urd, G. G. Sales contest duration: the long and short of it. Sales & Hkt [4gt (Sep) 109. Duration of a contest plays a key role in determining its success, but other factors must also be considered. 1975 |bw big business is carrying the Oly:~pic torch. Bus W (Sep) 92. Ol>~npic Chines at Los Angeles is history's first "corporate Olympics." One way or another, corporate Jtmerica will have paid nearly all of the events' $475 million in costs. 1976 I love bY. CJ (I~ay/Jun) 28. Interview with f4ilton Glaser, well-known artist, designer, illustrator. 1977 Jacobs, S. [. Emphasis on r,arketing keeps small architectural firm busy. ~'SJ (Apt 25) 33. ~hJmber of architects keeps growing, while the amount of work lags. 1978 Japanese machine tool r.lanufacturer,opens a revolutionary product


Public Relations--Promotion

showroom in California. In~l Mgt (Jan) 5. The firm's "Show plaza" is designed to show off the product line in a comfortable atmosphere. 1979 Jereski, Laura. The missed opportunity. Mkt & Media Dec (Sep) 76. ~rketers' perception of the women,s market for big ticket items. 1980 Johnston, Peter. The new marketing managers. GAM (Mar) 64. A fresh approach to direct-mail marketing helps Cascio-Wolf printin~ compsny to a fast-growing share of Washington's quality color printing market. 1981 Mailers urges PR effort. Ad A~e (Dec 19) 83. E-Corn mailers are being urged to mount a public relations drive to co~]teract bad press about t/,~ Postal Services electronic mail entry. 1982 MarketinZ is an opportunity for practitioners, not a threat. F ~ (I:ay 16) 1. Discussion includes l~rPeting as public relations. 1983 Marken, G. A. Ibw to get the most exposure for your next new product. Bus Mkt (~v) 104. %lhen properly planned, the novelty of a product can be stretched into 6 months or even a year. 1984 14arketing, which is ~{ philosophy in new clothes, is an opporb/nity for practitioners, not a threat. FRR (May 16) I. Practitioners should use marketin~ to gain visibility and support and not fight with the marketing. 1985 Moosehead brews a new campalt91. Adv Tech (Feb) 27. How to build an entire marketing and advertising program for a new product on the strength of a name and a label. 1986 tlullet, Gary. Using customer preferences to design products. Bus (Oct/Dec) 83. This article shows you how to collect and analyze data to determine what h~ods and services customers want, a technique known as conjoint analysis. 1987 hhdeau, Jo~:~. Using t ~ public eye to market your services. Life Assoc N (t4ay) 105. One way for agents to keep their respective names before the people who are important to deveeloping business is to use some of t ~ techniques of public relations. 1988 Nykiel, K. J. How to develop - and implement - a successful marketing plan. Pract Acct (May) 37. An accounting firm can benefit from an organized marketing plan througn an increase in its visibility in the community. 1989 Oldfield, Kathr/a~. Making a pitch for small business . . . two banks that scored. Bank Mkt (Jul) 50. The Bank of Wisconsin (Janesville) has established a very successful program honorint5 t ~ community's small buslnesses. 1900 Pressroor,2; please phone home. GAM (t~y) 126. Reese's Pieces used E.T. for their point-of-purchase displays. The dlsplsys had to be printed long before the movie ~ s [-eleased by Universal SOldios. 1991 PR war between inakers of r,,etalpipe for electrical circuits and plastic pipin6. Fortune (Feb 7). Fortune comes down heavily on t ~ side of plastics accusing the metal pipe manufacturers of .~nlf-truths. 1992 Sharp, J.T. The house tlmt Jack can't buy. PRJ (Jan) 33. In 1983, the t~tionel Association of Realtors developed a communication strategy to: I. build a constituency of concerned Americans, and 2. communicate de~zmds for action to Congress and the AcL.ninistretion. 1993 Siedlecki, Richard. Creating a direct r,'~il recruiting program. Pets J (Apt) 304. A look at ~)w direct mail recruitm.ent can reinforce a co~:~nny's current campai~T]. '~hy and how t21is can help you pinpoint those prospective employees. 1994 Sorenson, L. A Kansas town has a new game: Win the bank president for a day. WSJ (Mar 25) 25. The bank is using this promotional device


Pubflc Relations--Promotion

in order to change the negative image of the hanF~r. 1995 Stevens, Art. Don't 'retire' mature products, promote them with 'brandstanding' PR technique. Mkt N (Fmr 18) 2. 'Brandstorming' is a public relations technique that links a product to an event, issue, or idea of interest to consumers. 1996 Sykes, Carol}n & Jack Mayo. The King Kong event. Hi Casebk (~bv/Dec) 26. A case history of designs and ~T~nufactures giant inflatable advertising dlsplays used as point-of-purchase sales promotion develces. 1997 Taber, Linch. Advice to new professionals: apply the techniques of public relations to sell yourself. Tips & ~hctlos (Aug 6) I. 1998 Tischll, Patricia. Surviving a factory move. ~tkt IlK (May 19) 51. Crabtree Vickers, manufacturer of giant printing presses, capitalized on a major factor relocation to promote the company's products. 1999 Toffoli, John Jr. The Concord pavilion: a city succeeds a t promoting the performing arts. P & R (Jul) 33. The author attributes t2~ success of the Concord Pavilion {California) to two things, marketing and experience. 2000 Too much publicity a f f l i c t s Coleco. O'Dw)~r(Dec 7) I. Embarrassment of riches a f f l i c t s Coleco Industries, makers of Cabbage Patch dolls. More about the problem appears in Dec 14 issue. 2OO1 Vicker, R. Wine for the ~esses is given a taste test a t a party for priests. WSJ (t~r 10 ) 1. Christian Brothers wants to enlighten the average priest on the subject of wine as a promotional tool. 2002 Waddell, H~rry. Telling Banking's story through the media. ABA Hank J {Aug) 132. The graphic story of an American Bankers Association Banking Advisor's visit to the metropolitan area of Kansas City illustrates how banking's story can be told through the media. 2003 Walker-Hill, Linch. 'Gallery os the louvre': publicizing America's most expensive painting. PR Casebk (Oct) 36. 'Gallery of the Louvre ; a 19th centruy oil painting by Samuel F. B. Morse, was acquired in June 19B2 by Daniel J. Terra, the Reagan Administration's Ambassador-at-Large for Cultural Affairs. 2004 Wlnd, Yoram & T. S. Robertson. Marketing strategy: new direction for theory and research. J FLkt (Spr) 12. An integrated strategic marketing planning approach is offered together with a pilot application of the process. Included in an agenda for marketing strategy. 2005 Win6o, Pare. New life for an old hotel. PR Casebk (Oct) 33. The historically registered, 100-year-old Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas, Ibw Mexico, hired the Watson-Wingo Group to generate media interest tourist activity, and community support for its $2-million renovation. BOOKS 2006 Blake, Gary 8 R. W. Bly. ~bw to promote your o~n business. NY: ~'~ew American Library, 206 pp. SEL95. A handbook for promoting a small business, it provides a comprehensive survey of the promotional disciplines, including publicity, advertising and mail-order merchandising. 2007 Farris, P. U. & J. A. Quelch. Advertising and promotion ~ansgement: A manager's guide to theory and practice., Padnor, PA: Chilton, 224 pp. $29.50. The authors offer a balanced picture of advertising and promotion, where they are distinct activities and where they overlap and combine for the overall goal.


Public Relations--PromoUon

~}LESES 2008 Clayton, D. H. The significance of advertising and promotion during 1980-1981 within the burger segment of the fast-fo~ industry. Unpub thesis (California-Fullerton). How the industry reacted to a no-&~'owth period. 2009 Wesson, D. A. Product salience, puffery and perceived deceptiveness: a comparative treatments experiment. Unpub dissert (~nnesseeKnoxville). A study of consumer perceptions of deceptiveness in advertisem*nts employing social o r psychological product benefits as their primary appeal. 2010 Woods, R. O. Non-advertising content as a marketing tool: a content analysis of the Arkansas Democrat and a survey of subscriber perceptions. Unpub theses {Arkansas State). The study examined nonadvertising content of a large daily involved in vigorous competition that used product enlargement to sell its news coverage.

PUBLIC RELATIONS--PUBLICITI" A~gICLES 2011 Cochran, L. R. Beyond the typewriter: how to develop a news release. Assoc Mgt (May) 97. An effective news release should be targeted ~br the appropriate audience and distributed to the most receptive and influential sources. 201P Com~uter measuring system for publicity compares exposure in various media. F%RR (Feb 21) 2. Description of Ketchum publicity tracking model. 2013 Coronna, D. N. The right of publicity. PHJ (Feb) 29. Protecting a client through carefully drafted contracts is tha best way for PR practitioners to prevent publici12y rights of celebrities from becoming legal issues. ., 2014 Corporate scoreboard. Bus Vfk (t4ar 7). Survey by i~rris reveals top 9anagement not satisfied with public relations success in reporting business' story to the public. 2019 Coss, Frank. Using publicity in recruiting. Pers Adm (Far) 6. Publicity efforts are made easier today because publishers realize t ~ t information relating to employment, careers and other aspects of hu.~n resources garner high readership. 2016 Johnson, F. D. How to get maximum benefit from corporate publicity. S & t;kt Mgt (]an (Mar) 7. Companies sometimes have articles about them printed in trade publications or newspapers. Reprints of such an article can continue to make a substantial contribution to the company's marketing program. 2017 Lutz, W. D. Corporate doublespeak: making bad news look good. Bus & Soc R (Win) 19. As the economy goes do~n, the clarity of business language declines. Corporate doublespeak makes the negative appear positive ~ while avoiding responsibility. 2018 Maher, T. M. Position publicity to win a share of market, IAC told. Nat Und P&C (Jan 21) 5. A successful positioning effort means coordinating advertising and publicity. 2019 Mehr, Howard. }bw to boost your inquiries with news releases. ~ s Mkt (Apr) 98. Discusses ways to increase inquiries from a marketing mix and goes ln-depth with a few of the activities.


Public Relations--Publicity

2020 Finesslng the competitive press. Bus t:kt (tbv) 112. Advertisers can 'finesse' the competitiveness of the buslness/industrial press f2mough several methods. 2021 Ragan, Larry. Why is it that . . . RR (May 23) I. Questions why publicity writes and organizational press editors do what they do. 2022 Richard, G. R. The well-bred op-ed: increasing your institution's exposure in the press. CC (Jan) 32. A regular and well-managed program providing commentary articles for the op-ed page of local and regional newspapers can increase an institution's exposure. 2023 Service, Ken. "Reader miles" a dramatic new apprcach to publicity evaluation. PPJ~ (~.~r 21) 4. How to combine newspaper inches of space and publication circulations into miles of coverage. 2024 Swartz, J. E. On the m~rgln: between jourr~31ist and publicist. PR Rev (Fall) 11. An examination is conducted of some of the theoretical foundations of ~ e sociologists and social philosophers that a r e used to explain how governmental press secretaries and high-level public information officers fit into the spectr,,n of occupational sociology. 2025 Taft, R. W. Discretionary disclosure. PRJ (Apt) 34. Predictive releases must be used with caution, should be used in connection with controllable events. 2026 Two new publicity books cover broader subject areas. Purview (Jan 17) I. Review of The Publicity Handboo~ by D. R. Yale and Gettin~ Publicity by tl. B. Winston. 2027 Williams J. D. Industrial publicity: one of the best promotional tools, land Mkt (Jul) 203. Favorable editorial information published about a company and its products improves relations with various markets. ~SIS 2028 Elrod, N. ~ Publicity as a factor in the selection of the Heism~n trophy winner in college football. Unpub thesis (Tennessee-Knoxville).

PUBLIC RELATIONS--SCHOOI~t~ ARTICLF~ 2029 Anderson, R. 14. Interest groups in social education. H & SS T~ (t~y) 209. Interest groups ~ I n access to social education t~moush the resource materials produced for classroom use. 2030 Bennett, J. L. ~hrvesting your prof crop: nine tips for launching an op-ed program. CC (Jan) 54. Faculty can be helpful by provldin6 commentaries to newspaper op-ed pages. 2031 Beltm,~i1ini,R. F. The impact of infomercials: perspectives of advertisers and advertising agencies. J Ad Res (Aug/Sep) 25. Lengt/]y commercials called Infomerclals, informercials, promercials or advertorials are a relatively new trend. 2052 Brock, M. L. The principal and public relations. Momentum (Oct) 15. Considers t ~ school princip31 to be the most effective public relations vehicle. 2033 Calloway, D. W. A counter revolution for education. VS (Jul 1) 552. In the '60s schools tended to focus on social behavior. Times have changed because students weren't learning. Five factors a r e listed for effective educe tion.


Public Relations--Schools

2034 Change afoot in corp-univ relations: university-lndustrial complex. PRR (~ov 7) 4. Research needs and need for skilled hl-tech employees have brought corporations and universities together. 2035 Cmvez, Linch. Teaching about nuclear war. Amer Educ (Fall) 16. Accuses NEA of encouraging its teacher-members to indoctrinate children on the benefits of a nuclear freeze. 2056 co*ckriel, I. W. Don't overlook scholarships as good alumni cultivator. FHM (Apr) 42. Using current students to help select scholarship recipients helps strengthen students' bonds with the school. ~s bond can rer.aln strong when the students become alumni. 2037 Cox, G. N. Inviting the public in a remedy for declining support for schools. Contemp Ed (Spr) 208. Public loss of confidence in schools (psrt/y responsible for inadequate funding, censorship battles, and calls for currlcular changes) is directly attributable to the growing sense of frustratian. 2038 Cramer, S. L. Getting students involved in public issues. IC&U !~r (Win) 27. A faculty member's study examined whether teaching strategies about controversial issues of housing are effective in developing public policy competencies and student action. 2039 Criscuolo, N. P. The media and the schools; can good relations be established? Iii Sch J I-4:58. Points out that the news media cover education in a cursory i~shion. 2040 Cummings, Peter. Alumni serenade: a medley of 17 off-campus activities to have them singing your school's praises. CC (Feb) 34. Some off-campus activities for alumni are outlined. 2041 Dedmon, D. D. Education: confirming what we know. VS (Oct 19) 14. An In-depth look at the United States' educational system and its lack of communication skills. 2042 Edelman, Rob. Teachers in the movies. Amer Educ (Fall) 26. Examines various movies produced since the mid-193Os for their characterization of school teachers. 2045 Fichlin, Ellen. Classnotes we'd like to see. RR (Oct 10) supp. A better ~ y to use class notes in an al~ni magazine. 2044 }bnsen, Laura. For the young and smart: programs to woo young alumni. CC (Jan) 22. An informal survey revealed a variety of y o ~ g alumni activitles. 2045 Holt, John. Schools and home schoolers: a fruitful partnership. PDK (Feb) 391. Offers reasons why public schools should cooperate with local families educating their children at home. 2046 Jonson, K. W. a others. A change stratezy for linking the worlds of academia and practice. J Appl 5eh Sci 4:459. A case history. 2047 Kelley, E. C. Education is communication. EYC (Fall) 342. The method changes in education to an emphasis of experience, learning and greater co(~nunication. 2048 [nnds.nann, leanna. Teachers are schools' test public relations agents. J Reading (Apt) 616. Urges ~,,:]ir~ te_achers to think of themselves as publicists as well as educators and suggests several public relations efforts that teachers can undertake. 2049 Levine, C. Videoteaching disruptive kids. Psych Today (Apt) 83. Classrooms are being videotaped in Omaha, Nebraska. 2050 Marion, P. B. & N. K. Cheek. How students view the placement office. J Coll Place (Fall) 37. Students who major in technical or professional fields find the on-campus recruiting program more helpful than those who


Public Relations~Schools

major in liberal arts. 2051 Itarth, Del. Growth by the book. Nat Bus (Nov) 46. Interaction needed between private sectors and educational establish~.ents in choosing tex tbook~. 2052 [4cCaughey, tr Group interviews: an alternative with advantages. J Coll Place (Fall) 17. An alternate method to on-campus interviewing is group interviewing, which allows employers to see more c~ndidates at o~ce. 2053 [~bsen, H. K. [:arketing and the management of public schools: borrowing from business. Contemp Educ (Sum) 297. Many techniques that American business has developed for marketing goods and services can be used to build public supl~rt for the schools. 2054 Peavey, M. B. & T. E. Broce. The development manager's book of lists. CC (Jan) 51. Suggestions are given in three development areas: training new employees, information management and staff development. 2099 Pre-communications team-building, and decision-making took 2 years; preparation of materials only 5 weeks. PRR (Aug I) 3. Case history of a combined marketing and identi~ ~ program for Cornell University's cooperative extension program. 2056 Prentice, Elaine & Sally Rodgers. A cast of thousands recruit everybody - volunteers, staff, students, faculty - to make an alurali program produce. CC (Jun) 44. Im[roving productivity in alut"~i programs involves finding the right combination of budget, staff, and program that will energize the alumni. 2097 Smith, Donald. A survey of recruitment practices used by teacher education programs. Tech Tr (tbv) 13. An informal survey taken by AIAA Recruitment Committee of how industrial arts teacher preparation institutions recruit students for their programs. 2058 S~ith, V. C. What the public thinks: CASE inspired survey shows strong support of higher education. CC (Jan) 10. Results of a national public attitude survey on higher education are summarized and action is recommended based on those results. 2099 Stark, Irwin. Industrializing our universities. Dissent (Spr) 177. How [rmjor corporations and tmiversities form partnerships to finance re sea rch. 2060 Survey shows public support for education highest for higher education. PRR (Dec 5) 2. Second only to medicine, according to Group Attitudes survey. 2061 Hiller, S. W. blarketing in your career education community. JC Educ (Mar) 205. Designing a workable marketing plan for career education programs requires needs assessment, goal setting, formulation of strategies, implementation, and evaluation. 2062 v;antuck, Mary. ~elping the schools get back to work. [ht Bus (Sep) 30. The Bay State Skills Corporation, established in 1981, helps bring business and education together. 2063 Wolfle, L H. Prestige in American universities. Res H Ed (4) 455. Research shows university declining prestige is a microcosm of national prestige with a similar socioeconomic base. DOCKS 2064 Bortner, D. H. Public relations for public schools, 2nd ed. Cambridge, i4A: Scbenkm~in Publishers, 425 pp. Organized into seven parts, the. handbook opens with an introduction, continues tJLrough public

Public Relations--Society

2078 Cherlin, Andrew & F. F. ~l]rstenberg, Jr. The American family in the )war 2000. Futurist (Jun 1) 7. There are Ulree types of familial arrangements that will dominate the personal lives of most Americans. 2079 Cornish, Edward. Do we need a department of play?. VS (Sep) 724. A look into kDw television is programming people into believing they can enjoy lavish life-styles without doing much real work. 2080 Dnvis, Peter. How TV affects an Ohio community. TV Guide (Apr 9) 3. TV brings families together physically, but drives them apart psychologically. 2081 Eder, Peter I. Telecommuters: the stay at home work force of the fUture. Futurist (Jun) 50. Telecommunications and the constant expansion of its various uses and concepts will allow much of the work in the c~uing information society to be through this method. 2082 Education in a new era of work. Mgt W (Oct) 24. A solid basic education rather than a narrow vocational preparation will become more important in the future. 2083 Edwards, Hugh. Research need: less hard%rite, better talk. tlkt Times (Mar/Apt) 9. The future of marketing research depends on developing language skills; a profile of t2~ langusge arts rather than m~chine technology to predict cons~ner behavior. 2084 ~dclng up to the reality of images in human behavior. PER (t.~y 30) I. Description of a research method called Image-Search that uses the elements of seciodramas confined with focused interviews. 2085 Fahey, Liam & R. E. Wokutoh. Business and society exchanges: a framework for analysis. Oal Mgt R (Sum) 128. A conceptual framework is proposed for analyzing business-society linkages. 2086 Finn, David. The price of ignoring posterity. HBR (t~y). Examines differences between grea~ess, fame, anonymity and being a celebrity. 2087 Cardner, Fred. Alone at last? ~Ikt & Media Dec (Dec) 70. Singles bare lifestyles that marketers pay attention to, but 'togetherness' is expected to become more popular in years ahead. 2088 Horvard pres says law}~rs should adopt PR's philosophy, stop ignoring social sciences. PRR (I,:ay 9) 3. Urges lawyers skilled in "the gentler art of reconciliation and acoom~modatio~." 2089 ~rvey, h% The family t~mt stays together. Psych Today (Aug) 80. Researchers decided to interview people in order to make a list of qualities they consider essential to a "healthy" family life. Topping the list ~ s ,,communication and listening." 2090 |{Irokawa, R. Y. Hum Eel Res (Feb) 293. A study indicates thst both successful problem-solvinz groups and unsuccessful problem-solvlng arrive at conclusions but take different paths. 2091 Hunt, D. }d. & Carol ~lichael. Mentorship: a career training and development tool. Acad of Mgt R (Jul) 475. Eeviews the literature on mentorship. 2092 [endow, Y. Jones. A CJ interview. CJ (Jul/Aug) 32. Editor o f ~ ma~zine discusses the transition of his generation from the one fought in Vietnam and against Vietnam policy into management. 2093 Levy, Robert. Fitness fever: everbcdy into the company gym. Duns R (~bv) 115. Physical fitness programs have become the new rage of corporate America. 2094 Male breadwinner, dependent wife and children model ou~noded by percentage of women in the labor force. Yet day care issue continues to be ignored. H~;{ ( ~ y 30) 3.


Public Relations~Society

2095 Marketing: the new priority. Bus ':; (Ibv) 96. America's traditional mass market, based on single-wage families and 18- to 34-year-olds, is obsole te. 2096 Marvin, Caroline & t'~rk Winthar. Computer-ease: a twentieth-cen~dry literacy emergent. J Comm (Win) 92. Our democratic society is highly concerned with the literacy of its citizens. 2097 Mathews, David. The liberal arts and the civic arts. Lib Educ (Win) 209. It is difficult, perhaps unnecessary, to distinguish between tha requirements for educating a community and educating the civic self, since the civic entity is the public. 2098 Meet, J. Room to laugh. Psych Today (Aug) 70. Researchars have discovered something funny. People tend to think that a joke is less funny when they are in a crowded room. 2099 Michael, D. N. Too much of a good thing? VS (~'ov I) 38. Discusses the dilemmas of our information society. Author looks at how more information sometimes makes things appear out of control rather than 'in control.' 2100 Hitchell, Arnold. Styles in the American bullring. ATB (Var) 44. Nine value systems that go a long way toward explaining why consumers behave the way they do' 2101 Miller, Shari. Self-fulfillment throuEh service to others. Hutr~nist (Jan/Feb) 11. Americans are preoccupied with a desire for selffulfillment - usually seen as "setting ahead ;' socially or economically. 2102 People who can't handle language are immune to PR campaigns; illiteracy statistics surprising. PRR (Jun 6) 3. Dalton booksellers, has much to gain by reducing illiteracy. It has an ongoing program for solving the problem. 2103 Rice, }i Time off for the unemplo}~d. Psych Today (Apr) 18. Unemployed people need vacations more then employed persons. 2104 Ri~kind, Carole. Pride in place. PRJ (~ov) 20. Several decades of inner-city revitaliza tion. 2105 Rise of the new values. Mgt W (Jun) 22. The Protestant work ethic is no more. The new society stresses individuality and self-expression. 2106 Schiff, Frank W. Flexiplace: pros and cons. Futurist (Jun) 32. The new "work at home" arrangements that will be available through telecommunications will have to be studied. 2107 Seaborg, Eric. They have seen the future and it is work. Fhturist (Oct) 78. The World Future Society meet to consider how to cope wit~, the many challenges of the changing work world. 2108 Shath, J. r;. Emerging trends for the retaillng industry. J Ret (Pall) 6. Describes a number of emerging environmen~l chenges that affect retailing. 2109 Smith, R. E. & W. [(. Swin)~rd. Attitude-behavior consistency: the impact of product trial versus advertising. J Mkt }{es (Aug) 257. Attitude-behavior consistency in marketing situations is examined. 2110 "Telecommuters" are arriving. Mgt W (~bv) 21. Ehployees can work at home via computer terminals; telecommuting's disadvantages include isolation and loss of supervision. 2111 Vickery II[, }5 [% Success is never neutral. Assoo Mgt (t:ov) 53. Psychologist gives her views on the definition of success as the ability to llve your llfe in your o~n ~ y . 2112 What can practitioners learn from behavior modification events. PRH (Dec 5) 1. Strategies include making it fun, seek peer reinforcement -


Public Relations--Society and never ridicule. 2113 Work and leisure in the '80s. Mgt W (Au~) 23. People in our society spend fewer hours working than in the past. 2114 Work ethic, so important to productivity, is not declining but internal relations policies not capitalizing on it. P~R (Sep 12) I. Yankeloviteh study finds management ignoring it or unintentionally undercu ttlng it. 2115 Yetton, Philip & F. Bott6er. The relationships among group size, member ability, social decision schemes, and performance. Org Heh Hum Perf (Oct) 145. t~] examination of the effect of member task skills and social decision schemes on the performance-size relationship for both si{]ulated and interactln~ E/oups. 2116 Zillbergeld, B. The huF_zing and unhu;.~irt~ of Leo. Psych Today (Nov) 18. This person seems to feel as if Leo Buscaglia, a recent public figure, is not all that he's cracked up to be. BOOKS

2117 Bro~,~1, Les & S. W. %,'alker,eds. ~ast forward: the new television and American society: essays from Channels for Communic2.tion. Kansas City: Andrews & Mclbil, 213 pp. Analysis of television journalis.n, program:nine, lar~uage, ratings, effects and many other issues. 2118 Cadykunst, W. IA, ed. Intercultural com,nunication t2~ory. Beverly }{Ills, CA: Sa~, 312 pp. $28. A collection of essays that examine the latest developments in intercultural co.m~munication. 2119 Zurcher, L. A. Social roles: conformity, conflict and creatively. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 296 pp. ~5. A first ~nnd look at individuals in a variety of social roles fre~n the "boot" in the navy to activist priests.

P U B L I C R E L A T I O N S - - S P E C L I L E%T~%~PS ~TICL~ 2120 A c h e c k l i s t : s p e c i a l e v e n t s from the a t t e n d e e s ' v i e w p o i n t . ~LR ( ~ y 16) 4. C h e c k l i s t c o n c e n t r a t e s on d e t a i l s t h a t make a d i f f e r e n c e t o t ~ s a who a t t e n d . 2121 Cooper, M i c h a e l . P l a n n i n g the b i g media e v e n t . ~ J ( J u l ) 12. ~he Brooklyn Brido~e Centennial in ~ w York and the Summit of Industrialized ~tions at colonial Williamsur6 case histories. 21PP Eonoma TV. Get more out of your trade shows. HE~ (Jan/~]~o) 75. An analytical approach to measurin~ trade show effectiveness t~nt considers sellin~ and non-selling factors. 2123 Fleishman, Donna. The Krystal com~ny, owner of 220 fast-food restaurants in 88 Southern states, celebrated its 50th anniversary in I~32 with a year-lon~, $100~[X30-public relations program. 2124 }bw Williamsburg held a huge potentially explosive special event to achieve its PR objectives. PRH (Jul 25) I. ~hse history of hosting a summit conference. 2125 Killey, E. M. f~Iniversary news. {LR (f.~r 7) supp. Hrief descriptions of the way several or~nlzations are commemorating their anniversaries. More on anniversary celebrations appears in HR ( ~ y 16, July 18, Sept. 12 and Dec. 26).


Public Relations~Special


2126 Klein, ~ Trade show hospitality is changing. WSJ (Jan 25) 35. Many companies believe hospitality suites can be more effective t~nn booths. 2127 Konopacki, Allen. Tradeshows: business Ist, clowns 2nd. Mkt Times (Jul/Aug) 37. An effective tradeshow must be open, inviting and informative enougtl to pique curiosity. 2128 Lord, R. W. Want to .manage a no-stress no-agony meeting? Mkt Times (Jul/Aug) 41. Commonsensee advice on scheduling business meetings, running program, keeping delegates and your boss happy. 2129 Pitner, R. A. The marketing power of special events. Bank Mkt (Jun) 34. At the First ~htlonal Bank of Minneapolis special events programs add emphasis to the bsnk's stature as a leading financial institution. 2130 Review of 1983 top PR events. O'Dwyer (Dec 21) 2. Top 10 stories topped by media's increasing hostility to public relations. 2131 LrKm~n, Lesa. Special events: All the world's a stage for booming events area. Ad Age (Apt 18) M - 29. In 1983, more than 5,000 events and festivals will be held around the world, and some 1,500 corporations will spend over $180 million on them. 2132 Ulackus, Elaine_. Bow to organize a successful sales seminar. Bus 5~t (Jun) 80. The author-explains how to organize the seminar and what she ~ t c h for so that it does not turn into a merketing disaster. qHESIS 2133 Schock, K. S. The structure and value of corporate anniversary celibrations. Unpub thesis (Georgia). Examines the emphasis companies place on anniversary celibratlons as a public relations tool.

PUBLIC RELATIONS--WRITING ARTICLES 2134 "/~,emois a four letter word. memos.

PRR (Aug 1) 3.

}bw to write better '

2135 Park, D. G. To W. P. or not to W. P. RR (Apt 18) supp. The advantages and disadvantages of writing and editing with a word processor. Wore in the subject appears in RR (Apt 25), this time by Patrick W%ite. DOOK 2136 Perman, Sandra. Writing for the media. Chicago, IL: Crain Books, 162 pp., $12.95. The author, features editor of "Crain's Chicago Business," covers staples in %1~ public rel~tD~ns writing repertoire; also press releases, fact sheets, personality profiles and featurs. PUBLICATION


ARTICLES 2137 Gaebler, Ted. The entrepreneurial manager. Pub Mgt (Jan) 14. A city manager discusses viewing his job from an entrepreneur's standpoint. 2138 Gardner, ~Yed. Gannett's Guru. Mkt & Media Dec (14ov) 64. Allen I~euherth talks about his organiTation's multi-media interests.


Publication Management. 2139 }bnco*ck, Elise. At t ~ heart of the issue: the alumni magazine consortium brings new life to campus periodicals. CC (May) 58. %lie rising costs of producin~ an alu~ni magazine is responsible for several universities getting together to produce a common 16-page core inserted within a wraparotmd for the school. 2140 t4oldenhauer, C. H. Is it la selling whiz or a confusing dud? ;,Ikt Times (Jan/Feb) 44. In today's world of communication oriented information, the brochure is suffering from lack of strategy, fragmented impressions and limited appeal. 2141 The selling of Smithsonian. Adv Tech (tbv) 20. To attract advertisers' attention, Smlthsonian r makes use of its impressive circulation number in its new ad campaign. Short, clever puns and sharp visuals also convince the ad people t ~ t this is the prime place to advertise their products. 2142 Twenty-two advertisers in new IABC glossary monthly. O'Dwyer (~Iov 16) 3. IABC and PHSA journals compete for advertisers. 2>143 USA Toaay scores well in AA survey. Ad Age (Jul 11) 83. A national surv"-~y conducted for Advertising Age indicates that nearly half of the people w}~) have read USA Today are very likely to be regular readers if it is available to them. 2144 USA Today Lnnerves rivals coast to coast. Bus W (Feb 7) 71. The sho-~-t-term results of USA Toda~ scare rival newspapers into changing parts of their format.----CoTg-{-ls being added to papers and the papers themselves are coming out earlier. 2145 Walker, Tom. Emphasis on quality control applied at more papers. Presstlme (Jan) 39. De=and of readers, advertisers and competition have led some newspapers to develop rigidly defined standards for production. 2146 %Vhite, Patrick. Ten differences between the organizational press and the commercial press. RR (May 16) I. Among the differences, truth versus advocacy, small, specialized audiences versus mass audiences and the commercial press reports media events, the organizational press interprets them. THESES 2147 "[bllinger, ~. J. The effects of the United States and Canadian newspaper ombudsman on reportonal accuracy and a survey of the ombudsman's roles and duties. Unpub thesis (California-Chico). Findings of a survey of reporters and editors at the Sacrarento Bee. 2148 ~osworth, A. tl. Prestige and success in public relations. Unpub thesis (Georgia). A survey of practitioners to determine if there appears to be an intraocoupational prestige hierarchy among various sectors. 2149 Byrne, K. A. A comparative study of specialized encyclopedia publication. Unpub thesis (F~nnsylvania). InvestiL~ated the process by which specialized encyclopedia help to define and organize a fiels of study. 2150 Cook, F- E. 13-30 corporation: a case study in innovative magazine publishing. Unpub thesis (Tennessee-Knoxville). 2151 14cAwley, M. A. The Pittsburgrer magazine: a study of why one city r,a~zine failed. Unpub thesis (Point Park College). Examination of the ele~nents which contributed to the death os the n~Eazine. 2152 Thompson, S. A. A profile os regional business publications. 5hpub thesis (~[[ssouri).



REFERENCES ARTICLES 2153 500 largest industrial corporations outside the U.& Fort (Au8 22) 170. A list of the largest industrial corporations outside the U.S. is given along with foreign industrial trends. 2154 Kurtz, D. L. & others. The complete manager's bookshelf. Bus H (M~y/Jun) 33. Suggestions from a survey of professors on what books executives should read. 2155 100 largest commercial banking companies outside the U.S. Fort (Aug 22) 184. A list of the top 100 commercial banks outside the U.S. is given along with Ibrei~n banking trends. 2156 Promoting business education. Bus Educ For (1983 yearbook issue_: promoting business education (Apr/f~y). Discusses promotion through a variety of media, lobbying, action and interaction programs. The tac~niques recom~mended are useful for promoting anything. BOOKS 2157 Almanac of ;tmerican politics. Washington, D.C.: thtio~al Journal, $35. Statistics regarding population growth makup of the Americ~m workforce and other results and interpretation of the 1982 census. 2158 Bacon's 1983 international publicity checker for western Europe. Chicago: Bacon's, 755 pP., $140. A directory of more than 9~)00 business, trade and technical publications including new titles in computer technology and auto~mtion. 2159 Howker Annual of library and oook trade information. #~qn Arbor, MI: Bowker Co., 650 pp., $55. Here are facts, charts, tables, statisstical overviews, names, addresses - everything you need to know about book pu~lish*t~. .' 2160 Corporate 500. Detroit, NI: Gale, $225. A directory o f corporate philanthropy describes the programs of the country's 500 top corporate contributors. Educati~] gets most, 54.5%; followed by IDalth and welfare, 31.9%. 2161 Directory of cable contacts. .~w York: Laraml Comm., 396 pp., $170. A new edition 450+ cable systems, satellite networks, independent producers, news services and multiple systems operators. 2162 Directory of telecoaferencing systems. Hadison, WI: Univ. of 'Wise. Ext. Center for Interactive prog. A directory of more than 1,O30 systems, vendors and users. 2163 Duke, J. S., ed. Tb_~ |znowladge industry 200: ;%merica's two hundred largest media and information companies. White Plains, NY: Knowledge Industry, 411 pp., $88. The entry for each company gives statistics on revenues, employees, holdings directors and officers. 2164 Gale's encyclopedia of associations, 18th ed. Detroit, MI: Cale Research, $485. Published in 3 volu;nes, the first volume is in two parts. The_ encyclopedia lists associations alphabetically, by geography and executives; volume 3 lists new associations and projects. 2165 Gebbie's all-in-one directory. New Paltz, NY: Cabbie, 550 pp. Contains information in more then 23D(O publicity outlets. A separate section is devoted to blacK-oriented media.



2166 ~ational directory of weekly newspapers. Bcooklyn, IfY: Amer ~bwspaper Reps, $35. The 7~-~ weeklies it lists have a combined readership of over 44 million readers. 2167 The newsletter directory, 4th ed. Rhineheck, NY: The r~ewsletter Clearinghouse, $45.00 Complete listing of 2~500 U.S. and foreign newsletters with names of editors and publishers, addresses, telephones, prices, frequencies, and kind of editorial copy they use. 2168 O'Dwyer, Jack, ed. O'Dwyer's directory of corporate communications. New York: O'Dwyer Co. $70. The annual directory lists PR, PA, investor relations, government, employee and community relations people at more than 2~300 large corporations and 500 national trade associations, plus public relation duties. 2169 O'Dwyer's directory of public relations executives. |~ew York: O'Dwyer Co. $70. More than 4,000 public relations executives are included. 2170 Poltrack, David. Television marketing: network, local and cable. NY: McGraw-Hill, 395 PP. ~-9.95. Ratings, buying time, cable, commercials, advertising campaigns and effectiveness, regulations, budgets and direct marketing are covered. 2171 Resource book for international communication. Washington, D.C.: Transnational communication center, the Media Institute, 62 pp. $5.95. The directory provides an overview of the international com,nunications field with names and descriptions of relevant public and private sector people, or~nlzations and programs. 2172 Rossie, Charles. Media Resource Guide, 3rd ed. Los Angeles, CA: Foundation for American Communications, $5. A source book and primer on media relations including advice on how to arrange for PSAs. 2173 Ryans, C. C. International reference sources. Lexington, NA: Lexington ~s., 224 pp. $22. Brings together a compreYensive list of references for internatior~l business persons. 2174 Shearer, B. J. & N. Huxford. Communication and society: a bibliography on communications technologies and their social impact. Westport, Cf: Quorum L~s., 242 pp., $35. Includes ~1orks investigation, the g~tekeeping function of those who control, own and influence mass ~.edia content. 2175 Sussman, L. ~. Glossary for international communications, f~Y: Freedom House, 111 pp. $10. Definitions of the language of international communication featuring language important to the functioning of multinationals. 2176 Urdang, Laurence & F. R. A[~te, eds. Idioms and phrases index: An unrivaled collection of Idioms, phrases, expressions, and collocutlons of two or more words. Detroit: Gale, I ,697 pp. in ~ vols., $150 a set. 2177 Wartella, Ellen & others, eds. [~;asscommunication yearbook, vol. 4. Beverly }Ills, CA: Sage, 720 pp., $40. This volume continues t ~ series policy of selecting from among the best of tbe year's available r.aterials.


2178 Abdel-}hlim, A. A. Effects of task and personality characteristics on subordinate responses to participative decision making. Acad N6t Key (sap) 4T[. High need-for-independence subordinates performed better and



were more satisfied with high participation only for nonrepetitive tasks. 2179 Anniversary review of original Delphi study shows remarPable accuracy about the world of 1984. PRR (Apt 18) 3. Research technique used for predictions and to identify consensus. 2180 Baer, D. H. Selling management on public relation research. PRQ (Fall) 9. A look at selling public relation research to ~ana~ement: 12 successful approaches. 2181 Broussear, K. R. Towards a d}namic model of job-person relationships: findings, research questions, and implications for work system design. Acad of |4mgt Rev (Jan) 33. Research findings concerning factors t~;Jt shape job-person relationships over time are reviewed. 2182 Broom, G. M. & D. M. Dozier. An overview: evaluation research in public relations. PHQ (Fall) 5. Authors stress research as an on-going part of the progr.~m and make practical suggestions. 2183 Buggie, F. D. Focus groups: searching for the 'right' product. I]gt Rev (Apt) 39. Only those products which specifically meet the customer's needs will survive in the '80s. 2184 Bumsted, R. R. How to improve public relations measurement. Tips & Tactics (Feb 21) I. Describes procedures for qualitative measurement of results to combine with quantitative measurement. 5 9 How to measure effectiveness of P[( cam~sign. Mkt N 218(Mar 18) 13. Pra/posttestlng is a classic technique for evaluating marketing effectiveness. 2186 Carlson,T. J. and C. E. Ride. Incentives for research by utilities. Pub Util Mgt (5~r 3) 15. Underscores the potential benefits of research and development efforts to all of a public utility's constituents. 21B7 Chacko, T. I. & J. C. McElroy. The cognite component in Locke's t~eory of goal setting: suggestive evidence for a casual attribution interpretation. Acad Mgt Rev (Mar) 104. Strong interactions between environmental incentives and casual attributions on goal setting were found in this experiment. 218<3 Cohen, W. A. & M. E. Reddick. Good research need not be expensive. Mkt Times (Mar/Apt) 5. An overview of effective and inexpensive ways to predict consumer purchasing behavior for the small compsny. 2189 Cutllp, S. M. Preparing for change - through research. S/N (Jul 8) insert. Coauthor of popular text believes organizations must develop adequate radar systems to monitor and decipher change_. 2190 Ellis, D. G. & others. Hum Comm (t~r) 267. Respondent proficiency at reconstructing conversation are studied. 2191 Fornell, Claes & W. T. Hohinson. Industrial organization and consumer satisfaction/dissatisfaction. J Cons Res (Mar) 403. ~%~is study brings together the fields of industrial ors and consumer research in an attempt to account for variations in consumer dissatisfaction among product categories. 2192 Frost, D. E. & others. The role of personnel risk-taking in effective leadership. Hum Rel (Feb) 185. Yhree studies address the role of personnel risk-~king in effective leadership. 2195 Greenberg, Bradley & Charles Atkin. The portrayal of driving on television, 1975-80. J Comm (Spr) 44. A content analysis finds l%w instances of immediate le~l penalties for irregular driving. 2194 Green, R. T. & others. Societal development and family purchasing roles: a cross-natlonal study. J Cons Res (Mar) 436. Focuses on the cross-cultural dimension of family purchasing roles. Theories discussed


Research include correspondence analysis that can be used to analyze family decision-making data. 2195 Facing up to ~ reality of images in hmran behavior, researcher devises image-search method to probe thelr source. PRR (May 30). Practitioners can identify the subjective meanings people have, which become their i~a~es. 2196 Graen, G. B. Bias in management research: a defense. Bus H (May/Jun) 42. The author defends Ills research of management after it was criticized by another who cites biases. 2197 Grunig, J. E. Basic research provides ~nowledge t~nt makes evaluation possible. PRQ (Fall) 26~ The lack of public relations evaluation research suggests a concomitant lack of understanding of t]~e 3 Pinds of knowledge needed to evaluate public relations. 2198 Hanimer, E. R. & D. V. Tassell. On the issue of public vs. private sector motivation: have the stereotypes been debunked? PPM (Fall) 282. Literature in the area of differential motivation is reviewed. 2199 }blbrook, M. B. Using a structural model of halo effect to assess perceptual distortion due to affective overtones. J Cons Res (Sep) 247. Describes and illustrates a simplified model os the halo effect. 2200 Importance of polls in public relations. SSt4 (Feb) I. Pandled professionally and conducted accurately, opinion polls can depict social trends and public perceptions that must be understood for public relations planning and evaluation. 2201 Ingrain, T. td. & D. N. Bellenger. Personal and organizational variables: their relative effect ~l reward valences of industrial salespeople. J l.'~tRes (~y) 198. ~n investigation into the relationship between personal and organizational characteristics. 2202 Ivancevich, J. M. Contrast effects in performance evaluation and reward practices. Acad Mgt Rev (Sep) 465. An investigation whether a contrast effect was operating in making judgments about and issuing rewards to engineers and scientists. 2203 Jackofsky, F~ F. & L. H. Peters. The hypothesized effects of ability in the turnover process. Acad of Mgt Rev (Jan) 46. Findings from studies that have investigated the relationship Between task-relevant ability and turnover have been inconsistent. 2204 Kemp, r~. J. & J. D. Cook. Job longevity and growth need strength as joint moderators of the task designed-job satisfaction relationship. Hum Pel (Oct) 883. Examines job longevit~ ar~/ f~-owth need strength as moderators on the job complexity - job satisfaction relationship. 2205 Lambert-Lagace, Louise. Media, nutrition information and consumer reactions. JN Educ (Mar) 6. An eight-item questionnaire (in French) ~ s used with 100 Montreal m~le/female consumers to determine type of media they use_. 2206 Lesly, Philip. Study reveals multi-product com;~nies' problems. MHC (Sep/Oct) I. Areas of concern revealed in study topped by problems in motivation. 2207 . Why trend projections are often wrong. MHC (E~ov/Dec) I. How efforts to Impose undesirable conditions fail. 2208 Martinarl, J. R. & C. P. Morgan. The impact of teclmology in functional units on centralization in organizations. Hu,,~n Rel (Aug) 705. Three industries are anal)zeal and discussed concerning wea}mess in organizational structure configuration and managerial discretion. 2209 tIcblu~shlin, M. L. & others. Hum Comm Hes (Apt) 208. A study is



conducted to examine the contexts withln which individuals select one of five types of management strategy. 2210 Mc~bely, R. L. Organizational ~>3tterns and work satisfaction in a comprehensive human service agency: an empirical test. Hum Rel (Oct) 957. A conceptual framework is advanced focusing on the saliency of decision making modes. 2211 McKendrick, Joseph. Management at ease. Mgt W (Aug) 11. %his survey report gives statistics on whet managers do during their leisure and vacation 2212 Melody, W. H. & R. E. Mansell. The debate over critical vs. administrative research: circulatory or chellenge. J Comm (Sum) 103. Fer~.ent in communication research, and the social sciences generally, traces its roots to the unavoidable alignment os the research process with economic and political factors. 2213 Mindless Redeeming. Psych Today (~bv) 81. Researchers discovered that people used coupons t2~t saved them one penny just as much as coupons that saved them one dollar. 2214 Mitchell, T. R. Motivation: new directions for theory, research and practice. Acad Mgt Rev (Jan) 80. A review of the current sh~te of motivation theory, t~jor theories are examined. 2215 Moral double standard revealed. Int'l Mgt (Jan) 3. 53% of the executives surveyed admitted that they exercised one set of morals at home and another at the office_. 2216 Murray, E. M. Chennels to the top: an exploration of sex role and information source. Comm Q (Spr) 156. This study examined the relationship of employee sex and information source with perceived job autonomy, satisfaction with immediate supervisor and perceived opportunities for career advancement. 2217 Murray, T. J. Industry's new college connection. Duns R (May) 59_. After years in the doldrums, corporate funding for academic research is growing fast. Industry is rediscovering the college laboratory as a source of new ideas. 2218 ~ville, B. W. Carkhulf, Maslow and interpersonal perception in small groups. Sm Gr Deh (Hay) 211. Experiments are conducted with high functioning and low functioning individuals. 2219 ~Jicholson, P. J., Jr. & S. C. Gob. The relationship of organization structure and interpersonal attitudes to role conflict and ambiguity in different work environmnts. Acad Mgt Rev (Mar) 148. Role conflict was not related to eitler structural or interpersonal %'driables. 2220 Obert, S. L. Developmental patterns of organizational tasks groups: a preliminary study. Hull Rel (Jan) 37. In this discussion a design for preliminary research ,lore closely approaching the conditions of the organization task group is developed and executed. 2221 Palmer, Robin. A sharper focus for the ~ n e l interview. Pers Mgt (|~y) 54. }ere are ways for illproving panel interviewing procedures to the benefit of both selection interview data and company public relations. 2222 Parker, D. F. & T. A. DeCotis. Organizational determinants of job stress. Org Heh Hum Pets (Oct) 160. Survey data from 367 managers of a large restaurant chain were used. 2223 Pavett, Cynthia M. k~aluation of the impact of feedback on performance and inotivation. Hum Rel (Jul) 641. Research was designed to use an expectancy theory framework to determine the role of performance feedback in the prediction of motivation in job performance.



2224 . & A. W. lau. rlana~rial work: the influence of hierarchical level and functiorml speciality. Aced Mgt Rev (~.~r) 170. Results of this study indicate that hierarchical level contributes to difference in the rated importance of managerial roles. 2225 Perry, J. L. & L. W. Porter. Factors affecting the context for motivation in public organizations. Acad Mgt Rev (Jan) 89. Research on motivation concerning individuals, Oobs, work environment and external variables. 2226 Pleaky, R. J. Using Org Dyn (Jan) 33. ~4ost important is obtaining a representative sample; also mentioned are ~ays to increase the rseponse rate in surveys. 2227 Pollock, J. C. & Hichnel Ryan. Getting the most from your research/t0 criteria for getting good research. PRJ (Jul) 16. Rhose desiring superior research need to consider selecting the best supplier. 2228 public relations scholar charts chnracterlstics of the practice. PIeR (Oct 10) 2. Excerpts from Jim Orunig's paper, ,'Organizations, environments and models of public relations," defining public relations and characteristics of four models of public relations. 2229 Pulakos, E. D. & K. N. Wexley. The relationship among perceptual similarity, sex, and performance ratinss in manager-subordinate dyads. Acad ~Igt Rev (~4ar) 129. This study shows that perceptual similarity is related to manager's evalt;atlons of their subordir~atas and subordinates' evaluation of ti~ir .~nnagers. 2250 PunO. G. ~I. & Richard S~aelin. A model of consu~ner information search behavior for new automobiles. J Cons Res (Mar) Yog. Postulates a descriptive model of inforr,ation search and tests the hypothesized relationships using survey data obtained from a prohabillty sample. 2231 |{ainey, H. G. Public agencies and private firms, incentive structures, goals, and individual roles. Adm & Soc (Aug) 207. A quantitative case study com~nring a questionnaire's responses from nonprofit public agencies and private profit-m~king corporations. 2232 Reeves, Byron. Now you see them, now you don't: demonstrating effects of communication programs. PRQ (Fall) 17. Author concludes that full docutnentation of media effects requires evidences from four sources: content, exposure, effect and conditional processes. 2235 Research the best self-promotion tool because it is not self-serving. PRR (Jan 17) 3. Findings of survey of top managers concerning their views of the huron rsource function. 2234 Richr]ond, V. P. & others. The impact of perceptions of leadership style, use of power and conflict mea0agement style onorganlzational outcomes. Coma Q (Win) 27. The degree of association between supervisor and subordinate perceptions of the supervlsor's leadership style. 2235 Hoper, B. W. Some things that concern me. POQ (Pall) 303. Arguing that survey research is more art t ~ n science, pollster advocates media poll-reporting reform and use of qualifiers. 2256 St. George, Arthur & S. R. '~'eber. The ;,ass media, political attitudes, and behnvior. Coma Pes (Oct) 487. A study is to determine the effects of mass media on behavlorL~l and attitudinal ~>ntterns of the general public. 2237 Schumer, Fern. The new magicians of marPet research. Fort (Jul 25) 72. A Chicago-b~sed company called Information Resources has identified 15~300 everyday people in six small D.S. cities who can predict the success or failure of new products.


2238 Schweiger, D. M. Is the simultaneous verbal protocol a viable method for studying managerial problem solving and decision caking? ATB (Mar) 185. The study concludes that although it is impossible to prove the existence of no differences, it appears improbable that there were effects in perhaps due to use of simultaneous verbal protocols. 2259 Scott, Dow & others. The evolution of personnel researo~ Pets J (Aug) 624. 54-year analysis of personnel journals shows greatest interest in career planning and development, staffing, compensation, job satisfaction and union relations. 2240 Seybolt, J. W. Dealing with premature employee relations. Cal Mgt R (Spr) 107. A model of work-role design can help determine which facets of work are critical in t ~ prediction of premature turnover. 2241 Sheridan, J. E. & M. A. Abelson. Cusp catastrophe model of employee turnover. Acad Mgt Rev. (Sep) 418. Findings of this study indicate that the continuous variation in job tension and commitment beyond a certain stage explains the discontinuous transition from retention to termination. 2242 Singer, Eleanor & others. The effect of interviewer characteristics and expectations on response. POQ (Spr) 68. A report of two sets of findings dealing with interviewer effects. 2245 Sky's the limit for east-west network. Adv Teoh (Nay) 8. East-west network demographics for their last campaign found that the stereotypical business traveler had become a minority. 2244 Small, L R. Unraveling the 51aze of demographics. C~n Bus }{ (Sum) 52. The information provided by demographic data is a valuable tool in anticipating business trends. Some screening is necessary before the most useful results can be obtained. 2245 Snizek, %J. E. & J. IL Bullard. Perception of bureaucracy and changing job satisfaction: a longitudinal analysis. Org Beh Hum Perf (Oct) 275. D~ta collected from 92 government employees revealed a perceived increase in division of labor and authority diminishes job satisfaction. 2246 Stark, E. Big Brother guise to correct behavior. Psych Today (CJep) 5. A public opinion poll showed that if people's behavior were to be constantly monitoried, 75 percent would change their behavior. 2247 Stewart, Rosemary. A model for understanding mmnagerial jobs and behavior. Acad [.igtRev {Jan) 7. A ~.odel for understanding jobs and behavior along with the research methods used to conceive the model. 2248 Students solve nmrket research woes: grad students get results on tiny budget. Comm %! (Feb) 1. [.~BAstudents at SU~/Alhany developed program to examine wtgt motivates graduate students to enroll in a college of their choice. 2249 Vang, G. L Yes and no about group interview research. Nkt Times (~.iar) 12. The group interview :nay be a good method of get consumer response to ideas and products, but this method is inappropriate when used for caking business decisions. 2250 Vogel, C. If. Deflating your research dollar. PRJ (Jul) 50. Good research is not al~ays cheap, but waste or inflated charges can be avoided if certain steps are taken. 2251 ~'al~r, Al~ert. Public relations bibliography, 11th ed., 1982. PH Rev (Win) 188 pp. The latest edition of the annual annotated bibliography of 1982 titles from more than 220 periodicals, books and book reviews. 2252 Wanous, J. P. & others. Expectancy theory and occupational/orEaniza-



tlon choices: a review and test. Org Beh and Hum Performance (Aug) 66. A review of expectancy t/~ory research concerning imw individuals choose occupations or organizations is presented. 2253 Worcester, R. M. The role of research in evaluating public relations programmers. IPRA Rev (Nov) 16. Author recommends 50 ways in which research can aid public relations' groups methods under qualitative testing of concepts, pre-campaign measures, monitoring the campaign and use of analysis. 2254 Yankelovich: managing the 'wild card.' Mgt W (Jul) 22. The huczm side of productivity is the 'wild card.' Four main actions that are necessary to improve business. DOOK 2255 Fulmer, R. M. Practical human relations. }bmewood, IL: Irwin, 447 pp. Reviews the research underlying current understanding of .hu~man relations in organization. 2256 Rogers, E. M. Diffusion of b~novation, 3rd ed. NY: Free Press, 453 pp. A summary and synthesis of research of more than 3~000 studies involving researchers from nine academic disciplines. THESIS 2257 Lang, A, L The measurement of the diversity of community issues, opinian agenda and of media plurality or entrophy. Unpub thesis (Florida). This study defines community issues and opinions and ~ttempts to determine the reliability and validity of four statistical measures of this diversity.


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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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